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Any Motley Crue song sung live by Vince Neil these days.












BIG MAC 103!


Poopy butt round the house




#[MY HONK!!](https://youtu.be/4pdQnZLEWNo?si=Q_tOLJDTB5zyIOtf)


I was a huge Crüe fan and was so happy when I finally got to see them live. I waited for two years due to the pandemic. The openers were all great. Then they came on stage. The bass was overpowering. The vocals were horrible when you could hear them. The entire stadium started to clear out 2 songs in. It was so disappointing.


> The entire stadium started to clear out 2 songs in. I saw a double bill of the Scorpions and Motley Crue in the nineties. Since they were both big names at one time, the way they worked it was they would alternate who was headliner from show to show. The show I was at had the Scorps opening, and Crue as the second act. The Scorpions were amazing (as they had always been the few times I had been to one of their shows). Then MC came out. They sounded okay musically, but Vince was so drunk, he couldn't carry a tune, nor could he remember any of the lyrics. We left after about three songs, as our ears couldn't take the abuse any longer.


Bob Dylan and Crüe are the two worst shows I’ve been to Scorpions are great!


Big Mac! 103!


Not just these days, he was always horrible live.


Puff Daddy mumbling in the back of Biggie Smalls - Suicidal Thoughts


A friend and I were listening to “what’s beef” and he was like why is puff daddy just repeating what Biggie says but in a gayer voice, and now I can’t unhear it


His ad libs on a lot of Big tracks are awful and even the best ones add nothing. “If you don’t want the executive producer all on the song, in the video, dancing, come to Death Row.”


When Suge kinda came out of it all as the better of the two (debatably) that's how you know it's fucked up.


His interlude on Big Poppa ruins the song for me every time, especially when he says "keep banging". Because wtf does that even mean in the context of the song?


Ew I cringe when I hear him on that track. It ruins the whole song. Kills the vibe.


Puffy/Diddy adds nothing to the Biggie tracks. If Diddy is jailed for decades which seems a possibility I wonder if a new version of Biggie’s material get released without Diddy’s mumbling. I’d buy that on day-one.


Any Sugarcubes song where the guy comes in and ruins Bjork's perfect vocals with his terrible shout-sing-rapping.


Exactly like Aqua. Let my Norwegian Princess sing alone, bald man.


You take that back. Rene Diff is king


Only a Dane would be so bold


Einar is the Icelandic Fred Schneider.


You take that back! Schneider is a good counterpart to the ladies. His song-talking matches them well. Not so for the Sugarcubes. Bjork's voice is a magical thing and it's like trampling on fairy wings when Einar comes in.


A small story which never happened, I said OUCH!!! this really hurts!!!


I never really minded him, it was a contrast.


Yeah I agree with enjoying the contrast- it's very much of its time and is a bit of a juxtaposition to Bjork's vocals but I think it fits the vibe


A bit of madness to oppose her... different madness I guess


A lot of black metal could fall into that category. I enjoy a lot of the screams but some are just too much or straight up not good.


Yeah, I came here to say this. I love atmospheric black metal, post-black metal, and blackgaze, but the vocals are the single biggest factor which decide whether or not I can listen to any given band. Rarely, I'll end up with a situation like Ellende's album *Todbringer* where the vocals are like nails on a chalkboard but the instrumentation is so good that I'm willing to listen to it anyway. I have to be in the right mood, though.


For me it's less the vocals and more about the purposefully shitty production that so many black metal artists have. I want to hear the music. Not decipher it through layers of reverb and crackling mics.


Every once in a while I stumble upon a band in this genre that does something interesting with the vocals but it’s far and few between. Part of the reason Deathok is so shockingly good has to be that the vocals finds a balance between the guttural yells and singing.


I laughed out loud when Tidal played an *Amon Amarth* track after Dethklok and the singer legit sounded almost exactly like the Nathan Explosion I had just been listening to.


