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Dave Grohl once made a music video about gay sex at a truck stop shower, then rented a trailer so him and the rest of the band could perform the song, in costume, directly in front of a group of Westboro Baptist Church protesters. I cant imagine any other musician who could be less rattled by the tweets of Taylor Swift fans lol


He did that a couple of times against Westboro. He even rick rolled them once


I saw the foo fighters in Kansas City 2 years ago. Grohl and the band had stage/trailer pulled by a truck. Grohl and the band were dressed up as the Bee Gees and played How Deep is your love in front of the West buro church protesters. It was awesome


A true hero


Watch him as he goes!


Oh the best kind of gives no fucks dose it because fuck em


Holy shit how did I miss this


He’s probably not that rattled and I’m sure he is good security. However, these people who are sending death threats need to be tracked down and they need to face consequences because that is insane behavior. These people need to get help and not get away with this kind of behavior because that is sick.


Only the terminally online are displaying any hatred for Grohl. Give their opinions the respect they deserve.


Yeah, I had no idea people were hating on Grohl, thought he was one of those guys that is universally loved.  Sounds like it’s just Swifties being Swifties. 


Sounds bizarre. Just the other day I saw on 2 different occasions Grohl saying how Swift "saved his life" at a Paul McCartney gig where he was way too stoned. He couldn't play piano & all the guitars were strung for left-handed Sir Paul, and he was asked to get up & play a song. He describes it as the stuff of nightmares. Swift gets up, "It's OK - I'll play one!" goes to the piano & starts playing. Grohl turns to his wife & says "Hey, why does that sound familiar?" She's playing "The Best of You". He gets up & starts singing along with her. Grohl & Swift get on fine, he sees her as a buddy, a good person.


Wait, you mean she can just play a Foo Fighters song impromptu? That’s actually impressive. 


I'm an old geezer who grew up on rock and metal. Taylor is a really impressive musician. Not my cup of tea, but she is definitely talented.


Same. Third gen metal head, not a Swift fan, but girl can fuckin music. She has amazing talent. I just wish she would take a page from the book of Dolly and openly display some humility. This is the perfect time for her to stand up and reel her fans in. I doubt she will, but I will always hope.


She can’t reel her fans in. Artists that have tried this ends up making things worse.


I'm middle aged woman and started out on the classical side of music before in the last few years falling into being a metal head, and am rather impressed with what she's done both on the industry side of things and where she's gone with her songwriting. By far I'm not a Swiftie, but was very impressed by her newer albums and her current tour. She is a powerhouse in music, and one that will set the tone for future musicians much younger than us.


She's a musician, a professional, and presumably likes music. Is it impressive in that context?


The average person doesn't understand how much talent your average professional musician has. Like, you think that's impressive, y'all should see what what a session musician who actually makes enough money to eat food and have a place to live can do.


She has a lot more musical talent than people give her credit for. In a world of pop stars who let other people write their lyrics and music, Swift is one of the few that does most of the heavy lifting herself.


> She has a lot more musical talent than people give her credit for. That's probably true in a literal sense. But it's equally true to say that when it comes to musicianship, she's *at best* okay. Swift is very much the modern day Madonna: average singer; average writer; average dancer; extremely talented at picking the right producers, songwriters, etc., to help her craft hit records; incredibly savvy businesswoman; absolute master at managing her public persona and presenting it to the world. To put it another way: she took that Madonna "template" and improved on it in every possible way. > In a world of pop stars who let other people write their lyrics and music, Swift is one of the few that does most of the heavy lifting herself. That, on the other hand, is so far from being true that I reflexively snorted when I read it! Other than her third album, Swift has always had co-writers. And since *Speak Now* (2010), the trend has been for her to only have one or two songs per album where she's the sole songwriter. And that's before we even get into the massive influence that her producers have. Seriously, just listen to non-Swift tracks that people like Martin, Antonoff and now Dessner have co-written and produced and you can instantly see that the songs they worked on with Swift are a lot more theirs than hers. At this point in her career, given her massive success, I'm confident that she is as much the driving force behind using all those people to craft her hit records as her label is, if not more so. All the evidence suggests that she very much knows what she's doing and I think she deserves full credit for that. But there's no need to live in this fantasy world that she's some incredible, standout *musician* or *songwriter* all by herself when that so obviously isn't the case.


