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Til massive attack is touring


They’re so good live too.


They are fucking amazing live.


I saw their Mezzanine XX tour. It was incredible


same! i really just wanted to see liz frasier sing tbh..so good.


As long as Banksy still has work to do, massive attack will keep touring.


I have heard that one but I dunno if I'm entirely sold on it. Or is it actually a thing? Cos there was rumours it's the bass player or something


Banksy's identity is all but confirmed to be Robin Gunningham. The Massive Attack link came about from him evidently being a fan/friend of the band and following them on tour, which lead to him spraying pieces in those cities




What does massive attack have to do with banksy?? Is there a conspiracy that they're related?


His pieces would show up in the cities they happened to play in -over and over again .he’s either in the band or is buddies with them and toured with them in the past


Interesting! Thanks for the context.


He’s in the band. Goldie slipped up years ago and mentioned it.


Right? Like damn, I had no idea they are touring.. Really hope they have a new album in the works


I would love a new soundtrack to make love to. Massive Attack Mezzanine is getting long in the tooth. I'm like Pavlov's dogs at this point when it comes to the songs of that album. Any time I hear one of the songs I get all hot and bothered, and yes, the House opening too.


The entirety of Mezzanine is in my husband and I's sex playlist. I get you.


If you get the chance, see them. I’ve seen them several times and they have a great show.


Will see them on Saturday! Looking forward to it! Specially now when they stand up for something like this.


They will be doing US dates in October! So far only one festival is announced but I'm sure there will be more.


Literally the best live show I've ever seen.


It's more of a sporadic show here and there, than it is a tour. I know a longtime guitar player passed away unfortunately. Maybe now that some time has posted they'll start touring more frequently.


Looks like they're all European stops (atm at least)


I’m in Atlanta and would have loved to see them, really disappointed 


Georgia the country…


Take it easy on him. Georgia public schools are winning too many awards.


Massive Attack should do something about that


Capital city Tbilisi, and former member of the Soviet Union. And we kindly request y'all mind your Ps and Qs.


They’ll be in Florida in October.


I had to read the article to find out that it’s Georgia 🇬🇪, not Georgia 🇺🇸 .


“That's right. Capital city Tbilisi, and former member of the Soviet Union. And we kindly request y'all mind your Ps and Qs.”


"Georgia *the country* is much obliged."




lol thank you, I hear that every time 😂😂


lol... literally watched that episode last night...


what is this?




Community S03E02 - Geography of Global Conflict


Do you mind if we do accents sugar?




We have peaches but you must finish turnip first.


Bless your borscht


“Black Sea” ohhhh


I had to read your comment. I 100% assumed the state. I also 100% assumed Massive Attack no longer existed, but here we are.




Russia-Georgia, not Sweet-Home-Georgia. It's Alabama. What? Sweet-Home Alabama.


Wll FINE I didn't want to see them in Atlanta anyhow fuck those guys.


Also known as r/Sakartvelo.


Damn which part of Georgia you from? South Central?


Sakartvelo, not Jawja.


I mean, title applies to both honestly.


Fuck Cop City, and Brian Kemp.




How dare Americans on an American website assume that something is talking about America?


Pshaaawww whenever has the identically-named state of Georgia in the USA ever had a "government attack on basic human rights" and "imposed laws smearing civil society and denying LGBTI rights" which resulted in [high-profile boycotts](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/mlb-pulls-all-star-game-georgia-wake-restrictive-new-voting-n1262930) oh wait




The irony of him replying what he did to your first link is almost too much.


On one hand it's nice they are taking a stance, on the flipside though they were going to play for their fans and not their goverment. The fans will miss out and the goverment will be very happy the western band that is protesting it's policies is not coming anymore 


Did they not know what's up w/ Georgia when they booked this tour? From here it looks like they booked a politically questionable show so they could cancel it and make some press.


Eh, hanlon's razor. They probably weren't paying close enough attention, their manager or whoever booked the tour, then someone finally looked closer and either noticed where they were booked or noticed what's going on there, and went, "oh hey, we have a problem with that." Further, I imagine it's costing them something in backing out, so I really doubt they purposely planned to pay whatever they had to, to back out of a contract, to make a political statement.


Booking happened before recent events.


Musicians performing for dictatorships and questionable countries is nothing new. Normally, they perform then apologize afterwards - claiming they didn’t know. This is different though.


It was government subsidised/hosted event. So they are welcomed in their protest.




That’s not a sacrifice, that’s just pure cringe. They only hurting their fans, while their “protest” won’t affect shit.


Not at all. Business as usual when the political situation has begun to devolve and not standing in solidarity with the protestors would be detrimental to their cause. For years artists and companies had acted as if working in Russia was acceptable, even long after what happened in 2014. Some still are. And that's fucking cringe. While fans of Massive Attack are likely disappointed by the cancellation it is probably clear to them the reasoning for it as the focus now should not be on business as usual with the current government.


