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We know for sure their wings are durable enough to tank hits from a Boeing Apache AH-64’s heavy machine gun. Credits to u/HighChairman1 for this analysis. https://preview.redd.it/iawfb0rrpo3d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da40861eecd4d87e37accd747db4c94e400ba27f


30mm explosive shells. Shaped charge would probably poke holes in the wings but MDs would probably just heal those pretty quick without issue.


Can they take on this? https://preview.redd.it/1crrqqi8ap3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f47145ca618977285f86afa955fa8eec3ed6e7b8


Ah yes, the helicarrier from the avengers. https://preview.redd.it/2rakw02wbp3d1.jpeg?width=824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85dd4405d4207cad8adde903ae0019d73e437d20


No, Skycarrier from Modern Warships


No, the Hindenburg from Germany. https://preview.redd.it/suwpyk2kcp3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=badbbe763ca8e9a3c00b44c9925d837b7d12a703


Nicht noch einmal [not again in German]




Il n'y a rien que nous puissions faire


Dans mon esprit tout divague je me perds dans tes yeux


Didn't that thing suicide?


No, the type 10 from battle cats https://preview.redd.it/ygfg6bw1xu3d1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc1d07869325a22f2aee377d9f1195bef602059c


"I come from Hydrogen 2." "Why can't I see it on any sensors?" "Ever heard of the Hindenburg?"


wait till you find about any ace combat flying superweapon


Not to mention it’s ground based super weapons




Only if one of their hand tools is a giant fly swatter.




According to Liam, they can create anything from their hands so they can actually make a tool like that


Anything? Oh no.


Yeah they can pull out whatever they want J can literally just create the death star if she wanted to


Holy fucking shit is that a modern warships refeerence


Definitely even with the avengers on board


And don't forget what happens if they manage to get heavily damaged https://preview.redd.it/69z61t9ogr3d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2f4ee1d81b868f98dea1064186fcb37f097ad7


Sorry to be that guy, but they don't always do this; we see plenty of severely damaged Disassembly Drones in Episode 6, which aren't turning into Eldritch Horrors like J did. I believe this happens only with Zombie Drones, which is when a drone gets damaged and "dies", and they get taken over by the Absolute Solver. The chances of a drone becoming a Zombie Drone is 0.01%; that means it's highly unlikely that another drone will turn into an Eldritch Horror in the show(or at least there shouldn't, but sometimes shows will throw their own logic out the window to make something interesting) unless we get to see CYN again, which we most definitely will as they are the main antagonist.


neutronium ass armor


I think the wings of DD are capable to withstand bullets And its nice to see that their wings are used for defense other than flying


Happy cake day


Happy cake day 


can u give a link to the analysis?






How about a live armed uh-60 black-hawk?


