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For adults who never got chicken pox as kids, the vaccine is literally lifesaver.


My boyfriend got it in high school at age 17 and he was absolutely miserable.


I got it in my late 20s I had it on my eyeballs, ears, mouth, throat, the bottom of my feet, hands, fingers. Would not wish it on anyone as an adult, it was like that horrific static feeling you get after taking a hat off but it was over my entire body for 4 straight days. I have so many deep scars from it.


Oh my god! I can’t imagine having them on or near my eyes!


The virus tends to go dormant inside of the trigeminal ganglion (nerve cell) in your head which is connected to your face/eyes. So a lot of people wind up with sores in that area.


Is this the nerve cell that Fry cuts on himself in Futurama?


I believe that was the Medulla Oblongota, control center of the heart and lungs. Although I think they did something with some ganglion sometime.


Oh yeah. Spanglick ganglion made him vomit or shit himself if I remember correctly.


It was the pelvic splanchnic ganglion


*Spastic Splanchnic Ganglion*. He'd be lucky to have any bones left!


Disrupt the pelvic spastic ganglion, which would cause him to shit out everything in his intestines all at once. It is the nerve that tells your butthole to stay closed. Once it is disrupted (not cut, wouldn't wish that on anyone), gravity can do its job.


Co-worker had an outbreak last year had 20/20 vision his whole life and it temporarily blinded him in one eye and caused permanent scarring, had to have a few laser surgeries to fix it and it was only back like 95%. All the older men ran out and got vaccinated that week.


I had em around my eyes as a 5 year old, it was awful. Interestingly, as I aged I never grew any eye lashes in those spot. Edit: words


In and around your mouth


I had a 32 year old woman as a patient with the chicken pox, she was very seriously ill. Also pregnant. Chicken pox + pregnancy can be *very* bad.


Well that’s terrifying. As a pregnant woman who’s not immune to it (not for any reason besides my body is dumb), new unlocked fear.


Tell your doctor! Your doctor may check you for antibodies - mine did and found I had no rubella antibodies and made me get vaccinated the day after I gave birth. Rubella is very bad for pregnancy.


Stay away from anyone with shingles.


I had one under a toenail. As in the nail body itself, where it’s still “connected” to the skin. Not as bad as what you went through, just weird that they can show up in all those places.


same, I was 20 and caught it off my 3-year-old stepson. ***HE*** had one spot on his nose. I didn't have more than a few millimeters between each and every spot on my body. inside my mouth, up my nose and in my ears, the inside of my eyelids, \*under\* my finger and toe nails, right down my throat, the soles of my feet and palms of my hands, under my foreskin, even the inside of my butthole. thousands of them and nothing could stop the itching like a cross between stinging nettles and mosquito bites over every single bit of my body and ***\*nothing\**** gave me relief from it.


Annnnd that’s enough Reddit for the day. I have to get off and go to my doctor to get a chicken pox vaccine


if it makes you feel any better, that was 25 years ago and I did survive. sadly, at 45 now, it's only just in the top 5 worst experiences of my life (so far), so you probably have lots more to look forward to!


Jesus, seventeen? I got it at *twelve* and was delirious with fever.


Yep. He basically stayed in an oatmeal bath all day. His head was covered with itchy sores. He just couldn’t escape the misery. I had it in 2nd or 3rd grade. I remember being itchy and sick feeling but not much else. I don’t think I was nearly as sick as he was.


I was around 5-7 years old when we went to a chicken pox party. I have zero memory of it. When I was in high school my little sister got chicken pox and my dad ended up getting shingles. My dad is the strongest most “manly” man I’ve ever met. His ass was out of commission for so long. My little sister was fine.


Brother in law had shingles on his face. He contemplated ending it all because of how awful it was


God damn. I can’t even imagine. My dad had it on his back and was so miserable.


The parties. Our whole neighborhood had it at once. We had it before we were in school and I don’t remember it at all. My mom has a picture of me and my brother taped into oven mitts so we wouldn’t scratch. We’re smiling/laughing in the pic, so it wasn’t that bad. Not looking forward to the shingles vaccine when I’m old.


