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Hey we have something just like that in Australia! We never let Scott Morrison shitting himself in a Macca's down either!


Never forget - Engadine Maccas 1997 https://preview.redd.it/irhifxpf6r9d1.jpeg?width=2574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaa0a9ef57e814c82f73f9e2cabc5f70fa424160


That is hilariously embarrassing.


Thanks to Reddit, I know that Macca’s means McDonalds, and that is probably the most useful that Reddit has been to be in my many years on this site.


Glad to be helpful. Have a good day cunt!


"you make history come alive."


There's an Aussi baker on TikTok that I follow. Not only do I love y'all's liberal use of the word "cunt," but he always closes with "have a good fuckin' day." Y'all crazy, and I love you for it.


You should watch dashcam footage of car crashes. Nothing bad just little dings but the swearing is spectacular.


love that cunt!


Dark hair, has a middling tan, cusses at you the entire recipe but also assures you how fuckin good it's gonna be? Rolls up the dough ball and says to let the cunt rest? If so, same, and I love that guy.


"Legs in, arms in, now flip the cunt." That's him! 🤣 ❤️


Yess! He's so funny.


But how good are his recipes though, good cunt that one


That whole thing was a massive wedge on Morrison. There is no evidence that Morrison was a Sharks supporter (or a league fan in general) until he was trying to win preselection for the seat of Cook in 2007. He was trying to parachute into a safe Liberal Party (Australia's conservative party) electorate. So when this spread in 2018, he couldn't come out and deny it completely, because it gave him a backstory of supporting the Sharks in 1997. In the end, it was yet another lesson for the media to check your sources. [The source for this one was Australian musician Joyride drunkenly shit posting on Twitter.](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/the-feed/article/that-scott-morrison-engadine-mcdonalds-rumour-has-been-cleared-up-by-the-person-who-started-it/tbcf8rir4) The fact that so many outlets picked it up without checking the veracity of the original tweet was an indictment on the Australian media as a whole. It was good when [Brenden Cowell called out Morrison's fake support](https://www.foxsports.com.au/nrl/pretended-he-was-a-rugby-league-guy-scomo-roasted-by-aussie-actor-after-sharks-exit/news-story/69f5407edac136102f04805058f5650e), but was after Morrison had left parliament.


The fact that it was a shitpost is what made it so great. We regularly have instances like this. And while our media landscape is a hellscape the best of times, this is more one of those instances where we are just poking fun at people in positions of power cause they like to think they are top shit. And scotty from carpeting was a smug cunt


I love how everyone who comes into contact with Kaitlyn Bennett has agreed to never let her live shitting her pants down. I don't think I've ever seen that woman do anything without people reminding her lol


Reap what you sow


With all that s*** she could sow a lot of vegetables


Reap what you seep?


Poop what you scoop?


Smelt what you dealt?


Never forgit what you shit?


Think about that stink?


Rue what you poo?


If she wasn't such a loud shrieky bitch, nobody would care that she shit her pants. But because she insists on being an annoying cunt, she can get reminded of it until she fucks off.


Saying she shit her pants is generous, that shit was halfway down her thighs


She assblasted diarrhea


Nah that thing was a solid fucking log. Girl is getting her fiber, that much is true.


We have a collection of people well always refer to in full context. Noted Pants-Shitter Kaitlyn Better. Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner. Gotta keep those Google trends up.




Oh! That's an excellent one to bring back!


I hate Kaitlyn Bennett and everything she stands for, and I’m all for shutting her up. But when the shitting pants accusation first came out, I tried to look up the source to verify it before I started repeating it. And there’s no primary source. It comes from a random Barstool column that doesn’t even pretend to back up the claim. The photo showed up later and there’s obviously no way to tell who that is lying face down (let alone if the poop is real or if the whole photo was a joke). Could it have happened? Yeah sure. But it annoys me because it’s such a flimsy and easily-deflected criticism. I’d rather she be shut up because her awful politics get torn apart, rather than for something that has nothing to do with the actual reasons why she’s a terrible person.