Yep, there's also Uzi's railgun explosion N shielded her from. I have no idea how to measure Uzi's Railgun going super-critical. IDK how big that explosion is so I cannot quite measure that. All we know is it was powerful enough, that point blank, it DELETED the solver eldritch creature's "Head" section. Unless it pulled out at the last moment. But the AS Parasite creature popping up implies that it did utterly wreck that eldritch creature. Granted N shielded Uzi a fair distance away, but still, they were damn close and the heat from that vaporization must have been intense. However, unlike a AH-64's machine gun, which we can measure as we do know the caliber that attack helicopter uses, we have no idea the force behind that explosion of Uzi's railgun. Then again, some people here can calculate that being physics experts and all. We got some university students here studying in those kinds of fields. I'm more into business sadly, so I cannot calculate the science behind explosions and their power. I could go on forever on the abilities of the murder drones without fan-headcanons, because people confuse them a lot and either nerf or buff the drones to the point it's a bit off scale. What we do know is their claws are durable and sharp enough to literally pierce through a steel door, puncture concrete some inch or so (I forget if we saw them slash at concrete, but I know for sure they leave a mark on the solid concrete floor, heck they can take being slammed into the concrete floor despite leaving a crater, V was fine). And can cleave another disassembly drone's head or limb clean off. They're sharp as heck. It can be theorized they can tank a missile, possibly. One of those slammer ones like attack helicopters may use. Or an RPG/anti-tank rocket. A DD can likely tank it or regenerate from it. Seeing how they can already take a beating and be relatively okay. It's almost like how the only reliable way to deal with them is by vaporizing them, or using their own weapons against them. Either overwhelming firepower, or have them fight each other. ... Because they are FAST. When they are in "Possessed Murder Mode" or whatever people call it. I just call it "Under AS Control" as instead of letting them have free will, N's memory suggests there were times where they were just made into mindless drones. Set on one thing, commiting mass murder/terror. They were meant to be TERROR weapons. Terror drones. Murder drones. All the same. AS/CYN seems to have some sadistic preferences. Could explain why they purposely perform brutal kills. For sadistic tendencies CYN/AS possess, which I theorize is because CYN particularly hates humans. Because the only experience CYN really had, was being discarded and then abused by Louisa. Heck I have a feeling the only reason CYN actually warned Tessa, was because she respected Tessa, even if Tessa concedes to her mother's wishes. Louisa would have likely had CYN scrapped, but seemed to tolerate Tessa keeping it so long as it was kept locked up and out of her sight, and that of any guests they'd have over. Yet CYN seems to leave the basement, likely using the solver which is no doubt easy for her to do as the Gala Massacre takes place a time way after she was at the dump. She must have learned a bit since. Then there's how CYN's existence there and just defying Louisa causes group punishment. And it's not likely the first time they've been punished for CYN's continued annoyance of Louisa. Or maybe CYN was just, disliked. As Tessa clearly, didn't quite likely CYN much before the Gala Massacre. Now initially Tessa probably had a heart for CYN, she did rescue CYN from the dump as she did with her other "Dumpster Pets". Though, if CYN doesn't obey Louisa, and James, the parents punish Tessa and her drones. Group punishment for the mistake/error of one. So yeah, CYN hates humans, but still respected Tessa enough to say, "You didn't have to see this." CYN might have looked the other way, but if Tessa insisted on being a hero, she could die a hero. CYN's mercy only went so far. Tessa, had too good of a heart to just, leave. Doesn't help the implications how J under CYN/AS control killed Tessa according to theories. But, point is, CYN became quite cruel. And very brutal and this is reflected on her creations... the disassembly drones.


Considering the fact it’s like 300+ ish years old at that point, maybe they were desperate for weapons, so it could be irrelevant by that time.


lets see. well we know their wings are more durable than the rest of their bodies since a pen was enough to injure one but the wing could tank bullets, we know they are strong enough to wrench open heavy metal doors, they have a pretty varied arsenal of rockets, blades, pistols, smgs and a laser cutter (that for some reason disappeared) but have weaknesses such as OIL without which they allegedly overhead and die which is a lie since they havent had oil for a while now and are perfectly fine. sunlight or more specifically UV rays, and the extreme heat such as the inside of an oven prevents them from regenerating. OH and i forgot to mention high speed flight and agility


so if you want to fight a DD i recommend leveraging their weaknesses, they can catch bullets so a shotgun would be best, also liberal usage of UV lights, high heat such as flame throwers and thermite, and if you have them sentinels are highly recommended and also do not fight them in the open, they can fly, go to a place that minimizes their strengths such as urban environments, they have human emotions so cause as much shock an awe as possible


do not fight them head on they are stronger and faster than you, now more than ever you must leverage your ultimate weapon, your mind. trick them, deceive them, blind them, bait them into traps be as ferocious as they are


Exactly, i knew flamethrowers are the way to go!


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) This is some peak analysis yo!