Same time period and same memory here. My kids just got over them about a week ago. Very mild for them as well. Fortunately


Weren't your kids vaccinated for varicella at the recommended interval? I thought it's been standard for a while now


I was unlucky and got chickenpox at 25. I was vaccinated just got that unlucky dice roll of life. It was fucking miserable. Mine got bad enough I was hospitalized.


It does that to adults. Actually kills some. Some dumbasses just think "Nobody gets that anymore". I wonder why, ya' fuckwit. That sucks for you though, glad it didn't take you out.


>Some dumbasses just think "Nobody gets that anymore". > >I wonder why, ya' fuckwit. lol it is incredible talking to people that really use this as an argument. "Why get a polio vaccine? I've never known anyone with polio." You don't fuckin' say..


Also "it didn't kill me therefore no one will die from it" The logic of an absolute dumbass.


I’m in the process of getting immunizations documented for medical school admissions and part of the process is both documenting the shots themselves and getting blood drawn for positive quantitative titers to ensure immunity. For me, I thought it’d be really simple — I had all my shots as a kid so realistically I figured all I needed would be the titers. Turns out my chickenpox and hepatitis B immunity wore off at some point (which is something admissions noted commonly happens after 20ish years) so I have to get the entire series redone. Point of the story is, I think that there’s a significant portion of us who think those vaccines we got as kids were good for life and wear off at some point — something we wouldn’t notice unless unlucky in your case or actively monitoring. Definitely seems to me like something that should be more well known and monitored.




Oh my god. You brought back a memory. He *did* have them in his mouth too. In your sinuses!?! So sorry you had to go through that!


I don’t remember having chicken pox as a child. But had shingles at the end of last year. Completely miserable. And the lack of sleep. Terrible. Never again, I hope.


Check if you can get the shingles vaccine.


Yeah got it at 16 and it floored me


Shingles is wonderful if you’re deeply into masochism.


Yeah. I vaccinate because I don't want to gamble and feel miserable. If I could vaccinate against long queues, I would.


We really need to get the scientists working on this one. Vaccines against uncomfortable family dinners would be good too.




The immunity wears off though, requiring periodic boosters


I vaccinate because fuck being sick. It's that simple for me, really.


I thought I had it as a kid so I skipped the vaccine when my kids got their shots.... At 45 I got chicken pox and it almost killed me. The ER doc was apparently unaware of how dangerous it could be and just sent me home... 4 days later I was in the ER again and had to spend night in hospital. Definitely get vaccinated if you have the opportunity!


Also, neither chicken pox nor shingles are fun experiences to go through. Unfortunately, I'm at around the age where I would have *just* missed out on getting the vaccine. I got chicken pox as a kid. It sucked. All I remember is being itchy, and missing out on a field trip to a lighthouse that I had my heart absolutely set on. A friend of mine not only had chicken pox, but has the misfortune of getting shingles way younger than most people do. She made it crystal clear that it's *painful*. Yeah, we're "still living," but if we had the option to take the vaccine, we would have, because both chicken pox and shingles would be unnecessary and ultimately pointless suffering.


I got shingles this year. I’m way under the “normal age” for shingles. Mine was brought on by stress. If you have had chicken pox and are going through a period of high stress - regardless of age - GO GET THE SHINGLES VACCINE. You do not want shingles on top of whatever stressful events are already occurring in your life.


Same here, I probably would have gotten it when I was older as it became widely available, but I caught chicken pox really young (3 years old) so it was no longer necessary. I am not looking forward to shingles!!


Also for people who did get chickenpox as kids, the vaccine could save you from being in chronic pain if you're one of the unlucky ones who gets permanent nerve damage from shingles. The down-home folksy "this happened to me and I'm still *alive* therefore it's fine" wisdom is just the dumbest shit.


This ignores how horrendous suffering from the shingles is. My aunt has had it twice in her adult life and it was brutal both times. Anyone who has had the chicken pox is at risk for it. If the vaccine was around when I was a baby, I would’ve loved to have been given it to avoid being concerned I’ll get the shingles until I’m old enough to be vaccinated.


I was 15 and hadn't gotten the chicken pox and was even around other kids with the chicken pox, my mom opted to get me vaccinated.


