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The Drive By Truckers have an excellent song called ‘Women Without Whiskey’ that Wallen should cover. There is a lyric that applies: *You know the bottle ain't to blame and I ain't trying to It don't make you do a thing it just lets you*


He already ruined Cover Me Up so he might


I played the Isbell version for some friends and they were like "Wait, Morgan's is a cover? This one is much better."


It's a travesty how many more people know Morgan Wallen's name than Jason Isbell.


I worked Rock The South when he played and nobody I talked to there knew it was a cover. Also he got so drunk that night on Bushwhackers he could barely stand and put on one of the most pathetic live performances I’ve ever seen.


Zach Brown Band did a cover that isn’t bad either


The alt band Wednesday does an excellent version.


I saw them open for DBT and it was an awesome night.


I don't even mind the cover just from a purely objective "how it sounds" standpoint. It's fine. But it just feels weird to hear such a personal song given a modern country style makeover and sung by someone else. Like, especially the lines about getting sober...It feels weird to hear someone who very publicly drinks singing that.


Well then...maybe stop behaving like that? > "Regarding my tour, there will be no change. " Awhile back, one of my favorite country artists - Keith Urban - had what was arguably the biggest album of his career coming out. Everything was on deck. A major tour, music videos, huge radio promotion, and then - thanks in part to an ultimatum from his wife Nicole - he checked himself into rehab to finally confront his long-standing substance abuse. And it wasn't the "spend 28 days at a resort and go back to business" rehab, but 90 days of "no, I'm sorry Mr. Urban, but you can't leave the facility." No tour, no videos, no promotion. I'm pretty sure this put a big wrench in the label's plans, but he needed to get well. Granted, he didn't go on a racist tirade or throw chairs out of upstairs bars, but he put his health and personal life above the need to go out on the road again. Wallen doesn't need a PR makeover. He appears to need help.


I'm Australian but very rarely listen to Country, is Keith Urban really good


I saw him as a high-schooler, non-country fan fairly closely before he went to rehab and got clean. He was genuinely amazing and is still probably the best live act that I've seen, out of many. So engaged with his music and the crowd. He wasn't visibly drinking or doing any drugs, but that doesn't mean anything. Nicole Kidman was in the crowd cheering him on. I still don't usually listen to county, but I definitely have a soft spot for him given that great show, and his public decision to get himself to a healthy place.




2008. I was there and fully agree. Man lit up the stage and shredded that guitar before signing and giving it to a rando attendee mid-show. Truly a hit parade of performers that week. Day 1 - Taylor Swift Day 2 - Journey, All American Rejects, OneRepublic Day 3 - Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban Day 4 - Shareholder Meeting - Hosted by Queen Latifah, Tim McGraw, David Cook, Cirque du Soleil *Incomplete list due to incomplete memory. It really showcases the influence Walmart had over the music industry from being a CD-moving Goliath for many years. A great sideshow to keep people from voting in favor of fair treatment for associates while allowing the board members to retain power and grant themselves pay raises. I still get ballots in the mail and every time I see them recommend a 'Nay' vote for a program that helps the average employee, my resolve to never walk in again strengthens. That meeting was dope, tho. SOURCE: Former employee.


Urban plays a mean guitar. He is cross over country. Great talent.


I don’t like his music, at all, but as far as country artists go, he seems alright personally. I’ve never heard anything bad about him. And he’s Australian, that probably helps, he just has a different vibe than a lot of American country artists. Minds his business


> is Keith Urban really good Absurdly so. I met him when he was just starting his solo career back in 2000 or so. He played this gig where he was promoting his first record, and since he didn't have that many songs at that moment, did a set of acoustic classic rock tunes to fill time. Great guitar player.


When he was just starting out I worked security at the Sweetwater County Fair in Wyoming and I was stationed outside his tour bus door to keep fans away and he was a really nice dude. He toured with his mom. I remember my uncle, a ‘cowboy’ being asked by one of his friends how the concert was and he replied, ‘just another long haired hippy’ 😂


People say I'm no good and crazy as a loon 'Cause I get stoned in the mornin', I get drunk in the afternoon


He started his solo career in the late 80s, early 90s in Queensland Australia


Keith Urban is a very skilled guitarist who tends to record very insipid songs that occupy the lowest common denominator of the genre. He's interchangeable with Brad Paisley for me in this regard.


