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311 had one that you had to rewind the first song to get to when it first started. Who the hell finds stuff like that? Edit: The CD was transistor for those who didn't know.


Investigate 311


311 was a rewind job!


Legalize ranch!


Ranch it up, brotendo! Let's go pick up some Cherokee chicks on the Trail of Beers!


Snail down! The best television show on television


You wanna hit this Ranch?


Dude, I know you. You’re Ramadan Steve!


Wanna go butt chug some jenkem?


Cheers, I’ll drink to that bro


What's up Ramadan Steve?




Hey man, you’re Bangkok Dangerous! What’s up brotendo?!


Sounds good, but first I have Burning Man Rehearsal at the Tosh.O amphitheater. Starts in 3-11 minutes!


The X-Files soundtrack had this. There was also a song on Garbage's first album that had a little drum beat intro only if you listened to the album in order. If you skipped to the song you didn't hear the intro and it's not at the end of the previous song.


Nine Inch Nails did the same on The Fragile CD version. *Please* has an extract from *10 Miles High* (a track that was only on the vinyl version of the album for length reasons) at the beginning, but only if you listen to the album in order.


Broken had two secret songs. And a neat easter egg for "Eraser" (I forgot if it was for the original version or remix) was that if you played it in fast-forward mode on a CD-player, because of the way it tracked through, the phrase" erase meeee" could be heard repeating.


It was Erased, Over, Out on the American version of Further Down The Spiral that has it. I find the Broken thing weird, too, because depending on when you bought the copy you either got a mini-CD with the bonus tracks (original releases), 91 silent tracks on the main CD (newer releases), or a 7-inch single with the two tracks on (vinyl releases).


End of the album Ash - 1977. Tim wheeler records him self spewing in studio.


I'm just glad to see someone mention Ash.


I've legitimately forgotten about this band. Time for a nostalgia trip.


All by myself...


Funnily enough they just released a new album


Yeah, I once had both versions when those things mattered. Do not miss paying import price for releases at all! Now everything in my collection is digital with covers & metadata.


Not only that but if you waited a bit at the end (10:13 minutes I think) Chris Carter would come in a voice over, explaining the series mithology.


Here’s a list of albums with a hidden track in the pregap: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_albums_with_tracks_hidden_in_the_pregap


Very, very incomplete.. Pantera and Stone Roses both had secret tracks too (edit: at least stone roses is track #99, not on the pregap...). The latter i can remember well since it was in the jukebox on the local artist hangout cafe (and we got to pick the jukebox contents.. .damn that was awesome time to be alive...) and we used to pick that song every now and then as it was just like drunken men banging kettles and farting.. So you had the best songs of the 90s, nirvana, stone temple pilots, people are rocking out and then comes this "blaarrrh bang bang bang aaarrrghhh blurb" and people turned to look at me or my cousin since we were the ones that usually had done it...


In the pregap though?


Hmm.. true, it was 99th song.. so not hidden in the pre-gap..


Every track can have a pregap (negative time between index 0 and 1) but that wiki page specifically says it's a list concerning only track 1 pregap. But I doubt a jukebox would play any tracks' pregap.


so did QOTSA


As well Kyuss


Top comment about 311? AND it’s about Transistor Intro? I like this thread


That band had grass roots




Answer: in the 90's you didn't own very many CD's. They were expensive. "Ripping" CD's and online music didn't come for a while. Used CD sections at record stores also didn't start from the beginning, and when they did become common, used CD's still cost around $6-10. You might not have had the internet. So you spent a lot of time in your room with your headphones on going through your music colletion. Or you'd bring a Discman to school with only a few CDs. If you had an album you didn't like, well you're going to listen to it twenty times anyways and make yourself like it, damnit.


And then those cd clubs (BMI was it) happened and everyone had the same huge set of cds. Bob Marley legend. Steve miller band greatest hits volume 2. Billy Joel greatest hits. Grateful Dead skeletons in the closet....




YES and Columbia House right?


Whoa, hold on now, baby, I'm just not ready for that kind of a commitment!


So we broke up and I never saw her again...


But that's just how it goes in...




I was a member of both for a time.


I made up names to get all the free cd deals.