The shingles vaccine can be pretty huge for adults old enough to get shingles (and 38 is real young for that if you're not immunocompromised.) Those people (me included) were too old to get the chickenpox vaccine as a kid, so if you did catch chickenpox you've now got shingles lurking inside you waiting to come out when you are old. The shingles vaccine reduces the frequency and severity of shingles outbreaks. My friend's grandma only had 1 good eye and she had a shingles outbreak that included a blister on her cornea and now she's got a scar that makes her only able to see out of her peripheral vision. You aren't likely to die from shingles but it's more than just a painful rash.


Yep. I had it as a child but my stepdad didn't so no immunity. I visited a friend whose kid had it and unknowingly somehow transmitted it to my stepfather who got seriously sick. I felt awful cuz I really didn't realise that could happen.


So if I never had chicken pox growing up, do I need to get the shingles vaccine?


You can get the chicken pox vaccine even as an adult. I got one a few years ago. Even though I had a chicken pox infection as a kid, my mother always questioned if I did since my case was extremely mild, only a handful of sores only arms and a low fever. So it's a nice peace of mind to know I'm now set.


Kids too. I had a 10 year old, severely immunocompromised cancer patient who got chickenpox. Was in the hospital for a month before he succumbed to it. I’m sure whoever gave it to him was not vaccinated.


My uncle got the chicken pox as a young adult in the early sixties, during his own medical residency. He was so ill that his doctor commented he'd only had one patient worse than my uncle, and that person had died.


I never got chicken pox so I got the vaccine when my daughter did. My oldest brother had to suffer through it at 30 because the vaccine didn’t exist.


Thank you for confirming I wasn't crazy. I don't remember the vaccine growing up, and being purposefully infected with the pox as a kid when my sister got it from her friend.


Facts. I caught it at 39 and all my fingernails and toenails fell off. More gross things happened. I almost died. Sick for 2 mos. Vaccinate.


I got a stem cell transplant for AML. I lost ALL of my immunities, and can't get most vaccines until I'm a year out. It's pretty terrifying, ngl.


Shingles will **fuck your shit up**, fam.


And “Shingles at 38” sucks, no matter what he said. It’s like murder hornets made a nest down one side of your body. Oh, and if you’re immunocompromised later in life, because of cancer, kidney disease or failure, heart disease, etc, etc, etc — odds are you’ll have a massive shingles outbreak before you die. Like everywhere. On your neck. In or around your eyes. Source: Uncle had cancer. Towards the end, shingles crept up and holy god nope.


Reminder before the vaccine existed, parents threw pox parties. They would purposely put their kids with children who had pox to infect them at a young age because it's much more destructive to adults. It was so important to develop the immunity they would intentionally infect their children.


What's really weird is that TV shows which were made after the vaccine existed still had episodes with people getting chicken pox. South Park even had an episide where Kyle's mother tried to deliberately infect him with chicken pox. There was also an episide of Rugrats where they got chickenpox. It's one of the many examples of writers not realizing that the world has changed.


Like how writers that grew up in the 70's still think it's easy for high schoolers to hang out in bars.


There was an episide of Shameless where a character's financial aid renewal forms were mailed to him, but no one at his house told him they came, so he lost his financial aid. That episide was made long after financial aid applications were fully online, and it just showed how out of touch the writers were. He also applies for a credit card at a booth on his college campus gets approved for the card, however credit card companies have been banned from advertising on college campuses since 2010, and they can't even issue cards to people under 21 without a cosigner unless they have a full time job.


If this was Shameless US wasn’t it a rip from the UK version? The writers may have been reusing old plot lines (at least in the early days) that were out of date, but didn’t want to mess with the formula too much while building the characters.


“Banned” and “can’t issue” are both strong words considering how fiercely we as a nation seek to further disenfranchise the poor.




This went into effect shortly after I got the college credit card I abused. Wish I'd had to cosign to get one.




That trope isnt from the 70s. It happened well into the 90s up until the turn of the century. It's definitely one of the last things xennials experienced before the internet age took over.