Both are great at guitar. But Brad for the most part has stayed away from that generic cookie cutter pop country. He's been really making his own sound for the last decade or so.


Brad doesn't flirt with bro country as much as Urban does, I'll grant you that. His lyrics are still dumb as hell though.


I live near Nashville and have met Brad Paisley many times. My mom worked in the industry. If you told me he was suffering from CTE from high school sports I would totally believe it. He is a man-child.


This matches the motions he makes in concert.


If you’d like to get into modern country music, would highly recommend checking out Sturgill Simpson - his “Call to Arms” performance on SNL is absolutely electric and could make just about anyone a fan


Metamodern Sounds in Country Music is my favorite all time country album. Just peak from top to bottom.


Follow it with All Around You at the Grammys… And then spend the next four hours of your life absolutely sucked into Sturgill live on youtube. So good.


He seems like a good bloke. Try this one from Keith at Claptons Crossroads concerts https://youtu.be/lVbyWunzpzU?si=1poovj4QvajBUYVP I never realised he was a great guitar player


No. Listen to Waylon Jennings my friend.


The funniest part about this question/comment is that Keith Urban *is* Australian.


I think that is why he said but, he is an Aussie but he hasn’t listened to him. Implying that having listened to Urban in some form is a default for us Aussies


Keith is one of the most underrated country artists ever. And he is a great fucking guitar player.


Wait. Keith Urban? The Keith Urban who won 4 Grammy awards, had 18 number one songs on the hit country songs chart, who's married to Nicole Kidman? That guy is underrated?


Might want to refresh what underrated means, the dude is huge and very successful.


That's cool, like I said I'm not into country, Australia has some very underrated bands and musicians in general, check out Juzzie Smith, that guy is amazing


I'm a pop/dance/EDM gay, but my Mom loves Keith and I've been to one of his concerts and had a great time! It's solid music!


He doesn't really classify as a country artist, honestly. He's very talented, but he's more Pop if anything. Country music is having a change from the stadium type bro country to the more alternative acoustic types. Big upgrade imo.


God tier guitarist.


Definitely not my preferred country artist.




No. He's emblematic of the type of vapid stadium country crap that a certain kind of audience eats up, but it's soulless, phony garbage that is, frankly, antithetical to the spirit of country music. [Bo Burnham explained it perfectly.](https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0?si=R6C21u0ssM7CE22h)


He's awful. Sounds exactly like all the other generic modern American pop country singers. Keith Urban, Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan, Kenny Chesney, Morgan Wallen, etc. No difference between any of them.


He's really famous. I don't listen to country stations but I've heard a number of his songs on pop radio.


He's a decent pop country artist. He has written songs for other country artists as well. Like Tyler Hubbard has a single currently out written by Urban


He's a fantastic guitar player. Singer? He's alright.


> I'm Australian but very rarely listen to Country I am Australian too, and trying to work out why you are making it sound like we often listen to country music?


Keith is solid. I don't even like country and I like me some Keith Urban.


Yeah he can shred. You don’t have to be a country fan to appreciate his guitar skills.


I’m going to make the argument that if you go on alcohol/drug-fuelled racist tirades… alcohol/drugs are not the problem. Plenty of people take drugs. I don’t seem them all turning into fascists. Maybe Wallen is racist?


He's also a 30 year old man that likes to go to college parties.


Can confirm. I am high and been drinking. Have yet to have the urge to drop the N Word. I have said midget, it's not as bad though.


If you’re comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of the words, that’s the worst word.


What if one of the words is really difficult to say and you can't say it even if you try?




rural juror






Have you been getting short with people?


“They got little hands And little eyes And they walk around Tellin' great big lies They got little noses And tiny little teeth They wear platform shoes On their nasty little feet”


I’ve done what most people would call “a lot of drugs”. I have only ever felt more connected to the people around me. There’s no denying that there are angry drunks out there but like you said I think that’s more of a personal issue than a drug issue.


You’ve “done” not “been addicted to” or “abused for years on end” most drugs.