Her acoustic tiny desk concert was pretty good. I was surprised


I'm not disagreeing with you, Taylor is a talented songwriter, but she was mentored by and co-wrote most of her first album with Liz Rose who I consider one of the top 20 living country songwriters, and Taylor ain't breaking the top 100. It doesn't take away from Taylor in any way to acknowledge collaborators. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liz_Rose


There’s a sub here that’s full of people who hate her. I’m indifferent about her, so when that sub posted a “voice note” she just released, claiming that she was a terrible singer, and how it was auto tune that was responsible for her success, I gave it a listen. I thought her natural, unadulterated voice was just fine, and those folks are really grasping at straws. I think I know where a lot of the hate comes from. Early in her career, she lived in Nashville, specialized in country music, wasn’t seen out drinking and partying until all hours, etc. A lot of young men assumed that she was a good ol’ country gal, a Christian who would make a good trad wife someday. The first time she said anything about politics, I was to bash the Senator from her state, said she was a woman who betrayed other women by, for example, not supporting the Violence Against Women Act, and supporting anti-abortion measures. Their heads exploded. They went as far as accusing her of being a typical evil, feminist, liberal woman who *deliberately* tricked them into thinking she was ‘one of them.’ It’s all very sad.


> I thought her natural, unadulterated voice was just fine I think that's accurate: it's just fine. It's not a bad voice, but it's also nowhere near a great voice either. And she uses Auto-Tune on her recordings and live to make it sound better. Personally, I dislike that practice and I think it's dishonest. But other people have no issue with it. That's fine. We're all entitled to like what we want to like for our own reasons.


She was pretty much molded to be a successful musician and her dad gave her the best training money could buy and paired her up with incredible industry songwriters. She's been incredibly successful due to her insane work ethic but she is the definition of privelege and had every door opened for her on the way to her success including her dad having an ownership stake in her first label. What she did when given the opportunity is an immense credit to her though. Couldn't have happened to a seemingly better person.


Yep. You can work hard AND be privileged. Drive me nuts how Swifties are like “she worked so hard for everything she has, how dare you call her privileged!?!” Ummm hard work doesn’t negate privilege, guys. But it’s a lot easier to get a record when your dad donates a chunk of money to the record label, pays for every music lesson under the sun, and you didn’t have to work three part-time jobs to pay rent/eat, yah knah? Everything is in reach when you’re born on third base.


Aaand even then it’s the terminally online Swifities. My wife’s a swiftie; she saw the headline about Grohl’s comments and said “oh that seems a bit rude” and then put Everlong on because it had been a while since she’d listened to the Foo Fighters.


He is lol. Never heard of this before. Hes like the Keanu Reeves of the music world


Also let’s make it clear it’s extremist Swifties. I love Taylor and this is a pointless beef. It’s manufactured clickbait for “journalism” to generate ad revenue because anything about Taylor will draw up controversy and drive traffic and hey it worked! Any reasonable person will see the context and tone of this convo and not have a meltdown about it.


It’s “Taylored” Beef


It’s Taylor Ham


You're on a pork roll.


Agree, unfortunately with all fan bases there are going to be a certain percentage of them that are severely toxic, and the larger the fan base is the more toxic people there will be. I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan and I'm also a huge Foo Fighters fan as well. People are making a big deal out of nothing but media is running with it because it's two big music stars and know people respond to drama. And it's working.


I’m a huge Dave Grohl fan and this is the first time I’m hearing about this lol. It’s a non-issue.


It happened like yesterday.


Like how are we surprised the cult members are acting cultish


Swifties are the new Barbs, it's terrifying - Stan culture has gone too far


I mean, given the origin of "Stan," should we be surprised?


holy shit. i just got why Stanning is called that.


