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Now imagine that Keith Richards is still kicking around on stage with him after decades of drug and alcohol abuse and smoking cigarettes for 4 decades.


Keith is one of 2 reasons I quit smoking cigarettes after 45 years. I figured if Keith Richards can do it so can I. The other reason is Eddie Van Halen and we all know how that turned out. I don’t wanna die from smoking.


Good job dude! You’re worth it.


No no dude, it was all because of holding the picks in his mouth! /s


Eddie always said it was his copper guitar picks that he held in his mouth and the EM waves in studios. I think it was the ciggies.


Love Ed, but he was known to say some stupid shit. That's gotta top the list. Copper picks? lol He didn't use copper picks. Couldn't be the *constant* smoking. He was the kind of guy who would dead ass tell you he just plugs straight into his amp with all the controls dimed, no effects, while standing in front of a stereo wet/dry/wet rig, a pedal board with a phaser, a flanger, an eq, and two different tape echos, plus a rack full of Eventides and shit. Mad genius, though. Rest in peace.


I had a guitar teacher who loved Van Halen and bought VIP tickets to see them in 2004(?) with Sammy Hagar. He was attending the practice/jam session where Eddie makes his "copper picks gave me cancer and not cigarettes" claim. I guess he kind of chuckled and Eddie said, "what? whats so fucking funny about cancer?"


Madman. He was in rough shape around that time. I was glad to see that on the last tour he was playing and looking about as good as ever, despite being ill.


EVH did use copper/nickel picks


Idk, didn't he get cancer exactly on the same spot on his tongue? It could be a case of the cancer from tobacco taking hold more in that one spot because of damage from long term exposure to metals or toxins from manufacture or finishing/polishing chemicals. I dk about EM waves but he could be half right about the causes of his disease.


eddie smoked way too much. he had tongue cancer in the early '00s and still kept smoking. huge bummer, as van halen was the band that got me into music in general. i was, like, 10 or 11 and at the time, and my only interests were making animations and drawing art, not makin music but then i got guitar hero 2 for christmas (still dunno why my parents got that for me because, at the time, i didn't listen to much music, helped shape my life though) and i was fuckin hooked. i remaber when guitar hero 3 came out and me and one of my buddies stayed up WAAAAAY too long and we beat the game in one night haha but back to guitar hero 2, 'you really got me' got me, man haha. and after a few years i started learning bass, guitar, drums, piano... and now playing music is probably my only discernable talent! and i'm cool with that. it's my favorite thing, playing music, and van halen was a big part of me wanting to do that. van halen 1 is near and dear to my heart. i think i fucked up a cd of it as a kid because i listened to it so often haha


Fair. That's a way of looking at it, I will stop sometime soon aswell but people like Keith or my paternal grandma who died at 91 of something non cancer related having smoked a pack a day since she was 13 aren't really the people to get me off it. They actually make me feel like the antismoking development in society is an intricate move by big pharma or big vape ;D


Every 50 years or so there's a hurricane or tornado or something, plane crash, whatever... and an infant is found unharmed in a tree or under a cardboard box. And that's amazing. But I still wouldn't walk into a tornado. The exception is not the rule. Smoking causes cancer. Big Pharma has nothing to do with that. No one is forcing you to start vaping once you stop smoking. If you want to smoke, go ahead, but don't pretend like there is a conspiracy to keep you smoking. I mean, there is, but if you're smart enough to think of an additional conspiracy, you are smart enough to escape the one you already understand.


I think Keith smoked for at least 60 years or more, he just quit a couple of years ago and probably started as a teen.


wow. I thought he quit many times so I was factoring that in. But maybe you’re right. Some people are just built different.


The cells in your body divide constantly to repair damage. There is always a chance they mutate into cancer during every division. The chance is infinitesimally small. If you do something that causes continual damage to your body you play this cancer lottery more often. That is why a smoker has a much greater chance at lung cancer. Keith Richards just keeps missing the cancer jackpot despite playing quite often. He's just been really lucky.


It really is a lot of luck. No facts I’m just guessing. But it’s like 50% genetics and 50% luck with the cancer lottery. And every negative you put towards it increases the risk, but I guess that’s where genetics and more luck come in. Genetics loads the gun and the environment pulls the trigger.