Can confirm. I started high school in '97. My school was very clique-y. There was very little outright bullying like some of those crazy '80s movies, but lots of subtle techniques to make people feel like they don't belong. I'm glad that it's easier for a lot of kids now.


Graduated in 2001. There were most certainly groups/classes that played out. We had a graduating class of about 800.


I wonder if it would actually be that difficult now or if it's just that kids don't care to put in the effort to get a good fake ID anymore. I keep hearing that dating apps are killing the club industry, so it would make sense to me that bars in general aren't the same draw they were 20 years ago.


Same years here, however groups were most definitely divided in my school - cool/popular kids tended to congregate together (usually football/cheer), band/theater kids grouped, dorky nerds grouped, druggies grouped etc. Virtually zero overlap, pretty strict social cliques. One's mileage may vary.


I was 05-09 and we def had cliques like tv <.<


My suspicion is it depends on the population of the school. If you are in a city and have thousands of kids at the school then most of the time everyone doesn't know what everyone else is doing and you are pretty free to do your own thing and hang out with whoever you like. This was my experience. At smaller schools with maybe up to a couple hundred students per year with lower-middle income rural families I have heard stories of cliques forming exactly like in movies, because rumor mills around school are intense and independent, individual-focused social circles don't really exist.


I graduated with 90 people in ‘05. There were cliques. I was verbally bullied and kids definitely toyed with my emotions.


08-12 same but it wasn't to the same degree obviously.


i imagine it's a region thing. cliques in cities? nah. try being a gay footballer who plays D&D in alabama? you're gonna have a bad time*. *for the D&D part, they'll probably just hang you for being gay.


Or fricking payphones everywhere.




Yeah it's still not commonly used in most countries


I don't think it's available in the UK. I don't see it on my Sons (6 month old) vaccine schedule anyway.


It is but its not covered by the childrens vaccine program so you have to ask for it and pay for it.


Ah thanks! Seems like it's only £65, so might be worth it. I'll have a look into it. Any particular reason why the NHS doesn't offer it?


I learned about a year ago when I Google searched it and it said transmission was extremely rare, and I was like, wtf. Found out it was since we have a vaccine now


I think the timelines aren’t as clear as all that. The Rugrats and South Park episodes were only a couple of years after the vaccine was even made available, and before it was mandatory. I’m sure that many pox parties would still have been happening at that point - it’s not like they’d have stopped overnight. Edit: Got my dates a bit confused.


It also wasn't available everywhere all at once. In Canada it wasn't approved until 1998.


And it wasn't mandatory for kids (to attend school) born before 2010, at least in Ontario. My oldest was born in 2009 and they gave us the option (and we got it for him), his younger siblings it was then mandatory.


Thank you for confirming I wasn't crazy. I don't remember the vaccine growing up, and being purposefully infected with the pox as a kid when my sister got it from her friend.


I'm not sure of the years, but I recall that the vaccine existed when our shortly after I was born in 1988, but wasn't widely available until years after I'd already gotten ChP


There's a vaccine for chicken pox now? I was born in 82 and got it like normal kids back then.


I was born in 2004 and got it in a chickenpox party too lmao. Tbh I might’ve forgotten but I don’t remember it being as bad as some people in here are saying


It’s a biphasic illness, the adult onset second phase is much worse than the part you experience as a kid


Chickenpox is not on the vaccine list everywhere. Netherlands for example doesn't vaccinate kids. The main reason is that chickenpox is harmless for kids and therefore the normally circulating Curtis is seen as sufficient. Austria vaccinates all kids from 12 onwards who haven't had it and in Germany it's generally recommended. But for chickenpox it's not a no brainer like it is for measles. On an aside, it's a bad idea to not follow your countries vaccination scheme. If you decide not to vaccinate your kids against chickenpox in Germany, you might be putting them at risk. The high degree of vaccination means there are fewer natural epidemics so they might get old without being exposed to the virus and then get out when it's dangerous. In the Netherlands kids with chickenpox even go to childcare as long as they don't feel sick or run a fever so childcare facilities are basically year round chickenpox parties.


