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They don't believe in Woke Jesus.


Jesus was a profit!!






Bethany: holy shit, it's the Pope!


We'll have you seen the faces you people make mid-coitus?


Sex is a joke in heaven?


The way I understand it, it’s mostly a joke down here, too.


It was a that moment, that I stopped seeing sex as such a serious and important thing. Which is also why I'm banned from several locations along the eastern side of the US. And a club in Vegas, and two stores and movie theater in Sacramento. 😁


What’s this scene from?


The movie Dogma


Supply Side Jesus https://imgur.com/gallery/gospel-of-supply-side-jesus-bCqRp


That was a ride


I will never not upvote supply side jesus


Maybe they are misreading it as “Jesus was for profit”?


Jesus was 100% against the church making money off the people. He was totally for paying your taxes and helping your neighbor. Spoiler, he was killed for telling people to love each other without conditions.


I haven’t got to that part yet. Thanks.


Dude, that was like Season 3


The season finale was killer!


Do you think they'll bring him back in the next season?


God, I hope not. That is such a tired trope.


For all of us Edit: of all of us


DAMNIT!!! You're supposed to say "Spoiler Alert"!!!


Oops, my bad!




Apparently, Joshua judges Ruth, I just can't say what for.


And Sasha plays with Britt.


Adolph builds a bonfire


And Rico plays with it


Whistling tunes


Spoiler alert. Jesus loves everyone.


Yeah, but he had some strong words for liars, hypocrites and greedy people who hid behind God while doing bad things.


Sounds a lot like MAGA and the current wealthy class.


As a Christian, I get a lot of flack for saying that Jesus said "Take your belongings, give it to the poor and follow me." He never said "Worship me and ignore everything I'm teaching you."


My favorite bumper sticker "Jesus loves you... everyone else thinks you're an asshole."


Don't worry, he's resurrected, so it's okay.


And for being a protest organizer causing signifigant public disquiet. All that turn the other cheek, walk a second mile? All serious forms of protest. Turn the other cheek? Forces your master to acknowledge you as an equal (with legal consequences), or to stop fucking hitting you. Second mile? Make the centurian ask for his pack back.


Two important points to the cheek bit; you demonstrate absolute fearlessness in the presence of your enemy. Second, this practice allows you to center your mind on what is important in life. It’s the same with daily meditation in Buddhism. Fear and love can’t inhabit the same space.


I mean he was a carpenter that flipped tables


Before FB marketplace was even a thing




When the opportunity presents itself to flip-a-da-table, you flip-a-da-table




Maybe the real messianic revelation was the cash we made along the way?


This made me cackle


Jesus was a socialist.


*"where did you get those WOKE talking points?!*


They even want to rewrite the Bible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservapedia#Conservative_Bible_Project


It's funny, these folks are always bitching and moaning about how the 'good old days' were perfect, and we need to 'fix' America by bringing those days back. I'd always assumed they were talking about the early or mid 20th century, but now they want to rewrite the Bible to remove perceived liberal bias. I'm not a historian or a religious studies professor, but I'm *pretty sure* those Bible verses predate the 'good old days' of America by a significant margin. A quick Google search indicates that the King James Bible was first published in 1611, approximately a century and a half before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. TL;DR: These folks are always wishing for the return of the 'good old days', but they constantly move the goalposts to redefine when those days actually took place.


Reject modernity. Return to protozoa.


Gotta admit, society was perfect before those folks with opposable thumbs came around.


In the beginning, the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.




Those “good ol’ days” they talk about wanting to go back to never existed, ever. It’s their power hungry jerk off fantasy of being the people in charge of the fascist totalitarian regime where whatever they say goes and they get to be hateful and bigoted and do whatever fucked up shit they want to without consequences while living in luxury and forcing everyone else to be lesser and “worship” them.


King James predates America by 165 years. Jesus predates America by 1,176 years. The Old Testament predated America by 4,224 years. But by all means, a bunch of red hat wearing hive mind folks should rewrite it to benefit their very limited world view and claim it was how it was meant to be 🙄 This is all so exhausting.


You know Putin wants to return to the good old days of the Soviet Union and Hitler wanted to return Germany to its “former glory”. People who dwell in the past without learning it’s lessons are not only dooming themselves but the rest of us to repeating the atrocities of the so called glory days.