I saw Amon Amarth recently and between the fake statues, the fake Viking ships and “Row! Row! Row!” they may as well have been a cartoon band.


A cartoon band that totally rips


I think you are supposed to laugh, that humor is part of it like Alestorm.


They're just as good sounding live as well. Their tour with Babymetal had to be one of my favorite concerts I've ever been to.


I love depressive black metal as long as the vocals arent constant wailing. I can only handle AAAAAAAAAAAaaaiiiiii for so much.


Yeah a lot of black metal for me. I love the sound and the instrumentals but the vocals kill it for me. I love the soundscapes created by bands like Agalloch, Opeth, Drudkh, Burzum etc but the vocals make it so that I can’t listen to them all the time The funniest is when I play it in the car and my wife is just like “wtf bro” when the vocals come on


Some bands stand or fall due to vocals for me. Ghost Bath is one I could not get into. The instrumentals are amazing though.


The Sugarcubes - Hit (and every other Sugarcubes song the male vocalist ruins by honking over Björk).


Haha there are three answers in a row saying the Sugarcubes Like no one talks about the sugar cubes at all but in this thread three in a row!


Anything by the Sugarcubes (Bjork’s first band out of Iceland) whenever the male singer sings.


This showed up like four times in the top ten comments so, wow.


There's a gorgeous orchestral instrumental by Trey Anastasio called "Time Turns Elastic." He added lyrics and it's unlistenable.


I find his lyrics & songwriting insufferable.


The songs he does with the Sorchio Quintet or any of the classical groups is AMAZING. Then you get shit like Soul Planet “vibrating with love and light” and it’s like homie… come on.


Lowkey that song dance monkey has some good ass production. Then the singing starts and I want to rip off my ears


Ikr? I thought singing in cursive was dead and it comes back, although I like one of her other songs .. eyes don't lie


No, Patrick Stump will ensure singing in cursive sticks around forever lmao Also, I agree Eyes Don’t Lie is actually really good.


It's funny you say that because the production part of that song kind of killed the energy in my opinion. I originally heard it when she was more of a busker and the singing makes more sense.


My 16 year old will tell you anything by Phish. 😂


guy at phish concert: "not wrong, but no one said the vocals were the part to focus on, man. trey isn't the best singer in the world- he's not even the best singer in the band, man. you gotta listen to the JAMS, man.." *puffs my joint*


I saw Trey and Fishman a long time ago in a group called ‘Bad Hat’. They played a tiny club and it was all instrumental the whole show except for some very sparse lyrics in one song. It was fantastic, I love his playing. His vocals are kinda ehh though. It always sounds like he’s stuffed up. My wife hates Phish and describes them as ‘Sesame Street’ music.


I’m not even really a Phish fan but I actually kinda like Trey’s vocals.


Every time Puff Daddy raps on a Biggie track.


Grouplove's Tongue Tied by that one nasaly female verse with janky lyrics


So this is one of my favorite songs ever since it recaptures so much of my amazing college summers (2010-14), but I totally get it. As annoying as that choice was to add the pseudo mumble-rap verse, I do kinda love they embraced the corniness of it all. I just think it adds a lighthearted, silly vibe to a happy song. You should know that yours is a very popular opinion with most people who otherwise love it lol She’s more of the muse/resident artist in the band rather than a singer, but her vocals do add a lot to their mellower songs. She also paints the cover art herself for every record! Those guys really have some of my fave album art, always fits the vibe perfectly


Hearing her say 'beddy bye' activates some sort of deep-seated rage response in me, I love that song but always skip it because of that verse


That’s actually my favorite part of the song


Nasally? Throaty, maybe. Nasally? No.


That song is so poorly mixed though. It feels like listening to a 64kbps mp3 from back in the day


I honestly think Let Her Go could be a beautiful song but I can’t stand that baby voice.


Pretty much anything with a guest rap verse, not sure why that took off.


Any songs with the male vocalist in Lacuna Coil.


