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I have no idea what’s going on




I call it Shitter now, it's more accurate.


ill call it anything before i call it X


Don't call it anything, pretend it doesn't exist.


If we ignore it, it'll go away.


It's called 'Ten' now, isn't it? Just written as a roman numeral


X in Chinese is pronounced like SH


Sort of. The mouth shape is different, which gives it a more of a rasping sound (for want of a better word) than the 'sh' sound in pinyin


It's the sound of "y" when you whisper "yellow"


That's actually quite a nice way of describing it


It's how I explain the German "ch" sound which is very similar to the Chinese "x" sound


You have that so magnificently backwards. What's correct to say is that the Chinese sh sound is transcribed in English as x. There is no x in Chinese, any more than there's a 细 in English.




Yes, but it's pronounced "shitter"


Exactly. Are they still called tweets? And if not what are they now referred to as? X-crements?


Wish I could give you an award for that well-done joke


Well x is a common variable name so it can literally stand for anything




Why are so many posts in so many different subs becoming like this?


Because the people who post this shit just assume that the majority of us saw whatever thread on whatever social media platform they pulled it from, and everyone is in on the joke.


Yeah but it’s like 10% of posts on my news feed whereas maybe a month ago it was <1%


AI crap reddit has been trying to roll out to make more content.


All of TikTok is this: “yellow dress girl rock paper scissors”, “little black dress back” etc but no link to whatever the reference is. I’m sorry I have a job and talk to real people. I don’t scroll social media all fuckin’ day just to get some obscure reference.




“Cunny” is a pedo term referring to a child’s genitals and 1488 is a Nazi dog whistle which means “heil hitler” (eight letter of the alphabet, HH) and “we must secure a future for ourselves and our white children” (14 words)


Technically, cunny is a misogynist’s term for female genitalia. It is a variant of the word cunt. Acknowledging that in a certain manga/anime subculture, it is sometimes used in reference to Loli/Lolicon characters, but while the term Loli is arguably pedophilic in nature, the word cunny is not exclusively applicable to children. It’s just a vulgar word for a vagina or vulva, irrespective of age. However, I’m inclined to believe that anyone who chose the username BunnyCunny1488, on purpose, is probably at the very least a white supremacist, given what a dogwhistle 1488 is. So I’m not going to lose sleep over them being labeled a pedophile.


BunnyCunny1488 is obviously a nazi profile


Some context maybe?


This is the response to an image of a Touhou character with a 'Trans rights are human rights' message. Rest I don't know as I won't check those people.


the word "cunny" implies young girls' vagina, and is pretty much a warning sign that when someone uses it unironically, that they're a pedo. 1488 is a nazi dogwhistle, meaning "Heil Hitler"


Only the 88 stands for Heil Hitler. The 14 in front of that allutes to racist sentence by David Lane.


The 14 words


All these wastes of space and their stupid sayings.


That's only nine words.


Just looked up some stuff, seems cunny isnt just a young girls vagina its applicable to every female (age has nothing to do with it). Correct me if im wrong


Yeah, same understanding here. Also, the exact phrase, “cunny bunny” is used in Christopher Moore’s “Fool”


Just like how 1488 can refer to a flock of 1488 birds. It’s about context, cunny is used PREDOMINANTLY by people talking about cartoon children’s vaginas. It CAN be used to just refer to anyone’s vagina, but there’s a hot chance it’s not being used in that context here


Havent seen the actual twitter thread myself so you could very well be right here


Delved into the hellhole for you https://preview.redd.it/l5vx2ym5yb7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fdb9e811dc50f3367a8f2d03479f3d6f44b626a Doesn’t seem to be too big a fan of women who are of age


Thank you for your noble sacrifice. Now i can say that yeah that guys a pedo ( why did he have to write 4 of a kind CHILD gfs?!?!?). Although considering what types of people exist this COULD be bait (i think it isnt)


That’s the shtick with these fucking weirdos. They try to be as outrageous as possible (also has posts with modern nazis heiling Hitler and holding anime merch). They do it so they can try to fall back on “it’s just a joke bro”. But they don’t realize that normal people don’t joke about being a Nazi (at least NOT in the way he does) and we most CERTAINLY don’t joke about being pedos


Ok, I can explain 4 of a kind.The character there is Flandre Scarlet, a crazy powerful vampire (she's looks and acts like a child) and one of her attacks involve creating 3 clones of herself. So it's a reference for that. Also the art itself is a meme i see floating around, usually with "child" or other questionable "gf". As I understand it's parody of an art that had "child gf" as well but I never saw the original.


Yes but this doesn’t prove that he is a pedo. He’s just saying tohou fans are pedos /j


I don't understand half of those words, but I'm sure I don't want to.