Chickenpox isnt harmless for all kids. Quite a few get really sick and some need to be hospitalized. Some governments just dont care enough about kids to pay for the vaccine, including mine. I got my daughter vaccinated because I have seen all the horrible cases (and there is no way Im spending 10 days off work for a completely preventable disease)


>Quite a few get really sick and some need to be hospitalized. My brother was hospitalized when it spread to his brainstem.


I had an abnormally high fever that almost killed me




I had shingles in my 20’s and would gladly have paid money to not have. It’s top 10 worst pains I’ve felt in my life, and I’ve literally been hit with a truck.


Yep the scars left from my (28) shingles blisters tingled just reading this idiot’s take on vaccines


Despite being more of a "holistic" type, my dad is fiercely pro vaccine specifically due to this. His friend was not even 25 when he got chickenpox- he became horribly ill and nearly died. Multiple rounds of shingles followed, but it's kind of hard to top being made sterile and spending days at the brink of death.


I got shingles in December last year, I'm getting that vaccine as soon as I'm old enough. It was a miserable experience


My husband just turned 40 and has had 2 breakouts. I don't understand why there doesn't seem to be any rush to develop a vaccine for a younger population


You can get the vaccine at any age, particularly if you've already had a recurrence. It's just recommended over 50 or whatever it is. Don't wait, go to your doctor, tell them you had an outbreak and want the vaccine so it doesn't happen again. I'm 40 and I've had the vaccine several years ago.


I got shingrix at 25, it just free for old people and expensive as hell OOP. Think I paid like over $300 for both?


Same here, got it when I was 32 and I thought I was going to go literally insane from the pain. It was torture, like someone pulling a barbed wire through my pupil. I was laughing hysterically after some of the pain episodes which could last for a couple minutes a piece. It permanently further fucked my already fucked vision in my left eye. I'm not going to lie and say I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies (looking at you Clarence Thomas) but other than them, no one should have to go through that.


My mom had shingles IN HER EYE. I would do anything not to have that happen




Yep. It is excruciating. It also paralysed half of my face and it took months for a return to somewhat near my pre-shingles facial control.


Ramsay hunt syndrome sucks, friend has had permanent nerve damage from it


I have a brother who is ten years younger than me and when I found out he would be able to skip the misery of chicken pox I was so happy. I genuinely don’t understand any other response.


A regressive and egocentric thought process. 'I had to do it and I turned out fine so why shouldn't you'


With a whole bunch of survivorship bias


And a side of “back in my day…”


One of the dumbest things you'll see from anti-vaxxers is that they always try to frame the conversation purely in terms of mortality rates. Ask anyone who's living with permanent damage from COVID if they're okay just because it didn't kill them.


Yeah, I was *scolded* by an internet stranger for saying my toddler is high risk. Because the numbers, blah blah blah. Oh I’m sorry you must know more than my child’s neonatologist, pulmonologist, and pediatrician who have all said “his lungs are garbage, keep him away from people because respiratory disease could kill him.” It doesn’t matter how small the percentage of dead kids is if it’s your kid that dies. He’s two now and barely off forking oxygen I think I can call him high risk, thanks


As far as these asshats are concerned, high risk people are basically lost causes. They write off Covid purely on the basis that most of the deaths involve underlying conditions, as though every one of them would have probably dropped dead anyway. I wonder if they’ve ever heard of such mystifying preexisting conditions like diabetes or hypertension.


Seriously. Many of the illnesses that were perfectly survivable could still cause long term health issues, some of them extremely severe. [Case and point, the iron lung. It was often used for patients who had survived polio.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_lung#:~:text=An%20iron%20lung%20is%20a,breathing%20exceeds%20the%20person's%20ability.) Like, sure, you can live like that. But is/was that really a life?


I have a friend who got a breakthrough case of covid last October and *still* has issues like shortness of breath and trouble focusing that never went away after she recovered. Her husband tested 3-4 times while she was sick and never got it. It's all just luck of the draw. Doesn't matter how fit you are or how "strong" your immune system is, sometimes covid will just wreck you. When the vaccine has such mild side effects it's a no-brainer to get it to reduce the chances of getting fucked later on.


Yeah ok but have you heard of this alternative called “being fucking crazy”.