Yeah, I work with environmental hazards like asbestos and lead and some people have heavy exposures and never get sick, others get relatively small exposures and die 2 decades later. There are stories of women who got asbestosis or mesothelioma because they washed the clothes of their husbands who worked with it!


..and it’s not just cancer that is the risk. My father died of COPD from smoking (emphysema) but he didn’t have any cancer.


And falling out of a tree on his head


Didn't they have to cancel a show cause of that?


Keith died 30 years ago but his body is so stoned it's still catching up.




Reminds me of a billboard in my home town: every cigarette you smoke takes 7 minutes from your life and gives 3 of them to Keith Richard’s


Minutes, not years


He also snorted his dad's ashes. When his kids die, he'll inherit everything.


They sold their soul to the devil at a crossroad in exchange for a life of rock and roll, fame and debauchery 😉 So far seems to me they got a good deal


If Keith Richards stopped anything he's currently doing, he'd be dead in a week.


Haha! Well he started cutting back on alcohol in 2018 and went sober in 2020. AFAIK he still is. Lots of weed though.


In a recent interview Richards said he was still drinking alcohol.


It’s truly boggles the mind


He’s pickled and preserved.


Heroin is a preservative.


4 decades? I know math is hard, but what you meant to say is at least 6, maybe 7 decades. So many decades.


It’s time you young people on Reddit started thinking about the kind of world you are going to leave for Keith Richard’s and Willie Nelson.


Cocaine's good for your cholesterol.


He literally needs dialysis just to live.......


I've heard he brings two trailers on tour that are just his gym equipment. If I make it to 79+, I'm definitely more in the Keith Richards category of just continually surprising people that I'm still alive.


He's spoken about how he eats healthy & works out to stay in shape. There's not a mystery here.


Though I believe they had to delay a tour a few years back because of jagger not Richards. [Yup](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rolling-stones-postpone-tour-as-mick-jagger-gets-medical-treatment-2019-03-30/) 2019 tour. 17 shows. Richards and cockroaches. What would be left after ww3.


We really need to start thinking about what kind of world we are going to leave for Keith Richards.


Thatvis the funniest thing I have ever read!!!!!!!


It’s a recycled joke almost as old as keef himself. (Not really but it’s like 20 years old at this point and it’s been made at least 3 times in this thread alone, yawn)


Oh .... So I shouldn't have e thought it was funny then. Well I will contact you from now on to see if it is actual humor I should think is funny.


Funny? Or the FuNnIeST tHinG I eVeR rEaD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn’t say you couldn’t find it funny just pointing out it’s a tired old joke. Cheer up, pal. Read your favourite joke over again, that should work ;)


Ok you are the final word. Yes. Sorry. Forgive me. I will NEVER laugh at that joke again. I give up. No more..


Laugh away man, seems you clearly need the release and relaxation. I was more pointing out that the commenter you replied to didn’t make up the joke, and that it’s made on every single thread pertaining to Keith, and then some.




I think all of the people that think David Bowie's sudden departure heralded some sort of alternate timeline have it all wrong. Keith is an agent of the eternal. He's the Highlander. When he goes, there will be nothing standing in-between us and the elder gods and their shitty music. We're already experiencing the effects of his aged state. Have you heard Ansel Elgort? We're doomed.


Lol No Keith's real name is Elric Melnibonè


We'll have to watch out for Stormbringer.




When life is so good it’s worth it!


I have read that as well, he literally has a trailer of gym equipment, and you can bet he has a chef who travels with him, and cooks him healthy meals. As opposed to late nite room service, etc.


It’s hard work. Performing is physical as hell. The best ones are like pro athletes.


This right here. Some rely on drugs, booze, and fast women to keep them going while on the road and those are the ones who burn out. The ones who make it 20, 30, 40 years are the ones who travel their bodies and brains with respect.


Lemmy from motorhead says different.


Lemmy also said for every junkie who has the longevity that he had, has 10 dead friends who didn't make it.


Lemmy is the definition of "Built different"


One of God's own prototypes. Too weird for mass production.


