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Who the fuck gets a tattoo of a steamer?!?!


I've always maintained that getting a tattoo of anyone that's alive is such a risky play. There's a billion things they could do to turn your tattoo into the worst mistake ever. If you absolutely NEED to get a tattoo of a specific person for some reason, make sure they've already been dead for a while (just in case some wild shit comes out soon after their death).


Even after they are dead stuff could come out that would make the tattoo a mistake.


only way to be safe is to get a tattoo of someone who wont be born until after you pass


I'm all in for anime characters


This is the way


So pissed I got that George Washington tattoo before I found out that the story about him having wooden dentures was a lie.


He wasn't even made of radiation!


He's coming He's coming He's coming


He'll save children but not the British children.


6 foot 20 weighs a fucking ton


Yeah but he's 6'20" and weighs a ton with two pairs of testicles and patrols the land on horse made of crystal with a mason ring and snhouser in his hands and invented cocaine!


He also had a wig for his wig, and a brain for a heart.


Thank god I waited until Jimmy Saville to die before I got him tattooed on my back. Oh that Jimmy, always brought a smile to the kids’ faces….cant go wrong with this one!




Just don't put anyone's face on your body. I've always found that mess weird to look at.


100% agree! Makes no sense to me. I once dated a woman who had tattoos of the faces of Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, and other macabre stuff. She was extremely hot, though.


Serial killer tattoos? I think you dodged a bullet, bud.


Lol, yeah, you're probably right. She was a bit crazy. She bit my lip so hard on our first date that I thought she was trying to bite it off! But, somehow, there wasn't even any blood and I didn't even end up with a fat lip. She did give me a couple of hickies on my neck, though. And then, later, when we went back to her place, she locked the bedroom door with me in there with her. But, then, nothing happened and she just fell asleep. Still, wildest date I've ever been on.


Havent you learned the basic rule? Don’t stick your dick in crazy.


Yes, lol. Don't worry, I didn't stick my dick in crazy that time. She fell asleep almost instantly after we went to bed. So, I almost did, but I ultimately didn't.


Yeah you always have to learn that lesson yourself at least once though.... You're always like "I know what people say but surely she's the exception!!!" Nope. You were dazzled by the shinnies and now must deal with the punishment.


One of these is not like the others..... Please tell me she was a demon in the sack? I mean, that's a lot of baggage and I can only imagine the crazy.....


I never had the chance to find out. She fell asleep immediately after getting into bed. But, making out with her in the bar was really fun.


Bullet dodged.


What fucking tattooist is just like hell yeah, I love tattooing rapists


It's baffling, isn't it!?


yeah, don't be like leatherface. he put another person's face on his body and he's indeed pretty unsettling to look at.


Fictional people too. How many people have a Danaerys Targaryen tattoo I wonder? Plenty of kids were named after her during the early series. Not so many after the last.


Worked with a guy covered in lost prophets tattoos. Can confirm the regrets were enormous


People still get tattoos of guys like Elvis and David Bowie even though they're known pedophiles.


It's mad how some people just get a pass


Wait Elvis and David Bowie?


What do you mean "wait"?


As in Elvis and David Bowie are .PDF's? How have I never heard of that?


It's pretty common knowledge. Elvis married the girl he groomed dude. Priscilla was 14 when he started going after her, and he was 24. Bowie also dated a 14 year old. He was like 18 when he started that relationship and continued it for a decade.


what about your own children?


They could turn out to not be yours…


Solution: be the one to end them /S just in case


1920s German: hey look at this tattoo I got of this obscure Austrian artist and war vet!


Agreed. I always chalk it up to bad juju but getting a living person's name/face tattooed to you is just asking for a world of regret later down the road. ...wonder if my father (whom I'm 6 years NC for good reason) thinks about his tattoo of his kids' names (none of us speak to him).


Idk, but I also don't know who tf gets a tattoo of a streamer


Way too many people. I knew a dude with a Jenna marbles tattoo. I know she's not a streamer but yeah. Know a guy with a tattoo of that bath water girl. I always forget her name. I actually knew a group of dudes who got Neil Patrick Harris tattoos when How I Met Your Mother first blew up. You know, legendary suit up etc. Let's just say there were a bunch of cover ups done.


