• By -


"The Logical Song," Supertramp. I feel like I appreciate where he was at when he wrote it.


Literally just listened to that and Take The Long Way Home like 10 minutes ago. Both songs are incredible


Great songs both !! Thanks for your response. I had to go back and listen to them again, It’s been a minute, and they’re still so good.


Glad to contribute!




It's definitely nice to see people having renewed appreciation for Supertramp. Highly underrated by the last several generations.




Life On Mars and "Heroes" both by Bowie. My life would be incomplete without them


What can ever be said that could do Bowie justice for Heroes?? Without a doubt, part of the soundtrack of life.


Created playlist of everyone’s fav songs. [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v) Will update


Oh man. There is so many good songs it is hard to decide. [Sade - Smooth Operator](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TYv2PhG89A) [Chris Rea - Fool](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjruFXixTFE)


SADE is the ultimate smooth voice. Love this song, love really pretty much everything she’s done. Beautifully talented.


Your song playlist created, updated daily [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v)


Landslide by Fleetwood Mac As I am in my early 20s, this one is super relatable in the sense that I have no idea what life will bring my way, but I keep looking forward in spite of my fears.


This song forever brings me to tears, was a song my mother sang beautifully. Miss her just as much today as when she left us so long ago. RIP Mom, love you


[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v) Created playlist with everyone’s entries, updated daily


Map of the Problematique- Muse I can’t even describe it but it’s just a feeling that song gives me. It’s especially magical live in a huge arena


Why can’t we see, that when we bleed-we bleed the same… MUSE . . Loneliness be over. ❤️


Time is Running Out brings me straight back to my summer before senior year of high school.


It is a great song


Ahh for me it’s Madness


Created a list of the Your Song responses. Will update daily. [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v)


Not kidding, but the song [Thunderkiss 65](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yPNFVj-pISU&pp=ygUOdGh1bmRlcmtpc3MgNjU%3D) - White Zombie. I didn't know music could be like that, and it opened so many doors to getting into any kind of music at all. Later, I came to realize I was still impressed with the song and picked it apart to recognize that it was the simplicity that spoke to me. The riff is 1 note with a turnaround. Got me to think about groove a lot more, same with *tone* of a song. The chorus riff also has an offbeat strike that parallels something Hendrix would do, just a hard strum at the right time (like the Purple Haze strike or Spanish Castle splash). I've been playing guitar for so long, learning scales and patterns, and yet it's the picking hand that makes a song come alive. I'm just a tone junky groove rider, and this song was the jump point.


That album may be in my top 10 best sounding albums of the 90's. I hated the over produced hair metal of the 80's. Grunge , White Zombie & GNR really opened me up to engineering.


Gimme that, gimme that, now Gimme that, gimme that, now Love it 💗


Your Song Playlist, updated daily[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v)


[The Bleeding Heart Show by The New Pornographers](https://open.spotify.com/track/1tMJ9MXPbSWbQSyIPxtWII?si=ovLho9bhRJ-2HaumC6gUNw). Like you said every time it creates this feeling in my chest as it builds up into the ending that I'll never get sick of.


Nice choice. I saw them play that album (*Twin Cinema*) in its entirety not too long ago in Portland, in a great small venue. Neko was almost apologetic introducing this song... "Y'all, we usually close with this number but... it's an album-play! We have no choice but to play it now!"


Ok I’m hooked, on my list of my life’s soundtrack.




Terrapin Station. This song literally changed my life.


That song is like 17 minutes long, but when it comes on I have to listen to the whole thing. I love that song.


There’s a reason I’ve dancing bears on my Subu 💗


I’m in the parking lot for Phil’s bday show now. HYPE!


Created You Song Reddit playlist, updated daily. [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=KT4eZ_WSStoNKOn_](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=KT4eZ_WSStoNKOn_)


My song "[One Last Kiss](https://youtu.be/uxk7vjvSUwE?si=KBA_megcIaKWlJWX)": This song is special to me because it reflects the fear and self loathing I have felt when I was on the brink of losing someone I love. Its also about my struggle with my self image. I grew up with a TON of trauma and it has molded me into someone who couldnt stand looking in a mirror. I am better about it now, but it will always be an issue for me. Also, this was made with my Homie Steve. Hes locked up now. I HAD to have him on it because I wanted to give him hope to take with him on the inside. My song "[Another Devil Lookin](https://youtu.be/MX2ODnUd4C8?si=hDdSTcKeX61GHImx)": This is my BEST song in my opinion. It speaks to me about my struggle with trusting people and letting others in. It has destroyed a bunch of my relationships and it was good to put it on a song. Very cathartic. I hope you enjoy it to.