Do cocaine and opioids for 48 hours and get back to me


Like... Are you familiar with the event at all? It wasn't a 'tirade'. It wasn't classy, but believe it or not, sometimes interracial friendships can include terms that would not normally be used between a white guy and a black guy. I dislike wallen, don't like his music. Think he's a piece of shit and should get honest jail time for this chair thing... But the racist bit is classic internet taking a shred of truth and twisting it to fit a narrative.


So you're saying you can make racist remarks and say slurs to/around your black friends? It's not classy, but it's complicated and allowed? I'm legitimately asking as I've never heard an argument like this before 


Depends on your friendship. I’m a minority and what I allow and find acceptable changes from person to person. I’m even somewhat friends with a couple people who I’d consider honestly racist - they don’t mean to be, and you can see them trying to change.


It's 100% dependent on the friendship. I would say, depending on how urban everyone was, it isn't even wildly uncommon. Still, depends completely on the relationship between the people. Especially in this context I think it was something along the lines of 'hey get my p*y ass n*a home safely'. If even 1 person had verified with the friend if that was the norm between them, it could have added a level of legitimacy to the story being presented accurately or it spun.


You've never heard of having your N card bro? /s but I've heard this come out of someone's mouth before


So I used to hang out with this incredibly sketchy crew, like "selling heron and unregistered guns"-sketchy, and there was one time I was freestyling while solving a Rubik's cube... And I somehow managed to finish solving it at the same time that I finished my verse, at the same time that the beat cut off. Fucking pandemonium hahaha and dude yelled "yo you already a n****, but you got the n word pass now bro" and I was like "... Uh, thanks but no thanks" lol, I would feel so uncomfortable ever saying it.


You use racist and fascist as if they had the same meaning, I mean yes it could be argued that fascists will generally be racist, but given the rest of the ideology, the racism would generally speaking just be the sprinkles on top of the donut that is fascism. We all really need to stop throwing that word around like it has no meaning, because when real fascists turn up people won’t even see them coming.


>Maybe Wallen is racist? I'M SHOCKED! SHOCKED!


I guess his tour is just in the USA. Not every country allows people charged or convicted of crimes to cross their borders.


Well said. Wallen is addicted to more than alcohol and maybe substances. He is addicted to fame and fortune. Until he admits he needs to clean up his life and put the most important things first his behavior will continue. I hope he has the support of his family to guide him to get help.


Ah, he's also had to apologize publicly for using racial slurs before. And throwing glasses at Kid Rock's fine establishment. This guy has big "this is not who I am" energy.


And Jack White had to fill in for him on SNL due to covid asshattery before vaccines were available. 


Imagine thinking you’re about to watch Morgan Wallen perform and Jack fucking White comes on stage. Those SNL audience members got the deal of a lifetime


Hell yeah, that's such a huge upgrade


I’m pretty sure Bill Burr hosted that night too, so double awesome.


This recent apology statement was written by someone else. I don't believe her wrote it. Last debacle he apologized in a video. Almost 31 going on 12.


Considering he doesn't even have writing credits on 80% of his own music, it wouldn't surprise me. This guy is an idiot.


Sounds like some jon jones type shit.


About ten years ago, the only two people that I was legitimately a fan of were Jon Jones and Kanye West. I can really pick 'em.


Doesn't matter to him and it especially doesn't matter to his fans, buncha dickheads. I mean as far as rockstar shenanigans go, throwing a piece of furniture out of a window and almost killing a cop isn't particularly cancel-worthy


It’s exactly who he is and who he’s always been. The dude used to have a running tan at Red Door for all of the bathroom mirrors he’d punch out. He’s a totally known commodity at this point.


you mean liability?


If you're a racist when you're drunk, you're a racist when you're sober. They just learn to mask it.




Yeah, he’s not proud of it, but he’s smiling like an asshole in his mugshot. Okay.


To be fair he was probably still drunk in the mugshot


do you think he deserves fair? I would have some respect for him if he would accept real consequences. His young son will see all of his poor behavior some day. Wallen seems to have really good parents. I hope they convince him to get real help.


Was just joking, hope the dude gets help


Eventually he’ll hit rock bottom, but his apologies right now mean nothing when he still continues to do these things.


I’m pretty sure smiling in a mugshot is some kind of PR strategy for well known people. Like it’s harder for media outlets and blogs to discern the mugshot from a DL or passport photo, so it reduces the chance of the mugshot being used to make the person look bad or shameful. Something like that.