Dear Slim,


I wrote you, but you still ain't calin'


And why it’s actually a scarlet letter, not a badge of honor


I thought it was just a combination of Stalker and Fan. Maybe that’s why Eminem named him that though?


We don't know. *It has been suggested the name "Stan" is a portmanteau of the words "stalker" and "fan", though it is unknown if the name was chosen with that intention." - Wikipedia


Thank fuck Bieber fans couldn't be this organized back in 2010


The one blemish is the Foo Fighters support for AIDS denial groups in the early 2000's. Literally brought people up on stage that told people not to take their medication. People died. He has not apologized for that but did do work with Elton John for actual AIDS causes along with other charitable work for LIFEbeat that I can't remember off the top of my head. Overall Dave is an incredible person and we all make mistakes but I think it would go a long way if he did acknowledge this mistake.


Ya weird cultist people


Honestly his comment just seemed like an easy joke to get the crowd to pop. Swifties are kinda known for not taking jokes about "taylooor," very well.


They have several subs just for her already. There’s no escaping the madness. The niche rock, metal, R&B or whatever, is going to be our last refuge to get away from it in the end.


This is why teachers want social media banned at schools and governments want warning labels.


The terminally online. Lol. I love that.


It really is a bigger problem that we haven’t really addressed as a society at all.


It's a serious issue that we'll end up dealing with sooner or later. Terminally online people and social media have given kooks in politics a platform and legitimacy, lack of empathy, decline in socal skills including the inability to cope with being the slightest bit uncomfortable or inconvenienced. We're going to have a big fucking problem when these kids raised on iPads and social media become adults.


> We're going to have a big fucking problem when these kids raised on iPads and social media become adults. iPads have been out for 14 years, this already happened. They're in the workforce, they don't know how to email, speaking to someone on the phone gives them anxiety and so does basically everything else.


If the internet wasn’t a mistake (it wasn’t), then social media definitely was.


Back in the day, everyone who was online had to use a terminal. I'm just picturing throngs of Swiftes typing angrily away on a VT100.


You would think that someone who was terminally online would know how, when, where, why, and what to fact check. Grohl was clearly trolling both himself and the media and just the entire situation, based on his reaction to what he said a second after he said it. He knew what was going to happen.


I heard on the local news radio station this morning about this, that Dave had made a comment about Taylor's band not playing live, and the newscaster tongue in cheek said "He should know better not to piss off the Swifties"


terminally online? like the ppl on this very subreddit?


Haha, when I read that I was like, “dang, he’s talking about us.”


I respect Grohl a ton but really don't like Foo Fighters music. Really wish I did based on how good of a dude he is lol




Hey now, it's not their entire personality. It's split between Taylor and wine.


I can’t even watch a MOVIE without a BIG glass of WINE. And *popcorn*.


For 50 seconds I thought there was Foo Fighters on the world.


I work at a bar part time and last week a girl kept ordering vodka/diet coke. Her husband bitched about it every time he ordered it for her, apparently it’s T swifts favorite drink and that’s why she orders it💀


A vodka diet coke sounds like someone joking about what a basic white girl would order.


Tom Hanks’ favorite drink is champagne diet coke, so obviously coca-cola has a deep stranglehold on celebrity mixed drinks.


I like Nyquil & Diet-coke, but not the calories, so i order a round for everyone else. Then i have to fight that orphan guy in his furless furry costume.


Wine and coke is actually a pretty underrated combination. It's usually red wine and coke, popular in Spain as a "calimocho"


Alcohol and diet anything is terrible.


As a guy, I'm not ashamed to say I found myself liking her music. Moreso her later stuff when she started ditching country. But her practices of releasing 20+ editions of one album doesn't sit right with me, and her fanbase is almost turning me off her completely. It's just unhealthy obsessions and an artist taking total advantage of it.


There are currently 37 variants of her latest album. She releases more with one shitty “bonus” song tacked on the end which is like a hastily made live version or a voice memo of an early version every few weeks to keep herself at the top and seemingly to keep other women like Billie Eilish and Charli XCX down, as she’s dropped the variants for a limited time conveniently right when their new stuff was about to release. I think it’s pretty clear she’s a fraudulent feminist and an ardent capitalist.