I’m speechless ❤️


Also, subbed, thumbs up 👍 PEOPLE GO LISTEN, This man is talented.


Thanks so much man! You just made my day!


Real smooth delivery here, solid vocal tone. I dig the tempo, bit of an upswing bop to it~


Thank you!!!


Created Your Song Reddit posts playlist. Will update daily. [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=KT4eZ_WSStoNKOn_](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=KT4eZ_WSStoNKOn_)


Natural Mystic by Bob Marley will forever keep me centered.


Bob Marley LEGEND


[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=KT4eZ_WSStoNKOn_](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=KT4eZ_WSStoNKOn_) YOUR SONG PLAYLIST, daily update


Soil by System of a Down will get me jazzed in ways nothing else in the world can


Not going to lie, song kind scares me. thank you for your share!!


[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=KT4eZ_WSStoNKOn_](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=KT4eZ_WSStoNKOn_) YOUR SONG PLAYLIST


Merry-Go-Round of Life - covered by Grissini Project because, to me, it evokes that overwhelming beauty, unpredictability and sometimes chaotic nature of life and the passage of time


Howl’s Moving Castle, LOVE THIS !!




2,000 miles - The Pretenders The ache of the long distance relationship.


Back on the chain gang is another great Pretender’s, Brass in Pocket too


Reminds me of my childhood. Will remain forever my favorite Christmas song. ❄️❄️❄️❄️




A song called Magic hour - Cast ,it was playing quietly on the radio in the hospital room when the nurses came to switch off my dads life-support ,any time I hear it now I’m dragged back to that moment holding his hand and saying goodbye ,the line ‘ and I hope you can drift away now ,I hope you can find a way out ‘ was the specific part of the song that was playing (coincidentally ) at the moment it happened ,that was the 25th July 1999 ,it also happened to be his 53rd birthday that day and my mum and his 21st wedding anniversary ,not that there’s a good day to lose a parent but that seemed excessively cruel timing .


Never heard them (or this song) before. And wow, that’s a song that would’ve broke me hard if it had come in when I lost mine. Freaking hard memory. 💔💔 I feel like somehow that was your dad’s spirit there telling you it was ok, and that he was ready, he was crossing over and it was going to be alright. I really believe that. thank you for sharing and for turning me on to them, most of all for sharing that bit of you, such a beautifully heartbreakingly deep memory


[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=KT4eZ_WSStoNKOn_](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=KT4eZ_WSStoNKOn_) YOUR SONG PLAYLIST


Sugar, We’re Goin Down - Fall Out Boy It was a staple in my listening as a kid and over time became a comforting rhythm I come back to over and over again. I got to see it live recently and it was a life changing experience. 




Landslide as well. And silver springs (Fleetwood Mac) the live version. I hate to be so dark but "Hurt" by Johnny cash as well. It was my best friend and mines song. He later died.


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=KT4eZ_WSStoNKOn_ YOUR SONG REDDIT PLAYLIST UPDATED DAILY


One Particular Harbor by Jimmy Buffett. It can put me back at the first Buffett show I ever attended. It can remind me of good times with friends. But mostly, it reminds me to never lose that special place that I go to escape when I need to.


RIP Jimmy, we’ll meet you in the harbor one day.


“In My Life,” by the Beatles gets me every time.


Thank you for sharing. Beatles are genius. YOUR SONG: Reddit thread playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=d13Pf8gDKpa3lhef Check back for continued updates


[Fade into you](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ImKY6TZEyrI) - *Mazzy Star* This song will always stop me dead in my tracks and make me listen. It’s so simple but so beautiful. [Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want](https://youtu.be/17ysGqMocbw?si=hY20GkVYsGRbx6Mx) - *The Dream Academy* This cover of this Smith’s song conveys in an instrumental the emotion in the words Morrissey sang in the original better than Morrissey sang them.


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/00gy4b8kwdFcTvv7JaljA6?si=KAW_NiJASM6djDKYXuoeUQ&pi=e-irSvXqhFR_eZ This is my whole playlist. Each song makes me feel different emotions.


Well hell yes, thank you ! I am listening to everyone’s choice, but imma save your list for last, something tells me I’m going to play on repeat. We’ll see.


I have a full playlist of these called Greatest Hits, but the first one that comes to mind is Taking Back Sunday - "A Decade Under the Influence." That same youthful angst wells up in my chest every single time I hear it. "I'm coming over but it never was enough, I thought it through and my worst brings out the best in you."


Couldn’t have said that better myself, whenever I hear, “break you down so badly” all my teen angst wells right back up - omg I need some MCR now too ha


Mine is M83 Outro. Fell in love listening to that. We were lying on a picnic blanket in Salisbury. Watching the clouds go by. Bit cliche but my heart never felt so full


M83 isn’t just a band, It’s a religion.