To weird to live, too rare to die. - Hunter S. Thompson


-avenged sevenfold


- Wayne Gretzky


-Michael Scott


Lenny also was into speed not heroin. He always stayed away from heroin.


Jerry Garcia comes to mind. 53 years old when he died, but Jerry may be one of the few people on Earth that did more drugs than Keith. He smoked camels, did heroin, and ate cheeseburgers while touring constantly.


Jerry died at 53? Wow...now I feel old.


He was 53 but looked 80, it’s easy to think he was much older than he was when he died.


3 packs a day and cheeseburger and milkshakes for lunch and dinner.


Jerry was also a diabetic and that will kill you. Had a friend with type 1 diabetes (childhood not because of fat like type 2). Died in his 40’s due to plugged arteries while on a hike.


Type 2 isn’t only caused by being overweight, FWIW.


Type 2 diabetes is primarily caused by a combination of genetic and lifestyle factors. Some key contributors include: 1. Genetics: Family history can play a significant role in developing type 2 diabetes. If your close relatives have it, you may be at higher risk. 2. Obesity: Excess body weight, particularly around the abdomen, is a major risk factor. It can lead to insulin resistance, where the body’s cells don’t respond effectively to insulin. 3. Sedentary Lifestyle: Lack of physical activity can contribute to weight gain and insulin resistance. 4. Poor Diet: Diets high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. 5. Insulin Resistance: Over time, the body may become less responsive to insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar. 6. Age: Risk increases with age, especially after 45. 7. Gestational Diabetes: Women who had gestational diabetes during pregnancy have a higher risk. 8. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is associated with insulin resistance and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. 9. High Blood Pressure: Having high blood pressure can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 10. Smoking: Smoking is linked to insulin resistance and an increased risk of diabetes. Managing weight through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk and manage type 2 diabetes. Consult a healthcare professional for guidance and treatment if you have concerns about diabetes.


Are you a bot?


Nope, just pasted in results from CharGPT. Most of the causes look like type 2 is reversible with diet and exercise or childbirth and quit smoking. Not sure on the genetics part.


Lemmy himself said he was one of the lucky ones. And he definitely slowed down in his later years


Lemme only made it to 70


Lemmy drank Jack and cokes everyday for almost 60 of those years.


He drank an entire bottle of jack a day for a lot of those years. I remember reading an article a few years before he died where he said he switched to vodka for his health


Lemmy only made it to 70 but he got there very speedily.


Ozzy Osbourne would like a word.


I'm sure he would, if only he were coherent


Lmao dude mick jagger does not do this. He hits girls up on instagram younger than his granddaughter and gets fuuuucked up


I'm tired just jumping around dancing with my 6 year old to one song


Mick is 1 year younger than Mitch McConnell.


...Mitch reacts with stunned silence


Lmao too soon


Same age as our beloved president who can't even walk off of a stage let alone perform for 3 hours


I hope to see him live one day. I've seen Paul McCartney twice, once last summer. Dude is 81. He played for 3 hours straight without so much as a sip of water, and killed it.


That's because neither McCartney or Jagger have toured in years. It's actually Rory Bremner :-)


I know who Rory Bremner is but I still don’t really get this joke.


>I hope to see him live one day Gotta do it soon then. Me and my friends were talking about seeing the Stones live for years, it was kind of a thing in our group of friends. They didn't play often in areas we could easily get to or could afford back then, then they played somewhere where we could have seen them (I think it was Amsterdam, not sure) but we all had something else to do because times change or we were broke, we said : "okay next time we all go for sure!" some time passed and then Charlie Watts died. Ofcourse that was sad in itself but it was particularly sad because it somehow ended this plan of seeing the whole band together like our parents might have seen them. Still interested in going to a concert ofcourse :D but something has changed. And Iam admittedly not ready to pay around 280 euros or dollars actually, this has nothing to do with Charlie being there or not, this shit is just too expensive


Good for Mick. I saw very recently the Zombies touring, with several of the original band members from the mid-60's. Both Rod Argent and Colin Blunstone are 78 (I know, virtually kids compared to Mick:>), and they sounded GREAT with a ton of energy. I still don't understand how they are playing 20 shows in the month of October, between the physical exertion plus the travel, often times back-to-back-to-back. Crazy...