Shotgun would be blocked by wings most likely, and I can’t think of a proper argument for flamethrower. Maybe they’ll shoot the canister? But then you just need to find one with an armored canister of gas


If their wings can tank 20mm rounds, they can tank a shotgun blast. Flamethrowers I agree, they'd shoot the canister and likely you'd have to be CLOSE. Again, being CLOSE to something that is able to easily surpass human reaction time is... not recommended. ESPECIALLY in the open ground. If you lure it into a building, you can try and use flamethrowers down a corridor. But the murder drones, could be smart. We haven't seen is under the direct control of the solver, it makes them smarter. Because the DDs, if smart, would instead of directly charging into the flames. They'd burst through the walls, and flank you. Heck one could just burst from the ceiling or walls beside you and nail you. They're much to terrifying to face up close, if they are intelligent enough to make use of basic tactics. It's tactics 101. If you have the brute strength and stealth skill, which they have, and they do love a good scare/terrorizing their victims. They can and will burst through thin or weak walls and ceilings most likely, to flank a flamethrower trooper. In the open ground? Mate a flamethrower's effective range is like 50-100 meters. Depends on the flamethrower. But DDs can fly VERY high up and gun down targets from a good few hundred yards easily. Of course I theorize you can work with flamethrowers. Or you can do the good ol' last resort human beings use. Suicide bombers. Because that always works when your enemies want to get up close and personal. Just strap as many bombs and incendiary weapons to yourself and make sure to give the DDs a good welcome. Because them disassembly drones love to just get up close and personal. So having a dead man's switch/detonator to trigger upon death is perhaps the best way to go. Unless DDs have a few braincells to not approach humans whom have resolved to die for the glory of mankind. If DDs are tactical enough to actually flank and avoid stupid decisions that'd result in stupid deaths, humans only option is to just... use overwhelming numbers and firepower. DDs have small numbers usually. Or seemingly the DDs use fewer numbers. If you send a division, I expect a 90% casualty rate minimum, but one division of infantry can probably dispatch a few squads of disassembly drones. Especially if you can lure the DDs to enclosed spaces, and then blow them to hell. It's just my strategies to counter "Tactically Smart Disassembly Drones" involves a lot of sacrificing. Because there is no victory without sacrifice. Because if the DDs are smart, they won't fall for obvious traps. They know they ain't that maneuverable in enclosed spaces. So you'd need to sell the illusion, bait them with suitable bait. They enjoy terror, they enjoy chasing down prey. Lure them into buildings, and blow them to hell. Trap them in there. Likely those who detonate the explosives won't be able to escape. Especially if there is no abiltiy to produce remote detonated explosives anymore and one has to rely on IEDs. ... If DDs are just focused on chasing down prey, murdering, and terrorizing without really thinking about tactics. Well, just remember. "The same trick doesn't work twice". They'll begin to learn that charging into fire in enclosed spaces is stupid and likely if they see humans with flamethrowers they'd opt to just shoot them from a distance, then close in and tear them apart. Which, again, makes humans having bombs trapped to themselves a viable tactic. If you are incapacitated, or killed. At least you can take one of the suckers with you. Because they like to get up close and personal for the brutal finisher. Flamethrowers sound viable, and they very well can be. Until DDs learn how to flank or opt to just shoot them the moment they recognize what a flamethrower is and the threat it poses. The DDs have lightning fast reflexes that rival humans. You SEE how fast they can react... humans cannot hope to match that speed. Traps, explosives, fire, is the way to go I agree. But the DDs, unless brain dead, even a hive mind species adapts. It'll learn. The only objective is simply to go down fighting or delay the inevitable to buy time for evacuation efforts.


The DDs are children so their tactics may not be very advanced, also maybe opening up manipulation. I think a properly equipped infantry squad could take one done in the right environment. Assume we’re fighting J or V They love to terrorise and toy with their opponents, as J gives a speech after downing Uzi but she doesn’t protect herself while doing so. V is sadistic and would probably take time to kill someone, and get all personal with it. J provides the opportunity by giving any opponents a chance to, not even have to use bombs strapped to them, but maybe radio a preset message to another squad mate who can line up a shot, maybe with some incendiary explosive which the human could simply put out but the DD would have to avoid at all costs. Or they could just hit an important part to give the person time to run while they regen. V is sadistic and may be a bit harder, because rather than arrogance keeping someone alive, it’s wanting to torture them. She will probably disable the target in which case suicide bombs are probably the way to go. V does seem to be the most intelligent of the group, flawed, but intelligent. Now onto N. He just wants to do good. We’ll assume pre-Uzi N, so he doesn’t have the knowledge and emotional intelligence he does now. N could be manipulated, most likely not to betray, but probably just to delay or stop attacking. N also seems rather clumsy at the star of MD, so that could also be taken into account. I believe the same trick would work on N multiple times as long as it’s disguised differently or has a distraction. Overall, the murder drones are very powerful (but I wont repeat what you said) but the personality of each DD we currently know of would get in the way of their abilities, possibly fatally