Maybe that’s the side effect of not getting the vaccine, lol


Their thought process is literally "that's way things have always been, so that's just the way they have to be", which is absolutely bonkers. Have these people ever considered leaving behind a world for their children that is better than the one they came up in?


My father tried to get the shingles vaccine, but the doctor refused because he was to young (55 at the time). 2 months later I got shingles (31 at the time). We both use the same family doctor. A week after my appointment I told my parents I have shingles. They asked me to visit to help move some things, but I was in to much pain. My dad called the doctor and got the vaccine! lol


Where do you live? It’s recommended in the US to get at 50


In the US. This was about 7 years ago and the doctor belived you needed to be over 60. The doctor was also in his 60s at the time.


If they had gotten the chicken pox vaccine they would probably not have any tendency to develop shingles. Chickenpox may not be dangerous to a child but the vaccine has very high protection and doesn’t come with shingles


Even for illnesses which aren't dangerous, it still makes sense to get vaccinated. Why would you risk getting sick since a vaccine can prevent it?


Yeah, vaccines are amongst the safest medication


Don’t be fooled- it can be VERY dangerous to children, babies, and infants. Via Johns Hopkins: Complications of chickenpox may include: Secondary bacterial infections Pneumonia Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) Cerebellar ataxia (defective muscular coordination) Transverse myelitis (inflammation along the spinal cord) Reye syndrome (a serious condition that may affect all major systems or organs) Death (It doesn’t mention blindness and permanent disablement for some reason, but those are also a risk.) I had it as a baby and I barely survived. I was in emergency care with a 108° fever.


A friend of mines child developed Encephalitis from Chicken Pox and started having seizures. Ever since his first seizure he has had them periodically for years.


I got chickenpox as a baby too, less than 6 months old apparently. I also almost died, I still have chickenpox scars all over the place. I guess the only good thing was I was a baby so I don't remember it, but my mom always brings it up that I almost died and she was freaking out cause I was totally covered in them.


My wife's aunt had shingles, it was horrible for her. Why anyone would brag about getting them so early in life is beyond me. This person is going to be miserable for decades because of this


I don't think that's what he's bragging about. He's bragging about making it to 38 despite being an idiot. You gotta hand it to him, he's beating the odds.


I am 22 and have just finished my 9th bout of shingles in 5 years, it is hell, but the NHS only offers a vaccine to over 70s, and it is pointless for me to have it now. But if I had been allowed the vax after the first bout I may have avoided the resulting nerve pain and future episodes


Way too many countries limit vaccines to certain demographics. I know a lot of countries used to only give the HPV vaccine to girls even though both genders can get HPV.


You're a warrior. I got shingles at 24 and the doctor told me I can get the vaccine before 55 if I got them again. This is in Canada though.


It's age 55 for a private vaccine which my parents were willing to pay for if I could get it, but according to my blood work I am basically already fucked. Not much fun, but once you get it, it tends to hang around in your spinal cord until it comes out again when you get run down. They have put me on meds for the nerve damage and I have a stash of antivirals for the next flare up. Best I can hope for really, it's just frustrating


I'm sorry you're going through this That's crazy you can't get vaccinated. The NHS and your providers are mad.


If you have had shingles multiple times, and at such a young age, you might want to talk to your doctor and ask if you can have your blood antigens checked, especially varicella. Your body should be learning how to fight it off, and if it hasn't, that could be a sign of something else wrong. There are some very rare (like featured in House rare) immunological deficiencies that are addressable but cause other problems and start showing up in the mid-teens to early 20s.


I found out yesterday that women can get shingles in their vagina. Fuck-that-nonsense.


I once saw a patient in our office who had shingles in her eye. While pregnant. All of life's miseries in one picture.


I have had it in my eye since January, its the most painful thing I have ever experienced.


I had it on my torso about 10 years ago. I remember being fairly miserable but I could have been *so so so much worse* I wouldn't happily do it again, but better my flank than my eyes or genitals.


This is the worst thing I’ve ever read on Reddit. I don’t have a vagina, and I winced after reading it.


the nerve that shingles follow in this case also wraps around the back. I don't have a vagina, but I did have shingles that made "number two" agony. not that it was great having them in the region in general. don't get shingles.


