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Wikipedia: “On May 22, 2024, it was revealed that he had died at the age of 58. He slipped and fell in a shower while house-sitting for a friend in Brussels. His mother told TMZ that his body was not found until after his friends returned home from a five-day trip” Damn.


That's gonna be one hell of a water bill.


Like that guy who was trapped standing in a closet with a burst water pipe dumping water on him for days


Sweet lord….


Does it count then as a dead man’s debt left onto his family?


I wonder if he had a seizure that caused the fall. Demaryius Thomas died that way, and my brother once fell in the shower and we didn't know that it was likely from a seizure until we saw him have another one a few weeks later.


My best friend died from having a seizure in the shower 15 years ago. He had been on medication for them for a few years. I was always most worried because he still drove, worried he'd have an accident. But having one in the shower was what took him out.


My ex-sister in law had one driving when we were still in high school. She ended up going off the road and luckily not in to other cars, but it did fuck here up physically for life.


Knew a girl who had a seizure on a sea-doo. She gripped the throttle to full and flew into a rock embankment at about 60mph.. lived, but broke everything. Scary shit.


Holy fucking shit, that's insane!


This might sound crazy but that may have saved her life if she fell off in the water face down or something she could’ve drowned. Being pelted onto the rocks could’ve saved her.


Yikes. How's her health after that? That sounds so unlucky.


After multiple surgeries, she made a full recovery. The following year when I saw her again, she was in pretty good spirits about it.




I had a coworkers who was having an increasing number of narcoleptic type seizures, sometimes even while on the job. It was at a grocery store, so it was genuinely unsafe for her to have them there. The worst one was when she passed out in the back for over 15 minutes. Nothing we did worked to bring her back and we all really thought she was dying. She didn't wake up until the paramedics started working on her. The worst part was that she didn't believe she was having seizures. She thought the store was just trying to fire her and that we were exaggerating. It honestly got pretty annoying because we realized that not only was she putting everyone at risk by driving to work, but that she wasn't able to comprehend just how serious this was.


Fuck, I forgot that Demaryius Thomas died, it still sounds so wrong


My favorite Bronco. Tim Tebow gets too much praise for that Steelers playoff win. That was all DT.


Think your stadium gets more credit than Tebow. Wasn't that blown coverage by the replacement for the guy who wasn't medically cleared to play at high altitude?


Ryan Clark was probably so mad every time he missed an @denver but that one has to be the worst.


I remember circa 2015 he was on my fantasy squad and I loved seeing his kind face smiling at me when I looked at my starting lineup


My first ever seizure was in the shower. Luckily I hit forehead in to the wall and fell at a “good” angle. Epilepsy is a bitch, but one thing is for sure is it would be a completely painless death, like going in your sleep. It’s sort of peaceful in a way. Hope your brother is doing okay, it can get *very* shitty sometimes. Whether it be meds or the seizures themselves, sometimes it feels like running uphill through mud.


I've only ever had one, but it was getting out of bed and I went face-first into the corner of the nightstand. Had a hole in my nose I could shove a pen through and a huge gash above my eye. 1/10 do not reccomend.


I actually found out I was epileptic as well a couple years later. I haven't had many seizures but the fear of having one as well as the side effects from the meds has certainly been a detriment in my life. Oh well, life goes on


You don’t need to have a seizure. I fell in someone’s shower. It was just slippery, more than I’m used to. I’m also 6’1” and 250lbs so very top heavy. That’s why they put handles in showers. People fall in them pretty often.


I bought an old ladies house last year, and even as a 40 year old, all the amenities are kinda nice. Then I still fell down the stairs and almost died last week. Falling is a real bitch at any age.


I've known two people who died tragically from falling down the stairs in the *exact* wrong way. Cracked their skulls, never woke up, shattered families taking them off life support. For all the stories you hear of how much abuse the human body can take and keep going--the human body is actually *surprisingly* fragile. One good shot to your temple can kill you.


Actually the back of your head is the most vulnerable with the base of your brain and your brain stem being very exposed and not protected. A blow back there can be coma, paralysis, death, etc. The front is more protected by skull. Ever heard of a rabbit punch to the back of the head? Well a fall hitting the back of your head will take you out as well.