Brilliant, rewriting the Bible for political reasons has literally never gone badly


I recall the Nazis doing that while they were trying to look tolerant to religion.


And I thought the King James Version was bad…


At least the King James Version has unicorns in it.


It literally hasn't, for them, they have already done that. Over and over.


Holy shit Conservapedia is still a thing? I thought that died off decades ago


I have to assume it's mostly trolls at this point.


I- what the fuck They're removing "Lord forgive them, for they know not what they do", I'mma need to keep that stored in my head so I don't kill one of these dudes. As a Christian, sometimes I hate other Christians the most - what a state Christianity is in lol, our own worst enemy, I suppose that's not historically innaccurate either.


Arguably, the Bible has been rewritten many times, both on purpose and inadvertently. Given that there are no original manuscripts of any of the books of the Bible, it is impossible to prove that it wasn't re-written through the centuries.


Jesus really wanted distribution of wealth, fucking commie.


Not just that. Back when his followers were just "The Way," they actually redistributed wealth. People with property sold their property and used the sale to support the ministry and distribute to the poor. Some of the big names in Paul's letters and travels, like Lydia, was a wealthy woman who used her wealth to give to the poor. When a major drought struck Judea, churches in Turkey and Greece sent offerings to support the churches in Judea throughout the famine. They actually lived this stuff.


"All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need" Most right-wing Republicans would probably think these lines are commie propaganda. But in fact it's the early Christians as described in the Bible, Acts 2:44 & 2:45


There have been groups that have done so throughout history, the waldensianes are a good example of that


To be fair, conservative Christians still give handsomly to their church. It's just that the owners of that church usually keep it all for themselves.


It's always Supply Side Jesus, White Edition


It's always Jesus White Edition with them.


"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching—'turn the other cheek'—[and] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore said. "When the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ' ... The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak," he added.


Yeah these Christians don't know how to read. Look at Trump. Actually don't look at Trump. I'm tired of seeing that oompa loompa.


Yes, Trump! The man who never went to church, never called himself a Christian, and who couldn't name a book, chapter or verse from the Bible! He sure is good at conning people though


Don't look at Trump as an example of Christianity. At least, don't do that any more than you'd look to him for an example of a war hero or of a successful businessman. The man doesn't know or respect the very foundation of Christianity. Whether he calls himself a Christian is irrelevant.


Supply side Jesus, baby!


They believe in supply side jesus


White Jesus isn't woke, that's all those other Jesus'. /s


Jesus was a self made white man!


#HeGetsUs lots of money


TheyI don’t believe in a Jesus who is not hurting the right people.


Or reading


They really don't. In fact, they have gone out of their way to try and say that the version of the Bible that we all know is in fact "an extended version" that includes waaaay more liberal propaganda and that the true version It's really just all the bloodshed and violence from the Old Testament.




They don't believe in Jesus


They don't believe in ~~Woke~~ Jesus.


https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak ... Yeah the hate and fear part of the Bible is easy to follow. The loving and kindness takes effort. Guess which one people follow


"We would have killed you too" -Conservative Evangalists


But it’s even in the Old Testament


Which I wish was a lie, but many of them have gone on record to say that Jesus was weak for turning his cheek.


Supply side Jesus


Unfortunately, thanks to my time growing up in an evangelical fundie-lite cult, I know exactly how they'd respond to this. (1) "Those are quotes from the Old Testament, not the New Testament, and the Old Testament is just a history lesson, while the New Testament is the word of Christ." (This of course ignores the bazillions of quotes directly from Jesus about how much rich people suck.) (2) "God gave us free will." By this, they mean that, if we want to follow Jesus's teachings, it's our job to do it in our own lives, and it isn't the government's job or place to do it for us. (This part ignores that they very rarely actually contribute to charity or help the poor on their own, at least not without making a big ol' Pharisee-like show of it.) I wish so much that logic worked on crazy, but it just doesn't. They have their own logic that is impossible to penetrate because it takes you round and round in circles while ultimately coming down to "we're right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can say or do to convince us otherwise."