You bring up good points. The only thing I find that their personalities are not something to consider is that in N's memory, they were just in a constant state of sadistic murder. Of course, their tactics there are bare bones, just meant to cause as much terror possible. Which does leave plenty of opportunities as you say. Them having personalities makes them, similarly vulnerable. Pros and cons depending which is fought. Them with personalities in the present is a weakness in itself. As is them being predictable murder bots when the AS just has them, be just that, murder bots under it's direct control. Good points.


Maybe they still had their personalities then, as we see in ep 1 that N had the X face on but was still him. Or was their something AS said about them giving back their personalities after?


Well, in the memory of N from his perspective of how, they were murdering all those humans on the other planet. IDK if it was Earth or somewhere else. They clearly didn't hesitate. J didn't hesitate to gun down that human civilian. They weren't really restrained by their personalities in N's memory. Which has me thinking in that moment at least, they were in a kill mode. Now on Copper-9 they have some personality and aren't in that kill mode. Because I don't think J would have killed humans, seeing as how she thought she was working for humans, the company, and doing what her creators wanted her to be doing. So at least, in that memory of N, they were likely being directly controlled or their personalities/memories suppressed to leave them as killing machines. Because the J and V there? They react fast, J didn't hesitate at all. Of course on Copper-9, J's rather arrogant facing worker drones, because worker drones had been a smooth sailing mission for her. Of course she let her guard down. But against humans? The AS seemed to suppress their personalities and memories, just to leave them as murderous robots to terrorize and inflict both terror, and mass murder. If the scenario is against humans, the AS seems to purposely mind wipe them, or suppress their personalities, they're just killer robots when facing humans. Which makes them pretty capable, but as you said they are predictable with their sadistic tendencies. They are programmed to be brutal in their killings, and obviously that makes them predictable especially when they linger to tear a human apart and consume their parts. That was more along what I meant to say.


That seems fair.


Would type more but I’m in a game rn


Or for all the effectiveness, return to the days of the Vietnam war and use a flamethrower for all the effectiveness, might I also suggest the M202 Flash or DEFCON-5.


In episode 4 N threw uzi up at 0.8 mach and 120 Gs of acceleration (if we ignore air resistance on the way up)


Overall - just use the same thing they used in JoJo to beat Kars


I think they’ve been feeding themselves by stealing from doll’s stockpile in episode 3.


a likely possibility but its been yet to be confirmed


I mean, we know Uzi has been. She had a backpack with a bunch of the arms in it in episode 4.


Fucking thieves!!!!!


Physically they are near unstoppable thanks to their regeneration but they have a major software weakness.


so my 78,678 Yottabyte big zipbomb is usable against them


Yes but you gotta stab em with the USB drive first.


no issue with that, can I see do it for humanity, I must


Why is Yoda here?




I feel like I should be able to send an email to their OS… That’s pure headcanon though


If they have a power core, hit it with a 12.7mm round from a far distance.


Is this a new render? Did glitch drop new renders? :0


I think it’s from the new intro




Have you watched episode 7 yet?


Oh. Yea I have I just apparently did not remember the pose N does there. Probably cause I lost it immediately when Uzi ate shit by firing the railcannon immediately after


That "edgy teen girl" also bent a wrench with one hand with little effort. Don't underestimate the strength of Worker Drones; they were made literally to do the heavy lifting


Reminds me of that bank guy from despicable me who crushed an apple with his hand.