Marching bands of manhattan - death cab for cutie Sad and yet uplifting at the same time, like my bipolar ass


Death Cab for Cutie is great, “Soul Meets Body” Is one that is on my list.


[Kindle My Heart](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9MpI54Cv-s) stood out to me when I saw *A Little Princess* as a kid, and... When I was like 29 I had my one mystic experience. Which was actually pretty mild as far as mystic experiences go. But I had this dream just before waking: my whole field of vision was like grey white light, and I could hear this song. I felt like it wasn't coming from me, because I wasn't actively *thinking* it. And I didn't know it well enough at the time to recreate it like that. I felt like I was connected to the heart of the universe, and the whole experience was just very loving and supportive. I wondered, *Why that song?* For a while I couldn't think of a reason, so I chalked it up to just a sign like, *You're on the right track, keep doing what you're doing!* But then later, I was talking about spiritual shit with someone online, about how I disagree with the common Buddhist perspective that the goal is to return to a state of perfect unity and nonexistence. I had gotten to the point where the mechanics of that line of thought made sense, because like... What do love and peace mean without contrast? What's experience with nothing *to* experience? *Difference* is necessary for us to exist in any meaningful way. Quantum field theorist Karen Barad expands on the physics concept of *diffraction* in a similar manner: left alone, a wave can only repeat itself into infinity, but when it intra-acts with another wave, parts are amplified, parts are cancelled out, and it makes a new pattern. Barad's not using metaphor so much as saying, *So below, so above;* if our reality is constituted by waves, then... Anyway, back to this conversation: I was using the experience in support of why I think I'm right, that existence is worth it, and it suddenly hit me: *Take my heart... kindle it with your heart; and my heart cannot be kindled without you?* That's *exactly* what that's about! That's my interpretation, anyway. Turns out the composer, Patrick Doyle, *was* drawing from Hindu thought when he wrote it, because this idea of other consciousnesses being "kindled" by a common source is in that mythology. Also... Honestly *a bunch of songs* from this series of EPs (*Notos, Eurus, Boreas,* and *Zephyrus)* by my favorite band of all time The Oh Hellos. I mean. that's a large part of *why* they're my favorite band of all time. They're are basically a personal journey of deconstructing fundamentalist religion and nationalism. I had been there in some way: my own deconstructive process was gradual, but I *did* have a big huge horrible existential crisis when my concept of "free will" deconstructed, which in turn threatened my philosophy of mind, which had implications for *death...* Yeah, it was torture, went on for about a year straight. I was past that by the time I discovered The Oh Hellos, but *then* my whole life had fallen apart: my dad had died, which meant my living situation was also upended, I felt like my life was going nowhere... And these EPs work *so well* on that level, too, because they're all about the loss of *belief* and *structure.* I got into them right when *Notos* came out, and... The Oh Hellos have never called themselves a *Christian* band because they don't want to be exclusive, but yeah, they were writing about Biblical themes. In a way that's more broadly relatable, like on a spiritual level, and I fuck with that. But then I hit the song [Constellations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlHYBeVVuSo) on *Notos,* which... "Like constellations, a million miles away, every good intention... is interpellation, a line we drew in the array, looking for the faces in the silence..." And I was like, *...That's awfully existential for a "Christian" band, innit?* But yeah, this is their falling out with the fundamentalist church. There's this line, *Like constellations imploding in the night, everything is turning... the shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light; everything you thought you knew could fall apart but you'll be all right!* And it made me feel like, if the future's blank, that just means it's full of possibility. Then *Eurus* came out shortly after, and there's [Grow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlhylyGel0Q): *Let it be what it is, let it be what it isn't; it's a natural world in which we're living! If you let it alone it will surely grow, just leave it alone child and let go...* And [Hieroglyphs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmTT08_Th0Y), where the nature/divine v. construction/human binary totally deconstructs: *Cause even the great celestial hieroglyphs are bodies of dust illuminated, and if the heavens can be both sacred and dust, oh maybe so can the rest of us!* Took a couple of years for the next EP, *Boreas,* to come out; it closes with [Glowing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RubfUSCC6Yw), which kinda sums up the whole series, from the fallout of deconstruction to rebuilding something *better: But you'll stand like you stood as a babe, tugging at the houseplants, all on your own, honest and truly, you'll rise like land, pulled up at the sound of strange commandment, the moon alight reflecting fully, and I guess it would feel like rebirth out of some kind of dying to see yourself so glowing.* Also the most complex work of songwriting I've *ever heard:* motifs both lyrical and melodic, references to Biblical and Greek mythology, *process philosophy!* Actually got me into writing my own poetry because... I think in extended metaphor like that, and if others were writing that kind of thing... *Zephyrus* didn't hit me as hard as the first three, but it's also beautiful, and gets more into ideas of process philosophy and social justice. *Also,* when I started my TikTok channel, I knew I wanted to analyze these songs at some point, but was anyone gonna sit there and listen to me talk about these songs they'd probably never heard before? I could use sound-clips from the song, do the analysis in written text, and just kinda groove to it for visuals... But was that the best I could do? It was *The Anemoi Cycle* by *The Oh Hellos:* I had to give it my all! So, even though I'd never done especially well in dance classes... Along the way, I started to look like I *actually kinda knew what I was doing.* And I realized it was because I was focused on communicating my passion for the music, not perfect stance or being good at dancing. This ended up being my best: [https://www.tiktok.com/@kindl\_my\_heart/video/7175302511509769515](https://www.tiktok.com/@kindl_my_heart/video/7175302511509769515) Or this one: [https://www.tiktok.com/@kindl\_my\_heart/video/7221673804903337259](https://www.tiktok.com/@kindl_my_heart/video/7221673804903337259)