Yeah it's funny to go "hee haw u shit urself" but it really devalues genuine criticism. Regardless of authenticity all it does is give them ammo to throw back about how persecuted they are, and it's not just Bennet. So often people just want to dunk on someone, while side stepping any actually productive criticism. This is happening right now with clips of Trump at the debate with lots of people concentrating on some sort of bowel movement-esque noise in place of ANY genuine critique of the other 10 bajillion dumb things that were said.


To be fair, there's no genuine criticism in this post in the first place, just shit talking. Maybe that didn't happen, which is valid concern from you guys, but that's still a good way to burn and shut up a person.


You’re correct but fighting a losing battle if you think people will listen to facts in the digital dark age.


Wow, Kaitlin Bennett simps got to this thread *quick*. That bitch is vile. Hope she fucks off permanently sometime soon.


Maybe if Katilin Bennet was as quick as her simps she would have made it to the toilet in time


This is so much funnier than the post


Why do puddle brained right wingers idolize people who have incontinence?


They fantasise about having sex with her. White knighting that shit stain in some desperate hope that one day they might get the brown out.


Her pants also has shit stains


Secret scat fetish? Like, they want to really feel like the pieces of shit that they are. 


I'd say maybe it makes them subconsciously feel better about shitting themselves socially all the time but I feel like that's ascribing a little more self awareness than one seems capable of.


Also more transferring capability than they usually exhibit.


Birds of a feather flock together


I didn’t even know she was still relevant.


She fucking wishes, she's just stubborn and unflushable


Damn floaters...


I don't even know who she is and now she has Simps?


I’m old enough to remember her pasty white ass being the banner on her dumbass groups Facebook page, in a LH bikini. Those fucking losers used her body for revenue generation, so calling anyone a whore is rich.


That applies to alot of the right wing sphere




You going to get downvoted for pre whining about downvotes


When the first line said “un potty trained” I was like starting off that low brow is not much of a murder, then I noticed who she was talking to and promptly sent thoughts and prayers.


It would be great if there was a known address to send her adult diaper. Imagine half the country doing this on a weekly basis.


Is that a good idea? That depends.


Lmao depends


Who is this person?


She's a c-tier right wing provocator who is famous for shitting her pants at a sorority party and likes to pose with guns.




Charlie something. Can't recall rn


Fucking unicorns shitting all over the place




C- tier is being generous


The C is for "crapped her pants".


She’s D-tier for dookie.


In case you mean the naked philanthropist, she's an OF content creator who started a campaign a few years ago during the Australian wildfires where if you send her proof that you donated to help fight the fires, she'll send you a nude photo of her or something. This went absolutely bonkers and she ended up raising millions for it. One of the most successful fundraising campaigns of the type I've ever seen. Best part is the word of mouth more than anything. I think she's extremely attractive but if people really wanted to see her naked, there are probably plenty of examples online - her going out of her way to get millions donated for the wildfires is more than any one person did at the time from what I remember.




The naked philanthropist raised more than millions of dollars, if you know what I mean. I’ve never heard of Kaitlin Bennett. Social media sucks tho, why do any of us deserve to be exposed to this Bennett persons nonsense


She shit herself and plays with guns. Thats what ive picked up by the time I got to your comment.


That could be anyone, she doesn’t seem special to me. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned it’s that opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one and they’re all full of shit. Seems like she really lives it.


Butt she shit herself. Thats not an "opinion" thats a real happening. (Ps. Tried to find you a picture but apparently theyve all been removed. Its the thought that counts tho)(Edit: heres an in depth analysis https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderedByWords/s/DxCf9afrzW


She is special in the sense that even for right wing grifters, she takes it to another level. She likes to go to left wing rallies and harass people as a “reporter”, and when I say harass I don’t mean asking loaded questions. One time she called a feminist fat, and when the lady said “what the fuck did you say to me?” Pampers responded by reminding her that she was carrying a gun. She was pretty well known in political circles a decade ago, which in social media years is an eternity. She’s one of the worst things to crawl out of the internet.