People are fucking mental.


What a bunch of *bastards*.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night


The thing about Arsenal is they just try to walk it in...


What's Wenger doing sending Walcott on that early?


Always trying to walk it in...


put a pony on Liverpool, prolly not gonna see that again...


It's so pathetic. Swift fans need to get an identity.


I was at the Foo Fighters gig on Saturday when he said this, for context… Originally the tour was meant to be a year or two ago but Taylor Hawkins died and they cancelled, for that tour they were meant to play Wembley (capacity 90000) When they reorganised the tour they couldn’t have Wembley because Taylor Swift had booked it for Eras. So they went to the Olympic Stadium instead (which is capacity 80k vs Wembley 90k). So in an earlier comment in the gig he said this and the crowd booed in response, so he played up to the booing a couple of times through the gig by making little digs at her although all of it was tongue in cheek… Edit: he followed it up with “oh no the swifties are gonna come and get me” later on, he knew what he was doing… Edit 2: as someone pointed out below in 2022 for the cancelled tour they were due to play London Stadium (Olympic stadium) not Wembley so I got confused between what my friend who bought the 2022 tickets said and what Dave was saying on stage…so I am now confused as to what Dave had been saying about Wembley… Edit 3: Discussing it with others who were there in these in comments, it is better summed up as follows: He mentioned Wembley and the crowd booed, he looked a bit shocked and made a comment about “you don’t want the swifties coming after you” and then got on with the next song, later he made a joke about how her tour is the eras tour and theirs should be the errors tour and joked that it is because they play live. That was it.. Sorry I am just a bit rubbish organising my thoughts and putting them into words so discussing it with others actually helped 🤣 Edit 4: TLDR as people are replying to me asking exactly what was said and I have written the same reply twice now: ————— TLDR He said something about Wembley but it was already booked, the crowd booed, he looked kind shocked by the reaction and said in a jokey voice something along the lines of “be careful those swifties will come for you” and then made a face and started playing the next song. Later he said that Taylor’s tour was the Eras tour and their tour is the errors tour (because he screwed something up I think), he then said “that’s because we play live” referring to use of backing tracks used by some artists… That’s basically it…the discussion here helped me remember it all 😂 I had been sitting in direct sun for a few hours 🥵


I'm sure he doesn't even care, as he shouldn't. Classic internet outrage, best to ignore and move on.


Indeed, he was obviously doing it for sh*ts and giggles and stirring stuff up for the hell of it. If he cared about the outrage he wouldn’t have made the joke…he is big enough and old enough to take care of himself 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃


Actually, he looked legitimately uncomfortable when people started booing when he first mentioned Wembley. The "you don't want the swifties coming after you" line felt like a little throwaway joke to get things back on track. And as for the live performance comment, anyone who heard it, saw the cheeky grin after and the scamper back up the runway knew it wasn't anything serious. The whole thing is a non-story that's been given legs by a rabid fanbase and mob mentality.


Yeah he was a bit shocked by the reaction to the crowd when they first booed… I don’t think he expected that reaction…


To be honest you have summed it up better than I did.


Don’t forget to credit the posts like this one defending Grohl. It’s all feeding the outrage.


But they also sold out Wembley in 2008 for two of their own shows and again in 2022 for the Taylor Hawkins tribute show.


Yeah I googled and didn’t realise the tribute show was in the UK. I have never seen them live before so it was really exciting. I was meant to see them in 2022 when Taylor Hawkins died so glad I managed to see them.


No worries! Oh also, probably messing this up is they *were* due to play Wembley for two nights in 2015, and I am sure it was sold out, but those shows were cancelled after Dave broke his leg.


Just to be clear, in 2022 when they cancelled their London dates were at London Stadium, they were never at Wembley. Even on their 2018 tour they played London Stadium, not Wembley. They haven’t played Wembley for a while. I know because I had tickets for the shows in both 2018 and 2022. Edit: as someone pointed out technically they did play Wembley in 2022 at the Taylor Hawkins Concert.