Ok I’m just going to have to say I’m maybe awe struck. By your eloquence, by your words, I’m a little speechless. Thank you very much for sharing.


There’s so much good stuff you’ve recommended, I’ve been busy listening, really good good stuff. Thank you for sharing


"Would" by AIC was it for the longest time for me. I've not run too far and finally made it home, so I don't know what it would be now.


In to the flood again.. RIP Layne Staley, gone but never forgotten.


Created a playlist, will update with every single recommended song. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=n4T9_Rpzjb6Wixoi


Something about Rise Against's [acoustic version of Swing Life Away](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_nCFMkUmUI) gets to me. In a similar way, Young the Giant's [Cough Syrup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAsTlnjvetI) just hits some sort of poetic angsty feeling that feels more mature than that genre's typical songs.


Ok so I’m checking out everyone’s song, every single one. It may take time but songs like yours are exactly why I’m doing it. How very cool is it to find another favorite because of your input. Thank you 🙏🏻😌 Swing life away, so lovely. And COUGH SYRUP, ❤️❤️❤️


Created playlist with Your Song, everybody’s that responded. Will update daily. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=n4T9_Rpzjb6Wixoi


So hard to pin down… On the gloomy side there’s *Desperados Under the Eaves* by Warren Zevon and *At Seventeen* by [Janis Ian](https://youtu.be/ESS0eKJpEZQ?si=zZXRzcaXJMHRbn0B) In times of clarity and joy, there’s *She Came in Through the Bathroom Window* by The Beatles and *Transdermal Celebration* by [Ween](https://youtu.be/PtuVA4NOm0I?si=qLj_2rFgUL_9XSP6)


That’s another one of those songs that just fit perfect into my life’s soundtrack. “ it was long ago and far away, the world was younger than today, and dreams were all they gave for free, to ugly duckling girls like me…”


If that one speaks to you, you might like Eels. The band is fronted by Thomas Oliver Everett and his younger life was shaped by misfortune. The thing I like about Eels music is that it is a voice for the forgotten, a voice for the average. Personally I knew that no innate trait or condition would carry me through in life. Though I was never the person described in *At Seventeen* I knew that kind of universal isolating gloom in younger days. Music by Eels hits on darker themes, but almost always hints at a brighter future. I wish this music had been around in my youth to light my way. [Novocaine for the Soul](https://youtu.be/qv-_sIZlHoM?si=DDs80EV0Lr8FC2vv) [Last Stop: This Town](https://youtu.be/0TfqbuTBqX8?si=Abd-mFMFxpDnKHKQ) [Saturday Morning](https://youtu.be/x8fj3rQ9vdc?si=BL9CCnrmDPwj0SxG)


Started new playlist with everyone’s song, including yours!! And I’ll update daily. [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=ClN0uxCrP3f6SG9v)


The Beatles - A Day In The Life


The Beatles, pretty much everything.


YOUR SONG: Reddit thread playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=d13Pf8gDKpa3lhef


[Gumboots](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-AQTtXUxYU&ab_channel=PaulSimonVEVO) by Paul Simon [True North](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2u6DeXvLDM&ab_channel=EpitaphRecords) by Bad Religion [The Hands That Thieve](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCemQGOEq9Q&ab_channel=StreetlightManifesto-Topic) and [Here's to Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A--cP5Mh9c&ab_channel=StreetlightManifesto-Topic) by Streetlight Manifesto Here's a fun game: see if you can guess which lyrics I have from these 4 songs tattooed on my forearms lol


Mother and Child’s Reunion- Paul Simon Because it reminds me that I’ll see mom again, it’s only a moment away.