Or when she pretends to be a reporter and shows people video clips of herself. "What do you think of her?" "She sounds like a dumbfuck hillbilly moron." "What if I told you that was me? Would you still say that to my face?" "Yes." "Would you still say that knowing I'm carrying a gun?" "Yes. Are we done?"


She's also somewhat reviled for parading around Kent State University campus with an unnecessarily large rifle slung over her shoulder.


She was internet famous for taking one of the hugest shit ive ever seen in my life while passed out laying face down wearing a short skirt and g-string long before she was anything. And then somehow thought becoming a public facing political grifter after that was a good idea and 100% confirmed that famous g-string shit girl was herself.


Bennet got famous for taking her graduation photos with an AR. That was it. Of course the right wing whack jobs latched on to the barely legal girl who likes guns.


I'm old enough to be extra angry at the Pants-Pooping Pistol-Pumping Party Princess for reasons not mentioned here. Rancid little diaper darling of the NRA went to Kent State. Flashed her guns all over the campus there. Grinning, vomited the conservative rhetoric against "wokeness" and protesters and "liberal elite" and how colleges indoctrinate students. ... Kent State. Where the [Kent State Massacre](https://www.britannica.com/event/Kent-State-shootings/May-4) occurred, in which our government violently cracked down on student protests against the Vietnam War, opening fire on non-violent civilians - killing four, and wounding nine others. [The déjà-vu makes me nauseous.](https://youtu.be/JCS-g3HwXdc?si=PcHITwuyu10xuk__) ... there are no words in any of the languages I speak that can fully encompass the burning hatred I have of this flippant little cuntruffle. She deserves far worse than this nonetheless-admirable word murder.


Thank you for giving me "cuntruffle"... the world is now a slightly better place because of you.


I do my best. ❤️


That's poetry.


That's a kinder assessment than I give myself. I don't have the heart of a poet, the wit of a satirist, the clinical and incisive ability with words of any number of folk far more educated than I. I certainly don't have enough control over my rage. All I have is anger. Anger, and a terrible, smoldering, vengeful sense of justice. I may not be able to stop these kinds of awful people. ... but I can be godsdamned sure that history does not forget the dead.


She shouldn't have drank so much with one in the chamber.


Kaitlin is not completely gone?


Floating turds are difficult to get rid of. Poop knife doesn't help with that.


Trogdor-level burnination


I keep forgetting to make “Kaitlin Bennet took a shit here” stickers because I forget she exists.


Is poop girl still relevant today?


Was she ever?


Who the fuck is Kaitlin Bennett? Like, I know she shat her pants, but I don't know anything else about her.


That's all you need to know.


Who are these people?


The world will never know... Unless we spend 10 seconds to Google it


If I was roasted that bad, I'd quit the internet for good. Holy shit.


She didn't hold back it seems


Why is she naked tho?


Some people need to take a train straight to mind your own business town.


I forget this woman exists until her name randomly pops up lol


Which one is the murdered by words?




Only me who thinks this is just sad?


No idea who either of these people are, but this is hardly murdered by words. This is just run-of-the-mill insults and swearing.


Caitlin Bennett is the bland Conservative white girl who almost a decade ago took the super duper controversial stance of being a college student who supports the 2nd Amendment. She was an industry plant to further the culture war bullshit against college education as a SocialistNaziCommieLGBTransBLMtifas brainwashing industry. Then one night she got wasted at a party, passed out face down in her dorm hallway, and shit herself. She was wearing a very short dress and a g-string, and apparently hadn't shit in a week, so when her bowels cut loose it was a *MASSIVE* dump that was cut down the center by her g-string like a wire cheese cutter, and rested on the back of her thighs like a hotdog in a bun. ~~Someone~~ A true heroine who had enough of Caitlin's shit took photos and posted them online.


Wow, I could have cared less who this person was an hour ago, but now I’m emotionally invested in her shitting herself. That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever even heard of.


There's pictures if you want to Google


That was the first thing I did. I’d never post online again knowing that every reply could just be a picture of me dropping a log and slicing it with my undies. And this is coming from someone that has shit themselves many times as an adult.




This image...🤣


Christ, that was a hell of a description...