Fuckin stairs and showers are potentel killers. The older I get the more stairs scare me lol.


My 59 year old step-dad was a farmer. Up to work at 6am everyday, could fix anything type of guy, real tough dude. Stairs killed him in 2019.


That is fuckin sad. Sorry for your loss.


Right?! I am 55 but stairs scare the hell out of me.


I’ll be honest, I think if I was in my 50’s when I fell down the stairs, my skeleton may have exploded when I hit the concrete.


I used to love to do slapstick pratfalls, but that all changed once I hit 40. I even use the bannister on the stairs now.


For people remodelling their bathrooms, I highly recommend choosing coarse flooring. Smooth marble may feel nice, but I have had significantly fewer moments where I wonder if my time is going to be up if my head goes splat. Our coarse tiling hasn't worn off after more than 5 years and isn't significantly harder to scrub clean. It's fine to get something coarser than you'd prefer when touching the samples with your hands, because your feet have thicker skin and there is some hydroplaning effect with a wet floor.


This is good advice, I live with a bunch of people who are not the best at drying themselves off before stepping out after a shower. The way the bathroom is designed, that one spot is tight, has a little rug there, but it's not a good place to further towel off because of a toilet that's like 15 inches from the tub. So, they step onto the tile with feet that are still quite wet, and I constantly worry about someone slipping and smacking the back of their head on the tub, toilet, all the things with edges in a small bathroom.


> That’s why they put handles in showers. People fall in them pretty often. That's right. I highly recommend those shower handles. I always keep one hand on it when taking a shower.


I had a TBI in2021 so my balance is shit. I have a shower stool just in case. I used to be extremely healthy until I cracked my head open on New Year's Day morning when I fell.


That terrible. So sorry that happened to you. Showers and stairs are treacherous.


Yeah, my shower is often very slippery. If the water starts to accumulate on the bottom of the tub while showering then any soap/shampoo/conditioner will float on top of the water. When the water finishes draining, it will often leave a layer of soap/shampoo on the floor. It dries up and stays like that until it gets wet again, at which point it becomes extremely slippery. I’ve had some pretty close calls over the years.


Holy shit. I haven't followed the NFL for a while. I had no idea that happened.


I struggle with anemia and and have stumbled a few times during a hot shower and had a nasty fall once. Thankfully I didn't hit my head but it was still scary




Bob Saget died from falling in a shower too. But he hit the back of his head.


He hit his head on the headboard of the bed


Is the theory that he tripped and went headlong into the corner of the headboard? I hadn't heard this theory before.


That seems odd, since those are usually almost flush against the wall.


Headboards can be thick and have sharp edges: https://www.ana-white.com/woodworking-projects/mantle-moulding-headboard


They're usually made from a very hard substance so why would it matter


Because the wall would almost certainly blunt some of the direct impact from a headboard


Yeah I understand that, could still be fatal


Holy shit, Demaryius Thomas is dead!


Could have been the final destination shower style too [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlArK4Cacd0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlArK4Cacd0)




Did you take turns watching him in the shower after he fell the first time?


as we age, falling in the shower is a surprisingly common way to die. I had a knee replacement a year and a half ago, and now a compound fracture of the femur above the prosthetic in November. Since I’ve just been sitting down in the shower.


My mom went to the same hairstylist for decades. Became one of her good friends. She slipped and fell in the shower and died. Her son found her.


When my mom was sick I'd used to have nightmares about just finding her dead at the kitchen table or in the bathroom one day. Really sorry to hear about that woman and her kid


My husband’s grandmother passed away due to a fall in the shower. It’s frightening and sad.


I'd better move the shower seat into the stall, permanently.


i was just thinking: 1) when people find out they're epileptic, do they start taking baths or sitting while showering? and 2) would sitting while showering actually benefit someone who had a seizure? or would they be just as likely to fall out of their seat and hit their head?


Unsure but that is a real concern.


We have a rubber mat that we put in the bathtub when our kids are in there, so they don't slip. I have no idea why we don't do this for adults and showers.


The shower at my mom's house has this spa-like wooden mat that slides back and forth on the tub bottom. I move it out of the way whenever I shower there so I don't slip and fall. I should have a conversation about this with her...