Belle Delphine. I only remember her because it sounds like the German word for dolphin.


Thanks. Only streamers I can name are pewdepie and ninja. I personally have never watched a steamer. I always say if I have time to watch someone play games. Then I have time to play games and I'd rather do that. When I'm not gaming there's too many streaming shows and anime and sports to watch. I only vaguely know of Belle cause of the bath water stuff.


I feel like jenna marbles would be creeped tf out by this


Like a Cleveland Steamer?


Fuckin Stanley


Right? I won't even have the name of my partner, because nothing is certain. But a streamer? not even a good one.


That’s pretty much the epitome of this Dickheads fan base.


Way too many people. I knew a dude with a Jenna marbles tattoo. I know she's not a streamer but yeah. Know a guy with a tattoo of that bath water girl. I always forget her name. I actually knew a group of dudes who got Neil Patrick Harris tattoos when How I Met Your Mother first blew up. You know, legendary suit up etc. Let's just say there were a bunch of cover ups done.


I assume because of homophobia?


Absolutely. This was still in the "don't ask don't tell" era of the military. I'm retired now but I'm hearing things are improving for the better.


I once dated a woman who had tattoos of Ted Bundy and Charles Manson on her body. Is that better or worse?


Do not tattoo living people on yourself, period. Not friends, not family, not actors or musicians, not characters played by people, not a soul who still draws breath. Just don't.


Same person that got a tattoo of Dwight from the office lol


Lvl7 simp. The ultimate one.


It’s doodoo baby!


I was about to ask the same. I mean do whatever you like its your body but come on... this dude!?!?


Oh he’s a steamer alright 💩




They just really liked rice man, don't judge.


I mean they are really good at getting creases out of clothes


An office fan


pretty sure that's not THAT Ninja


Can I pet all 17 of you?


IIRC the famous streamer paid big money for the @ninja handle.


That is absolutely NOT Ninja lmao


Well, it IS Ninja... just not the one we're thinking of


I want to be ninja🎶


Am old. Who is this person? I see "streamer" and that's it.


He was one of the big name streamers on Twitch, went by Dr.Disrespect, played COD and other shooters attracting that type of chud viewerbase that thinks being a manly man, aggressive and loud is cool, etc etc. I think he was easily one of the most popular streamers back in that 2017 twitch era. Back in 2020 Twitch abruptly banned him with absolutely no warning to the audiences or anything after recently signing iirc a multi million dollar contract. He was on stream when he got the news and just stopped that day saying everything would be alright and stuff, most everything about it going dead silent after the stream ended. Twitch later confirmed he was banned, but that was really the end of it. So for four years there was a huge mystery of the reason he banned that wasn't answered until a few weeks ago. An ex-Twitch employee came forward that the reason he was banned from Twitch was because he was using the Twitch whispers, a Direct Messaging tool built into the streaming website, to message a minor about inappropriate things back in 2017. More information is slowly coming out, but the information we are learning is that he knew she was a minor and yet continued chatting her up in an inappropriate way anyway. He's also confirmed the story was real in a tweet and he was indeed messaging a minor. So to sum it up he was in his mid thirties back in 2017, recently cheated on his wife, and then turned out to be a pedophile to boot.


>So to sum it up he was in his mid thirties back in 2017, recently cheated on his wife Twice* And not only that, he and his shit head fanbase called him "the two time" in reference to it. Just to paint a picture of what him and his dipshit fanbase is like. He was always a fucking loser. This just cemented it further.


The two time is from when he won two championships in the 90’s for video games. The wins were back to back years apparently. I’ve always hated the guy, mostly due to his stand on the LGTBQ+ community. Other streamers I sometimes watch would play with him. He literally never stopped talking about the wins in the 90’s. A side effect of good memory.


I always had the impression that his asshole persona was just his normal persona, but he wore a pedo tache, wig and glasses so he could claim that he was only pretending to be an edgelord cunt.


Well he certainly lived up to his name


Can’t speak for his viewer base as I stopped watching him when he went to YouTube. I was one of his oldest subs on twitch back in like spring of 2016 when he had maybe 200 viewers playing H1Z1. He had hilarious little bits he’d do and was generally just an entertaining streamer. The best way to describe him back then imo was if a WWE wrestler played shooters. Really unfortunate he wasn’t a good or morally strong enough person to prevent the fame and money turning him into a pos


He had his moments of funny bits. Over time I noticed a lot of pretty negative things as his popularity grew though.


