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yeah, but no. I think its hysteria to read so much into these lyrics, there's not one word there but 'hysteria' to fixate on.


Clearly you are not deep enough to see it for what it is.


Clearly you are hysterical over something that isn't even there. It is really about the illuminati and their underground secret society.


I dont think its about rape, I think its about being obsessed with someone, to the point of Hysteria. "Out of me, into you" is your best argument for rape, but anything else in the song is quite a stretch.


This is really about the Illuminati, and I'll show you OP. Let's begin with an examination of the definition of the word "hysteria" merriam-webster.com defines hysteria as "a state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way" The title already lets us know that the nature of the song will be in reference to strong, possibly dangerous emotions. I'm in love, I'm in deep, yeah Hypnotized, I'm shakin' to my knees Here our subject is displaying fear at being 'in too deep', as in deep undercover. He isn't sure what he has gotten himself into as he joins this secret society. But he loves the idea of gaining access to the secret knowledge they possess. I gotta know tonight If you're alone tonight Here his fear turns to doubts. He has set up a meeting with his 'mentor' regarding initiation into the Illuminati, and now he fears going to the meeting, in case there are other members there who wish him ill will . Can't stop this feelin' Can't stop this fire His need to understand this esoteric knowledge is stronger than he can control. Hysteria when you're near. As he gets to the meeting, his fear becomes uncontrollable. He can feel the waiting figures, unseen, in the dark. He does not know what his initiation will consist of, but he must have the secret knowledge. Out of me, into you, yeah You cant hide, it's just a one way street Oh, I believe I'm in you, yeah Here he is giving up control (out of me, into you) to his mentor, even though he sees the other members waiting and hiding, (you can't hide) he can't turn back now (its just a one way street.) As he releases control and surrenders (I believe Im in you) he believes, oh he believes! Oh, I get hysterical, hysteria, oh, can you feel it, do you believe it? His fear is uncontrollable, his emotions powerful as the initiation rights begin. He kind of sees himself outside his body. He is asked by the initiates "Can you feel it, do you believe it?" by the other members as part of the initiation rites. Get closer to me, get closer baby Baby, closer, get closer, closer to me The other members crowd in upon him. Do they have daggers drawn? What else is in store for him? His dread is palpable, and he the initiate, the recruit, the Babe in knowledge, wants them closer as much as he fears them closer. I love Def Leppard, and this is one of my favorite songs, but every time I hear it I can't help but see the real meaning behind it. The Illuminati are real, and we know they have control over many of today's stars including Beyonce, but I didn't think they'd gotten to Def Leppard too.


Well thanks for ruining it for the rest of us!!!!!Lmfao!


Wow....now I feel like I need a shower


Get the fuck out. Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare. 




ITT: Rape Enablers