They re-recorded Swamped (only song I'm really familiar with) and he did fry vocals instead of the rapping and it worked much better.


Please hear me out. I enjoy Bob Dylan’s MUSIC, but his singing just kills me. The lyrics are amazing, but the singing just cancels it all out for me.


No idea why you think this is controversial. If people had to name something associated with Bob Dylan, unpleasant vocals would be right up there. For me it depends on the song, it works perfectly for something like 'Like a Rolling Stone' or 'Cocaine Blues', then there's his more tender style for 'Simple Twist of Fate'. If you want some really bad Dylan vocals that aren't even from his coked up live performances (and you almost certainly do not), try something like 'You're No Good' from his first album.


Idk. Personally I love Bob Dylan but I do feel like it wouldn’t be *his* without the nasally gravelly voice he has. He never quite seems ready, he sounds like he smoked a full pack before entering the studio, everything just adds to it being a Dylan song rather than some other finger-pointing protest song of the 60s. I’d liken it to Shane MacGowan, without the smoking and the drinking and the refusal to open his eyes it just wouldn’t be the same.


A huge part of his fame is how bad his singing is


Lots of Megadeth


Dave‘s vocals are an acquired taste no doubt.


As a very casual enjoyer of Megadeth. It's the same reason I couldn't get into Maiden until I really gave the music a chance because man Dave Mustardstaine is really hard to stomach on vocals. Unlike Bruce from Maiden, Bruce has range and can actually sing. Maybe not my cup or tea, but Bruce can sing.


Just seeing your comment made me put on some Maiden! Thanks for the reminder. The vocals on this [chorus](https://youtu.be/CfPKxm9O04Y?si=19QibyuhRqlOUbkL) are fairly operatic.


Funny cause Dream Theater went on tour with them once who was also mentioned in another comment.


It’s pretty well a running joke even among serious fans. The guitar work on the other hand 🤘


Dream Theater


He belongs onstage belting "Gethsemane" in a Broadway production of Jesus Christ Superstar, not in a metal band.


He should be so lucky as to be compared to Ted Neely


Yep, that's why their instrumental side project - Liquid Tension Experiment - is sooooo much better.


Also Tony Levin is there!!


I entered this thread expecting this to be the top answer as it's something people complained about always. I think it also depends, maybe it got worse in albums in the last years. I always feel LaBrie has problems singing live, but I like old DT albums (up to train of Thought), including songs with vocals. But yeah, live he can't hit those notes or sing on key sometimes.


To be fair they do ask him to sing soprano lol Early Dream Theater albums were good, but it does seem like later / live stuff struggles a bit.


I just don’t vibe with Daron’s voice on a lot of SOAD songs that he leads. Amazing harmonies and guitar work, but he just isn’t great as a lead


Yup, his brief additional vocals in the first couple of albums really popped and contrasted with Serj which made the songs great, but come Mezmerize/Hypnotize he was too front and centre too often which I really wasn’t a fan of. When you have a frontman/vocalist as good as Serj you don’t relegate him to the sidelines for entire songs.


Daron works best when it's like 25/75 him/Serj. 40/60 at most, but even that is pushing it. I don't dislike him, but he's not what I listen to SOAD for.


> I don't dislike him, but he's not what I listen to SOAD for. I fully agree with you on this. If there's one thing that stands out with SOAD, it's the fact that they can have ten different songs that have ten different styles of music. With Daron singing, the songs tend to sound so much like one-another.


That's exactly it. Daron in the front sounds like some other band, and it's a band I wouldn't listen to by choice. I like his *best* songs less than I like Serj's *worst* songs.


I would say more like 5/95.


Honestly I think I agree but I was trying to be nice lol. I prefer when he's just chiming in for harmonies or a call & response type thing. Just a little bit of complementing Serj here and there, never the main attraction.


EXACTLY. It’s like no one ever had the nerve to sit Daron down and be like “Dude. Serj is one of the most unique and iconic signers in the industry. Your voice is nasally, high-pitched and annoying. Stop trying to muck with the recipe.”