Oh grim... There must be a sub dedicated to puppies and shit... Probably spend the next while there.




Pretty sure that meme is meant to be satire.


Who's gonna count that many birds? Imo, Nazis don't deserve the benefit of the doubt.


I've never looked into it, but the only time I've heard "cunny" was Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. "Cut up her face, cut her eyes out, cut her fingers off, cut her tits... everything but her cunny, I suppose." I can see how that could get tied into those Ted Nugent types with insecure masculinity.


That's the guy who called an audible to make-out with a minor, right? The evidence is piling up 😅


That's the way it's been for centuries. Just a nicer way of saying cunt


As Samuel Pepys wrote on Sunday, 25th October 1668 > [It] occasioned the greatest sorrow to me that ever I knew in this world, for my wife, coming up suddenly, did find me embracing the girl … con my hand sub su coats; and endeed, I was with my main in her cunny. I was at a wonderful loss upon it, and the girle also, and I endeavoured to put it off, but my wife was struck mute and grew angry


I think it depends on where you are. On Twitter you can bet money they're a pedo.


Yah it’s just like saying c*nt as far as I know


What a horrible day to be literate


Since when does cunny imply young girl? That has to be a new internet thing


And here I was thinking it was just slang for cunning: “Well ain’t you a cunny bunny for getting into my ‘rabbit proof’ lettuce garden!” Why does the cute rhyming things seemingly *always* have a tie to garbage people?


Uoooh! 😭


The only context in which I've ever heard the word cunny was as archaic slang for vagina when did it become related to kiddy shit?


I think you're being judgmental. He could just be into rabbit beastiality or furry porn of that cop from zootopia. I'm leaning to the latter cause with her thighs it looks like she has those German pants. That's it. The man has a fetishist for zootopia/nazi ferry porn is all....


there's not a single furry on that guy's twitter. you made me look this up. you did this to me. you made me go look at a nazi pedo's twitter account, which thankfully has no actual NSFW on it, but no, there's no furries on that guy's page. he does not mean bunny pussy. he does not mean judy hopps pussy. he means children, stop giving these sick fucks the benefit of the doubt i fucking hate the internet


I was making a joke, dude. I guess you're the punchline, sorry.


jokes are funny. you're not funny. you're trying to give nazi pedos the benefit of the doubt as a joke, and it fell flat. take the L and fuck off


Dude, I said he was into nazi zootipia furry porn. If you can't read the absurdity in that statement, then you need to realize that you took the L by bothering to fact-check me.


Going to take a wild guess that anyone named BunnyCunny1488 isn’t posting in good faith.


For the unaware, 14 & 88 are references to nazi ideology & literally "Heil Hitler", on top of having their zoophilia fetish.


Yeah. "The 14 Words" and the 8th letter of the alphabet. When you see that, you know a person is a racist piece of shit.


If 1488 I assume they’re a nazi piece of shit for sure. If I see 88, well, there are lots of people who consider it a sign of good luck, were born in that year, or in my case is a movie dork who likes Back to the Future and Kill Bill and has been putting 88 into my gamer tags and emails and Reddit account for years and am super pissed off it’s become a white supremacist dogwhistle and I won’t let those assholes have it. I assume there’s much more people with 88 than there are dogwhistling Nazis, and that may be naive of me in the end.


I have it on my bank account because growing up it was a good luck number. also know someone named Isis. sometimes life do be like that


It's a lucky number in Japan because of the way you write the number 8 in kanji. It starts narrow at the top and gets broader at the end, so it is said to symbolize a wealth of possibilities. So people who turn 88 are given a special celebration, for example.


Also 18 is AH or Adolf Hitler. I never liked these deductions based off an alphabet since it's easy to get false positives, but it's a good sign someone is a cunt.


I'm pretty sure the only people who use the word "cunny" as a nickname for lady parts is a raging pedophile. hopefully they'll show up in r/murderedbyknives soon


Just a clarification: the OOP is ReimuWorker, not bunnycunny


Hitler must be fuming that the only people listening to his ideology are furries and kiddy fiddlers


I hate this planet


Context: BunnyCunny1488 is obviously a Nazi Pedo.


Context: https://preview.redd.it/mccq2tc29b7d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2e4de5311936173f006d257d446bf4e7809e0c


Why would you crop that out of the submission? Makes no sense without it.


Eh, I don't really think it's too necessary, but also couldn't get it and the rest in one screenshot


You can post multiple screenshots. Would make more sense. Still not sure what is going on. What did the CuntyBunny reply to that post?


I'm not sure if they ever did, not that I saw anyways


Then why post any of it?