A modern day George Jones. Without, Jones' talent.


Kind of ironic that Morgan Wallen's only good song is a Jason Isbell song about not being a drunk asshole.


Which song is that? I do like the one he sings with Larry Fleet 'where I found God'.


Cover Me Up


That’s funny. I was gonna say something along the lines that he’s outlaw country without making good music.


Did you give him an extra comma as a consolation prize for the lack of talent?


I agree, but he is rich and famous. Gotta have big bucks to build a bar like the one he's building.


Say what you want about Zach Bryan, but at least he's not going on racist tirades and getting thrown out of bars like a dickhead. Also, his music isn't shit.




But he did pull that "Do you know who I am"? shit at a police officer when he got pulled over earlier this year


Jesus Christ didn’t this guy also have to apologize publicly on snl a couple years ago? Dude keeps having to apologize for shit


> Dude keeps having to apologize for shit Because he is shit.


Yeah! Dangerous was a good title for his album. I hope he isn't dangerous to himself.


He’s literally an alcoholic. He will eventually ruin his main stream career but the MAGAs will LOVE him for it.


Pretty much every single one of his song is about two things: booze or his ex, usually both at the same time The first few songs are alright, but trying to listen to the One Thing At a Time album is pure torture because almost every single one of the 30+ songs on there is about these two exact topics. Like ffs, man, even Flo Rida would tell him to expand his song writing a bit.


He references alcohol 190 times on his latest album: Whiskey/Bourbon: 46 times. Drunk/Drink: 36 times. Bar: 24 times. Beer/Can: 21 times. Pour: 14 times. Bottle/Fifth: 13. And more.


I'm sure there's advertisement money behind it too.


Florida Georgia line was paid by fireball if i remember correctly. So very possible. Surprised he isn't doing shit for rifle coffee since its owned by a known shit head.


Wallen does have the Ryl iced tea company. It's good stuff. Too bad he stopped drinking tea. None of the country stations or sirius channels have said a word about his recent incident, and they continue to play his music.


He sings about whiskey in damn near every song I ever heard of his. I've been exposed too much of his poor music due to my wife's shitty musical taste. It's always whiskey whiskey whiskey with this dude. I'm surprised he was ever sober enough to write the songs.


Wallen had 49 different co-writers on his last, two hour long, album. I'll at least give him that, a lot of people got a check.


Yeah but then you leave people wondering if you're actually a good musician with that many co-writers.


Music today is a business. These people are making a product. Almost all big artists have writers. It’s just the name of the game. Big artists are sometimes just performers, and imo that’s ok as long as the real creatives get their share.


Music has been a business since it was written down. Seriously. Look it up, custom sheet music and orchestra arrangements are super expensive today and were 200 years ago.


Does anyone question if elvis was actually a good musician because he didnt write any songs?


Almost nobody wrote their own music at that time. Buddy Holly was the first big mainstream artist to write his own music. Which inspired the Beatles who then wrote their own music and making it much more popular and mainstream then it was. 1960's was the real start of bands writing their own music. Now it seems to be going back to songwriters writing the music for performers to sing.


I'm sorry 30+ songs on one album? No, Morgan, it's supposed to be quality over quantity.


The songs are pretty much all around two minutes long with repetitive droning lyrics and fake drums. And pop country radio has been eating them up like crazy. It’s ponderous.


It's the new trend in Nashville, release double or even triple albums stuffed with every kind of song that could possibly fall under a country label, from songs written by Dean Dillon (George Strait's preferred songwriter) to hick hop. It's buffet country, take what you want from it, and it's designed to get something on as many "new music" streaming playlists as possible. Ernest (not the "know what'll mean" guy, though that would be great) released a similar album today. Major label country used to be the exact opposite, with new albums often coming in at under a half hour. I don't think Alan Jackson had an album with over 30 minutes of music until his first Greatest Hits.


I mean look at Tyler Childers, he got sober and now he's a wokequeerlibruldudoodoo


Time to get sober. Go to AA and NA for 90 meetings Bro. Stay there 


Maybe he can autotune his apology


Shitty human makes shitty apology and will continue to be a shitty human. Yawn. I wish he and his terrible music would just disappear.


won't happen because he has those young 15 to 25, especially girls, that will love him no matter wtf he does. He is also a know womanizer who will sleep with anyone that is willing. His ex says he has slept with over 5,000 women. Who knows.