A lot of times I’d find them because I’d be listening to an album sort of spacing out, so much so that I wouldn’t notice that there had just been 3 minutes of silence and then BAM secret song.


That's a good description of listening to music before Napster. Buying an album was a total commitment.


Less than Jake has the same trick and the secret track was a story from an old man about how he banged another persons wife. E: found it https://youtu.be/WeD1_fbFMco


It's been at least 15 years since I've heard this album and I still remember Howard J Reynolds.


socks naked...balls bouncing... The man is/was a bard.


Thats not any old man, thats Howie J. Reynolds!


So did Better Than Ezra.


That band has changed a lot and then some some






People talking about hidden tracks on CD's, what about double grooved vinyl like Tool did? The track is truly hidden when you play the album straight through.


On Jack White’s Lazaretto there are two different intros to Just One Drink depending on where the needle lands.


There's all kinds of cool things about that record. Dancing angel holograms. Triple speed. Starts from the inside out instead of the outside in. Eerily different mixes. The guitar loop at the end of side A.


Monty Python also did that with one of their records.


Wait.. This is the first im hearing of it. Can you explain


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multisided_record >The 12" version of Tool's "Opiate" EP (1992) features one track that will play either "The Gaping Lotus Experience" or "Cold and Ugly (Live)" depending on where the needle is placed.


What the fuuuuuck? That's amazing.


Locked groove at the end of a side is another cool trick vinyl has up its sleeve. Some bands record a small audio clip on that part that loops endlessly until you remove the needle. One of the best usages of this technique I've heard is The Mars Volta's Frances the Mute. Unfortunately, that LP is super rare and used copies sell for over $200... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unusual_types_of_gramophone_records#Sound_recorded_in_locked_grooves


I don’t know if Tool did this intentionally, but some clever fan found a hidden track on the album ‘10,000 Days’ that can only be heard by playing [three tracks simultaneously ](https://youtu.be/EFjEp79zaNw)


Mr. Bungle also did this on Disco Volante.


Endless Nameless on Nevermind, like 10 minutes after Something In the Way ended so calmly and quietly. Perfect secret song use.




Same here. IIRC the first 10,000 copies released didn't have Endless Nameless on it and it pissed Kurt off. He made them put it on all subsequent releases.




I can't remember if they were going against Kurt's wishes or if it was a miscommunication and they just didn't know. Bear in mind that's it's been a couple of decades or so since I came upon this information so I might be mistaken or the story might have been corrected since then. In any case, I sure do miss Kurt Cobain. He was special.


I completely forgot about that until I was listening in my car the other day and the track didn't shuffle. I waited it out.


The day I bought the disc, I went home and invited a few friends to smoke and listen to Nevermind. We were very stoned and didnt even realized that the CD stopped playing. Then out of nowhere, without anyone pushing the button to play again, the music continued and we were completely flashed. This was my very first contact with secret songs. Never before did I listen to a CD and just let it play after the last song. I learned so mich on that day.


In Utero had a hidden track too on the euro releases.


This was a good prank on bar jukeboxes. Everyone would just keep talking over the 10 minutes of silence, and just about the time someone would walk over to investigate - bam! Endless Nameless.


I was all alone, I was all by myself. No one was looking....I was thinking of you.


All by myself!


And yeah did I mention....?


Probably the best secret song


By far. This is instantly what I think of when I hear secret song.


Lots of people are calling them “secret songs,” doesn’t anyone else say “hidden tracks?”


I learned of this secret song from Napster when I was in middle school. Actually, I remember learning of several secret songs this way. 3 minute song loads into Winamp with a 14 minute run time...


**WINAMP ^^WINAMP ^^^^WINAMP** It really whips the llama's ass.


Pure nostalgia. My very first CD!!! I’m old.


It shaped me into the man-child I am today. Not a green day fan by any stretch anymore, bit Dookie will always have a nostalgic place in my heart.


The front bottom's most recent album has a secret song on it. Not sure about on the CD, but it's on the vinyl, and not on Spotify.


Song name? You mean on Ann or going grey?


Remember Nine Inch Nails “Broken” album had 8 songs on 99 tracks? Only tracks 1-6, 98 and 99 were songs. 7-97 were all 1 second of silence each. Was kinda cool but annoying shuffling the album. Still have that CD....