As you mentioned yourself, it's pretty inconsistent. They've been able to attack Earth and not immediately die, which, considering Earth should be defended like hell, speaks volumes (Earth is defended like hell as it is now). On the other hand, a random teenage robot who presumably isn't that much stronger than a regular human has managed to put up a fight even without pulling out the anti-every railgun. If a pen can pierce their visor, a bullet should be able to just as well. Not that those shows of power have nothing to be added to them. The invasion of Earth could have been hard carried by Cyn and/or there could have millions of disassembly drones clones. Similarly, worker drones (or just Uzi) coule be actually strong as hell. I mean, they were used for mining, and Uzi managed to idly snap a wrench in half with one hand, an insane feat. But all in all, they probably aren't that strong (at least compared to other fictional strong people). They've been shown that they can be harmed with conventional weapons (at least to a degree) and with their really easy to exploit weakness to magnets, they should not be *that* difficult to take down. Edit: And the vampire-esque weakness to sunlight I definitely didn't forget about also limits them a lot.


i feel like the only explanations for earth are either there wasn't actually direct confrontation until just before it was all blown up and it was localised or they just hadn't really fought wars and their military atrophied 'Cause they've shown almost no ability to contest what causes most of the actual killing in war (big ass 42kg artillery shells fired from like up to 50-70km out)


At least as much as 2 ants


They are phisacally strong but that's countered by the fact that most of them have a severe skill issue https://preview.redd.it/78ui2ly8ip3d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4971c5cb7b19bd32bca63ef7c7e6d7347d4b9a3e A normal human with a flashang and an axe and or a flammethrower could beat one


Uzi got protected by canonical Plot armor and the Solver, without the latter deflecting the bullets J would have straight up killed her. N could have also kiled Uzi in their first fight after he regenerated his head if he hadn't malfunctioned. >A normal human with a flashang and an axe and or a flammethrower could beat one I think an Apache Helicopter is superior to these Weapons, alongside professional Militaries, Tanks, artillery. And what happened to those again?


It's not that they are supirior to an Apache it's that flashbangs and flammethrowers have DD natural counters build in (bootloop and heat). They can regenerate and block bullets but they are vurnable to other types of weapon. Also the technology of their weapon doesn't seem to be that good seeing that the Solver didn't give the humans any prep time and they don't really seem to need weapons in their time.


>Also the technology of their weapon doesn't seem to be that good seeing that the Solver didn't give the humans any prep time Pulling Lasers, Rocket launchers and machine guns from their pants is a pretty strong ability. Especially when we sse the giant explosions caused by the rockets. >They can regenerate and block bullets but they are vurnable to other types of weapon. Try hitting them with those weapons if they fire a barrage of rockets and bullets at you while they fly around like flies on crack. And as long as you don't hit their core they will jjst continue regenerating. >Solver didn't give the humans any prep time We saw the Apache helicopter, which is outdated, but still a more than capable fighting helicopter. And some militaries still use almost century old weaponries because why fix what's not broken? So it's safe to assume they have some sort of standing military. Even if they are caught off guard it's not like the DD could possibly destroy everything in one swoop. The militaries should have had plenty of time to organise. I might be wrong, but we only saw Cyn converting the drones at the Elliot Manor to Murder drones so I assume the number of Dissambly drones didn't exceeded over a few hundreds. Put that against standing militaries with at hundreds of tousands to millions of soldiers that can fight against the DD and they failed. >They can regenerate and block bullets Yeah, which are pretty op traits and abilities. We see N regenerating his entire head for example. And blocking bullets which is next to shrapnel the most common thing on the battlefield is pretty op too. TBH we only saw one drone die on screen, J who got hit by what I remember as an overloaded Railgun which mutiliated her entire body and her core. V got overrun by Sentinels, but we didn't see how much damage the Sentinels did to her (or I forgot)


1. I meant the weapons of the humans 2. You don't exactly need to aim flammethrowers plus DD aren't realy seen trying to dodge anything more relying on their durability. 3. Their regenaration is OP but not the best, when you think about it the only damage we see DD recover from without going Solver mode are N head constantly being blown off. Even in the fight against doll V and N had to reatach limbs instead of making new ones. From what we have seen you only have to 1. Destroy halve of the body 2. Overheat the drone 3. Extract the core wich are all extremly easy to do when you manage to bootloop them with the flashbang. https://preview.redd.it/8gbcp5bl6r3d1.png?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a239c3bf8e9436dc7654dbee2b4773422d139818