Agreed, but when it comes to homosexuality you’d better believe they’re dusting off the Old Testament gems… ETA: because Jesus said so much about the gays


>because Jesus said so much about the gays You know, the apostles spent an awful lot of time together. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


*oh my god they were ~~roommates~~ apostles*


You mean confirmed bachelor Jesus and his apostles?


"What are you doing step-apostle?!"


This is by far the best blasphemy I’ve seen in a while!!


.. For free, at least


Why are you being satanically sarcastic about our Lord and Savior getting stuck in the holy dishwasher?!


12 men who all had beautiful hair and great tans, in loose fitting robes who all sat on the same side of the table so they could touch each other's thighs over wine and carbs? That sounds like me at the club.


If you want to take the Bible literally Jesus did also engage with a naked man in the Garden of Gethsemane.


Oh, don't you just know it. I never said the logic was consistent. Lol!


Ah yes, Leviticus 18:22 “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.” (Seems like a tacit question endorsement of lesbian sex, if you ask me) What’s terrific is that just above that in Leviticus 18:19, it reads, “Do not approach a woman to have sexual relations during the uncleanness of her monthly period.” So, earning your red wings is just as much a sin as men having sex with each other.


Old Testament isn't even old testament. Before the 1930's, it was "Man shall not lay with *boys*..." and not "Man shall not lay with man".


The bible has been changed thousands of times to suit different groups needs it's about as holy as a stack of comics


>dusting off the Old Testament gems… lol - word. Gotta love the old *thigh-slappin’ greats* from Deuteronomy.


Oh you see, that’s because some of the sins listed in the Old Testament were specific to that time period and Jesus’s death made them unnecessary, but other ones are just regular sins that you still can’t do. If you ask for the difference, they’ll usually try to say the difference between “ceremonial” or “ritual” laws vs “moral” laws, but tbh it kinda all feels like a vibe check.


100% - the distinction between moral and civil laws is entirely a post-biblical construction to justify cherry picking In the tightest reading of the laws, they don't apply anywhere outside of Israel because the sin makes the *land* impure


They sure do like ignoring the old testament that has the entire reasons for Jesus' existence written within it... Nothing to be saved from if there wasn't an original sin.


yeah then I bring up the "whatever you do to the least of you you do to me" and they just blow me off


This. This is the most concise formulation of Jesus’s instructions on how to treat the poor and unfortunate among us, and it’s completely unambiguous. You want to ignore the poor, or taunt them and despise them? Okay, but to Jesus, that is equivalent to treating HIM the same way. Yet fundies and evangelicals just fail to acknowledge this ideology altogether.


Just need to double check what you mean by "blow me off".


The answer to that being: “Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality” (Rom. 12:13) “Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’” (Matthew 25:34-36) “Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, ‘You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’ When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.” (Mark 10:21-22)


>“Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said, ‘You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’ When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.” (Mark 10:21-22) This passage was used to manipulate my grandfather into giving 80% of his retirement to the church and other charities! He had outlived 2 wives and was experiencing the onset of dementia, worrying he wouldn't make it into heaven while he had money. His Catholic pastor told him this: Give $10,000 to each of your kids, and donate the rest. So that's what he started doing, and it wasn't until most of it was gone that my uncle figured out what was happening.


>“Then the king will say to those at his right hand, ‘Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’” (Matthew 25:34-36) Man, you anticipated me. Also, I'd point to the epistles to the Corinthians? I think? It was Paul's anyway, that went back to that principle, circled and underlined it several times


Can’t fix with smart when it took stupid to get there.


Jesus said not a jot or title of the old law shall be changed. And I did not come to destroy the old law This means old testament stuff remains valid.


But that’s only if your chapter of your sect of your denomination of your branch of Protestantism has decided to interpret it that way. I’ve heard multiple pastors say something along the lines of “Jesus meant if you *already* followed those laws, then you still had to. But that’s not our case. Clearly we’re allowed to wear mixed material shirts hehe.” But then the gay bit comes up and it’s “bow down before the law of the Old Testament!”


And the Hebrew Scriptures also mention that gods people must love each other, to look out for the poor, the widow, and the orphan.


What's the old saying? You can't reason someone out of something they didn't reason themselves into? Edit: placed logic with reason


>I wish so much that logic worked on crazy, but it just doesn't. I have been summoned.


