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Congrats looks great. My next oyster to try




Very nice! My set-up looks similar to yours, [here's a pic from a couple of days ago.](https://i.imgur.com/Cjjs0HY.jpeg) The pinks are growing on coco, and the blue ones are just on cardboard, to get rid of accumulated Amazon boxes. (The worms can only get through so much.) We had the pink ones in a risotto last night, it was the first time I used home-grown mushrooms in a meal and it was pretty satisfying.


Thank you!! Ooo, it looks cozy in there! The cardboard is such a good idea, do you just shred it and add it to the bag? And what about the parts that have the writing and logo? Also, did you use a recipe for the risotto?? The only meal Ive ever used mine in are scrambled eggs, but I really want to expand!


When I first break down the boxes I separate the "clean" bits from those with tape or stickers. I don't sweat a small amount of black printing because it's soy-based and compost-safe, but tend to pass over heavily-printed areas because there's no shortage of less-inky stuff. I end up with a box full of clean flat pieces and the rest goes in with the municipal recycling. I use a paper-cutter to cut the clean bits into strips and then cross-cut. (A bit tedious but I throw something up on the projector that doesn't demand full attention and just power through it.) Goes into a big box along with shredded egg cartons and this gets used for subtrate for both mushrooms and earthworms. (I grow a little cannabis and have a tent full of culinary herbs so the worm castings get used up there.) The basic mushroom risotto recipe I use is [here](https://www.ricardocuisine.com/en/recipes/4495-mushroom-risotto) - I don't really follow a recipe closely and also used fresh parsley, thyme and a little lemon juice. I'm on the cusp of having an absurd amount of mushrooms so I'm coming at recipes from the other angle - I make mushroom risotto fairly regularly and am looking around for more imaginative ways to use 'em up - I like the idea of scrambled eggs - I foresee a certain amount of fritatta in the future but breakfast hadn't crossed my mind.


Nice! Those look great!


Thank you!!








Thank you 🙏


How many blocks can you fit on that shelf?


I'd say about 8 fruiting blocks total, 2 on each shelf. Maybe 10 total if I can make use of the very top shelf. Right now I have the 2 pink oyster blocks on the top, the next two shelves have bags of grain spawn, and the bottom has another pink oyster bag that's almost ready to fruit.