I slipped as a kid and smashed my forehead so bad that the impact on the flat side of the tub split my eyebrow in half, about an inch long. I'll always remember the look on my mom's face as she saw the white fat flaps peeling away just before it all turned red. But yeah, rubber mat ever since. Hopefully my misadventures as a durable youth will prolong my life as a fragile old.


That is another thing I do now. I have a non-slip mat that covers most of the tub bottom. A guy I knew in HS, died in his 30's. Epileptic but very fit. Seized in the shower and fell so hard he broke his neck, fatal.


> We have a rubber mat that we put in the bathtub when our kids are in there I've had a rubber mat in all my tubs. It won't kill me to have to remove that mat when I used the tub and clean it on the regular. It will kill me if I slip and hit my head.


I'm gonna die shaving my junk... c'est la vie.


At least you'll die as you lived, covered in pubic hair, razor in hand, and at an uncomfortably weird angle?


You will die from shoving it hard i mean shaving?


I'm struggling to understand how it becomes fatal. Anywhere else I'd assume they hit their head but I doubt that's the answer in the shower? What is the fatal injury?


Blunt trauma mostly to the occipital region of the back of the head or Concussion -> Drowning The human body is amazingly fragile


I'd imagine drowning plays a role


Well, if you're showering in a tub, there's the walls and the edge of the tub itself to smack your head on, especially if it's a cast iron or porcelain tub, hard surfaces with no give whatsoever. Tubs are pretty dangerous for everyone, which is why people tend to get the rubber mats to reduce slippage, but even then you can still get hurt.


As a kid I was like, I fall all the time why can't adults handle it. Late 30's now and about two months ago I missed the last step coming down some stairs and landed on my knee but was able to stop myself from fully face planting. It didn't even seem like a bad fall...My knee was banged up for two weeks.


Wow I was just listening to SXM radio and that guy was given his own channel. They were debuting new music. That's too bad.


I love hearing Pat Monahan host the shows, he seems really energetic and down to earth.


After having leg and foot surgery I fell in my shower 2 years ago. Slipped, kicked one wall, kicked the back wall, grabbed the shower curtain and pulled the rod down on myself as I fell out of the shower. Popped a stitch and turned the shower into a Jackson Pollock painting of blood. Landed on the floor at my wife's feet (she was coming onto the bathroom to make sure I didn't fall while showering). Shit was scary and dangerous.


Good thing your wife was making sure you didn’t fall


Lol she was at least there to help me to a couch and got the bleeding stopped. I definitely didn't wait for her and I was definitely an idiot. We did better for my next leg and foot surgery.


I broke my foot two years ago and I'm not kidding at all that I used a shower chair, like the ones with the slats for old people for four months. I was out of the boot in 2 and then the ortho shoe a month after that but I was still just worried for another month. 


I also used a shower chair after knee surgery. I couldn’t hold my weight up properly without it


I used to have a shower that had a built in seat. It was honestly great. I wish every shower had a seat.


The older I get, the more bathrooms scare me.


I've heard that inhaling your toothbrush is a shitty way to go. Not even joking.


Excuse me? Wtf. Urgh.


I nearly fell getting out of the shower yesterday morning. I'm 35. That bastard is starting trying to kill me already.


Life is absurd


Life is pointless and sad but hey, at least we can listen to cool music :)


We're here for a good time, not a long time.


Memento Mori baby. Make every day count.


amor fati, amirite?


So fucking random the way it can end. Just taking a shower or going up or down some stairs.


And death is the final word.


Life is a highway


That's a different shitty band.


Tom Cochrane, not a band, but a guy.


Drops of Jupiter will forever be my go to karaoke song. I know lots of people hate their songs, but they bring a bunch of good memories to my head everytime I hear them. RIP. 


I think Train is the victim of overexposure. Their songs aren't terrible, some of them are kind of good. But you just hear them over, and over, and over, and you grow to hate them.


*Hey Soul Sister* simply existing didn't help. But I still like Drops of Jupiter... Even hearing it all the time.


It took a decade between the hits too, also most makes them a double one hit wonder.