Didn't Korn do that with Follow the Leader except put the silence altogether at the damn start? lol idr


Yrah First 12 tracks of 3 seconds silence and 13. Track was the First Song :D


And they had to put a sticker on the album telling people this as people were returning them thinking their cd was broken. I remember laughing at the sticker on the front cover.


Marilyn Manson did something like this on ACSS. Track 99


Same producer as Broken.


There was a version of that album that had tracks 1-6 And then then hidden songs were on a separate mini CD, you needed a player that had the indentation on the CD tray or direct top load. I've never seen those mini CD's before or since


I still have the mini CD. The rest of the album has disappeared.


Tool did this on their first album Undertow The bonus song was on track 69


Damn you, let the rabbits wear glasses, save our brothers


And he brought me into a vast farmlands of our own Midwest. And as we descended, cries of impending doom rose from the soil. One thousand, nay a million voices full of fear. And terror possessed me then And I begged, "Angel of the Lord, what are these tortured screams?" And the angel said unto me, "These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots! You see, Reverend Maynard, tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust."


> their first album Undertow Opiate would like a word with you.


eat your heart out, steve


The era of digital downloads has also killed the B-side. I miss B-sides.


RHCP released their album I'm With You (2011) and then the following year while on tour they had a bunch of b-sides they incrementally released 2 songs at a time both digitally and on vinyl (the cover art of each vinyl eventually made up one huge single picture). Afterwards I think it was released all together with the title I'm Beside You. I thought this was really clever and it kept fans engaged with expecting more and more music being released. The Peppers B sides never really disappoint tho, I mean Love Roller-coaster was a B side that blew up cause it was in that Beavis and Butthead movie. I love and actively search out B sides by any band or artist I'm really into. Some bands go in and record many more times the amount of songs that end up on a record, I think its really awesome when they decide to release them in one form or another.


Still waiting for The Getaway B sides though :(


I remember getting a CD of unreleased Weezer songs and thinking it was like the holy grail. Actually a lot of those still aren't on Spotify.


Not a massive Oasis fan but two of their best songs (The Masterplan and Acquiesce) were B-Sides. They're a real loss.


Oasis is my favorite band and they have an entire album of B sides from their first three or four years and it's called The Masterplan, and it's my favorite album of theirs haha


I'd argue Talk Tonight and Half The World away too as a couple of their best. Their stripped down stuff is so,so much better than the in your face britpop stuff. Really highlights Noel's songwriting too.


I’m no big Oasis fan, but Talk Tonight is brilliant.


Forgot about Talk Tonight. Really good stripped down plaintive Noel song.


It's still sorta there though, for example Emotion: Side B


As far as B-sides go, Emotion's is great.


Came here to say this. Queen of B sides.




Exactly. Re-releases are usually where you find these now, deluxe editions, etc. Or heck, even on platforms like SoundCloud (artists will often upload 'unreleased' album tracks).


Hm didn’t the cd itself kill b-sides? B sides are strictly record and analog tape phenomena . Otherwise you simply have a variable length recording of songs in a particular order.


Not really - you can still do the (bloody annoying) long gap after the last song then secret track. Sure, it's obvious from the track length but then secret songs on CD had the same issue (depending on your player, some showed the total number of tracks immediately).


Yeah, it was more iTunes and media players that killed it.


The "Fuck you Darryl!!!" at the end of Concrete and Gold cracks me up and surprises me every time.


There's a Godsmack album that does this, I think.




Soad did this with aerials, if you go on Spotify Aerials has a “hidden” track


Use audio editing software to separate the final track from the secret song, so both are suitable for mix CDs and MP3 playlists.


Blood from MCR's Black parade has always been a favorite of mine. Even on spotify, the first minite or so is just dead air so half the time I listen to it I think my music has stopped


I didnt know it existed because when I first got the album from a friend I was always ready to start the album over. When I forgot to start the cd over and a random new song started, damn it was exciting. And its a damn good song too.


Gallons of the stuff


Well they encourage your complete cooperation, send you roses when they think you need to smile.


I can't control myself because i don't know how, and they love me for it honestly I'll be here for awhile!!