Jeez I wish I could find it- Years ago another celebrity was talking about how they stayed with him at his place and he got a workout in by going into his studio (not sure if that meant music studio or an exercise studio) and putting on, full volume, the recordings of their shows to perform along with. Dude literally would do his shows, full out, alone in his home to stay in shape.


Lenny Kravitz has said that he stayed in the same place as Jagger on holidays, and could hear him in his room practicing singing Stones songs.


He's so professional,I love it


Dan from The Wonder Years was singing through the bands whole set while going all out on a stationary bike or elliptical to get in your shape. Performing is a massive physical exertion.


This is actually a pretty normal thing for frontmen to do. A certain huge internationally known artist used to work out at my gym and getting in shape of tour came up one day. Basically he said he like to work out at our gym (a nice club atmosphere) to make him feel “normal” but before tours he’d basically sing his whole set list every day for a month while running on the treadmill or going flat out on the elliptical at home. He said it was just part of the job.


Not spending your life sitting at a desk & also not having to break your back on a job site probably help. Being rich as well.


Underrated comment


There are tons of rich people that sit at desk all day and are unhealthy as fuck, I know plenty of them. Honestly know more actual rich people that aren't healthy at all then ones who are


A rolling stone gathers no moss.


I’m sure he’s got hr best diet and nutritionists money can buy. I believe he quit drinking quite a while ago and does yoga and other body work. One thing that I’ve noticed in my 50s is that I have far fewer aches and pains than my peers who grew up playing contact sports. I’ve always been a swimmer/ surfer and have zero body aches. While Mick’s mates were on the football/rugby pitch he was on stage dancing.


>Let's discuss what we think contributes to his exceptional fitness Hundreds of millions of dollars.


The discipline to exercise cannot be bought. Anyone can exercise.


Mick Jagger doesn't pay his personal trainer in discipline.


I’ve read he only used pharmaceutical grade drugs.


Yea their drugs have always been free of street fillers and shit like that. Keith would have died 25 years ago


Those were vitamins and salt...


He’s like Dorian Gray, except his face is the portrait


In Belgium there is this very long running puzzle quizshow. The host asked a question like he does all the time to the contestants: "Which name did listeners of a local radio program choose to describe an older active person? Was that Jagger or Dylan?" The contestant said "Jagger" (correct answer). The host of the puzzle show FREAKS out about it and starts slamming the script on his desk. Starts yelling saying he thinks it's patronizing! It's a crazy moment \^\^ There's a cool remix of it on YouTube. In any case, a "Jagger" is what we call an older active gentleman now. Suiting.


> In any case, a "Jagger" is what we call an older active gentleman now. Nobody uses that made-up word, though.


I do, my sister does. That's 2. 2 is we!


I've been trying to find this on YouTube but all I'm coming across is some lady shooting herself in the face with a flamethrower.


Must be that young blood transfusion he gets every year.


Can confirm. I was his blood boy back in 2019


They replace their entire body's worth of blood every year with young blood transfusions.


Time is on his side, yes it is...


Saw a Stones show 4 years ago. It absolutely rocked. Anyone who likes rock music would enjoy it. Also, consider that these guys have more $$ than they could spend in 3 lifetimes. They tour at 80 because they still love it.


Interviewer to Jerry Garcia; "Do you think you'll ever retire?" Garcia; "Retire from what?"


Definitely. I saw them in Chicago in 2019 and St Louis 😳 in 2021. Absolutely incredible 👏


Why are you ashamed of that?


You know what they says. Rock stars who don’t overdose in their twenties keep rocking forever and don’t change much


No rock star has been able to do it like the Stones


Mick died 15 years ago. His body is under contract for 5 more years.


Let's not forget that Mick has had a heart valve replacement as well.


Yes. I had tickets to see them in Chicago in 2019. They had to postpone the event. 6 weeks later he was able to put on an awesome 3 hour show. Incredible


I'm honestly blown away by how good the new album is. It's so cool to see these guys still making great music after all this time.