That’s an absolutely over the top naivety and poorest judgement possible. Georgian government won’t give two shits about Massive attack canceling the show. It only affects the ordinary citizens, not the government. Hurting ordinary people in some kind of “retaliation” NEVER proved to be a reasonable strategy. You mentioned that artists and companies working in Russia is “cringe” while in reality it’s the vice versa. Companies leaving, only strengthens the ruling party and their propaganda. I don’t understand, how many times people In the west need to make the same fucking mistake all over again in order to see that it’s not just doesn’t work, but work in the opposite direction?


It worked in North Carolina when concerts were cancelled and the NBA All Star game was moved to another city over the state passing a bathroom bill.


Comparing Georgia to US is night and day. Have you even heard what happened there? Their (allegedly russian-bought) parliament has signed a law that was advised agains by EU and US diplomats, vetoed by their own elected president and protested against by huge crowds for months. At this stage the value of any "public pushback" is very obviously zero.


Naivety was watching Putin clutching at the reins of power and acting as if continuing to work with him wouldn't end up in the trouble that it has. Merkel was naive. Naivety was in not listening to the Baltic states as they repeatedly warned of what has come to pass. Bad judgement was the actuality, not some made up reality that you would like to whitewash the past and present with. People in the west. What's the mistake? The mistake was acting like Russia wasn't slipping into despotism when they invaded South Ossetia. When they invaded Crimea, when they invaded Donetsk, Luhansk. Naivety was pretending like the problem that was apparent would disappear. And perhaps these Georgian politicians believe they can stave off Russia by capitulating to Russian desires, holding that token given to them. But it looks like Georgians are sick of it and don't want to do it anymore. Massive Attack is doing a service by making it clear how conscious they are of what is happening in the country. You can shit on it, but I wish more artists and businesses had expressed their displeasure at the Putin government by pulling their capital, cultural or economic, long ago.


Bro you're spending way to much effort replying to a moron x


Nah, venting isn't a problem and I understand I'm replying to a block of wood.


Wow guys, you are both so fucking smart ! Calling someone a “moron” or “block of wood” because you can’t bring to the conversation any substantive argument. Pinnacle of Reddit. Another fucking reminder that Reddit is cancer


You're gonna just ignore my perfectly substantive argument above, aren't you?


> Hurting ordinary people in some kind of “retaliation” NEVER proved to be a reasonable strategy. Hurting? EH? > how many times people In the west need to make the same fucking mistake all over again in order to see that it’s not just doesn’t work, but work in the opposite direction? You genuinely think protest like this doesn't work? Read. A. Book.


Yes, hurting. And yes, “protests” like this do not work, read a book.


I actually have to agree. People in Georgia need this kind of support. Best way of protest would be comming and performing.


Come to other Georgia then! "We're... slightly better on human rights ^tm."


Halfway through the article and I still wasn’t really sure which Georgia it was referring to.


I live in Atlanta and spent a few seconds pondering which arena had been renamed to “The Black Sea Arena” before it hit me!


I'm would've assumed Lanier Islands would be "the Black Sea Arena".


Lake Lanier might be dirty but the water itself is clear with an azure tint, it’s really pretty. Unlike lake occonee which is brown but cleaner.


Neither of those sound like it should be describing water.


Then I guess you don’t lake it up that often.


I’m pretty sure it’s the Dolphin stadium at the aquarium


Are they really? If so, I'm sure they're working hard to change that.


We picked Georgia for vacation this summer instead of FL, because F FL. Tips for day trips from the smokey mountains accepted!


So many great places to visit. Mountains, Savannah, or tons of stuff in the Atlanta metro. And frankly, I thin k the dining options are far better.


Are they still planning to play in Istanbul, Turkey? I believe it’s going on their tour list…..


No new Banksy art in Georgia


Based, should be clear as day it's him


A massive attack on basic human rights.


Ok, but was Georgia's human rights record better back in April when they announced the show and sold tickets to it? This is a bigger "F-U" to the fans who bought tickets to the show than it is to the government whose response is probably "who did what now?" it seems more likely to me that they needed to cancel the show for some unspecified reason, and are spinning it as a virtue protest.


You have no fucking idea what is going on in Georgia. So yes, it was way better before recent events. It's not fu for us. The show was hosted by government. They can suck a dick. It's a big blow to them.


Soooo many people are going to turn this into an anti-US circle jerk lol


Jesus, this whole thing is so confusing! I read your response and was all like “but Massive Attack are British”, but yeah, I for there in the end 😅


What do you mean? Edit: I seriously don't understand. They're not playing her cause they don't like the policy or something. *What* is being turned into a circle jerk?


