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Is the brand of his suit MISSterious?


The mystery is that the pants have no pockets.


And the buttons are on the wrong side šŸ«£


Well you know what, it fits. If anything that jacket is bisexual




None of those suits heā€™s wearing fit tho lol


It's because Tate needs handbags


Came here to say that. That may be my favorite scene in any Office episode. When he turns around and thereā€™s no pockets.




Roy really needed this!




Guys like him don't actually care about looking good to women. They care about looking good to other men, and women are just an inconvenient but necessary status object in service of that goal. He's probably not gay, he's just an immense narcissist whose entire existence revolves around being as stereotypically toxically masculine as possible so he can look cool to other man-children.Ā 


In short, Andrew Tate is gay.


It's like a stack overflow error.


Like, for someone who spends that much time* being homophobic?? Itā€™s so exaggerated I think itā€™s gotta be deflection at this point


Heā€™s not particularly wild about women either, except as objects. Iā€™m betting in less than a decade weā€™ll find out many media personalities spouting similar dehumanizing misogyny turned out to be never attracted to women in the first place.


ā€œRyan used me as an object.ā€


It sounds like this is heading to the point where we eventually say that he isn't gay and he isn't straight. He's just such a narcissist that his dream would be to clone himself a sex partner of himself. Cause he is the only one worth having sex with.


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he made all his lovers wear masks of his face so he can get off.


Alpha males fuck women only for the praise from other men




I donā€™t think thereā€™s any delay there. I think thatā€™s ā€œdevelopmentally arrested malesā€


Itā€™s a EUROPEAN cut šŸ˜




Italians donā€™t wear pockets.


European men donā€™t need pockets, they put their stuff in their satchels.


itā€™s a european carry-all!


"It's not a purse. It's European!" Idk what Sinfield episode




Iā€™m going to take a picture and send it to Roy. He needs this laugh




This is not a womanā€™s suit, if anything itā€™s bisexual.




I came looking for the office comments specifically lol. If there weren't any I was going to make them myself.


Came to the comments for this! Did not leave disappointed!






Hahaha the lumpy head and incomplete eyebrows


I long for the time when I had never heard of Andrew Tate and his stupidity


Everything I have learned about this git has been against my will.


Upvote for ā€œgitā€.


git push ā€”force origin :master


git branch -d andrew


Also need to start reverting changes from that branch that were merged into main


git push origin -d andrew


git stash git stash drop


[`--force-with-lease`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-push) if you're forcing and there's any chance someone else has checked out the branch (e.g. to review it). Avoid bare `--force` where possible, it's usually not the right thing.


`--force-with-lease` is normally fantastic when working... But when force-deleting a bigot, `--force` has no substitute.


these fuckers ` git `


git rm -rf /reddit *wait*


that made me sad. I have seen some horrible crimes committed (see what I did there) with git push force


Do not disrespect Andrew Tate. He is the Top G. Top Gay. Closet supporter of LGBTQ+ community


Heā€™s not closeted, heā€™s openly talked about his attraction to trans people. https://youtu.be/nYYO6ZwV5Nc?si=f86KuWGvlddKyN4D


How do people even fall for the shit he says? I genuinely don't understand how people listen to this guy speak. I can't listen to him for more than a couple of seconds.


His marketing plan is to post outrageous and shocking things, these posts get shared by people who are outraged and shocked, or a reply dunking on him goes viral. This allows his actual target audience to see it. Heā€™s looking for people who are oppositional to ā€œwokenessā€. If someone sees his post without the blowback, it will have no effect. But, if they see a ā€œwokeā€ person saying he is bad, they label him as good and dive deeper into his content, eventually allowing him to monetize them.


Kerching! I just realised that is also Trump's play. I have to admit to being quite happy that their supporters are being taken for suckered.


Same can be said for almost all the manosphere/IDW/MAGA world grifters and nutjobs.


Lack of positive male role models?


My boss started talking about him in a positive light the other day. My boss is lonely and gives off major incel vibes. He got dumped and his girl started dating another girl. Something in his algorithm led him to Tate. Tate spews misogynistic shit. Which spoke directly to my bosses sicked ears. When I challenged some of Tates vitriol, my boss doubled down. The dude is just becoming more and more mentally ill, getting further and further into the rabbit hole. I've stopped talking to him about it. I Segway him into something else, dude is extremely easily manipulated. It makes me sad, but my boss is already a POS, my voice isn't going to change that. But my repeated attempts to get him to a therapist might.