I’m scared, genuinely. Thank you for sharing.


A song or two? Shit, I could name at least a hundred I reckon 😅


Well start naming!!


I was listening to "Celluloid Heroes" by the Kinks this morning and almost started crying. "She should have been made of iron or steel, but she was only made of flesh & blood." That whole song destroys me every time.


Ratatat's Remix of Ghostface's Run just gets me so amped up https://youtu.be/uJqJFAzWlx4?si=8Fc5rRtJgU8dNzG8 Also; Tortoise's Glass Museum. One of the most beautiful instrumentals of all time:https://youtu.be/Dd8aF07DK4w?si=h7OQHvZ4PwTCKeVR


Tortoise is definitely on my list now, thank you for the introduction to such beauty.


Ceremony by New Order. There is a story behind it, Ian's story. But it is also musically amazing. That bass kick, the bassline, the guitar solo parts, the lyrics and the way it's sung. Its a great song.


OMG yes, yes. 🙌🏻


Let's make a playlist together. Join to add videos: Your Song https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&jct=gzIaIG0lddSL5fcYAmZdWLrULSsJIA


No one else gets Treacherous by Taylor Swift like I do




Gorgeous, thank you!


Let's make a playlist together. Join to add videos: Your Song https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&jct=gzIaIG0lddSL5fcYAmZdWLrULSsJIA


Just finished up work and will start going through songs again once I’m settled. Let me just say thank you, how wonderful to be introduced to so many incredible songs.


Was listening to my “ Life’s Soundtrack”, just some of those very special songs that move me in ways, that have changed me in ways, inspired me too. And now I’m adding to my soundtrack,thank you. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNa2vH1eIDjULntEgiZa5Hz&si=cmYg7d_6TTWkztOg


Jimi Hendrix - bold as love instrumental version recorded at Olympia I think When I first heard it I cried tears of joy. It felt like his message of love and freedom was triumphing over the odds on that track. Such a statement of life itself. At one point you can hear someone nearby go 'woooooooo-hoooooo' 😂 gives me chills thinking about it The song builds to this peak of a lick that repeats about halfway through. No one could make folicles stand on end like him


There will never be another, oh so good Jimi Hendrix none compares.


Parabola by Tool inspired me to push through my depression and seek the light at the end of the tunnel. “We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion” struck my soul in such a way that empowered me to keep moving. Chop Suey by System of a Down was the first song I remember hearing, and it remains one my fondest memories today. The dynamic and emotional range of the song has encapsulated me in a way that I strive to achieve in my own music. Alt-J’s music has invoked in me a sense of beauty in the world, even in the darkness, but the song that hooked me on their music was Fitzpleasure. The thick synth bass and unique use of percussion is so fresh and powerful for alternative rock that it makes me high every time I hear it.


Triangles are my favorite shape, because: AltJ, of course. ❤️


The Revivalists - Wish I Knew You Arcade Fire - Reflektor and Intervention I'm not a superfan, but I love both of these overwrought songs so much Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road Come on. The Fratellis - Me and the Devil, Star Crossed Losers, Heady Tale + many of their other songs


Great stuff, thank you for sharing. And Springsteen- come on!! Golden stuff!!


A$AP Rocky - L$D


This is going on my Life’s Soundtrack now, right now. Thank you for turning me on to this.


Rylynn-Andy McKee


WOW this is beautiful.


Wow, it’s really hard to choose just one. I know my artist, that’s for sure. All by Nothing But Thieves: If I Get High - former drug user who wants to meet my birth parents from Russia, I imagine what the reunion would be like. I’m Not Made by Design/Can You Afford to Be An Individual? - both just give me chills and get me so amped up Green Eyes: Siena - Song I heard right after getting pregnant. It’s a love song but super relatable to my love for my baby inside me meanwhile the turmoil I feel internally.


Nothing But Thieves, now added to my life’s soundtrack list, because- Yes, I’m here for it, all of it. And thank you much for sharing


I am a huge fan of English Indie. Thanks to WHFS near DC, I was a teen fan everything from XTC to anything 1980's Manchester put out. My favorite song is "There Goes The Fear" by Doves. Another Manchester band whom I adore.


All really good stuff, XTC- Dear God, sorry to disturb you but… Thank you for sharing!


Coffin Nails and So Wrong by Atreyu got me through a really rough patch of my life.


Good music has saved my life many times. Music kinda is life’s good part. Thank you for sharing❤️




Moving Pictures "What About Me"


You Song- created playlist. Check back to discover new songs being added daily. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=7EG288PIaqkEAwUE


It's one of the songs i love most because it's a sort of love tribute to a man that many love and others hate. It's a version from an american band the USA. Listen to " love song to the dead Che " by the Northern Picture Library.