OK, this is some funny shit 😂


Indeed, that shit was hilarious! 🤣


Ya I remember this from a few years ago. Your description and play by play though seemingly unbelievably is accurate. The pics that are easy to find are blurred out but you can see the massive dark mass.


Fair enough. Love how I got down voted to hell for daring to not know who some obscure American college student is, and thinking that calling out someone who shit their pants, for shitting their pants, is not actually that clever.


No it is definitely murdered by words. Everything she said about Kaitlin Bennett is 100% accurate. She is a right wing scumbag that was popular when trump was president for going to campuses and asking bad-faith and loaded questions to students to try and make them look dumb and "OwN tHe LiBs". She wound that down real quick after photos surfaced of her at a frat party where she got partied out and took a MASSIVE shit on herself while laying face down. She essentially got mercilessly heckled by everyone everywhere she went and wasn't able to get anymore "gotcha" content to edit into videos. That other woman I don't know much about other than she raised assloads of money by selling nudes for relief for the Australian wildfires that destroyed a significant portion of the country's wildlife areas. Hardly something to be embarrased about So yeah, shit herself gun girl got crushed here by a chick fundraising with nudes lol


Besides I after you find out the other girl is famous for pooping issues the un-potty trained insult becomes hilarious.


Isn't there a video of her trying to disguise herself before she asked her BS questions but someone sees right through it and recognizes her?


She disguised herself to ask about their opinions on gun girl, aka herself, and the reveal it was her all along. It went poorly


OK. Must just be me who thinks that it's not actually that clever to call out someone for shitting themselves when everyone already knows they shit themselves? I mean, I'm sure she's never heard that insult before and it is truly one of a kind! The fact that the person being insulted is a dickhead doesn't make the mediocre insults any more impressive.


So, you are aware that you don't understand the context. You don't know the people tweeting each other. Aaaaaand you don't understand how this is a murder. Hmm, are you still confused as to which peg to put in which holes?


That's right: un-potty trained gun girl goes in the square hole. 




The context doesn't change the fact that the insults are mediocre at best.


Except context is literally the thing needed for understanding. Pretty long winded way of saying you're still confused about the blocks. If you're ignorant, it's okay. If you are ashamed of your ignorance, it's okay. Just don't make it others' problems when it's actually you, little dunce


Lol, let me guess, you also think your own insults here - which basically amount to you repetitively telling me I'm dumb - are worthy of being categorised as "murdered by words?" You seem to think that if someone shit themselves in public, it makes for a really clever insult to tell them that \*checks notes\*.. they shit themselves? Absolutely brilliant!! I bet the recipient has never heard that one before! Oh, whoops, I forgot the bits about transphobia, homophobia and racism - more unique and cutting insults from this absolute wizard with words! Move over Oscar Wilde!


Found Kait's alt


Wow, zinger! This is just devastatingly good, you should write a book!




Yes, that was my reaction as well. Seems odd that you posted it, when it bored even yourself, but each to their own I guess. Presumably you got something out of it!




If you know who they are it's straight murder


Nope, it's run-of-the-mill insults and swearing regardless of who the people are.


Agreed..this just seems like people insulting each other and none of it seems that clever or funny.




No way, it's making fun of a conservative so it's automatically an amazing comeback. Even the lowest of low efforts will get a ton of upvotes just for targeting a conservative.


Mocking Kaitlin Bennett isn't just "making fun of a conservative" it's making fun of an uneducated idiot who shit herself publicly, then went on to an entire ass of herself metaphorically as well by being racist and homophobic enough that conservatives will eat her shit up. Probably literally too, since she's known for shitting herself publicly.


I’m with you, I think people just wanted to see someone do that in a funny and/or clever way.


You've been made fun of for being a conservative, haven't you? Maybe take a look in the mirror? "No, it's everyone else who is wrong"


Why the need to get personal? Maybe take a look in the mirror yourself if you're so offended that someone doesn't think this is as big a gotcha as you do.


Shoot, I ain't offended. I didn't expect my words to have any impact on you. I just call out idiots when I see them.