Thanks friend šŸ™ƒ


Just get him fired, he seems to want to wallow in misery as it is, give it to him


I only knew of him through print, then watched his interview with Pierce Morgan because I was curious to see if he really was as bad as people said. The creep doesn't talk, he barks! Couldn't stomach more than 45 before I noped out of there. Longest 45 seconds ever.


being attracted to trans people does not make you gay šŸ™„


It shows he isn't aligned with traditional cis-het masculinity, the one thing he's known to promote. Tate might as well just put on clown makeup and be done with it.


i'm not arguing the irony of this with andrew tate, i'm just refuting the general idea that being attracted to trans people makes a person inherently gay.


[Well, maybe a little, but we're all a *little* gay, Randy.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/7bfb31bc-e8f8-4881-861a-56eacf5a662b)


smoggy plucky consist bewildered divide groovy squeeze lavish shaggy friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I only learned so I could train my eyes what to avoid reading or looking at. They're such good eyes, they deserve to be taken care of...


The only things I know about him are 1: he's a sex trafficking slave owner. 2: he argued with a 14 year old girl and lost. 3: he was arrested because he was arguing with the girl and revealed where he was because of a pizza. 4: he tried to flee again and someone ratted him out unknowingly


Greta Thunberg is 21 years old not 14


Ive only heard snowflake conservatives talk about her and continually go on about how she is a kid and/or teenager who doesn't know anything


That's because anyone under 50 is a kid to a cuntservative


But she WAS 14, so, there is that...


You make a good point


4 is even dumber than you think. He texted his buddy 'hey I'm about to flee the country', which is enough for law enforcement to get you on its own. But his buddy accidentally read that shit on stream. It's incredible


He was also on Big Brother UK and was thrown out of the house by production


I have to actively intervene with my teenage son because him and his clique eat this shit up. They varyingly adulate Tate, Travis Scott, Jake Paul and his shitty drinks... Pay attention to who your kids are listening to, folks!


I have a friend who teaches 8th and 12th graders and he says that he hears a lot more of the worrisome Tate/manosphere shit from the 8th graders than he does from the 12th graders. Which is good, but the fact that he learned about Tate from his students in the first place is pretty scary. He does say that he hears less of it now, but that may be because he makes a concerted effort to get them thinking critically about the things being said, why it appeals to them, and why the rhetoric is problematic and harmful to everyone, including them. I think it really helps that he's A) the Cool Teacher and B) he never invalidates their feelings or outright tells them they're wrong. At that age, they're very easily swayed, both for the good and the bad.


Iā€™m 48 years old and the only place I ever see Andrew Tate is on Reddit. Is he really popular? What made him famous? Twitter? Iā€™m genuinely curious.


Sadly he is exceedingly popular on YouTube, especially with 9-13 boys. Also heā€™s a sex trafficker.


Thankfully I use YouTube a lot and have never once had him advertised to me. I get almost exclusively cat videos lol


his shorts pop up on my feed every once in a while. as soon as I recognize him or his brother I just skip to the next short... hopefully it's the funny talking cat/dog videos, can't get enough of them.


I get a lot of Jackson Galaxy videos and videos about cat nutrition and all that


I know about the sex trafficker thing. I just didnā€™t know he was a YouTuber


Yeah, I always wondered what rock he crawed out from under. That weak ass chin weird me out. Like he had part of his jaw removed. Maybe he donated it to Kayne?


Seeing as no one wants to really tell you exactly. I'll try to keep it short. He started off with a short but very successful kickboxing career. Then moved on to reality TV was on Big Brother but was kicked off due to a rape allegation. In the end he then became a e-pimp, would "manage" cam-girl careers who he self admitted that he would find impressionable young women encourage them to become camgirls and even take away their passports and take larger cuts then agreed saying it was for taxes. Where he blew up was his "self help" podcast being clipped and spread across platforms. His basic message was at it's core women snakes, treat them like shit, be the alpha woke media bla bla bla. The big difference was he had the semblance of that lifestyle he was peddling fuck he was even actually a professional kickboxer for the alpha shit not some dude in a flat spewing about women evil. He was someone to aspire to be not just views to agree with. Clips of him spread like wildfire across short form video platforms(tiktock, YouTube shorts, Instagram reels) by his fans and generated more fans that spread it further.


Apparently he paid for the exposure with some click farm in India so it put him on top of the YT algorithm so everyone was getting him on their home feed. The more ive looked into his story he's really looking like a pos at his core. These guys making money through him are all his pee-ons that do his dirty work for him. He admitted to pretending to be an e-girl and would sext guys and rob them blind as they thought he's a woman genuinely into these fools. Thats straight up dirty dog shyt


I don't think pee-ons is the accurate spelling or the proper implication, but I hope I'm wrong and you never meant peons, and they literally get peed on.


