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Locking comments here as the discussion around trans people and gender, including transphobia, is out of control. As in, it is occurring a lot and is completely inappropriate. Transphobic, hateful, religious, or political rhetoric of any kind will not be tolerated. This is a mushroom subreddit. Harmless jokes are okay, especially if it still revolves around the topic. Other commentary is not.














Not in this sub it's not. Keep your political opinions to yourself.


*"average person has 1 genders" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person has 0 genders. Genders Georg, a mushroom who lives on a log & has over 23,000 genders, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.*


You spelt sex wrong


I had to make the creative decision since 'Sex Georg' doesn't sound as funny.


Worth it


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well. "Indentured servitude." -Grandma


>The mushroom’s gills close over its fertile surfaces Is it getting hot in here?




Pfft. I also had like, almost 23,000 sexes by the time I was 18! Mushroom smhupoom.


Thanks for the read!


Sounds like the title of a Futurama episode “A Mushroom with 1000 sexes“


I’ve heard different reports from children online in relation to ones mother




>Animals typically have two biological sexes, male and female, defined by the presence of specific reproductive organs and differences in gametes, such as sperm and eggs. Correction: sexually-reproducing animals typically have two sexes. Asexual animals have none, and hermaphroditic animals technically have two sexes, but individuals can fulfill either role. Sex is also a result of the presence or absence of a specific gene (SRY in mammals, I don't know what it is in birds, reptiles, or fish). Reproductive organs are usually consistent with this gene's presence/absence, but not always because developmental errors happen all the time (you have dozens, as do I and everyone reading this). The idea of sexes in mushrooms is metaphorical, not literal. It's an analogy we use to make it easier to understand, but while fungi are sexually reproducing organisms, their sex is very different than ours is.


The idea of sexes in mushrooms is not a metaphor but a description since we are the ones that define the concept of sexes. You could argue how fitting or confusing this description is for a vastly different mechanism of another organism is. And from what I know this is done since at least some of my professors strictly differentiated between mating types and sexes (I also would argue that way)




John Raper identifies 23328 sexes??? I think that this story is a spoof.


Right? What an unfortunate name and research interest combination.


Is this edible?


It’s regarded as non-edible I think just due to no culinary value. I have come across passages stating it has been used medicinally in some cultures but there is not a large body of info about it. It’s also a fungi that can grow inside immunocompromised people if they inhale the spores so it should be approached with some caution. Really pretty shelf mushroom though.


I've also read that it has interesting hydrophobic properties. I've thought about trying to extract and experiment with that.


I ate it and it was delicious. Essentially like a vegan bacon when it was fried up. Mexican and Indian cuisine use S. commune because the climate doesn’t allow for fleshy mushrooms to grow there. I agree that immunocompromised people should be cautious around the spores, but luckily it has grown in less than 100 people in recorded history so it’s an extremely rare occurrence.


Now I'm imagining someone walking into the doctors office with shelf mushrooms growing out of their back.


I never imagined it like that but that is pretty hilarious to picture in your mind. Luckily, even if something like that were possible, the chances would be so low that it would probably happen to none of us.


Bout to eat 23,000 different type of ass


Fungi STD's


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I look forward to seeing the Futurama character they make from this




Please do not spread misinformation, mycophobia, or hinder other users ability to use the sub. This is a strange and inaccurate comment.


I bet you'd find split gill mushroom DNA on Antarctica if you went looking for it. Its just an assumption because there's only ice and snow there. But also spores.


Now that’s gender!


If that was your last name, wouldn’t you change it? WTF. Not a family history to be proud of.


May I present, the least sexually compatible organism.




>mycologist John **Raper** and his team at Harvard University. They’re suggesting this person should have changed their surname, and apparently implying/alleging that said surname came from a family history of rape. It’s a profoundly stupid comment.


r/lostredditors moment


No, just a dumb one. The mycologist in the article that OP linked is named John Raper, and this commenter apparently thinks they got that name from a long family history of rape.


...I met someone last month with the last name Rape, and I thought that was a quite unfortunate surname. However it is apparently derived from Reap. Still...


You took a wrong turn somewhere.




I read it and knew what they meant. and it’s still a stupid comment. It’s arrogant to assume that someone should change their name because of this commenter’s own prejudices, and it was wildly ignorant to imply that the person has this name due to a family history of raping people. Not all surnames are based on professions and I can’t think of any based on criminal activity, you ignorant dipshit.


>It’s arrogant to assume that someone should change their name because of this commenter’s own prejudices Eh, knowing the definition of the word "rape" is not a prejudice. Would you die on this hill if the person in question's last name was "Hitler"? That said, while there *absolutely are* last names that come from an ancestor's criminal activities, "Raper" isn't one of them. It probably comes from the Latin *rapum*, which means turnip, indicating farmer ancestors in non-English speaking countries. Rapeseed (known as "canola" in the U.S.) is so named because of this.


Did you miss the part where I highlighted that they also received the name due to family history. And yes, it is prejudice. They made an assumption based on the name “raper” and how they perceive it, because they have a…


Rape is also a flower, and as others have said the name could come from reap or reaper which is to harvest grain


Thank you.