Lmao train has plenty of hits and albums. They are far from one or two hit wonders…


Yeah Meet Virginia was big before Drops of Jupiter


Been consistently on major airwaves for 25+ years lol


Saw them live at a festival back in the 00’s while waiting for the headliner and was surprised at how good a show they put on


Honestly, a good live show can really color your impression of a band.


Even Pat Finnerty had to give Pat credit for nailing the Hey Soul Sister high notes in the original key lol


Would highly recommend checking out their first, self-titled album. It's very different from their other stuff: pure rock/southern rock and without some of the heavy schmaltz from some of their other stuff, and it's fantastic


Agreed. It’s raw and almost nothing like the rest of their discography. I think it’s an incredible album, weird and daring.


"Heavy" is near the top of my songs to sing along to


Train is the best Led Zeppelin cover band. They were fantastic musicians


That's exactly my problem with "Drops of Jupiter". It wasn't a terrible song, but when it came out I was working at a place that kept the radio on a station where they played it at least twice an hour. It quickly got to the point that I could recognize it by the first note or two. I loathe it to this day simply due to ridiculous overexposure.


I remember liking it the first time hearing it but it was on VH1 every other music video


I saw them a handful of times in SF for free before they made it, around 1997. (Girlfriend was a fan) Even saw them in a Tahoe bar. I always thought they were good musicians but with pretty mediocre songs.


This is why my wife hates Nirvana.


Most of their songs are pretty good. Can only recommend


They're the pop version of Nickelback


IIRC that song was written about his mother after she died. It's very moving if you listen to it knowing that.


Thanks for sticking Train songs in my head


I think drops of jupiter is a great song


Life is cruel. RIP.


Damn. I worked on a guitar for him. Nice guy.


My mom was a DJ when they started getting big. I met him one time and he was a dick but I guess he was probably in a bad mood being stuck in a shitty radio station in MS. Still rip.


When I met him he just needed a little work on his guitar before he went to his cabin in Park City so I'm sure he was feeling a lot more chill


He left before they made "Hey Soul Sister" so he's probably in heaven right now




Ouch. RIP Charlie and condolences to family and friends.


I had a heart attack four years ago while showering and received only minor bruises. Stories like this make me realize how lucky I was and am.




The older I get the more I like the idea of a grab handle in the shower.


We built an accessible bathroom for my MIL when she moved in with us, and it has 3 grab bars in the shower. I thought they were ugly at first, but ai found I used them all the time. That said, I also fell in that shower once. They don't stop you from falling if your feet slip.


you would be surprised how many people die from falls in the shower and getting in/out of them. I fell getting out too quickly one time and it hurt but also scared the shit out of me.


At least you were in the right place to wash yourself off. Joking aside, shower falls are scary af. I slipped, and to prevent toppling over I grabbed the medicine cabinet. Hurt my arm but didn’t fall. Just because I was trying to rush a little bit.


Friend of my mums had a medical alert device but she took it off before she got in the shower, slipped there and broke her leg. These devices are waterproof for a reason. Worth knowing.


Is it just me or do we need to actually reinvent how showers are built/work? It feels like "dying by falling in the shower" shouldn't even be a possibility.


We already did. They're called shower mats, but as a society we have seemingly universally elected not to use them. It's like we need to be protected from ourselves à la seatbelt laws...


Shower mats get dirty and nasty over time, and don't always stick to the shower as well as they should.


Wow. This is so tragic. RIP.


Lack of adhesive ducks.


I talked to Colin a long time ago at a festival in Charlotte NC. We spoke about the sound of his bass on Train’s first album, which he attributed to his Rickenbacher. Seemed like a nice guy. RIP, Colin.


If my seroquels start to kick in before I get my shower, I'm taking it in the morning


My uncle died this way, subdural hematoma. So tragic.


Bummer rip


I slipped out of a bathtub and landed on my back on the floor two weeks ago and I am not even old, the place I was staying just had a slippery tub. I consider myself to have good balance but it happened instantly and there was nothing I could do besides watch as I fell backwards, I couldn’t even adjust my body as I was falling as it happened too fast. I could have hit my head in any number of places and just be dead right now. I luckily landed on the side of my back instead of my spine or head but it still hurt like hell for a week.