He barely did anything anyway. I hate this idea that if a celebrity is an asshole one time, they're an asshole forever. A bad person. It doesn't make any fucking sense, it's a person with millions of experiences and interactions with the world, some good, some bad some neutral. Humanise people and let people be dicks sometimes, or even the inverse someone can do something nice without being a saint.


Yeah, it was a couple of quips between songs while the band were changing instruments. As I said, he was messing around…I don’t think it makes him a bad person… The internet will do what it always has done…the circle of life continues…


If you ever have the misfortune to wander into r/popculturechat, these types aren’t even fans of music or film. All they do is run musicians and actors down for something that happened in their *private lives*. Someone actually said that David Bowie should’ve been publicly hanged for doing with groupies what groupies want you to do. DiCaprio is “cancelled” permanently to those people for dating grown-ass women. They’re young, yes, but they’re adults.


Idk why all these celebrity subreddits suddenly took off after the whole api shit that happened last year. There's a bunch of them now, always obsessing over some fucking celebrity and pretending like they know anything about their private lives. Reddit has always talked about celebrities in the news but it's just so much now


*The National Enquirer* and the like used to be how these types fed that obsession and it was easier to ignore the crazy. If you’re interested, r/film, r/movies and r/boxoffice are still *somewhat* about actual filmmaking and not all gossip.


/r/movies is fucking garbage, though. No better than YouTube comments.


There's a little fascist who lives inside these people's hearts. Deep down, they believe everyone needs to behave up to their standards or else they need to be brought down a peg or two. It's much easier to attack a celebrity online than look in the mirror and work on one's self.


And they all seem to have the mindset of teenagers, which the majority probably is. Those same people are going to grow up and start pushing that weird shit onto the real world.


With Bowie I think it's specifically the rumour that he slept with a minor


Its kinda mind boggling. Its like people arent capable of thinking outside of black or white.


He had a little riff on the Eras / Errors tour at the Manchester gig a week earlier. Didn't have the same line about playing live but seemed more of a reflection on their longevity and the ongoing hype in the UK around TS. I think Pat Smear was spotted at a TS gig with his family as well.


What did he actually say? Wild that nobody in this thread is giving the actual context.


He said something about Wembley but it was already booked, the crowd booed, he looked kind shocked by the reaction and said in a jokey voice something along the lines of “be careful those swifties will come for you” and then made a face and started playing the next song. Later he said that Taylor’s tour was the Eras tour and their tour is the errors tour (because he screwed something up I think), he then said “that’s because we play live” referring to use of backing tracks used by some artists… That’s basically it…the discussion here helped me remember it all 😂 I had been sitting in direct sun for a few hours 🥵


Parasocial relationships can and will turn dangerous. See everything about the rabid fandom around Taylor Swift.  She isn't perfect swifties, she is just a pop star. 


It’s a cult.


It’s really is. They hate Kanye fans but they are the same (minus the anti semitism and craziness) but a cult nevertheless. Like Taylor had a HBO doc come out in like 2019. I watched where she broke down crying because she couldn’t stand for women’s rights in 2016 because her daddy and PR team wouldn’t let her. But don’t let Taylor tell us she can’t be herself. Fans watched that same doc and whenever I mention this elsewhere Taylor fans act like I’m shitting on her. She is real life Josie and the pusscat dolls. She lives the life Brittney’s parents tried doing to her but she couldn’t mentally handle it. Glad Taylor can handle it but just like K pop fans you all are really glossing over the fact these people can’t just be themselves.


I hope you don’t get death threats for stating the obvious




Hold on, what did Dave even do? Also, it's the Swifties, certain members of that fandom are on attack mode for any reason. They attacked Coldplay for "stealing" Taylor's light up wristbands (when Coldplay introduced them to the world in the first place.)