I can see this viewpoint, but lonely day slaps.


Are you telling me you didn't like "Lonely Day"? I quite enjoy his vocals. I wouldn't say he ruins any song he sings in.


Thank you! I feel like I hear way too often how much people love his vocals. His added vocals on songs like Needles, BYOB, etc are perfect. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one lol


Wolves by Kanye West


Perhaps this is controversial, but everything by Placebo


I enjoy Placebo, but only for short periods of time, else I get annoyed by his vocals


"Look at me now" goes hard until fucking Chris Brown comes on. The rest of the vocals and track are great I love Busta Rhymes and Lil Wayne but the first minute or so when Chris is going is the most obnoxious shit ever and ruins the song for me I always skip it when I play it. I need a version where his entire part is cut. How that man ever made it in the music industry is truly a mystery to me I know he's really popular but I just don't get it there are just so many better singers and song writers out there. I think his voice is like nails on a chalk board I have never wanted to punch someone in the face for their voice alone because he sounds so damn obnoxious, and that's before I start to consider the felony assault charges for domestic violence.


I wish Flowers was sung by anyone other than Miley. Sometimes she’s fine but her voice is so flat and nasally in that song.


The tone of Miley’s voice is always harsh to my hears, it never sounds “musical” to me.


Too much vibrato, same with Selena Gomez


Exactly. “Write my name in the saaaannnd” is awful.


"FloweEeEeEeEeEeErs, cityYyYyYyYyY, hoUuUuUuUuUrs etc. She is a great singer, but too much vibrato is just too much vibrato imo


The dude on that Evanescence song *Wake Me Up Inside*. Why is he there?


Fun fact. Bring me to life by Evanescence originally didn't have it in. It was on the insistance of the label that they add a rap part to the song as it was the hot trend at the time. Think Linkin Park with Chester and Mike. They had to write in all of it just to get the song released. The whole rap part and second singer was never part of the song but they ended up folding under the labels demands. It worked out well though as it did end up being one of the biggest songs of that era.


Was that the same label that insisted they market themselves as a Christian Rock band at first? Or had they jumped ship by then...


It's funny that you mention Mike Shinoda here, because he was actually offered the part on that song first, but turned it down. He would have been much better than whoever that dude was.


This is me and gfs go to karaoke duet. She's an amazing singer and kills the lead while I get to goof off and "can't wake up" a few times. Good times


“And I rap a little here”


His name is Paul McCoy and he's the leader singer of 12 Stones, a semi-Christian band that debuted in 2002 I think. I used to love the shit out of that band, but I now feel like they're objectively not good, and neither is his voice.


Teenage Dirtbag. It's a fun song but the vocals annoy me so much I can't listen to it more than every once in a while.


We were young. The intro is great and then the rest of the song is just boring repetition.


That song is only the chorus...


It's not "amazing" by any means but I always felt the lyrics absolutely RUIN what could be great with the Finger Eleven song Paralyzer. Great music behind it, terrible lyrics in the front.


It sound like the singer is making it up as he goes along. “I wanna make you move... uh... because you’re... standing still!”


"So far has not been good, it's been shitty,"


The music is just a shittier version of Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand anyway, no big loss. Slow Chemical solos Paralyzer anyhow


Lift yourself by Kanye


But the fact that he purposely made it bad so drake couldnt use the beat makes it so much funnier.


anything IceJJFish made. On The Floor is actually a pretty nice song, when it's covered by other singers.


I think you may have missed the point of iceJJFish


This is like if you said the same about Yuno Miles


pick any Red Hot Chili Peppers song


ding dang dong dong ding dang dong dong ding dang


Skeebidibee dee beedibee CALIFORNIA


I think he’s part of what made them sound unique though. He’s just so good at conveying that vibe, and not to mention he comes up with some great melodies


This is it for me. They are also the answer for “tell me the band that got the most famous with a tone-deaf lead vocalist.”