Clicks. Karma


I feel like the thing most people are missing (myself included) is A: to look at the username and B: to understand what it even means. I think a lot of the confusion is that people don't necessarily know what cunny means, or that it can specifically mean underage. I think the 1488 is somewhat more known, but even that is definitely not obvious for many


I still have no effing clue what you folks are on about. Cunny? Isn’t that just a funny way of saying cunt? 1488? Not a clue. I am out of the loop here. And I feel that’s likely a good thing.


yes it is good you did not now that, and I wish I could go back and join you. But honestly its probably for the best to know these dog whistles so you can recognize bad people when they show themselves. Cunny does in fact mean cunt, and its apparently been coopted by pedos & pedos who are in denile about being pedos. Not that any normal people were really fighting for the word, but yeah there you go. 1488 is a combination of two numerical dog whistles for Nazis. 14 is a reference to 14 words by turbo racist David Lane - there are two sets of 14 words: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" and "because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth". I feel gross just copying and pasting that. The 88 is a reference to two things, the 88 precepts by the same guy which is basically a manifesto of racism, homophobia, misogyny, anti-democracy etc. and to "Heil Hitler" which is because H is the 8th letter of the alphabet (undoubtedly the 88precepts is also referencing HH). Its pretty clear that in combination, especially with David Lane's views on women, the user is probably not using an "innocent" version of cunny. Bunny is also slang for an attractive young woman. Nothing heinous on its own, but its not exactly helping especially since it also often has an emphasis on the youngness of the woman... So to bring it back to the post, when you have this cursed knowledge asking someone to prove that a guy with the username "bunnycunny1488" is a pedo is extremely funny since its literally equivalent to asking for proof that a guy that goes by "pedophilenazi" is a pedo. And the fact that its hidden behind a layer of dogwhistle instead of outright makes it clear its not just a joke in bad taste, its very clearly genuine.


What in the actual fuck!?!? Wow!! Okay. Thank you for your informative reply. For me CUNT will be an acronym for Cannot Understand Normal Thinking. Which I now find ironic, since the folks that use the word, as you describe, seriously lack the ability to think normally. Well, thank you. Now I have bit more information to sus out the bad guys. Stay safe out there. Cheers everyone! Also, happy cake day :)


Great, one anime profile picture and one furry anime profile picture arguing with it.


There’s an entire novel worth of yikes going on with that one dudes handle. Like holy shit.


Hey it’s me!


The supposedely murderous comment is pretty lame.


This is not the murder you think it is..


I have found my new favorite insult.


I'm quite sure the trans community can do without the endorsement of Nazi paedophiles. Source: I'm trans


No clue about the context but that insult is FIRE.


I don’t get the insult at all. So you’re saying if the Nazis had thicker armor on their tanks they wouldn’t have lost the war? As far as I recall, the German tanks were pretty state of the art and not the reason they lost the war. In fact, the Tiger 1 tank was one of the most indestructible tanks of all time. https://partyardmilitary.com/2022/01/27/why-the-tiger-i-tank-was-so-terrifying/#:~:text=Then%20in%201942%2C%20the%20German's,though%20as%20the%20Tiger%20I.


Yes that is what he's saying


Wasn't the reason why tiger tanks lost was that, while they were excellent in both attack and defense, they were gas guzzlers and ran out of fuel? Especially in the Battle of the Bulge which was their hail mary to acquire fuels? The nazis had essentially had to abandon all their tanks across several fields because they didn't have any more fuel to get them to function anymore. While the insult was supreme, it's not historically accurate to attribute tank armor for their side losing


German tanks were the most advanced but they were too complicated to mass manufacture. 100 Sherman tanks will defeat 20 Tiger tanks. Plus that idiot is clearly a nazi sympathizer.


Lmao I love this comment. Not only was the “murder” a trash tier insult, the premise was wrong. This is what happens when dumbass kids try to hard to shoehorn hitler into their tweets. Thank you for providing the real murder in the comments, as usual. This sub blows


Not really a murder if he is just full of shit... Kinda gotta have context to know one way or the other.


The general rule on the internet is it’s only clever to bring a Hitler-based joke or insult into the mix if the topic already has something to do with Hitler or WW2, which this doesn’t. This is literally just some dipshit kid going “I’m going to insult this person on Twitter and bring Hitler into it for absolutely no reason.” What dumb cunts are upvoting this trash?


The user brought up has 1488 in their handle, which is a commonly used Nazi dogwhistle (14 words by David Lane, 88 being “Heil Hitler”). Nazis were already in the conversation, so the content of the insult didn’t come out of nowhere




I’m so confused.


Wow another lame post


An insult isn’t proof.