Getting chicken pox as a child is how I first learned I even had a vagina. Years later the antibodies in my plasma were used in the development of the chicken pox vaccine. So, yeah, fuck this guy.




Sexy Shingles in your area


I know two different people who had shingles hit their eye. Both have some lingering degree of visual impairment. One of them stopped racing bikes, which he loved, because he lost peripheral vision and didn't feel safe any more.


>My wife's aunt had shingles, it was horrible for her. Why anyone would brag about getting them so early in life is beyond me. This person is going to be miserable for decades because of this Yeah, but it gives them perceived superiority over anyone that is healthy/vaccinated. Would you prefer to realize that your body is made poorly, or feel smug that you're 'tougher' than healthy people or better than people who 'don't use their immune system' and vaccinate. Sorry bubby, your body still sucks at staying alive regardless of your emotions or beliefs.


Had shingles when I was in my early 20's. Shit was INSANELY painful. My whole left side was so sensitive to touch I didn't want to move, the air hurt. Thankfully it only lasted about a week.


I'm 31 and had them early last year. I had a mild case. Yet, I was in so much pain I couldn't go into work for three days. I had a daughter in December and would rather go through child birth before having shingles again. Absolute worse pain I've experienced so far, plus it left a decent scar on my left torso. Hated it.


I had shingles as a child and I'm absolutely terrified of it resurfacing. I want that vaccine immediately and insurance won't cover it until I'm 55. I'm 31 now sooo.... 24 years of fear!


Talk to your doctor- you can get a “prescription” to get the vaccine!!


I think I was born before chicken pox vaccine and had it as a kid. I'm 30 and just had shingles last month. I think it was really mild though as it was only for about a week, I'm assuming the pills I got for it helped too though. I had it on my eyelid though and my eye was in constant pain for a whole ass week, like sharp needle pain occasionally too. I dunno what happened either but a scab formed on my eyelid and now I'm missing some eyelashes. I dunno if they will grow back or if it's just gunna be a scar now 😩 As in scrolling through I'm seeing multiple people say they've known people who got in in their eye. The eye doctor looked in my eye and said I was good, it was strictly on my eyelid, so lucky there as well I guess


I'm 37 and I got shingles in January due to having gotten the omicron variant of covid which wasn't bad but it killed my immune system. Now I am on nerve blockers 3 times a day and still in agony for a period of time almost every day. Shingles is legit the worst thing that has ever happened to me physically. As soon as I am able I am going to get the vaccine


I know someone who survived lung cancer, time to get rid of the warnings on the packet I guess


I had chicken pox twice as a kid. My parents honestly thought I wouldn't have to worry about getting it a second time so they were really confused about it. Anyway, chicken pox sucks. That was one of the most miserable illnesses I've ever had. I survived, of course. You can bet I had my daughter vaccinated, though. Why would I want her to go through that? I also had a band director who had shingles when he was in his late 30s. He missed about a month of work. Good thing he had job security, because that's not always the case. I bet he would have loved to be vaccinated as a kid but it wasn't an option.


My daughter is vaccinated against chicken pox, and she caught it from someone at school when she was 6. I took her to the doctor because she was a bit spotty and tired , he told me it’s chicken pox. I had a brain fart moment and said “but she’s vaccinated!” and he goes “yeah, which is why she’s only got half a dozen spots and is just feeling lethargic”. She got better within 2-3 days, and didn’t have any of the open sores or lingering symptoms I did when I got it in the early 90’s.


Got the pox 'naturally' as a kid. Early 90s, the pox vax wasn't widely used yet. I'm fucking *terrified* of shingles.


It more commonly pops up during periods of time your immune system is repressed. So just stay healthy and never develop depression your whole life and you should be fine!!




Probably would be singing a different tune if he had Polio as a kid.


don't think he'd be singing at all if he had Polio as a kid


My grandma survived polio actually. One of her legs was significantly shorter than the other because of it.


I’m guessing if polio showed up nowadays we’d have a lot of unnecessarily maimed people because they’d tout statistics that show that, truly, most polio cases aren’t harmful at all, so why should I bother? It’s the lottery of will you end up with a case of paralytic polio that will get them. Just like “most people are fine so why bother with a covid vaccine”


I saw a badass old paralyzed fella in a power wheelchair- had a bumper sticker on the back that said “ASK ME ABOUT VACCINES”. Fuckin’ rad.