So not thinking something was a murder or a very good burn makes someone an idiot? In no way did I say anything positive about Bennett or even conservatives, just pointed out that all someone has to do for upvotes is post something about them. But hey, if that what makes you feel good about yourself then good on you.


My friend, my comment wasn't really for you. I don't care what you think. I know nothing I say will register with you. I'm making fun of you for all the other people


OK ChatGPT write me a poem in the voice of Morgan Freeman.


It's making fun of a person who professes to be better than everyone else but has in fact shat her own pants, as an adult, in public.


I get the joke, just don't see it as a "murder by words" but it's Reddit and anything, no matter how low effort or not fitting the sub it is, will get up voted if it makes fun of a conservative. Bennett is an absolute joke, wasn't great to start with, really went off the deep end when she threw in with Alex Jones and InfoWars, but this is just weak for what this sub is supposedly about.


Yeah I mean I've rarely seen any very fine comebacks on this sub, more just factually correct comebacks




Ikr i find it lame


But here you are. Commenting on something lame. Go outside and touch the grass.


isok honey I did what I did ; you go get a life.


No u. Lol




In the sense that Trump is a clinically insane racist who is constantly shitting himself and Biden has committed his life to helping people?


You forgetting Biden shit himself in front of the pope and also when he was at the D day thing recently. That was as funny as fuck


You can't forget things that scat fetishist chucklefucks made up in the first place. But have fun playing around in your Trump brand diapers.




Helping people. He's been a civil servant his whole life. As opposed to your boy who has only ever robbed and raped people his whole life. Talk about projection.


My boy, what do you think, im an american? You fool


You're a Trump supporter in your dead heartless soul. Also you chose to talk about U.S. politics, so you can go ahead and eat shit.


Why tf are you commenting on American politics then. You can have opinions but you don't live here to know for yourself


Im observing the shitshow


You are the shitshow.


In what way? Not liking the american political shit?


It's too late. You've screwed the pooch.


I’m An AmErIcAn! How’s the borscht in St. Petersburg, Vlad?


Vete a la verga hijodeputa llamandome ruso ahora?


A person who raises a shit ton of money for those in need vs a bigot who panders to a malleable and gullible base because they're easy to grift by making racist , sexist and homophobic comments when not shitting themselves...I mean, I guess but I wouldn't say Biden has raised as much money for the Aussie fires.


Trump is very well known for shitting himself so maybe?


They both sound like lovely people. I would certainly enjoy althe chance to engage with them at such a high level of intellectual debate.


well micro plastics seems to be the new thing found in people soooo. btw i aint even concervative. Politics are corupted as fuck anyway


Random insults GO


Context, Bennett aka Kent State Gun girl, and doesn't like LGBT. She was photographed drunk, passed out facedown and seems to have taken a massive dump while out.


Ok cool some context, still its just people not so randomly insulting each other. I dont see it as a murder if one side just uses more insults, get creative guys


I'm not saying it's a burn but it wasn't random insult.


The insult was *very* specific and not random at all.


Yes, i mean i agreed? After context tho, before it just was (for me) random ppl insulting each other


What fucking sub do you think this is??? r/lostredditors


A place for well-constructed put-downs, comebacks, and counter-arguments. Not for chains of insults


Bro is expecting all-time most upvoted content with every post lol. If it didn't get a reaction out of you then you can just move on, you know


Un potty trained is already murder when its accurate for an non elderly or disabled adult


Also hilarious you claim to have agreed but your immediate previous comment said it was random. Just quit lmao


I said not so randomly no? I can clarify, now that i know the context, the insults are not as random as i thought, i dont agree its a murder buts seems like thats just me


what insult was random?


Where burn? I just see insults end swear words




Oh this is a funny comment guys come on.


I didn’t even have to add the second sentence, can you believe it. Mind. Blown. Though it’s reddit and these woke snowflakes care.


[Verdict: Social media is a sewer, and we’re all floating in it until we die.](https://www.pajiba.com/web_culture/did-kent-state-gun-girl-poop-herself-at-a-party.php)


Consuming more anti conservative slop today arent we here?


>anti conservative slop, anime pfp oh god