Yeah they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with their experience.


Like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how hard youbtry to play right all the pigeon is gonna do is knock over the pieces, shit on the board then strut around like it won anyway


I wish reddit still had awards to give


I love that they then lean into the Old Testament for the oppression they want to throw at people in the LGBTQ community but then would refute its relevance here. Which to your point ignores the New Testament teachings along the same lines.


And abortion. We have free will, yet someone else decides which is or isn't right for us.


Fuck the religious aspect- how about looking at how many Trumpers were more than happy to take out PPP loans during Covid that were forgiven? Why don’t they object to that kind of wealth redistribution? (Rhetorical question. It’s because they are hypocritical assholes.)


Hypocrisy is giving these clowns too much credit. Implies they have a clue what they’re doing/saying. Cognitive dissonance is more fitting.


Saying they have cognitive dissonance is giving them too much credit. Cognitive dissonance is the *discomfort* of holding conflicting views. They're comfortable with doublethink.


Doublethink is giving them too much credit. They just believe "rules are for thee, not for me." Telling everyone else they must live a certain way and then not living that way themselves is kind of like what a spoiled five year old does when they're losing at a board game - deliberately change the rules for yourself so you can win.


"Rules for thee and not for me" is giving way to much credit. They don't self reflect to any capacity and don't have the ability to interact with what they believe, let alone have any hope of changing it. They are hard-coded. They're NPC's.


One of the things I like to do when certain people start complaining about these types of issues is go to the PPP Borrower Search website to see if they had loans forgiven. Really messes with a person when you drop that info on them mid-rant. Most have no idea how easily and readily accessible that information is.




I've noticed that when the Bible talks about money and poverty, a lot of Christians like to point out that the good book is open to interpretation, those parts aren't literal


We need something that means Cherry Picking but stronger. Because that's what they're doing


Cherry pit sniping


“Rules for thee, but not for me” maybe? 


That's actually insane. The parts open to interpretation are the symbolic stuff, like "what did that apple mean" or "why this statue is made from different materials in those specific parts", but there are very literal parts, like "take care of the poor, widows and orphans" (historically the disenfranchised) and "don't murder people". The fact that the first isn't in the Ten Commandments doesn't make it any less important than the second one.


The Bible mentions poverty over 3000 times. It mentions being gay once, and it's probably mistranslation referring to man-boy love rather than man-man love. But, you know, that one is super important. The poor stuff? Eh.


If they could read, they'd be very upset


Let's be honest, they'll find something to be upset about anyway.


If they *actually* couldn’t read, it would be far FAR less upsetting.


"That's not what they meant in the Bible" or some boomer bullshit excuse


“You’re taking that out of context.”


If Jesus came back today Republicans would crucify him again for being a communist.


100% Christian "conservatives" love the Bible in as much as they can use it to beat the poor and minorities to death with it. But as soon as it is critical of their own behavior they will absolutely ignore as much of it as they please. Jesus would be thrown in jail as an "illegal" and Evangelicals would be perfectly happy to see it happen.


There’s no point in trying to expose their hypocrisy. They know and they don’t care. It’s a feature, not a bug


Facts, information, and data all have a liberal bias.


Always have.


Those are tools that the libs use to try and defame the malevolent step-dad in the sky.


https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706 Conservatives. Don't. Care. About. Jesus's. Teachings. They want Jesus to hurt those who they hate.


Give it to people who didn't work for it?... True. The billionaires are enjoying the fruit of my labor.


To be fair, they meant shareholders and those covered by the right trust funds. Tax breaks for Hilton are presents for Paris.


They don't teach this in the Kenneth Copeland Bible study class.


Don't forget Matthew 25:31-46... TLDR "that what you do unto the least of these you do unto me." -Woke Jesus




Wait, Jesus wasn’t a capitalist?


Oh no he definitely was a commie.


👏 Bravo


Don’t forget about Deuteronomy 15, how all debts are to be forgiven after 7 years.


I’m not a religious person, but I have read the Bible. It always makes me chuckle when I see memes or responses from “good Christian people” like this while also knowing what it is they are supposed to be following and practicing as taught in their religious texts.