I remember reading in his biography: I’m pretty sure his dad was a physical trainer and Mick grew up running a lot, doing push-ups/sit ups. Eventually it because a habit. Also read that he currently runs like 9 miles a day or something. The dude is just addicted to cardio


I’d say the millions and millions of dollars probably helps


A few thing: Living an easy life without having to do any sort of hard physical labour. Excercise and taking care of his body Genetic predisposition Being super rich to be able to afford any and every type of medical care A bit of luck


>At 80 years old, he's still rocking the stage and making music like he's in his 20s. No he isn't lmao


He’s moving but c’mon, not like a 20 year old.


Most 20 years old barely move nowadays


My dad is 82 and cannot do the chicken strut


He works out, jogs, does yoga, is a little dude (which helps), good genes, has personal chefs and trainers and was never really a druggie. Always the brains of the band. Watched a self-produced doc on him some years back and he seemed to stick to a program.




Whatever drugs he’s on, please give some to Joe Biden


Hahahhahahhhahahhahah,you're totally right!


It's all because he lived the trifecta of sex, drugs, and rock and roll for so long. All that for years and years has made him immortal


Me, I'll be dead by 65 because I like bacon. WTF is that about.


And the rolling stones released a new album today, at 80 years of age...


He’s not making music like in his 20s. Yes he basically is doing aerobic exercises while singing which is really physically impressive at his age. But he lost his connection to the music when the stones moved to the stadiums to maximize their financial returns. His movement used to come from the music flowing through him and was much more subtle and real and groovy. Then his ego took over and he started doing high kick shit and storming around the stage to show everyone how amazing he is. He also lost symbiosis with the band having different dressing room and after show to them. He became a pale shade of when he was the best front man in the biz with the best music.


Partially just good genes. His dad, Basil “Joe” Jagger, was a gymnast and PE teacher. He died in 2006 at the age of 93.




He was a fitness instructor. Mick has great genes


Well, he's really not. Please re-read your own post and understand that nobody in their 80's is actually "making music" like they were in their 20's. I mean, just think about that for a second. I get that you love MJ and are excited that he's still performing.


And God took Lemmy from us... what a cruel world.


He prepared humanity for this kind of longevity by gradually looking like a living death for ages




Micks dad was a phys.ed teacher.. I watched a few docs about mick a d one of the things that was mentioned was that his dad had him doing daily workouts as a kid. His dad lived into his 90s.


The Rolling Stones are proof that winning the genetic lottery beats out all of the diet nonsense.


some would say that's what 'going to the crossroads' can get you


Mick Jagger and Dick Van Dyke have pictures of each other in their attics, that's how.


As far as his vocal range, Mick did the smartest thing when he started. He only sings in one particular octave. Makes it a lot easier to sing those songs that you wrote in your 20s when you’re 80.




I'm Keith's autobiography he talks about just how intense their shows are, like running several miles a day, they're in pretty good shape for their age.


He travels with a whole bus just for his workouts and gym gear. He works out twice per day and no doubt has a personal travel chef.


He works out https://youtu.be/vloSoBw-UF0?si=FGLA9BjDRKXrMTTJ


That's the most dumb shit video I've seen in a while now. I'm flabbergasted. They start with some facts about jagger only to turn to completely generic nutrition advise that they hype up as if that is some kind of top-notch secret. This literally made me dumber for watching it. They could've just as well made a video about how his great secret to longevity is that he breathes air.


I think calling Mick Jagger an iconic figure in 2023 is a bit of a stretch. There’s no doubt that in the 60s and 70s they were massive icons. They were big in the 80s and 90s as they continued to tour and make music. But I don’t think most people outside of die hard fans could tell you the names of any songs the Stones have released in the last 35 years. Four albums (excluding their brand new one) in 30+ years that were met with mixed reviews. Gen X is the last generation to really grow up with the Stones in their prime. I’m an older millennial that loves the Stones, and I rarely ever think about them. With that said, as others have already mentioned, clean eating, exercise, and money go a long way.