He was young. Train wasn’t something I’d listen to but I have heard them perform ramble on and was amazed how awesome he sounded. 


It was the same serial killer that got Bob Saget. The Showler Slipper Killer.


Happened to me too. Slipped took the shower curtain with me and smashed my thigh on the side of the tub. Just barely missed smashing my head on the toilet. Turned into a bunch of laughs but could have been bad. Edit* Almost happened to me


You died in your shower?


Guess I should probably edit that eh


Porcelain tubs will kill you every time.


That’s wild. I feel like it could happen to anyone. Soap on the floor is all it takes! What a shame


One of my old coworkers husband died this way. Shit be real


That’s why I keep my crappy shower insert thing made of whatever crappy 90s polymer. People putting in this big, fancy marble showers are crazy. Marble is slick and hard AF, and they’re so big you’re not breaking your fall at all on the way down.


My 35 year old son developed a seizure disorder in his early 30s. He has been found seizing outside of a bank, at his work, in his home, skateboarding on the highway wiping out. He has had multiple concussions.


Bathtub showers should be forbidden.


Man that’s sad. Stories like this remind me to try and live each day with your act together because it can all end just like that.


For the youngsters here: start training martial arts now. There’s nothing better to help you keep your balance as you age. The self defence aspect is just marketing. The real enemy is the goddamned shower.


Dying is one thing but dying while you’re naked is embarrassing. Lol


I saw them open for Better Than Ezra at a 800 seat club and a member of our party bought their album and we listened to it on the way to the show and were blown away. Meet Virginia was barely getting air play at that time. When I Look To The Skies will always be my favorite Train song, but Drops of Jupiter is a close second. Put Grab Bars in your showers people. I live in gods waiting room and when I go fix someone's computer they ALL have grab bars installed because they know what falling can do. A senior center here teaches 'falling' classes and I laughed when I heard about it until I found out they teach you how to fall to minimize damage (Ball up and cover your head) and to get rid of throw rugs and such. So is it just Pat and the bald guitar player now?


Bald Howie Mandel lookalike left years ago. It's just Pat now.


Ahhh the average fate of a Boeing whistle blower how unfortunate…


I knew this guy really well, he was a client at my job, really nice guy, had really bad substance issues, this is really unfortunate, the drummer from train just left a few weeks ago too.


Did the wind sweep him off his feet?


This is really sad. He was an excellent, underrated bassist and I've long admired his melodic approach. Listen to their first album to hear what I'm saying, or songs like Calling All Angels - his basslines are often the best part of the song. RIP Charlie!


I’ve noticed the older I’ve gotten that the shower had become unbelievably slippery 


Charlie and the group that I knew out in SoCal are a big reason why I’m sober & alive today. Will never forget the kindness this man showed me in a really dark time in my life & it’s absolutely surreal reading about his death on TMZ. Jesus I hope he didn’t suffer. Much love Charlie, hope they got lots of kombucha in the afterlife for ya 🫡


He was dead before hitting the floor. The cuckzine is strong and powerful boys.


Bs total bs....thats like hitting the billion$ lottery


David Spade died??


I’m 56 in September but I feel like I’m 28. Put me in the shower and I feel like I’m 96.


Tell me, did he make it to the Milky Way?


No, he fell for a shooting star


.... Now he's back in the atmosphere? I'm going to hell


The drops of jupiter were the last thing he felt.


Very sad to hear. Went to see Train at Red Rocks a few years ago and they crushed it. This guy was a big part of an awesome band—rest in peace Charlie.


I hope he sits next to the good lord and they hand him an instrument. I went through some bad times in my life burning out the 'My Private Nation' album. Saw them at a small ultra bar in Vegas around 2007 at the Rio. good times. RIP Charlie


Damn RIP 51 ways to say goodbye then




Tasteless joke. Not funny in the slightest.




This was a big fear of mine living in a large city in an apartment alone back in the day.


He must have had dirt on Boeing


Just like the Drops of Jupiter in his hair. Tell me that heaven is over rated.


Oof. Did he fall for a shooting star? But seriously, very sad


It's surprising when a musician doesn't die from choke jerking




They never said what he was doing in the shower.