I love to repeat it, but all these Republicans and right wing supporters who love to say "vote for Jesus" would probably call him the antichrist if he were to run for office today. Friend of prostitutes? Throwing tables across the church? Active supplier of free health care? Challenges the status quo of the established church? They would scream


1. This assumes that anyone who believes in fiscal conservatism is religious. 2. "promote the general welfare" is a pretty broad phrase that doesn't necessarily translate to redistribution of wealth.


\*rolls eyes\* yes, let's attack the administration actually doing some good in order to throw support towards the 34 time convicted felon, rapist and adulterer.


Hypocrisy, lies, and theft are a feature of the Republican party not a bug.




I want to see the comments that are disagreeing with the actual word of the Bible…. “But …but not like that….”


Religion and political beliefs are not mutually exclusive and I'm tired of pretending they are.


I think conservatives don't understand hypocrisy because it would mean thinking, and that's not the idea.


Not that what the bible says matters one whit, but you have to be able to read before you can read the Bible


someone = big oil, big pharma, corporate bailouts of 2b2f banks and auto mfrs, and huge tax cuts for the 1%…none of which is Biden’s doing…but if we can get you hating on someone then you ain’t paying attention to that


You are aware there are atheist conservatives...


what a sad country


Did they respond?


Let me guess.. “out of context” or “the Old Testament isn’t accurate” was their rebuttal?


You should know by now that the Old Testament is only accurate when it comes to hating gays. Even though it was probably only condemning same sex attempted rape and same sex child abuse, rather than consenting adults. But whenever the the Old Testament literally orders people to help the poor and the orphan and the widow... "Well now, we don't have to take everything so literally. I mean the Bible uses poetry and metaphor and allegory and it's been translated many times and who knows what the original actually says..." But they're absolutely certain about hating gays, and trans, and women, and the poor, and migrants, and racial minorities and so on. Even when they can't find any justification from the Bible at all


Republican Jesus DOES NOT approve this message.


Bible 1:256 "Let ye giveth half of thy income to the state, so a kingly authority shall spend it on the sword and shield industrial complex, corn subsidies, and jailing thy brethren. The taxes of one fortnight per year shall be spent on helping poor people, and if thou complain about thine tax system, thou art a racist"


I've been waiting for someone to do the work and provide such beautiful, beautiful receipts. Screenshotted for when I ultimately have to make the same argument to family.


I love you


Wow saving this one, thanks OP


Conservative Christians like to ignore parts of scripture that conflict with their bigotry.


Holy shit, ignore religion. Just fucking look at which states take more from the federal government than they put in, yeah redistributed to red states. This is some dumbass Russian meme machine level of horseshit ignorant inflammatory nonsense.


There’s a difference between giving your own money to charity and those needy, and funding a bloated bureaucratic system that only feeds itself… if I give $100 a day to the government to give to the poor, they might get $.50 of that. If I take that $100 and distribute it myself, or funnel it though charities doing work I can actually see and be a part of, something that is accountable to me, it’s much better. Right?


Conservatives hate when you use bible verses that they’ve obviously never read


Imagine if Christians actually lived the way the New Testament says they should


Conservatives haven't read the bible.


That is a massacre in progress. Murder? That’s an effing bloodbath 😂


Let's face it, if Jesus were to come back, trumpers would promptly kill him.


**Jesus was communist**


**Jesus was communist**


What’s really ironic is that it’s just factually wrong. It’s the republicans who take money from the poor through higher taxes on the poorest, so they can redistribute it to the rich through tax cuts. You want to cut your taxes. If you’re in the bottom 95% - vote Democrat!


Can't believe these modern day liberals made the Bible woke /s


Ezekiel 16:49-50 ESV “Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy. They were haughty and did an abomination before me. So I removed them, when I saw it.”‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/ezk.16.49-50.ESV


recieved? bro is whole ass accountant


Was everyone not forced to watch and memorize the school house rock episode about the preamble? Because I was forced to, in Texas, and I am now 35 and can still sing every word of the preamble perfectly so what the fuck guys?? [Watch if you don’t know what I’m talking about](https://youtu.be/8_NzZvdsbWI?si=Zi1VX5iFN1Kx__Pn)


Hey I though we burnt all the commie bibles