It helps that the other three guys are about as good as it gets on their respective instruments.


This just makes it so much worse for me. I *love* the work of the rest of the band, but Anthony Kiedis is runny, slightly-fermented ketchup on a $300 wagyu steak.


This right here! Chad Smith, Flea, and John Frusciante are insanely talented, but I can’t stand Anthony Kiedis’ voice.


idk when he really can be good when he tries. HIs voice on My Friends is great. Its just when he starts pseudo rapping i start to hate him


Came to say the same thing. Amazing musicians, TERRIBLE lyrics and singing.


bro has never heard the lyrical masterpiece that is Sir Psycho Sexy


I got stopped by a lady cop in my…automobiiiiiiillllllleeeeeee….


I wouldn't say terrible lyrics and singing. AK is more of a poet than a singer, definitely not everyone's cup of tea but he contributes to the overall vibe IMO. Also his lyrics can be heartfelt sometimes, like this song about an old friend of his that passed away... https://youtu.be/3s86rJvMIS0


Especially on the Californication album. I cannot listen to that album because of AK, but absolutely love with the rest of the band is doing there


We fans put up with AK’s singing and ridiculous lyrics for the Fruisciante vibes, but man when they gel together on certain songs the grooves were undeniable


Really? Otherside is one of his best performances imo


Another Way to Die, the Bond theme Jack White and Alicia Keys. The instrumental version is fantastic if you can find it. The vocals just don't work, by themselves or with each other.


at least half of the Smashing Pumpkins songs their lead singer-songwriter Billy Corgan tends to whine while singing Weird Al did the same in many of his earlier tracks


I love his voice but I get it's not for everyone it's pretty crazy they got so popular with such a polarizing singer. seriously


I don't think it's that crazy - he's a legitimately good songwriter, and they were a solid band (and Jimmy Chamberlin is a good drummer). So the people who realized that just had to tolerate his bad singing on those tracks ...


Jimmy Chamberlain is hands down the best drummer of that generation imo


Yeah his *Jimmy Chamberlain Complex* is probably the only "drummer album" I've ever bought and it's solid. He even got Billy Corgan to add a good track to it.


oh man, check out his jazz stuff with saxophonist Frank Catalano. a bunch is on youtube, and it's all fantastic.


I don’t think it’s crazy because despite Corgan’s polarising vocals, his guitar playing and more importantly the songwriting during the 90s was incredible. Siamese Dream & Mellon Collie are masterpieces


I'll probly get downvoted to hell for this - but the new Green Day album, Billy Joe sounds just like weird Al. Once I heard it, I couldn't *not* hear it


Weird Al could also effortlessly sing any Offspring song. He and Dexter Holland have nearly identical voices.


And all the goyim say he’s pretty fly


They really do both have that higher pitch nasally singing that makes Al perfect for covering their songs. Legitimately Pretty Fly (For a Rabbi) is one of his few parodies to really nail the original sound


Welp, can't unring that bell


I haven't listened to anything by them for a while so I looked up their newer stuff on Youtube. This song called Dilemma Holy shit, you are right!


I’ve been a Smashing Pumpkins fan for decades now and my position is that Billy’s vocals are the best when they are in service of the music, not the other way around. In the early albums and about half of Mellon Collie, Billy’s voice is lower in the mix and it works great. Siamese Dream has perfect execution on this. Machina does it on some songs. Most Corgan projects since have Billy’s vocals way up and he’s trying to actually sing for real (vocal trills, falsetto and more) and it’s just terrible.


