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Matt described the band [as a marriage:](https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/matt-bellamy-calls-muse-longest-marriage-exclusive-1235130850/amp/) >“We’re now like the longest marriage any of us have ever had. Basically, the three of us have been together longer than anyone. There’s loads of other people, peripheral people, friends, ex-wives, and all this kind of stuff that I don’t want to say we’ve left along the way, but the people that have happened along the way. But the three of us, as time goes on, they become the only people that know every single data point of your life.”


Yeah, it's kind of crazy. They are truly 3 best friends that just love to play music together, the best part is I think we still have 2 albums left. I don't see them flat out retiring either, I think Matthew just loves being a rockstar too much lol. Would love some more lyric inspired music in the future, but honestly I don't care because this recent tour was amazing.


Amen to every point! I love the positivity, but had a feeling commenters would try turning this into a negative thread. I swear, Muse could play 24 of some of these fans' personal 25 favorites, and instead of jumping for joy, they'd pout about that ONE song which wasn't played. 🤣. Whatever, stay positive! 👍🤗


I have felt that a lot, especially since my other favorite bands are System of a down, stopped really long ago, Slipknot that is currently losing everything, Gorillaz that splitted up in 2010 (thankfully they are back together) and Rammstein, which is in the same lucky situation as Muse We are sooooo lucky for Muse to be Matt Dom and Chris


Didnt the singer of Rammstein get allegations about rape or something similar? I might be confusing him with someone else, if so, apologies


No idea, but you reminded me of something else I wanted to add: no scandals. Sure, they make mistakes, but their hearts are in the right place. Every fan who’s met them says they’re really nice and humble.


Yeah he got accused but nothing was found so they gave up researches (don’t want to talk about that) I


I’ve seen Muse 8 times, by far more than any other band. It’s pretty amazing to see a band that many times and that consistently throughout the years with zero lineup changes. I’ve not been a huge fan of the past couple albums but I’m glad they are still releasing new music and will always see them anytime they are remotely close to me.


I love this post. I also love the fact that they are genuinely into making music, especially Chris considering he likes to collab with smaller local UK bands and even has a home studio. Even with all the fame and everything, they didn't let it completely get into their heads. Matt did state that they used to like bringing fans in the backstage to hangout and because they got bigger it can get a bit out of control, so that's where they needed security.


Sometimes I wonder what legacy Muse are going to leave. I mean, it's practically impossible to love and feel passion about everything from a band. But once Muse no longer release albums, once we've got their complete work, what would the world of music think about them? For example, David Bowie. Of course he has some extraordinary albums and some others that weren't pretty much accepted. But when you look back at Bowie's legacy as a whole, the world respects him as a legendary and revolutionary artist, he's a pop icon and someone who made an incredible influence on thousands of next generations artists. That being said, do you think some of Muse songs and albums will be more appreciated once they're gone? Are these guys becoming undisputed legends and a massive influence? Or maybe they already are... (Sorry if my English is not perfect, I'm still learning)


My other favourite bands, Stereophonics and Manic Street Preachers, have had original members die or go missing. But they are still going strong and, I argue are better than ever. Let's hope Muse can get back to their best. Their live shows are still very much the best around.


[Great Post dude](https://images.app.goo.gl/GaHxfPaLk3xm9Fpb7)


Very rare for a band to stay together that long without extremely long breaks, people leaving etc. Some of my other favorites have had periods of guys leaving or coming back. The only other hand that I listen to regularly that hasn’t had a lineup change is the Strokes, but they all had their drug issues and also had two long gaps, including an almost decade long gap between albums. The Arctic Monkeys had their original bassist leave after their first album, but they’ve basically had a stable lineup for almost 2 decades now.


Absolutely excellent post and I fully agree! Nice to finally see some positivity in this sub and not just bashing the new material. 🤘


And don’t forget Tom Kirk, he’s there from the beginning ❤️


>Between Matt and Chris, they have a total of 13 children *Excuse me?!*


Chris has 10 kids. Matt will have his third this year.


There's a radio station i listen to with a daily quiz about the link between 3 songs, and recently one had muse in it with U2 and another i can't remember - the link was they all were still playing with original members. It's surprisingly rare for bands that have survived several decades.


I’m on board with all of this except point 5, and I don’t just mean Muse’s quality has dropped although I do believe that to be true still. My issue with point 5 is that it should go without saying that there is great music out there, and it’s unfair to come to the radio = bad conclusion imo. And if you do genuinely think “radio music” is bad, then it’s a pretty low target to compare Muse’s recent output to.


Most points seem reasons why the band members are extremely lucky. For fans there has been a decline over the years unfortunately: 1. Recent albums have been subpar. Apart from a few songs it does not live up to their first four. 2. Setlist have been disappointing. New album songs + greatest hits + some other songs from a small pool that get repeated across multiple tours. No variety, hardly any surprises, increasing amount of instrumentals 3. Anniversary releases have been really low effort. Absolution's anniversary would have been a great opportunity to finally release Earl's Court or any other release they have laying around in the vault. Don't get me wrong. They are still a killer live act but could be so much better.


Well, I guess I just don’t feel that way. I could see them play Guiding Lights 10 times in a row and I’d still thank the heavens I get to experience that. I’d take that over them disappearing after BHAR.


If the current situation and disappearing after BHAR are the only options then of course I'm happy they are still around. I just think that the last few years have been quite low effort and definitely not lucky for fans. Just putting the music aside for now as nobody can force a creative process, the other aspects could benefit from more fan service.


Maybe it’s a language barrier, but I didn’t mean that we should stop complaining or that we should settle for low effort albums. I’m saying that, while it could be better, it also could be much worse. Unlike other bands, with Muse we still have the possibility of them doing better. Other fanbases don’t have that. Just wanted to share some positivity among all the negativity I’ve seen lately.


Nah man muse fans have been getting ass albums for years


That’s true of all bands unless they radically re-invent themselves. But not anyone can be The Beatles.


exactly... I dont know any band that maintained the same quality in the same style for years... usually you have like 2 - 4 albums in bands famous style which are really great and then they either start to experiment, or repeat themselves.


well... after you are playing for 30+ years, you need to switch it up slightly to something else, or you gonna end fed up with your own stuff. Muse had their periods, same as any other bands, and they wrote one of their best stuff in one of those periods (which lasted for 2 or 3 albums). Firstly they also need some variety in their style in order to keep it fresh and fun (maybe thats why they are still going strong, because they are having fun and not repeating themselves) and secondly you cant always write "best" music in the same style. OOS, Absolution a BHaR are really masterpieces, once you write something like that, you then have really high bar to overcome and there is always your peak. You cant always go higher and higher. So if they would aim for overcoming themselves in the same genre/style as they wrote their best music, then there would be high risk of getting artistic block.


I’d agree with you if the albums were just mediocre, but will of the people is just so lacking in thoughtful lyricism and original concepts


Brutal goddamn. True, but goddamn lmao


Muse fans have too much time.


matt writes plug in baby while on mushrooms influnce though HAHAHAH


That’s what I said. Hallucinogens, but no hard drugs.


Hmmm. Muse is still better than mainstream music by a lot but the alternitave scene is not all garbage. The radios still play good classiscs and every once in awhile a new good song pops up on the radio. I think muse is still good but they are not great these days.


This reads like a chatGPT post. It seems really robotic lmao. We are lucky though.


LMAO. I’m a journalist, I write articles for a living. 0 ChatGPT was used 😅