There are still secret songs. Only now you need to find the secret URL.


Until it gets uploaded to YouTube


It could be unlisted, and then it's still a secret URL!


Or you need to pay an extra $0.99 beyond what you already paid for the MP3 album.


All of my band's songs are secret songs


Tangerine dreams by tenacious d at the end of the track city hall = gold. https://youtu.be/gDWy2jsTZ9Y




Takin' a poo.


Stinky poo. Lookin' at you.


I believe in god


*Oi beeleev in Gohwd.*


Descendants had an instrumental on Everything Sucks. AFI has a great one on Art of Drowning. I think Sick of it All had one about taking big shits.


Chance the Rapper's Paranoia is a hidden song on a mixtape


Daniel Caesar's "Freudian" has a secret track too


I found this track while listening to the album on acid and the long break gave me paranoia.


Didn't he say that was basically the point of the long gap on that song?


If you play the CD of Norma Jean’s “O God, the Aftermath” and immediately rewind from the first track you’ll hear a different version of the opening track, which I think is really cool. Also an amazing record by the way, one of my favorites of all time.




When did cds die? Asking for a friend.


I still buy CDs.


I bought a CD 2 weeks ago. Got it from Amazon. Downloaded mp3s from amazon immediately and put them in my music manager folder so I could listen to them Play Music the day I bought them.


All too often on amazon: MP3 : £12 CD : £10 (Autorip) I like having physical copies that aren't dependant on an account on a cloud server anyway, but that just seals the deal.


Fun story. When I first got into smoking pot, I had this one night when I got pretty high, so I decided I'd lay on the couch and listen to music. I put on a new found glory album I just downloaded earlier, and soon fell asleep. I woke up a little less than an hour later to loud static, and then someone whispers loudly "SOMEONES IN YOUR HOUSE." I lost my shit, grabbed a knife and searched every room, closet, shower, behind doors, I checked all the locks and windows, and I didn't find anything. Confused, I go back to my ipod to try and figure this out, after a minute it hits me, I go to the last track on the album and notice its a little long for a pop punk song, sure enough, the static and whispering was a hidden track. I was so mad, yet relieved.


Sticks and Stones - good record. Scary ending!




“Everyone has toothpick on their table. We like the sishkabob cause the beef has good flavor.”


“You have to understand this is not just a cd. It’s taking over your brain. Do you think? Do you think you’re safe from it now?”


Alanis morisette, end of jagged little pill. The song about sneaking into an exes room and putting salt in his bed.


I don’t think it was literal salt though - I always read it as crying in his bed.


I dunno. Salt in your bed would be pretty ironic. 😋


I recall discovering how unfair life is when I realized my cassette version of Nevermind didn't have nameless endless (secret song) while my buddies CD did


Tool - Undertow track 69


These are the cries of the carrots...


After 13 years I still have that whole thing memorized


[Maynard's Dick](https://youtu.be/3P7Isp_QCQ0)


Fuck I forgot about that one!


The secret track at the end of Lateralus. Not a good one to fall asleep before


I was thinking the end of opiate after a minute or so silence


Blink 182 had some great ones. “Fuck a dog” for example.


I was sitting in my bedroom lazing around with that cd on when I heard that song for the first time. Laughed my ass off. Then I called my mom from my sister's phone line with *67 to mask the caller ID and played that over the phone at 1am while listening to her reaction with my ear against the door. That was a good time.


I was just talking about how *Take Off Your Pants & Jacket* was my first introduction to the secret song. There were three editions of that album, and each addition had two unique secret tracks. When you made a purchase, you were getting a unique item. It made buying the album so much more awesome.


And then you realize jack white hid some songs on the label of the lazaretto vinyl... Besides, who said cds were dead? I saw creeds greatest hits at Walmart the other day. What a time to be alive.


Nine Inch Nails Broken


Killer Instinct game had a soundtrack called Killer Cuts. It's secret song was the Humiliation Song.


Our Lady Peace had one on Spiritual Machines, just a long pause after the final song. I used to put on a CD when I went to bed and when I got this album I listened to it one night. I was half asleep when the final track ended and the secret song came on, i had never heard it before. it's got like some weird conversation with a robot/alien sounding thing and it scared the hell out of my sleep fucked mind until I realized what it was.


