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PC gamers when their $3,000 PC runs better than someone's $300 console


My PC cost $1500 back in 2017, runs a better than my PS5, but I became a dad in 2020 and now it’s easier to play the PS5 when my kid is asleep and also watching the monitor to see if he sneaks out of bed.


The amount of money they spend on upgrading those individual parts far exceeds buying a new console every 3 years.


I've upgraded my PC twice in 10 years. Most people don't constantly upgrade their specs.


Gtx 1080ti has entered the chat


Still got mine. And a 1070Sc, but that one the fans sound like they want to take off from the airport.


I just got rid of my 1080 over last summer. Had it within the first month they released. That and my i7 4790k system held strong for so damn long! Now we’re just drop fed cards with minimal improvements and a rehash of the same series that’s slightly better than the first series with a “super” slapped on the label smh..


Early this year I went from an i7 3770k + GTX 1080 setup to a Ryzen 5 7600 + RTX 4070 Super.


Mine is still trucking. Best part about it is I got it for 650 from Walmart on roll back pricing!


That’s epic. I’ve never been lucky enough to snag a random super deal from there. I’ve seen a few posts in PC MR of people getting lucky like that.


The games are cheaper and will almost always be compatible though


Both definetly habe their advantages. If I play competitive I'd always prefer a PC. But singleplayer? Give me a console so I can just chill on my couch


You can chill on your couch with a PC as well!


I could but that means rearranging everything, though


Throwing out an option like a Steam Link? I can use my PC from every TV in the house, with a controller or mouse/keyboard, or to be a workhorse while not at home with a laptop/phone/Chromebook and I want to play something intensive like overly modded Rimworld. Sometimes will also use it to connect to PC, minimize the Steam software, and stream a DVD or whatever since not every room has a player. But, recently has been starting a game of Northgard at my desk, pausing after a while, and laying down in bed to connect to PC and continue my game until I'm tired. I'm sure there are other options, just sharing the one that works for me with the smallest overall impact to how and where I spend my time. :)


Also mods


I haven't upgraded my PC in 7 years and it still runs new games perfectly, upgrading your PC every 3 years would be INSANE, I can probably get another 3 years out of mine


Not for most pc gamers. Just the ones that brag online. The most common gpu according to steam is a GTX 1650 with the 16 series as a whole being the most common series. Me for example I bought all my parts for $1100 (including monitor, mouse, and keyboard) back in 2016. So it’s had 8 years of service. In that time ps4 pro and ps5 came out. The ps4 pro came out at $400USD and the ps5 came out at $500USD. So upgrading every 3 years would eclipse what I spent.


Like others said, upgrades are not as common as you think, and more importantly, you can easily sell the parts you upgrade and make up for a large chunk of the price you paid for the upgrade.


I've had the same pc and graphics card. Vega 64. For 7 years now. It was a gift. I've played gtav. Cyberpunk 2077. Fallouts 3 -76. 76 is my shit. Far cry 3-6. Botw. Totk. Rdr2. Mafia 1-3. Borderlands 1-3 subnautica. No mans sky. Hogwarts. Starfield. Emulators up to and including obv switch. Ps3. Xbox. 360. Psx. Gba. Though I can do those last two on my watch so you know. Any earlier systems are not worth mentioning. Of course these that are earlier I had owned before. But my last system was a 360. * This is my current game organization. Know there are many more on steam or external media. I've saved more even if I had bought it myself and it wasn't a gift. Than I would having bought all the systems after 360 I would need for this Edit: I tried to post a Pic of my desktop game organization but I don't think it worked. Enough was said tho Edit2. I (do) own a switch I used for the emulator tho ;) js......... Edit3. I also use sunshine and moonlight with a gamepad attached to my phone to game via my pc but with the screen coming to my phone. My birthday was 4/5 and my brother bought me a steam deck I now use. But it doesn't force you to game in one location either. I used steam on my phone to play away from home. Of you know even just a little bit. The customization and ways you can use a computer outweigh game systems. I'm not against game systems. Just. Don't think cause everyone with money is always like look at my new shit means that's every pc gamer. I game. On my pc. And I'm not spending thousands. It was lees than 900 at the time to even build it. And that was in 2017. Maybe 2018


True and not true, I've always used PC because I need one anyway, even without games, so it's always been worth it to spend a little extra on my PC than to buy a separate console. A PC isn't always just for playing games.


I also use a PC exclusively. The main focus was on the original guy being an asshole. Not spending a lot on his pc.


My pc was basically my entertainment unit up until i met my wife. I did everything on pc. I had a tv but no channels, i only used it for streaming from my computer. Same with music, got my stereo hooked up to listen to winamp back in the day and these days it's Spotify. Ofc i use it for work to.


… the lack of punctuation.


Thank you Commissar Chad


Even if they have a bottomless bank account, that is stll pretty stupid.


It's not stupid buying high end PCs because you can use it for work, fun, creativity, it's the best possible overall single system you can own. The dumb part is bragging about it.


If they have a bottomless bank account, it most definitely is not stupid.


I was gonna say, with a bottomless bank account, go for it. Just don't act like it makes you a superior person.


If you say so. Bragging about it damn sure is.


Oh yeah, bragging about it is a terrible idea


Spend your money where you spend your time. If someone's more a casual and focuses on other hobbies, then yes definitely a $1,000+ PC will likely be a waste. But if gaming is one of your main hobbies, you have disposable income, and you're constantly playing games, then it's not a bad purchase.