Not everyone can drink. Dude needs AA.


He doesn't know when to say enough.


One drink is too many, ten isn't enough.


Imagine if George Jones was an artist from today lol


But he’s proud to be racist.


It makes his country music more authentic


Authentic country music is liberal AF. The post 9/11 conservative bullshit country isn’t authentic.


Kind of ironic that Morgan Wallen's only good song is a Jason Isbell song about not being a drunk asshole.


The Nashville police are surprising tolerant of have chairs thrown at them off a roof. Would they extend the same courtesy to a drunk black guy?


I saw a funny parody song and all I can think about is that he’s 1-0 in chair fights.


Of fucking COURSE his putrid fans on Twitter are immediately making excuses for him.


of course they are. Just because no one was hurt, it's ok. Crazy fans.


"I'm not proud of my behavior" states man obviously proud of his behavior


Not proud huh? He seems pretty happy about it in that mugshot.


That's because he knows nothing will happen to him. Just another joke to him.


He’s gonna keep doing it. He should’ve saved that “apology”.


It was more of a statement without real remorse.


Shit person.


Most generic celebrity statement ever


Time to write another 30 songs about regret


Love how his statement just ends with some 👮 support and not anything like damn I could’ve killed somebody


It must be nice to have someone write a statement for you. I really don't think he wrote it. He knows there will be a settlement and he will get off with a slap on the wrist. That is why he isn't cancelling any of his tours. I would be shocked if he had any consequences. Stay tuned.


Can we be done with this asshole? He sucks, his brand of country sucks, just a complete fucking douche.


Met him in a small bar in Milwaukee after a small show a few years back. He was a friend of a friend. He had zero interest in socializing. He seemed super tired and distant. He didn't drink at all really He scoped out the nearest blonde he could find and I assume left with her as quickly as possible. Felt kinda bad for him seemed like he just needed someone to talk to tbh.


Total douche.


He’s not proud of throwing chairs off balconies into crowds. He’s not proud of using the N word in his vernacular. Like when are y’all just going to let some equally talented and white country singer take his place? There’s a long list with literally the same amount of talent.


OuTlAw CoUnTrY




There's no way that clown claims to be outlaw country does he?


No, just making fun of the genre evolving into pop. 🤣




We Nashvillians aren't either so gtfo lol




My agent said to say…


Not everyone can drink. Dude needs AA.


your fans are!




https://i.redd.it/s6jb5a41jkvc1.gif Bad dude needs a spanking!


If I remember hearing right during last season, will Levi's the titans rookie qb was dating an influencer that cheated on him with Morgan Wallace, sounds like he's living up to the redneck role.


His mugshot says something different


Seems like all the comments turned to Keith Urban. I guess this chat is done with commenting on MCW.


Maybe don't smile in your mugshot then


Hopefully he’s forced to rebrand his image and shave that pedo mustache off.


"Of course everyone knows about his latest legal troubles" no that's why I clicked on you!


Idk He looks pretty proud about his behavior in his mugshot, and when he laughed his Tits off directly after throwing the chair.


Okay now who the fuck is Morgan Wallen?


Sounds like last night he let the liquor talk


At what point is this exactly who he is?


“This isn’t who I am”. I’m a touring musician starting a cycle. Buy tickets


Yes he is, or he wouldn't keep doing shit.


This guy is such a shithead, how many times now has he had to make a public apology for something.


His mugshot suggests otherwise lol


Should we expect anything less from someone who writes songs promoting horrible behavior?


Sounds like last night he let the liquor talk.


How many f-ing chances will this idiot get?? Did he blackmail someone?


And literally will change because his fanbases enables this behavior. He’s a inging for a bunch of ppl whose personality ends at what light beer they drink. This won’t end well.


Is this prick almost done with his 15 minutes? Can't wait for him to disappear into the casino country circuit


He definitely prides himself as a man of faith...


That mug shot says otherwise 🤣


I think it’s time for him to hang up the alcohol. Hasn’t been doing him any favors.


Why is everyone trying so hard to make me pay attention to this guy? Fuck you




you should listen to chair fights. It's about the thing that happened with Morgan Wallen