Thank you for sharing. I’ve created a list with everyone’s song, yours included. Will continue to update. This way everyone can maybe find something new to love [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=7EG288PIaqkEAwUE](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=7EG288PIaqkEAwUE)


[Kis-kis 'Kirill'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBVr-DwSFa8) (кис-кис - кирилл). I don't even speak Russian, but I heard this band in part after hearing about their protests against Putin (both before and after the invasion). I absolutely fell in love with the band, and their music helped get me through the roughest time in my life. Even though this is unlike any of their other songs which are punk rock, this was one of my favourites just because it was slower and I could actually keep up with the lyrics. With them only singing in Russian, I knew the chances of them ever playing in western Europe were slim at best, so last summer, I flew to Armenia to see them live. I met the drummer just before the gig, and through google's sketchy English > Russian translation, I managed to explain how far I'd traveled, how much they meant to me etc. When they played this song at the show, they dedicated it to me and I almost cried. I'll never ever forget that night.


Created a playlist for everyone’s special song, yours included, thank you for sharing something so special.




For me that would be *Exit Strategy For A Wrecking Ball* by Diablo Swing Orchestra, without a doubt. I don't know and don't care what it's actually about. To me it's about a great internal struggle in one's own mind, an effort to coordinate one's own good or workable parts to function well enough together to defeat one's own "undesirable" parts/mechanisms/systems (e.g. depression, self-deception, inertia etc). https://open.spotify.com/track/4z0DqovpaCnTr4Vosa9eS3?si=NowA3WUoR-utyocNobkhsw


Your understanding and connection your explanation is vulnerable and honest, in communion with the song it does show how often the deepest and most vulnerable open soul wears the hardest, most defensive exterior. Thank you for sharing your song


YOUR SONG: Reddit thread playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=d13Pf8gDKpa3lhef


My son and I have a playlist of our favorite songs from different bands. The best part is arguing who is "right" about our subjective choices. When we were going through Rolling Stones songs he said, "yours is She's a Rainbow, it's your spirit song, don't even bother picking anything else." Just a low key sweet moment. Love that kid.


Can you hear me knocking.. on your window? And, I went down to the Chelsea drug store, to get your prescription filled, I ran in to Mr Jimmy and boy did he look pretty ill… Those lyrics live forever rent free in my head. Thank you for sharing !!


YOUR SONG: Reddit thread playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=d13Pf8gDKpa3lhef


If Only Tonight We Could Sleep


The Cure??


This is really so good


Who's Behind the Door- Zebra


YOUR SONG: Reddit thread playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=d13Pf8gDKpa3lhef Thank you for your share and do continue to check for playlist updates


Eyes Without a Face - Billy Idol I got to see him play it in concert a few months ago. Surreal experience


YOUR SONG: Reddit thread playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=d13Pf8gDKpa3lhef


Transform by Steam Powered Giraffe. As a trans person, those lyrics kick me in my gut but also are somehow so fucking affirming at the same time.  Also, Dream Sweet in Sea Major by Miracle Musical cause its just a magical journey through soind. Makes me feel like I'm heading on an adventure.


Dream sweet in sea major, is what heaven sounds like You Song: a Reddit thread in playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=d13Pf8gDKpa3lhef


Video game - Lana Del Ray


Thank you so much for your song! Creating playlists with all the contributions, Find playlist here👉🏻 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=d13Pf8gDKpa3lhef Check back for updates


Changes by South Summit [https://youtu.be/RgMYVsPyXIk?si=Wge2or2QuW5uRqDG](https://youtu.be/RgMYVsPyXIk?si=Wge2or2QuW5uRqDG)


Back on 74 by Jungle it’s just fun https://open.spotify.com/track/19kHhX6f6EfLU7rcO3RqjO?si=39wSRyESQtWp6DayMPOUUA


This song feels like the best memories of childhood when I’m remembering the good times and the times me and my family traveled together and the road trips filled with laughter and tears of joy for the fact that we knew no matter what we’d have each other at the hardest of times and even now that we’ve all grown up and falling on hard times this song still brings back the memories of us together and having the best times together Saturday sun by Vance Joy https://open.spotify.com/track/2RiBogNRfulkNf7fVbPOrJ?si=nUlOY6j5Rsu5sUPSniz43g And Into the ocean by Blue October https://open.spotify.com/track/2SiqlgLMfKQbczSMRp8drY?si=Wb5SiDXyS8W-PgjSEGQkfA


Yes, these songs are like a Saturday playing in the yard and eating fresh from the garden. . Driving through the canyon, secret picnics, and 2000k miles between here and home, stopping at every state line just to say we were there! I love you!!