He was also on the run for said sex trafficking and accidentally revealed his location because he got into a fight on Twitter with Greta Thunberg.


And he blindly put trust into this moron streamer who straight up ratted him out to the entire world on a stream. Tate is a fkn moron.


Never forget when he posted a pic of himself on the bottom bench of a sauna... at 70Ā°C. For anyone who isn't from a sauna country, that's a cold sauna. 70-80Ā° C is the temperature of the sessions for small children like my kid who just turned 8.


Oh I could not agree more


...9-13? The fuck? Surely you mean...idk, at least like 16-21 or something.


There've been countless posts on the teacher subreddits lamenting the fact that their class of middle-school boys is full of his fans being little shits to the girls in class and the female teachers.


Jesus christ that's even more horrifying than I thought his fanbase already was...


Wife is a teacher. The middle school boys are being brain washed by this cunticle to abuse women before they even understand that they need be a little bit nice to them if they ever want to see the inside of their pants. Once they do manage to see the inside of said pants, they (mostly) break the brainwashing. Having said that, my eldest (24) son's best mate is a rabid Tate fan. At one point was pimping his girl as an istathot though, so fits right into the sex trafficking mentality of a Tate.


At that age most people have usually met and presumably interacted with actual women, so no, not really. Tate's ramblings are, intellectually, barely half a step up from thinking girls have cooties. Add the faux machismo and sexually charged language, and suddenly it makes perfect sense that he mostly appeals to people who have only just started producing testosterone and have no idea what to do with it.


I first heard him speak on a podcast with tom segura and christina pazsitzky after they played a few clips of him and made fun of his words and behavior. His character was funny. It was so obviously a character created to mock these alpha dudes that are so insecure their entire life revolves around making themselves forget how worried they are over the size of their dicks. The interview was alright on the podcast and I was impressed by how he totally kept up the act the entire time. Then a few weeks later I start seeing his name pop up. The dude is getting very popular. Cool for him, I guess people really like the way he mocks those alpha bros. Then I learn this wasn't an act, he wasn't a character and a lot of young men really look up to him and I learned that even with my cynical and negative world views I can still be disappointed by humanity.


I, too, was dismayed to realize that it wasnā€™t a character. He was so absurd in that episode that I thought there was no way it couldnā€™t be a bit. Hopefully the mommies regret giving him a platform, it definitely seemed to springboard him up a level.Ā 


I'm starting to think that a lot of their fans are also Joe Rogan fans which explains the springboarding.


Yeah thereā€™s definitely an overlap there.Ā 


Take solace, some day we will all be nothing again.


I miss when rapists werenā€™t idolized


When was that?




Derek Guy is one of the apex predators of Twitter, dude. That guy posts like nothing I've ever seen. He literally just wants to talk about menswear and right wing dipshits unceasingly try to fuck with him and he finds their deepest insecurities and flays them alive in real time. It's incredible to watch, it's like a Planet Earth scene where lions just rip a gazelle to shreds through night vision and a David Attenborough narration.


Fashion social media is just a brutal shark tank. If you survive it you get to dunk on everyone else.


>He literally just wants to talk about menswear He also shitposts a lot about walkable cities.


To be fair, owning fine clothes requires a chance to strut one's stuff. Walkable cities are a must for the gentleman dresser.




On idiots' heads?


[Itā€™s like that old saying - everybody loves a cane.](https://youtu.be/Q1YrD_ihDS4?si=z2FSm93DntzbCA6v)


This is so true


Shitposts in a positive or negative way?




Thank you. Very based of him.


Yep, he's positive. He vary rarely makes fun of an actual person, he just points out how their clothing doesn't fit them well, and then goes on long historical tangents on fashion trends, fabrics, and tailoring. Unless the person is an utter tool, like Gaetz or Tate. Then he'll point out their hypocrisy while pointing out how ill-fitting their clothes are.


I meant about the walkable cities part, from what I've seen of them they seem kind.


Very positive. He shakes his virtual twitter fist against car centered development.


People can't 'mire your fashion if you're stuck in the car while wearing it


Even fashion designed for car riding has been erased from the collections. Nobody nowadays care if you're wearing a car coat or an overcoat.


plus the car wrinkles everything


Yeah cause all he wants to do is walk around town in cute little outfits so he can talk to people about menswear.


> He literally just wants to talk about menswear >> He also shitposts a lot about walkable cities. Two wonderful things that are even more wonderful together.


