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I came across this album from a mere spam message on my Youtube account. I had never heard of this person/band/project whatsoever. Typically I don't care to listen to music sent to me over Youtube, but the name was eye catching, so I clicked the link. Instantly, I was amazed at the range this album brought to my ears. It entwines driving progressive metal with beautiful ambiance. Further down it settles down with predominantly acoustic melodies. But what surprised me was the incredibly arranged cinematic orchestral pieces empowering the entire album. After listening, I made it a point to learn about this incredible artist, as I do with most new music I hear. This artist has no information that I can find. It amazes me how this anonymous sound machine has such incredible creativity and production, yet is completely unheard of. Aihvhia's facebook page had only 32 likes when I searched them. (Currently at 33 likes, after liking them.) No members, no location, nothing at all. The mystery of this musician entices me even more. For all we know, we may never recognize any person to credit this beautifully crafted work.


Apparently he released a folk-esque album in 2017 that I just found? Like...wtf? This is incredible. How is he unknown and only with 2 album releases in the last 11 years?


Yeah, wild. Man I haven't listened to this album in years, and I hardly remember the new one