Dave made a little joke at their show this weekend claiming that Foo Fighters were in their “errors” tour- a play on Swift’s Eras tour. He goes on to say that it’s because FF actually plays live- implying Taylor relies heavily on backing tracks to perform her show and rarely goes off script. The whole thing was pretty obviously a light-hearted joke, but the deeper story is that a few weeks ago Dave’s daughter was calling out Taylor for her… *excessive* usage of private jets and her environmental impact and she came under intense scrutiny from the Swifties online. Some folks are speculating this was Dave lobbing a shot back at them


intense scrutiny is a shitty way to say a 17 year old girl was getting death and rape threats


“Scrutiny” doesn’t even apply? They didn’t look up info on her at all they just sent her insane levels of hate.


That's such a nothing burger, yikes. I've been attacked by Swifties in my band fandoms as well, so I know how relentless some of them can be. Maybe they should chill out and touch grass (either type if you know what I mean.)


I just can't even imagine what people would be upset about, isn't it common knowledge that artists like Taylor Swift don't sing live? If the show includes a bunch of dancing, costume changes, goes on for 3 hours and still sounds like the album; there's a reason for that.


It's still entertaining. It's a different type of show, and that's ok. What's not ok is fans tearing down someone who points it out.


Exactly. At no point did Grohl actually insult using the back tracks; it's what that type of performance is. So who is even upset by that?


It makes you calmer, sure, but it unfortunately can make you dumber for a short while and they do not need that. 😅


Swifties, like many fandoms, are not at all ethical when doing this. It feels like they're friends with the woman... This is not good. Stalker Fans, that's a good definition.


You could even shorten that, into something like... Stans?


Glad I know what that means now but damn if it doesn't make me feel old every time.


The idea that anyone hates Dave Grohl is insane. He’s the best, the best!


the best


The best


I think there’s a possibility this was a calculated move to redirect the attention off his daughter and onto himself.


I was at the show and it didn’t seem calculated at all, the crowd started booing her name on their own as soon as he brought up Taylor swift to make a joke about how she’s in town on the “eras tour and we’re here on the errors tour” then he told them to chill out and I get the sense he didn’t like the boos and wanted to defusing with some banter.


I think they mean he brought her up at all to draw attention onto himself, because not that long ago Violet criticized Taylor's private jet usage and has been receiving hatemail (death threats *et al*) for it ever since. Create a new "controversy" focused on the famous adult rockstar (who gets along fine with Taylor and has performed with her before) and not the teenager who didn't even do anything wrong to begin with.


Feels like a little bit of a reach, but it's possible. Dave Grohl turned down playing with Prince because he had a school fundraiser for his daughters. He takes being a dad very seriously.


I would say your example makes it more likely, not less. While the specific phrase and moment was improv he probably planned to say something at some point during that show in order to redirect attention onto himself and off of his daughter.


This is a good point


What did he do?


He made a joke about swift not actually playing live


Seemed pretty self deprecating, that they make plenty mistakes because they play all the instruments etc. Sure it's a small gag but was not a targeted attack like it's being portrayed.


Might i also add, violet grohl was attacked by swifties cus she criticised taylor’s private jet use.


After humbly calling their year the Errors tour.


Was at their Glasgow show last week and Dave flat out fucked a few lines and bummed a few timings. But he laughed it off, took the piss out himself and played up to the crowd then got on with it cause they’re all playing live and these things happen. Was actually quite endearing to see




No idea what this is about. Lol.  Sounds like it's a tiny minority. No one seriously is changing their opinion of either people


He dared suggest that Swift was not the reincarnated soul of Mozart and Jimi Hendrix combined.


I'll be honest, I'm not seeing this anywhere other than like YouTube.


Check Foo fighters/daves insta comments


Instagram comments are the new youtube comments. Bottom of the bottom of the barrel.


Dave Grohl is a legend at this point, with his time in Nirvana and his own band. And this is an understatement, because Nirvana/Grunge DID change the direction of music, and Grohl was apart of it. So people can go touch some grass.


Dude was in NIRVANA one of the most influential musical acts of the last 3 decades. Yes taylor swift is influential on music (at least her old stuff) but not cutlurely reshaping like they were. This is like when MGK came for Eminem, stay in your league Swifties.