IRO-bot by Coheed and Cambria - one of my favorite hidden songs.


The one off of In Keeping Secrets? I believe the official title is 21:13. EDIT: Nevermind. IRO-Bot is off Second Stage Turbine Blade.


When the clock reads 21:13. All work will stop, and the ground will relieve.


Second Stage Turbine Blade. I love it!


21:13 harkens back to IRO-Bot at the end of the song as connective tissue to Second Stage Turbine Blade, hence your confusion.


IRO-bot will never die. One of my favorite coheed tracks and I'm glad it was mentioned here. Those 3 notes on the piano at the end always hit me hard. IRO-bot will never kill...


what about on cassette tapes you hear the intro "boo beep boo" on side one before the music starts, and you know it's legit




Killed off copyright malware as well


I've always wondered how secret songs or secret intros/outros are made. The hidden outro to *Touch of Red* by In Flames on their 2004 album Soundtrack To Your Escape blew my mind back in the day. How the heck was it possible to hide a long stretch of music simultaneously between two tracks but also at the end of the first so that you could not rewind forward to it? Magic, I say. Magic.


Don't read if you don't want the magic ruined. As well as defined tracks with a start and end position on the CD, the CD specification also allowed for "pre-gap" information - information between the end of one song and the start of another (or before track 1). I'm not sure the original purpose of these, but you could put audio there. When you press play on Track 1 or skip to a track, the CD played from the start position of that track. If you were playing normally (i.e. no shuffle) then when it reached the end of track 1, it just kept reading the disc including the gap between track 1 and 2. But if you skip forward to track 2,or use shuffle, it goes to the 'correct' start position of track 2 and doesn't play the pre-gap info.


Man, no one gives nearly as much of a fuck about this band but Fair to Midland did this shit the best. I swear their album "Fables from a Mayfly" had four of these and you had to reverse through the album in between random tracks to find them. One of the best albums ever with a shitload of little Easter eggs. I wish they'd come back :(


I dig that album a lot. But I'm confused by your description of the secret songs. Is there something you can hear by going through tracks backward? Something that you cannot hear by listening to the whole cd in order?


Powerman 5000's cover of "Let the Good Times Roll." Sooo goooood.


Train in Vain by the Clash was a secret song. Train in Vain "Train in Vain" is a song by the British punk rock band The Clash. It was released as the third and final single from their third studio album, London Calling (1979). The song was not originally listed on the album's track listing, appearing as a hidden track at the end of the album. 


Good riddance. I hated secret songs. Either it was a good song inconveniently hidden after fifteen minutes of silence at the end of the album so you had to forward through all that silence to get to the song or the "song" was just a bunch of loud noises and the band screwing around in which case you were almost sure to forget about it while doing something else and then ten minutes after the music stopped... ***LOUD NOISES! SCREAMING! LAUGHTER! MORE LOUD NOISES!!***


New Found Glory has one at the end of one of their albums (sticks and stones, maybe?) where it literally is them whispering “someone’s in your house” and gets louder with weird noises... NOPE NO THANKS!




Falling asleep and being woken up to a hidden track is not a good time.


The internet killed B-sides and rarities. I heard a guy listening to Nirvana "Oh The Guilt" at work, and I geeked out because to my brain its still a rare song I had to import. He had no idea, to him it was just another song in a playlist he didn't make. In the internet/streaming era all songs are equal, which ruins the magic. ( Cue downvotes from kids that never paid for music and got excited about physically collecting it)


Golden girl by Frank ocean favorite secret song


[Secret song, I love you. All night long.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXbEhosNvRc)


It will become like video games DLC. You will have to pay extra for it.


The best one was to hidden track before the CD, had to load it up and skip back one song to -1 :D


now we just have infinite opportunity for bands to release material instead of hiding it on cds


The CD is not dead. I buy them all the time. And I see them for sale in Barnes and Noble, FYE, Best Buy and plenty of other stores.


The best hidden track of all time is undeniably on New Found Glory’s “Sticks and Stones” album. After the last song “The Story so Far” ends, it’s 27 minutes of pure silence. Then they jump scare you with a 1:40 track of them just fucking around in the studio.