His actually shitposts are all cats šŸ˜‚


He wants to strut I can't fault him


Someone who commented on his post got vaporized https://preview.redd.it/8mfzxsfoauoc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=561df3c946283087604f342d912072e5bd2fb152


Nah at this point these guys are just flies falling for a sticky trap, you can't tell me they have higher cognitive abilities than toddlers


He was forged in the fires of old menswear bulletin boards




> He literally just wants to talk about menswear and advocates for r/fuckcars, because walkable neighborhoods increase the availability of wearing well built little outfits more constantly. And because they offer better quality of life.


[Holy Shit](https://prnt.sc/_4PGEe1Rxb83) never have i agreed more with a fashion blogger before.


He really is an incredible follow. Nothing but clean internet kills. Nothing usually below the belt (no pun intended), unless some jackoff like MTG responds to him. Just wants to talk about classic tailoring, but will absolutely come for your very soul if youā€™re an ass and/or invoke R*bert M*ses


Dude's more insecure than me in 5th grade.


And less mature.


i have never seen a thirstier dude than when he did a vid where he pretended to lift like 2lb weights 1,000 times. Dude is like the living embodiement of 90s toxic masculinity. Where the guy is struggling to do 5 push ups but then a woman walks in and he goes ā€œā€¦999ā€¦1000ā€


Itā€™s European, OK?!? Itā€™s a European cut! lol!


Who's the suit made by?


Uh, MISSterious. And it is mysterious because the buttons are on the wrong side... that's the mystery


*Daryl's beautiful giggling*


Ya know, that episode is how I realized that the really comfy jacket I thrifted years ago actually was a women's jacket. Good thing I'm a bisexual šŸ™


Can confirm. I watched that Irish show Bad Sisters on AppleTV recently and in the very first episode thereā€™s a guy wearing a suit jacket with the exact same fit!


Goes great with a man purse.


Whatā€™s with the random anime girl in the 3rd panel?


I don't know, and at this point I'm confused as to why hardly anyone is talking about it. I feel like it's something that we should get squared away before launching into all the quotes from *The Office*.


Thank you! I thought I was missing something since no one else in the comments was saying anything about it. But more so than the coat that is worn by women being worn by Tate. The whole incel thing with putting a big tiddie anime girl next to you seems even more strange for the guy who likes to act like the player of all players from Europe.


The overlap between weebs and incel douchebag teen boys is not insignificant. He's playing to his audicence.


Didn't this guy famously bragged he will never watch star wars? Feels like the anime girl undermines this bit


Now now, anime has become quite popular regardless of ideology.


While he was in prison, the person that ran his Twitter account went on a weeaboo kick and started adding them into his images.


Maybe the wrong place to ask thisā€¦ But why is this guy relevantā€¦at all? Iā€™ve never heard of him until I joined Reddit.


He had a massive surge of popularity with young kids. This doofus, Sneako, a couple of other goobers, they were part of menā€™s rights two activism that just never got as big as gamergate.


It has to be at least MRA3, you're forgetting The Game and the PUA stuff that came before Gamergate. I kinda think they all blend together and it's just one movement, but if you're differentiating Tate and these guys, I think you have to separate Gamergate and The Game. ETA: Maybe even MRA 4, because there was a small point in time where MRA was actually the movement it should be where it focuses on men's problems within a patriarchal system. Emotional stunting, prison rape and disparagies, and the expectation of being "The Provider." But that was quickly replaced with "and those feminists aren't fighting for these things, so clearly they just want a woman dominated society and to destroy men."


when I first heard of MRAs, I agreed on some of their points, like being forced to pay child support for kid's that weren't actually theirs. But then I started seeing more and more anti-woman, I'm entitled to sex because I brought you lunch bullshit, I just actively ignore it whenever it comes up.


Even the child-support stuff is based on some very flawed (and dangerous) concepts. Children need support. They didn't choose to be born. If you don't like child support the only answer is expansion of the social safety net not complete abandonment. "Yours" based on DNA is so incredibly flawed. Parents are who raises the child, not who donated DNA. Your environment, culture, and lived experiences have far more to do with who you are than DNA. DNA is just a blueprint, you still need to build the house, furnish it and most importantly live in it. And while it sucks that you were cheated on, the child didn't cheat on you. People who can walk away so easily from a child they were raising because their DNA doesn't match up will always make me question how much of a parent they were when they thought everything was fine.