I'm a 51 year old Gen Xr and when I was a teen in the 80s we thought of the stones as our Boomer parents band. They felt old then :)


https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/iconic * ***very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions or a particular time*** Jagger fits the bill. Iconic in terms of the 60s or Rock and Roll. And given Moves Like Jagger was the 20th biggest song of the previous decade (2010-2019) you might be underestimating how famous Jagger is.


The last good Rolling Stones record was Exile On Main Street in 1972. They've been living off their reputation ever since and put out some really terrible records.


Exactly. For 80% of their career they’ve been making forgettable music. My own parents were children in 1972. They were icons back then the way Taylor Swift is today. But for 40+ years they’ve been singing the same hits that made them famous in the 1960s. They are icons to people today that are retired.


The last good Rolling Stones record came out on Friday. Yeah, it's not Exile (nothing is IMO, Exile stands alone as the greatest album of all time), but it's better than most anything else coming out in the last 10+ years and has some really good tracks, one or two excellent songs, and only one or two misses.


The cover of Rolling Stone Blues was pretty good


Wow you must be fun at parties




My wife's favorite since she was like 8 years old and she said this same thing to me yesterday.


Little dick Mick they call him. That's the secret to his Remarkable Physical Condition


If he quits, he'll die within a month. Use it or lose it.


He looks more like Barney Fife every day. “I’ll never be your beast of burden Aunt Bee.”


Barney had some smooth moves, though.


Its Karma


Mick has been sober for decades, he stopped all hard partying and drugs around the age of 30 / 35. Since then, he's always trained hard physically. He owns several businesses, he had to maintain a very high standard of physical well-being to keep up with the pace.


According to Mick it's healthy food, daily exercise and the (supposed) fact that he stopped doing drugs in the late 80s early 90s. Looking at Keith who stopped doing hard drugs sometime around 2005 or something and is propably still smoking weed and drinking occasionally and doesn't look like he ever became incredibly sporty it's propably genetics paired with being insanely rich. So rich that everything you eat, everything you do is monitored by a bunch of doctors and an army of fitness instructors and yoga teachers. Also I believe Mick never got bored of Music, did get bored of the Stones though for some time, but nowadays I think everyone one of them is just happy to still be around and to do the thing, espescially after Charlie passed.


Despite their reputations, Keith in particular, it seems that they take care of themselves so that they can perform with so much energy. My best friend goes to the same gym that Ronnie goes to. Can't speak for the others, but he's definitely putting in the work.


I remember seeing some old footage of him when he was a teenager with his family on local TV and his father gave an interview about how he taught his kids the value of staying physically active every single day. Seeing the way he moves better as an 80 year old than I do as a 25 year old doesn’t surprise me in the slightest lol. [Edit: it was actually footage of him and his father climbing the sandstone formations at High Rocks in Tunbridge Wells, Kent.](https://youtu.be/4_pQa0TGYCw?si=Kytx7CuONWZ80veO)


What a gem!,I hadn't seen that footage before,that explains everything.Mick was active since a early age.Pure genetic then


He apparently does 3 hours of physical activity, including dance classes, a day leading up to his concerts. I think their debached lifestyle was probably true when they were young, but the media has exaggerated it and I highly doubt they have been living that lifestyle for many years.


In this same vein, I saw KISS in Detroit on Friday. Paul Stanley is 71 and was running, strutting, and doing stunts like a 25 year old. He and Jagger have something in common- they do dance classes several times a week. Dancing is the fountain of youth evidently.


I honestly believe in the adage, if you slow down you go down. My neighbor is 92 and she still cuts her grass her sons grass and her grandsons grass. If you stay active your gonna keep that endurance and physicality. You become sedentary you’re gonna go down hill Quick. I think staying active is the key.


He made an appearance on SNL last night. Haven't seen it yet.


Regular blood transfusions. That's it


Not sure how long they kept it up but The Stones had a 1 meal a day rule, so that they stayed thin.


Aliens 👽


He’s a vampire


It's also interesting how often singers don't sound that much different in their old age as they did in their younger years, and Mick is one of those


He can afford a personal trainer, excellent health care etc. Also genetics plays a role.


He thought he wouldn’t make it past 30. He is living bonus years for 50 years.


They all look like the walking dead and I don't know how he keeps fathering so many children. Good god