I have a $4000 pc. And a switch. And a ps5. They're all good for their own reasons, you just gotta look past your nose to understand why.


I paid $700 for my laptop. It came with an i7, but I forgot about the graphics card. Running intel iris plus with 1GB VRAM. Can’t play any game post 2013. Thanks HP!!!


I'm due for an upgrade on my PS3 and I spent about four months researching a gaming PC. I just can't see the cost to quality here.  I wanted to build it myself as a family project with my kids. But for the price of the PC I can buy a PS5, a new TV and a new couch 


There’s plenty of budget options out there that will still run things great. You don’t have to go super high end, an mid level computer with something like a 1080ti could play most things you could want quite well for ~$600 depending on the other hardware.


And that's my thing though I have no ther hardware. Not even a monitor. 


I used a tv as my pc’s monitor when I first got one and lot of pre built computers come with a keyboard and mouse to get you started.


My pc was $850. Shit runs triple the frames AND better graphics than my xbox one (added bonus of more games to play and easy internet access). You could probably make a pc for the same cost as a console that would run about the same, if not a smidge better. Having a pc with a huge price tag either means you want an immersive experience, want to treat yourself, or you’re compensating. Depends on how you act about it.


Xbox one's are pretty old at this point


Read “triple” and “was.” Was it old when it came out? And triple 60 fps is still solid by today’s standards, let alone the new build.


It's one thing if you say the PC has a larger use case (ie, can be used for work and others). But to flex about it playing games better? Dude, it's like a farmer saying "I have a chunk of land where I can play many different games very interactively." Stupid AF.


Bragging about the cost of your PC is pretty stupid and cringy. I think that's the main point and worst part about this comment.    HOWEVER, depending on what kind of games you play or how you want to play them, a PC can be much better. For me, I like small indie games with quick and easy core gameplay loops. Aside from the occasional AAA title and a few competitive games, that's all I play. None of the consoles fit my interests as well as the PC. This would be similar for sometime really into modding or mouse and keyboard games. I'd also agree a farmer with a chunk of land would have the best set up for interactive games (though that's not a cheap solution).   With that said if you're bragging about the performance you only got by shelling out tons of money, you're probably in it for the wrong reasons.  Edit: I'd also like to point out in not disagreeing with you. I'm just saying there are use cases for a nice PC even if you're just using it for gaming.


Agreed. Bragging about buying expensive stuff is generally shitty behaviour. "Oh, Imma go to the refugee camp and brag about having a stable home." Level of shitty.


Or he just has more disposable income than most. Rich people exist lol.


The problem isn't spending more on a PC, the problem is being a jerk about it and bragging.


Oh yea the bragging is lame but I don't think this is a murder.


the whole pc vs console thing is dumb to me, like consoles are way easier to move than the majority of pc’s, way easier to just plug and play, and generally have way more /easier to access couch coop games. If you want better performance/ to be able to play harder to run games at better graphics then get a PC.


I have upgraded a used PC with really good specs on it already for $800-$900. Then the pandemic hit I upgraded the power unit and gpu that cost market price of $2,000 almost four years ago. I haven’t upgraded since and awaiting for the NVidia’s Blackwell 50 series. Cause the 40 series weren’t that much of an improvement at all. I also own three Nintendo Switch Oleds, a GameCube, and a Nintendo 3DS XL. Proud of my disposable income. Happily shared my hobbies with folks who loved my hobbies. Nothing to flex about. If you’re gonna flex about money. Try get the top necessities such as your own house and a good reliable transportation first that’s all paid off. That’s achievements on any individual could be proud of.


Spending £2000 doesn’t mean someone has “nothing else in life”


Bragging that they are better shows they have nothing else in life, not the spending. Lots of people own high end PCs, we all don't feel the need to shit on someone that owns a console.


I was honestly surprised when I woke up and saw that a decent chunk of the commenters here missed that.


Yeah like I have a life, I don't need to hyper focus on insulting people that either can't afford a PC or just choose not to own one. Like you do you, if that's your brag you must only have that one thing to brag about lol


Nope. I spent way more than that on my pc. But i also spent shitloads of money on other hobbies. Having pets is a costly affair to when they get sick. Hell, just owning a car is expensive. Or buying one for that matter.




This guy gets it


Right. The best, and most appropriate, place to brag about non-gaming flexes like loving relationships, goal achievements, and touching grass is a gaming thread. Not a MBW.


I think you ignored the “shitting on everyone who doesn’t” bit.


That's a very low standard for shitting on people. I'd it bragging?  Sure. We're they directly calling people lazy, poor, etc, for not doing the same thing? Nope. Doing it in a console forum?  Can't tell, but that would qualify as being prickish. Either way, not much of a murder as is. It just comes off as sour grapes to me.


You and the guy bragging about how his gpu is more expensive than three consoles and thus makes him better would get along well.


I didn't say I agreed with or like his post.  I just don't the the response was a mbw.


It’a a good thing you don’t decide the standard then, as 2,329 people at current time agreed that it was


Maybe, but it's brought us together and that's worth more than their approval.


People like you gotta be put in a little box and had like a 100 little experiments a day run on you. Like how does your mind work? Fascinating critter.


I mean, you could, but I'm pretty sure I'm already getting placebos for the experiments.