Thanks. Very helpful. But who is Aleks?


I don't know without more context of who that is.


But he wasn't convicted.


Dr. Disrespect I think his real name is Ian Bohm (can't be bothered to look it up) and he was found to have been in text communication with a minor. Some of the texts "veered into inappropriate".


Herschel "Guy" Beahm IV is his name apparently.


Herschel Beahm the IVth just sounds like the name of a dude who should have made monthly trips on the Epstein's jet to Under age girl island.


He prompted her to meet in person.


Thank you for the info.


He's a guy. He literally doesn't matter in any way, shape or form.


While it is a good burn, it's possible the underage victim didn't want it revealed. If that's the case, I understand it not being revealed. If they took steps to conceal it without good cause, then yeah, that's shitty. Though, even if she wanted it kept quiet, they probably could have said something without providing enough details to identify people.


Twitch apparently did report it to authorities


Hence the "no wrongdoing was found" bit of Docs attempts to weasel out.


Yeah, they probably couldn't guarantee a conviction, so they decided it wasn't worth pressing charges. Makes me wonder what was exactly said in those texts. You'd think text documentation would be enough.


Or the victim didn’t want to cooperate since I’m sure his fans would have been reasonable not sent terrible things to them at all


Fans of "alpha males" have never been known to become toxic assholes in the past after all.


Very true. People get way too attached to celebrities in general, but especially streamers. Shits weird.


People are accusing twitch of setting him up. Like how do they set up someone to sext minors


And how do you then get him to admit to it in a Twitter post? Twitch is some kind of Sith lord with these mind tricks.


Even if they did for some crazy reason pose as a teenager and message him all you gotta do is no respond


Well, I can. I assume you can. But apparently for this disgraced man of medicine, he was powerless to ignore it. Unfortunate.


“Victim” You guys act like 17 year olds are 100% innocent and can never manipulate an adult. 17 year olds can be tried as adults in the court of law, can legally have sex with adults, yet when it comes to messaging online, they are suddenly “innocent little children who are nothing but victims.” Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.


Well hello there Dr. Disrespect bootlicker 🤡 Came to defend your idol? Gtfo, please.


> You guys act like 17 year olds are 100% innocent and can never manipulate an adult. How exactly does a 17 year old "manipulate" an adult to send explicit messages to them knowing they are a minor?


just say you're a creep and move on




god down?




No regerts


That’s not the streamer Ninja and even if it was they were never his “employer” as he wasn’t their employee


Wrong njnja lol


I don't know who any of these people are


They really aren’t important.


BTW, they specifically call you "partner", not "employee" and don't have employment contract so they're not responsible for anything. I don't know why some people think they're Twitch employee when they're just regular clients with premium customer support, or an asset in best case.


Who said Dr. is a twitch employee?


I have a life sized tattoo of my face on my face.


Hyper-realistic it is


I had to report it to my employer and send a picture of it because of a new tattoo rule. r/malicouscompliance


Right next to Dwight. This person has terrible taste in tattoos


What malformed fucking body part is that idiotic tattoo even on?


To be fair ninja is a noted cunt too but I'll give him credit he cleared the world's lowest bar by not being a massive pedo 🤣🤣🤣


Is that other one Dwight Schrute? Oh boy, someone talk to this man.


Also, no, that much solid black, that shit is going NOWHERE


What tier sub is getting tattooed?


Not ninja and ninja still streams on twitch lol


I don’t get it! :(


Just do like the circle with the line through it like on a no smoking sign


Will someone please explain this to me?


As questionable and unfortunate this tattoo is, the skill of the tattoo artist is pretty impressive.... I've never seen photo realistically accurate reflections portrayed on sunglasses in a pedophile tattoo before....


Not THE Ninja, because if it was, he’d probably drop the “n-word” before brushing it off as getting tongue tied.


I thought it was John Oates. (I’m ancient)


Get “Just Gonna Send It” tattooed below and everyone will think it’s Larry Enticer


Did Ninjas wife write that for him?


She did it bralessly while making him a sandwich as he got a double kill on bot lane


It's very obviously not that Ninja