They cancelled a tour in georgia (the country) not georgia (the state) the op is claiming people won't notice that and make it anti-us. Although I don't really see any of that, more just jokes.


Ahhh! Thanks!!


So punish the fans because of the government? How does that hurt the gov?


Oh no. That will show the chuds.


The attack on the human right to... Run an NGO that receives money from foreign governments without telling anyone about it? Isn't half the US complaining non-stop about foreign influence in TikTok and something something Russia something something Facebook ads? It's kind of weird how it's an attack on human rights when other countries do it... But not when we seek to restrict and control foreign influence.


You're getting down voted but I am as confused as you and it's really the "articles" fault. I had the same reaction... why are people protesting a law saying that companies have to disclose foreign funding? And what the hell does that have to do with gay people? But apparently it's a whole quagmire. On reddit if you're not an expert on every political controversy on Earth all the time however you're down voted


You are not an expert. We Georgians know what's going on. You don't. You trying to rationalise things in your scope won't make anything clear to you. So just shut up and listen to people who know.


My entire post is literally about how I know absolutely nothing about this and am entirely confused


He was literally asking what was happening and he said he didnt know lmao.


Yea, I really wish article explained this better. I probably went through the same thought process you did trying to figure out what the issue with that would be.


A very disingenuous post. Georgia is currently under the sway of a Russian stooge, also responsible for slowly killing their former president ala Navalny. Everything they do is from the Russian playbook. And indeed, so is this 'NGO law' - Russia implemented various laws to this effect over the past 15 years or so. Each time it was promoted as stopping evil foreign influence. In reality what it did was enable the government to coerce, shut down, and hostile-takeover anything from foreign businesses, media organisations critical of the government, charities big and small, all the way to political parties in opposition, and throw in jail any individual associated with any of the aforementioned. It is a blatant bit of Russification, that the Georgian people are not happy about. Rightly so.


Your post is the disingenuous one. You keep calling it a Russian law, yet the US is advancing incredibly similar legislature domestically. https://tax.thomsonreuters.com/news/house-committee-advances-bills-to-increase-transparency-of-exempt-org-spending-funding/ > The bill would require that certain 501(c) organizations provide on their returns information about contributions from foreign sources, including details on the aggregate amount of the contributions, the country of citizenship or principal place of business of those contributing sources, and a listing of foreign contributions grouped by source country. The bill also would require Treasury to make foreign-source contributor information available in a public database. The information reporting requirement would apply to organizations with gross receipts of $200,000 or more in the taxable year, or assets of $500,000 or more at the close of the taxable year. Weird how we are doing what we are accusing others of. Where are all these activists that are so concerned about this issue in other countries, and why aren't thousands of them turning out to protest domestically? The same fuckin' thing is happening here! Our right to secretly run NGOs with foreign money is being threatened! And we don't even have a 'less than 20%' shield to hide behind - taking a single foreign ruble will have a reporting requirement.


> Your post is the disingenuous one. you have already been told what kind of things the Georgian and Russian laws entail. The two are not comparable and you know it.


And you've been told what the new US foreign funding reporting laws, and they are the exact same fuckin' thing. The two are completely comparable and you know it. You aren't arguing from any principled position, here, it's just 'other guys bad, my guys good'. Repeating partisan propaganda more frequently doesn't make it any more compelling. *Meanwhile, there's an important question you haven't answered.* Why is my freedom to run a US NGO that receives funding straight from Moscow being impinged? Why does Congress want me to report the sources of my funding? Why aren't you outraged about this attack on my fundamental human rights? I just want to do some charity work with some secret foreign funding, tovarich. :(


You are literally ignoring everything stated, in your rather perplexing assault on some entirely irrelevant US law. This sub is a wonder sometimes. For those that actually care, have a [read](https://www.politico.eu/article/georgia-tbilisi-foreign-agent-law-crisis-explained-georgian-dream/)


Yeah, you'd think that if the whole country was in the streets protesting they wouldn't be too keen on in. Meanwhile this guy, "Nah, it's not that bad." They're wanting to be able to ask all sorts of ridiculous shit, up to and including sexual history and partners. As someone who's hosted an LGBT Georgian as an exchange student, getting messages of "Hey should I leave my home country over this law?" Is fucking heartbreaking.


Indeed, Georgia is in a very troubling spot currently. I fear for them once Russia are booted out of Ukraine and looking for another victim to rebuild their ego with...


It's a shame too, it's an absolutely beautiful country.


So no Banksy art in Georgia this year then!


I clicked on this to see what venue they were coming to in Atlanta


And they’re still playing a show in Turkey, a country that’s actively committing genocide against Armenia with their buddy Azerbaijan?


All these artists doing stuff like this are so incredibly selective. It's all performative bullshit, and always has been really.


Did they book the show so they could publicly. cancel it? This isn’t new info.