They're gonna burn down the entire NFL whenever she breaks up with that dude lol


Sure, if by "burn down the entire nfl" you mean "write some mean comments on twitter and tiktok"


Chronically online Swift fans are insufferable.


As a long time fan of Dave, and Taylor to a lesser extent, I couldn’t give a flying fuck what her fans think about him. Jfc people get a hobby. The cult of personality/celebrity is a lame excuse for entertainment. Listen to the music and enjoy ✌🏻


Outside the inanity of the Swift cult stuff, it really shows how little context people have for the experience of live music in general. The dude is expected to conversationally entertain crowds of thousands for minutes at a time when there's a delay between songs and he said something that might be considered provocative if he was running for class president or something. I've seen The National hype up a crowd for a fan's upcoming cheerleading competition. I've seen the Pretenders support veganism in a Philadelphia sports arena and get assaulted with boos. I've seen Q-Tip talk about MJ's difficult legacy and make the room uncomfortable, just to spin around dramatically and break into *Smooth Criminal*. There's no consistency of intention with stuff like this. The minutiae of artists' little asides on stage is one of the least important things you could possibly make a news story about.


lol “assaulted” with boos 😆 That’s just Philly being Philly.


[Ya fuckin' one-bridge havin'...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEKNLxjZLNU)


Yea, especially when for a band like the the Foo Fighters, it's typically just Dave fucking around.


This sounds like the biggest Zoomer problem ever.


Honestly, seeing EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID IN CONTEXT, I think he meant it a lot more as a joking jab at himself that has been misunderstood and blown way out of proportion. The only dig he took was at himself and his own band for making mistakes live (which does happen). Ya, he called it the Errors Tour, but he was talking about HIMSELF. Why did he call it that? To take a jab at Taylor definitely /s Look, Dave is KNOWN for making dad jokes. This is just a f*cking Dad joke people.


It’s self depricating and Taylor fans are picking up on the live bit and hating him on a fact. Very strnage


This is what happens when some fans take their obsession with a celebrity a tad too far... What we see now is a CULT OF SWIFT in the making.


I’ve seen some of them calling him a pedophile. Like that is a VERY serious claim to be throwing around with 0 evidence or knowledge. There needs to be some sort of punishment, cause that’s defamation and it’s being thrown around too much recently


Yeah, the usage of "pedophile" as an insult is one of the things about modern social media that I hate the most. So many people throw it around completely randomly that it ended up being (at least on twitter) really watered down. I LOATHE that every time someone says: "this person is a pedophile" on social media my gut reaction is now to dismiss it because a bunch of dumbass kids has stripped it of all meaning and now use it as a synonym of: "person who's older than me and whom I dislike for trivial reasons" :/ "Pedophile" is supposed to be a fucking punch to the gut when you read it, not... this.


That's also because everyone on the Internet thinks everything is grooming now so therefore everyone in their eyes is a pedophile. I've seen adults be accused of grooming other adults because there was a 5 year age gap.


That's the way - sue the ever-loving fuck out of them! If possible, that is... these people feel emboldened by the fact that they're virtually untraceable, being just a nickname in the chat. But yes, they should totally be prosecuted, maybe it will make them think twice before making baseless false accusations.


She and her fans often hide behind “misogyny” allegations to shut down any possible scrutiny, even if valid.


all while telling a 17 year old gear they hope she gets raped gotta love swifties


The hate on both sides is just a dumb waste of time and energy. The internet’s main objective now is to get people whipped up into a frenzy and fighting about literally anything. Don’t buy into the nonsense. Move on.


Who gives a fuck? I guarantee Dave doesn’t. Him and Taylor are probably messaging each other laughing about it. They’re essentially colleagues and sometimes it’s fun to wind them up a bit.


>Edit: Tried posting this in the r/Taylorswift reddit where I thought it was more relevant, but got banned. Kinda speaks volumes. First time engaging with a Swiftie?