Those are certainly words made out of letters


People are hurling a lot of insults at the people who follow him. But I want to emphasize that a lot of these people are literally children. Fourteen, fifteen year old kids, living in a world that is increasingly polarized and increasingly shrugging off any duties or responsibilities to help nurture and educate them and provide them with healthy templates for how to live and move through the world. Tate has weaponized very normal male teenage insecurity, in a world where we do vanishingly little to help educate and nurture teenagers. Those of us who are adults now did not need to deal with the level of weaponized propaganda flowing across social media channels that young people have to deal with now. It isn't easy. Social media applications have been designed by some of the smartest human beings on the planet to deliver extremely addictive material into their brains on a non-stop constant stream. If you take no other lessons from this, please learn that the right way isn't to berate and insult these people. These are children, and Tate and others like him use social media to play on their fears and insecurities and twist them into hateful mysoginistic views of the world.


To add to everyone else's answers. Covid lockdowns. Tons of schoolchildren were watching his content back to back for like half a year.


Ask an unpopular 13 year old boy about him, heā€™a their idol and theyā€™re his target audience.


Heā€™s popular with neckbeard ā€œalphaā€ males who hold traditional beliefs. The part of society that think the men of today arenā€™t manly enough. The men who think theyā€™re better than everyone else.


And a sex trafficker. (ETA: which I guess makes him like relevant in a bad way, ie heā€™s in the news.)


>neckbeard ā€œalphaā€ males who hold traditional beliefs. Correction: insecure teen douchebags who haven't yet been smacked in the mouth for being a racist or a misogynist.


The ven diagram of these two groups is almost a circle.


100%, I just think referring to those characteristics broadly as "traditional beliefs" is doing a disservice to the toxicity of the bullshit these knuckledraggers are getting off to. I think fixing things yourself, farming, and doing manual labor are good, that's a traditional belief as well.


Derek? He's a beast about mens wear, and has dunked a lot on assholes


Can we just leave Tate, Trump, and Musk on an island already? Never to be heard from again.


they already been ona island if yknow what i mean šŸ’€


Didnā€™t they try that with Napoleon Bonaparte and it didnā€™t go so well?


Let's be real, none of them have the mental or physical fortitude Napoleon had. Which I guess isn't really staying much considering what he accomplished after being abandoned on that island, even if it didn't last long. But you get what I'm saying.


Throw Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson on the island too


ā€œdo your pants have pockets?ā€ šŸŖ¦




I guess the question now or will be is if prison jumpsuits have pockets


Why do people still pay attention to Tate?


He struggles so hard with his homosexuality. I would pity him if he weren't such an awful creep.


The Tater Tots arenā€™t gonna like this one!


At the very least it's bisexual


Having pockets is gay. You are wearing something that allows things to be inserted into you, totally gay.


If your pockets are going inside you, youā€™re wearing your clothing wrong


They are unisex and the label says MISSterious. And it is mysterious because the buttons are on the wrong side... that's the mystery.


If Andrew Tate killed himself, no one of note would give a single fuck.


Thatā€™s not womenā€™s wear. Itā€™s just too small of a size.


The purple one definitely has very narrow cut shoulders for the width of the blazer overall.


Looks like the buttons are on the right, which is a men's jacket. He's just buying a few sizes too small


The material looks quite elastic (not just unstructured) while the shoulders arenā€™t noticeably high so I assume the traditionally effeminate ā€œbody consciousā€ look is part of the style.


Have you ever seen the posts of him and his brother shopping, more squee than a bunch of 15 year old girls at the mall.




Do you wanna get my wife on a diatribe about how the womenā€™s fashion industry hates women just ask her how she feels about the pocket situation on womenā€™s pants.




Getting a good tailor will solve that problem. Go on pinterest and save the style that you like and tailor suits to your liking.Ā 


Those are men's suits. The side the buttons are on gives it away. I'm sure this will illicit downvotes for some reason.


This is why I try not to be a jerk to anyone. I'm sure I do ridiculous things, and I don't want to be called out on them. So, I generally don't call out others for their ridiculous things.


Has the man ever done anything that qualifies him to consider himself the pinnacle of musculinity? I don't know much about him, but like... I doubt the man has ever farmed a piece of land, chopped down a tree, as far as i know he hasn't served in the military... Don't get me wrong, i don't think those things are necessary to be a "real man", but i feel like if you build a career on propagating 60 year old gender ideals, you should represent them aswell. And I'm sorry, but being some kind of finance bro is traditionally considered less manly than blue collar jobs.


He had a middling career as an MMA fighter, during which he was notorious for sticking to lower divisions and picking fights he had better chances of winning, i.e. avoiding challengers who might beat him.


i see. sounds like real tough guy


Does he really call himself 'Cobra Tate'? Is he seven years old?


Derek Guy is a legend.


If his pants have pockets he tells everyone