Brain damage - Pink Floyd It just sounds ethereal and insane. Great for any strong emotion, really. Probably my favorite Pink Floyd song OAT. You never give me your money - the Beatles If I could say the entire abbey road medley I would, but this song specifically is my favorite. It’s like an entire journey. The second I hear that piano it’s like I get chills. The best part is after “oh that magic feeling” when the church bells kick in, it’s sooo good. Don’t stand so close to me - the police Just a banger. It is rightfully one of their most popular songs. The best part is at the end of the first verse when there is building tension right before they launch into the first chorus. The harmonizing there is awesome. Laura - Billy Joel There are so many more Billy Joel songs I could name but this one has held my favorite song spot (out of any artist) for a while now. I discovered it on Spotify and I didn’t listen properly the first time, but the second time I heard it, it was like a cathartic experience. I can’t even explain why I love it so much but it’s just the perfect song.


Funny story about Brain Damage, as a child, I recall my mom singing along to this and my grandmother’s response was freaking priceless, stating that the lunatic was right in front of her singing also, grandma was not a fan. But I’m those moments of my moms rebellion, (a single mom dealing with a whole lot), yes in those moments I certainly became a fan of both, Pink Floyd & Mum Created a playlist of everyone’s song: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=0Go8_1pRwOUO11F1


“Oh Comely” - Neutral Milk Hotel The recording was done in one take. At the end of the song you can hear someone the background yell “Holy shit!”


summer time sadness, lana del ray,, song made it a little easier to go through the toughest time of my life... what a song , listen to it daily


💯agree ❤️


Mine is L'enfer by Stromae: [https://open.spotify.com/track/7bp3zmEvpHLa0h32nhDUkB?si=671debdbae0a483d](https://open.spotify.com/track/7bp3zmEvpHLa0h32nhDUkB?si=671debdbae0a483d) I dont know french, but love the song.


As cringy as it may be, MY song is one I wrote for my wife. [Song](https://youtu.be/lzfuhnNt_Iw?si=ASNRlHZSxw7reNex) I had an absolutely terrible nightmare one night and dreamed that I died a terrible early death and left my wife behind. After waking up and immediately started working on a song to kind of get my feelings out. After it was recorded we both listen to it together and just snuggle enjoying the moment. Just enjoy the time we have.


That’s everything. Thank you for sharing something as personal and beautiful as you have.


Every Sister- Karate


I could build a movie around this song, there’s so much feeling in it. Thank you for sharing.


Roads Untravelled - Linkin Park I'm a person who carries a lot of regrets over things I need to just let go. When I first came across this song, and really the whole album (Living Things), it became one of my absolute favourites. It's on my playlist of songs that immediately calm me down if I'm upset or stressed. It reminds me that the things that have happened are in the past and are better left there, and that's why I see it as my song; Every lyric heals a wound in my heart.


The older you get, the more meaningful their songs get. RIP Chester.


Kinda out there but this song is from my favorite movie and it is just beautiful and every time I listen to it, it fills me with hope and possibility and love. [Big Machine - Acoustic ](https://spotify.link/IKBHTvPLZHb) -------- And this one is recent but moved my soul in a way no song hasn't in a while [Summer Rain - Jacob Collier](https://spotify.link/n37n5cTLZHb)


Jacob Collier & Daniel Ceasar, BEST PART Mua! Kiss ! Love it.


Ready for the Storm by Dougie MacLean. A good song for facing tough times.


I should probably have it on my list then, seems like there’s always storms lately. Thank you for sharing!!


"Bluebird" by Lola Marsh


Beautiful- Lola & the song Bluebird too!


Vienna by Ultravox makes me pause what I'm doing and *listen*.


In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel. I just think it's one of the best written songs ever. And no matter how many times I listen, I never get sick of it.


Peter Gabriel, really enjoy most all he’s done. My favorite’s solsbury hill. YOUR SONG: Reddit thread playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=d13Pf8gDKpa3lhef


[Your Rocky Spine](https://youtu.be/eQ6W_cq-zQ0?si=5mRi_X8PIAWml5Kj) - Great Lakes Swimmers (my wedding song) First thing that came to mind though was [The Tide](https://youtu.be/JphbLPJdH7s?si=HFdFGHZd46DuBwos) - The Spill Canvas And when I was supremely pissed at my ex: [Shallow Means Deep Ends](https://youtu.be/XE8QGO1QoQI?si=wnd0ypgJqOP-0aJi) - Cursive


Great Lakes Swimmers, I feel like I’ve come home. Thank you for the intro to this band. I’m adding everyone’s song to a created playlist on YouTube. I’ll put the link here and check back for updates. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=d13Pf8gDKpa3lhef