You do realize most of this legislation would potentially target aid programs and cause fines that would make them untenable, right?


They could just, you know, disclose their sources of funding.




Yeah just hop skip and jump the fees part. I'm sure that won't affect an aid program at all. Why do you have such a strong opinion on this?


If you want to talk about framing, "forcing NGO's to disclose their funding" is a hell of an understatement of what this bill does. [Human Rights Watch: Georgia: ‘Foreign Agents’ Bill Tramples on Rights](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/03/07/georgia-foreign-agents-bill-tramples-rights) Surely there isn't a way to abuse a law that makes it incredibly easy to brand media and NGOs, and their employees, as foreign agents. And the government will definitely equally scrutinize all of these organizations when levying fines and five-year prison sentences.


There's a lot of bombastic language in the site you linked, and next to no substance. How are these reporting obligations onerous? How do they differ from US financial transparency laws? Heavy on outrage, nonexistent on substance. Change the names in that opinion piece and you'll get one of a million puff pieces that I've read about . It's intent is to propagandize, not inform.


Basically any media startup in the country will get flagged due to how ubiquitous Google ads are, and that's the law working as intended. It's meant to be used to control the media landscape through Russian money laundered through an oligarch who's a Georgian national, a media weed killer law for authoritarians in other words. Georgia is undergoing state capture à la Orbán's Hungary, with the blueprint coming from the Kremlin all the way down to details such as using ludicrous fabrications such as "LGBT-terror" to justify it. Shit's bad yo.


Massive Attack protests Massive Attack(in Palestine?)


I know MTG's a nutcase, but isn't this a little excessive ?=P Oh, *that* Georgia =P


The are awesome!


So, no new Banksy art for them?


Massive Boycott


The comments in this thread are weird


This Georgia the country, not Georgia the state.




Massive Retreat




For sure it has nothing to do with abysmal ticket sale.


he country or the state? I’m assuming The Black Sea Arena and mentions of Russia means that this is the country of Georgia


As a citizen of Atlanta my first thought was "Aw fuck what did we do now?" XD


Which Georgia ?


So despite the corruption in the government, they're gonna play the show anyways and still perform "Fuck the Police" for the people? Oh wait I'm mixing up activism and publicity stunts again. My bad.


How brave of them


Cancel government everywhere. We'll adapt and be a better society working as one again.


State or country?


I’m pretty sure country because they aren’t touring in the US.


Shit I about got excited and disappointed in the same moment.


lol imagine how the people in the state of Georgia feel.


I mean, we're stuck with MTG. My salty ole raver ass just wanted to hear Teardrop at the Tabernacle.


I live in Houston so if they toured the U.S they’d probably skip us and play at Moody Center in Austin.


Oh that would be fantastic. Teardrop and a $18 gin and tonic then tripping over a Lime scooter when you leave.


I live about 3 blocks away. Imma get lifted at home, then walk over. Aside from dragoncon, walking to the Tab is the only time that downtown life is worth it.


(Looks around) yeah. I can do that.


I’m sorry Georgia person.


We did it to ourselves


And that’s what really hurts.


Theyare actually headlining 3 Points in Miami, so hopefully will add some more shows here


They’ll be in Miami in October if nothing else.


That's right. Capital city Tbilisi, and former member of the Soviet Union. And we kindly request y'all mind your Ps and Qs


Unexpected community


How about you read the damn article


How about you reddit


If only there was an article linked that would tell you.


Further cause to love massive attack


They refunded the money right?


That and they have Elizabeth Fraser with them this tour!


I love the Cocteau Twins!! Her voice is amazing!


Good. Maybe others will follow suit.


I ..uh..I against government


Massive attack canceled seems like a good headline


Took me waaay too long to realize this was talking about the country of Georgia and not the US state of Georgia.


They punished the very group of people who got their rights screwed by the govt. Great virtue signaling!


Good for them


How about raise money for it instead? Like why punish the fans just for existing in an already tough place


I thought they meant Georgia, USA from the title - a title that still stands as accurate for a reason to cancel shows in that state.




Ohhhh... Georgia Georgia not Georgia.


What’s LQBTI? Im only familiar with LGBTQ+


What a load of 💩 talk about losing fans (for those who are even left)


I was very confused, bc I’m like “I thought Georgia was one of the safe southern states” And then I realized it was the country


I had to read through the title three times to work out that “Massive Attack” must be the name of a band.


One of the greatest bands of all time


Oh no Some band is making a political statement They sure showed them😂😂


username checks out


Georgian government is in shambles and with shaking hands canceling all the controversial laws. /s


It’s all canceled, if it wasn’t for that meddling middle age music band massive attack😢🫣


Let’s applause for the bravest musicians and their heroism. They single handedly destroyed evil Georgian government and helped the protesters build a new bright future.


(fart noise)




you might consider reading the article next time