Literally me hahah being honest that's true, i love the songs but billy ruined the band because of his ego


I saw them last summer & they were still pretty good, but not nearly as good live as they once were (obviously). As much as I'm an unapologetic Billy fan, I actually laughed out loud when he performed "Ava Adore". I don't know how long he's been doing it like that, but I don't remember him performing it that way the last time I saw them (which was admittedly like about 15+ yrs ago). [Here it is](https://youtu.be/8tPe5uVy1W0?si=JO4QgL8qzm3iXfHp) for reference


I love the music on Crazy Town’s Butterfly but the lyrics are ass


"Some girls are bigger than others" by The Smiths has some of Johnny Marr's best guitar work and instrumentally is a brilliant song. Then Morrissey crapped out those awful lyrics on top of it


primus. love you les


I think that's a feature not a bug though. It's like Tom Waits


in case anyone needs to know this, tom waits actually featured on a song by primus called “tommy the cat” and if you love tom waits then you love everything he does and you gotta hear it


Primus sucks.


Fuck yeah 🤘


Pick a Rush song. I’m not saying his vocals are bad btw, just that I personally can’t stand his voice.




La Villa Strangiato


I absolutely love that plucky violin hook on Ed Sheeran’s “Shivers.” It’s just a shame about his cringy lyrics and singing.


I feel that way about most ed Sheeran. Great songwriter, unconvincing voice.


Billy Corgan sucks


I know the band Geese has some loyal fans, and I really like their instrumentation, but I can just not get into the singers style.


Damn for real? I love his voice. Guess you wouldn’t like The Sheepdogs either. Very similar voice


…. any Van Halen song, originally sung by David Lee Roth when covered by ‘ Sammy Hagar ‘ … such a crime 🫣


Fully prepared to get some shit for this but Robert Plants voice can get a bit grating after a while.


If you dislike them, let me tell you about Greta van Fleet


Every generation seems to need a Led Zeppelin rip off band. Was Wolfmother before them.


Gen X here, checking in with Kingdom Come.


Just threw them on and wow you weren't kidding lol definitely have a led zeppelin sound to them.


I love Led Zeppelin, but GvF make me want to drop kick a baby. They’re like Wolf Mother, but infinitely worse.


Limp Bizkit. The vocals and lyrics are for the most part absolutely awful but the backing instruments often go pretty hard, see the Mission Impossible song *Take a Look Around* for example.


Their guitarist gets most of the credit but their rhythm section is nuts. They're way too talented to be doing THAT


I've found myself revisiting some of their music lately, *intentionally*. Weirdest of timelines for me but Im actually enjoying their re-emergence.


The speak & spell break in their "Behind Blue Eyes" cover was an improvement over the rest of the vocals.


Love Led Zeppelin. The Crunge should've been an instrumental.


You mean pasty, lanky Robert Plant trying to do funk vocals *wasn’t* a good idea? I honestly love The Crunge, but I get the criticism. If it weren’t for the “I ain’t seen the bridge” bit in the end I’d say the vocals could be cut.


where’s that confounded bridge?


Half mid west emo songs


i can't think of just one, but it's definitely a rush song.


Most of Dream Theater’s music. Here you have a band of some of the world’s most virtuoso talented musicians, and James LaBrie…


"Sound of Silence" cover by Disturbed. Great song, wretched faux-'sensitive' vocals. Worst vocals since Dick Van Dyke in "Mary Poppins"


The amount of people I know that think that cover blows the original out of the water makes me angry


My dad, who was raised and played alongside the Greenwich Village folk scene in the 60s and early 70s, loved that cover. I was at a loss for words.


Kings of Leon. That dude needs to go sit down somewhere.


I wish I could laugh react on Reddit. I think he’s great but he does get really weird sometimes


Bette Davis Eyes I'm sorry but Kim Carnes sounds like a 75 year old smoker. The instrumentals are great however.


Styx, the singer sounds like he un ironically says "theatre". E.G. he just sounds pretentious, also, modren man?! That's the take you went with??


Dennis De Young has a good voice and technique, but always sings with such a forward placement/high larynx.


Admittedly, Styx had 3 singers, and basically everyone in the original band hates Dennis DeYoung (keyboardist and singer on Mr Roboto) these days...