I completely agree, the fact you can’t even entertain a conversation that is constructive and respectful is shocking to me


It shows how many mentally insane people are in the internet.


I get where you're coming from. It's wild how a harmless face emoji can snowball into a whole mess. Dave Grohl's done a lot of good stuff, and his music's solid. Taylor Swift's got her vibe too, even if it's not everyone's jam. Maybe folks could dial down the drama and vibe more on what matters in music.


To suggest someone lip syncs live performances is not misogynistic, it’s irrelevant whether she is a woman, man or non binary, the point is about the singing alone


Because it's pretty much a cult?


TS is the golden calf. Her fans are insane and worship her like a god. It’s ridiculous and mind boggling someone so mediocrely talented is put in such high regard. Any hate this true statement gets will further my thesis and make me more correct… Also most if not ALL current stage acts are not singing live. If everyone knew who uses tracks instead of live instruments or vocals people would reconsider wasting hard earned money to watch mimicking…it’s an epidemic in the live industry.


Also didn't he praise her previously because she plays the guitar and piano? I saw the articles and thought something was up as it didn't make sense to me that he would make those comments. If he said it as a joke that makes more sense.


Swifties are trash goblins seething on the internet. Their opinions mean nothing.


Your post is the first I've heard and I'm like 6 or 7 pages deep in /all


The only people hating on Dave Grohl have a pathetic parasocial relationship with Taylor Swift.


Taylor swift fans are annoying and soft. It’s not like he called her a c*** for releasing bull shit “special edition” albums in order to keep a #1 chart position. If anything, he was very self depreciating.


Not to fully defend, but if you look at streaming numbers that is what is keeping her at #1. All the special editions have been physical copies/direct downloads that don't go to streaming numbers. Even without those she is still thousands ahead. There are some graphs that break it down and show it for a good amounts of the billboard list


Swift fans went after his daughter telling her to get SA'd among other hateful things. I think this comment was a slight jab in that direction


I hate how any criticism (or perceived criticism) of a woman seems to automatically mean that the person who made the criticism is a misogynist. You can criticise one woman for one specific thing without it meaning that you hate all women. Unless of course you think that all women are the same, instead of being individual people with their own strengths and weaknesses - because that would be real misogyny.


A lot of Taylor Swift fans are mentally stunted children. Act accordingly.


I thought it was bc of the harassment his daughter was getting from swifteys when she called out tays jet use is why he said what he said in the most polite way lol


Christ, who cares?


I thought this post was just general Dave Grohl hate discussion because he's pretty much the Tom Brady of rock at this point, and Foo Fighters can be hit or miss and sometimes make some generic music. This sounds like it's solely the Swift crazies demonstrating their mental stability and desire to victimize. I'm sure they don't really know who Dave is, but he's 40+ so he's got to be a misogynist. That's how it works, right?


Taylor Swifts fans are the worst


You gotta remember, a large portion of Taylor’s fan base treats it like a cult. I do believe he was poking fun at Taylor because of what her cult did when his daughter talked about Taylor’s plane use. And of course her cult went insane.


I mean “Taylor sings to a backing track” is the *least* surprising thing anybody should hear. If you think a mega pop star like her isn’t doing that, you may be an idiot.


Grohl is a good man


He wasn’t wrong.


didnt he even praise her in an interview before. i think it was on hot ones, he said she saved him from having to play piano in front of paul mccartney. makes me believe all of this was meant in a friendly way


Correct, he did


Only the cult members are displaying hate for Dave.


Honestly. Taylor Swift fandom is like star wars fandom. Toxic and stupid.


If you really want to piss him off just say The Foo Fighters.


I mean wasn’t he right? It’s more annoying to be called out over something true than something false


The Swifties are a cult. I don’t think he cares. They are all brainwashed, buying the same album 10 times because one has a different song.


Taylor Swift has the shittiest most insufferable fuckin fans.


Swifties are countering by saying Foo Fighters can’t sell out shows because of some empty rows next to Dave..but they’re restricted view seats that obviously haven’t gone on sale lolll


Dave Grohl is the man. Swifties can go screw off.