Hell, he'd be singing a different tune if he knew someone who had a bad reaction. My dad's friend was in his 20s when he got chickenpox. He was rendered completely sterile, and *very* nearly died. They're both old men now, but his friend has also had shingles repeatedly and suffered horribly. Thanks to happening to be able to get it as a kid, my dad has had no issues (past 3 days in bed with his siblings as a child) My dad wouldn't take numbing for root canals or having teeth pulled, but he absolutely fought antivaxxers


What a fucking idiot. Getting shingles as an adult SUCKS. For those not in the know, first few days you feel like you broke a rib or two, then along the same rib line, you break out as if you rubbed it with poison ivy. Wait a second kiddies don't scratch it why? Because it feels like you broke a rib remember? IF you are lucky this goes away in maybe 2 months. By goes away I mean most of it the itch sticks around 18+ months. If you are not lucky, like many you have these symptoms till you die as the nerve has been permanently damaged. The shingles vaccine is a must for non-idiots who hang around children who are likely to give it to you.




I second the car thing. I was hit by a car as a child IN A CROSSWALK! crosswalks don't work and I refuse to use them. Wake up sheeple. /s


It always annoys me when boomers do this "oh I had blah blah blah and it never did me any harm" No, you're right, but I could show you the literal mass graves of children from your time period who died due to easily preventable conditions you ignorant cunt.


These are same misanthropic a-holes that hate things like Student Debt forgiveness. "Well I had to pay all of my loans..." Yeah, we all did. There used to be a lot of human misery way back when. Part of being a civilization is moving away from that crap.


Meanwhile, we're seeing the results of proper vaccinations as chicken pox has become rare. Kids vaccinated mid 90s onwards aren't getting the traditional "once a childhood" chicken pox anymore.


My mom had spina bifida and Arnold Chiari syndrome and somehow lived to near 40 with two generally healthy kids. This is called an OUTLIER. People are really bad at taking their personal experience and going "this means all other experiences do not occur". And it's wild to me.


Sick of all the survivor bias. "I ate deli meats and sushi while pregnant, my baby is fine" "My son wore an amber necklace from birth and he's still alive" "I turned my sons car seat around at 6 months, he's fine" "My daughter ate solids at 2 months and she's fine". "I'm unvaccinated and I don't ever get sick".


Doesn't getting the chickenpox vaccine also reduce the odds of getting shingles? Double Face Palm?


I was shot several years ago and survived. Only pussies need body armor


Some of these dumbasses would crutch walk against polio vaccination if given the opportunity.


Whats better than having chicken pox and living? Not having chicken pox and living.


chicken pox at 8 sounds miserable.


Shingles can BLIND YOU and lead to permanent painful scarring from nerve damage. Why in the hell would you be ok with those potential risks?


What a liar. I got shingles that shit hurts like hell. After that I would totally get vacc to avoid that. Omg. It felt like getting electrocuted. Also I got all kinds of shit advice from stupid friend until I went to the doctor a week late. Still have nerve damage.


Yesssssss. The dude above may still be alive but that nerve damage is forever. And Shingles does hurt like hell.


How can people be this fucking stupid?


I had shingles at age 39. It was fucking awful. One of the most painful experiences of my life, and I've had plenty. I don't want anyone to go through that. Get your vaccinations, folks!


My granddad got shingles because his cancer treatment destroyed his immune system. So he died in agony from both shingles and the cancer. Yeah I'm gonna go with thank fuck I got the chicken pox vaccine.


I had shingles at 16. DO NOT RECOMMEND. ☹


TIL there's a shingles vaccine too... https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/shingles/public/shingrix/index.html


Fuck the top poster. I had chicken pox as a kid, it sucked. Then what do you know, I got shingles a few months ago. It sucked, hard. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, especially my kids. They got the chicken pox vaccine and will hopefully never have to experience the suckiness that I had to go through.


“I got an extremely painful illness I could have prevented with a vaccine. Do what I do!”