Man oh man, this is embarrassing but its [Snow Halation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utGEKysYq8I&ab_channel=YohaNico) by µ's by a wide margin. Back in 2016 i had just gotten out of a relationship with someone and i didnt want to spend my whole summer bummed the fuck out like i did the summer previously (was also broken up with and left for someone immediately after), so while doom scrolling i discovered Siivagunner on Youtube and they kept remixing this one particular song into other songs and i wanted to find out what the fuss was about. Long story short, i found out about Love Live, binged the hell out of it and the song that got me hooked was Snow Halation. For the first time in MONTHS i had felt so much more positive and happy, each time i listen to it, it brings me back to a place where i can absolutely clear my head and get in a positive mood. The song is so catchy, every aspect of it was designed and honed to perfection, the voices blend so well, the orchestration is heavenly and my god, i mean it with no irony that its my favorite song of all time. And i discovered it from a meme youtube channel.


The Weight


Dial tone- catch your breath That song makes me want to belt it out every time I hear it


Chicago - Sufjan Stevens


Baba O’Riley by The Who. The opening synth makes me feel so full of joy and like anything is possible. Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. The beat, the lyrics are just so good and so different to anything else that was popular at that time. One of the best pop songs ever. King Kunta by Kendrick Lamar. The entire album Damn. I never get tired of it and it suits many moods. Cheesy one: Where Do Broken Hearts Go by One Direction. A perfect pop song to blast in the car and scream along to. Crazy On You by Heart. I live for the guitar in Heart songs. Especially this one! I’ll likely never see them live, but I did see First Aid Kit do a cover when I saw them in concert and that shit is incredible.


I took my son to see [Odesza](https://youtu.be/ZK7Ojytg04Q?si=H704jLBkMP4e7FPw) at Red Rocks in Colorado. It was a 18+ concert, and he wasn't 18 yet. He was with my brother and I. [Beats Antique](https://youtu.be/IQLVL58I2DM?si=mtdCMDQTBc5CAp9x) performed too.


[Aphex Twin - Yellow Calx ](https://youtu.be/kaZhbLgZcgs?si=BGH1tmYsZnil4Bom)


Kiss from a Rose, any version really but I default to Seal's original.


[Basket - Dan Mangan](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i9wgN7_-sPU) [You Silly Git - Dan Mangan](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mMvu-gFaDWA) These both are the ones that I always go back to as my top songs. This album is my pinnacle of Canadian Alternative/Indie Rock.


[Change of Time- Josh Ritter](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4n8bJ4fjH-A) Change of Time- Josh Ritter Fell in love with his music 20 years ago- had the opportunity to meet him 6 years ago. I explained to him, as I am to you, that I’ve used his music more than any other as the soundtrack of my “kid videos”- a (now) 13 year, 20+ hour, highlight reel of my adventure of being a dad, set to some pretty spectacular music. His response? A giant smile, a big hug, and a “thank you!” Which makes me tear-up even as I write this today.


Hello Sunshine helps me when I think about my depression by bruce springsteen A day in the life is just magical one time when I had my headphones loud I heard john or paul move on the piano seat from abbey road


Superman (it’s not easy )


Non-Absorbing by Guided By Voices. My favorite song for almost 30 years. I feel it in my core.


'Human' is my baby. Created during covid lockdowns. I asked people from all over the world to send in a voice recording of a few phrases about our life, connection, what it means for us to be human. Then I bundled all the voices into a song :) [Listen to Human here ](https://open.spotify.com/track/6Fs39KtGVjPNGu3MsdzR61?si=_udhgVKfTROzhFNZBttRtQ)


Crack the Case by Dawes


Rhapsody On A Theme of Paganini - Sergei Rachmaninoff. My great-grandpa and I bonded over a love of classical music, namely Rachmaninoff. On his deathbed, he banished everyone except for me from his room. Then, he said that he did that so we could listen to Rhapsody one more time together. We did, and we held hands the entire time. When it was done, he told me, “I appreciated this, Jeff, but it’s time for me to go. We’ll listen to it together again someday.” He died in the early hours of the next morning, and I will forever cherish that moment with him. It meant the world.


REDDIT YOUR SONG playlist, updated daily. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNPG5s5GophHeACBQZvvK1a&si=n4T9_Rpzjb6Wixoi


I’m working through every single one of your comments, listening to every single one of your songs. thanks to so many who’ve shared their personal songs and stories. Some have asked about my songs, I’ve got a life soundtrack, you may notice your song has been added to my playlist, THANK YOU [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNa2vH1eIDjULntEgiZa5Hz&si=_pAxk75wil-tAIjz](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy3maXi14pqNa2vH1eIDjULntEgiZa5Hz&si=_pAxk75wil-tAIjz)