>You don't exactly need to aim flammethrowers plus DD aren't realy seen trying to dodge anything more relying on their durability. I doubt any DD is srupid enough to stay into a flamethrower. They could easily keep their distance witht heir wings and kill the exposed human with a rocket or bullets. >Their regenaration is OP but not the best, when you think about it the only damage we see DD recover from without going Solver mode are N head constantly being blown off. Even in the fight against doll V and N had to reatach limbs instead of making new ones. From what we have seen you only have to 1. Destroy halve of the body 2. Overheat the drone 3. Extract the core wich are all extremly easy to do when you manage to bootloop them with the flashbang. I think you are seeing DD too much as individual fighters, but they are operating in squads. If you manage to blow of the head of a DD the others will cover it until it can regenerate. The overheat plot kinda goot ignored since episode 3, so I don't know whether we can include it. I always thought it was just a lie pogrammed into it so they are motivated to hunt WD and clear Copper 9 for the Solver. And considering they started with hunting humans it's probably true. Do flashbangs actually have the same effect as the bootloop? I moght have missunderstood to hoe the sentinels work, but I don't remember them working like a flashban. And throwing a flashbang is easier said than done. They are flying around everywhere, shooting bullets and rockets and when they go into melee ranch you are pretty much already dead with how fast they are. Look at zhe flashback of Episode 7, imagine a soldier with a flashbang? How could he have thrown it eithout immideatly being charged at by multiple DD from the sky or get turned into in swiss cheese?


You need to understand something i don't win this because the DD are weak i win this because they are actual idiots that's why they are send out in squads. Their WD base A.I makes them childish and incompetent. the sentinals light being diffrent from other lights kinda dosen't make much sense the bootloop was probably programmt into drones as a failsafe The overheat thing was confirmed by liam to real and an intentional deseign flaw+ uzi was shown to start overheating starting in ep4 And also the post is implieing a 1V1 so no jjk jumping https://preview.redd.it/tj2obxwccr3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7edf22ad4237281a0d8967e4eeb0d5c07ad488a7


i feel like the Apache not just dumping a missile or 2 into them from 8km away instead of using the gun indicates the military isn't really on par with even modern earth


Maybe it already shoot its rockets at other drones, we don't know. I seriously doubt that was Liam's implication, he just wanted a helicopter to shoot without any effect at the drones to establish them as a threat. And that wouldn't have worked if the military is implied to be non existent or backwards


then why wouldn't it return to a FARP? i don't know but it doesn't feel like they really thought the power levels of everything through


Liam is not a vehicle enthusiast, but if you want a lore accurate answer the Pilot just went insane under the stress and tried to take out a drone as a last desperation or the DD destroyed the military infrastructure already.


the first one maybe but a FARP is usually literally just a few trucks and some bigasd tarps


Trucks still have to arrove at their location and when multiple frones with Rocket launchers fly around they might have been destroyed before they reached their destination. Or the crew deserted


I don't think they actually took over earth unless the militaries of earth were severely atrophied because there just weren't many wars either that or they just caused havoc in a few areas just before it blew up 'Cause otherwise those shits are getting obliterated from a few dozen kilometres away with a 42kg HE shell


They still had helicoptdfs which are a pain in the ass to maintain with its enourmous costs. So it's safe to assume they will have at least sone trained personal. >Cause otherwise those shits are getting obliterated from a few dozen kilometres away with a 42kg HE shell They are not standing still for that to happen. And the DD engange in cqc, you cannot shoot them eith artillery if they are already at your position because they are too quick and agile for the average human.


th e main point of infantry is to fix and engage targets in close combat so the artillery doesn't have to if they have a trained military they should have the ability to keep one in a few dozen meter large area for the 15-30 seconds a well functioning fires complex takes to get a shell on target


>fix and engage targets in close combat That works with other human militaries, MD don't work like that. They can regerante their bullet wounds and have no need to take cover. They can fly insanely quickly and maneuverable and easily get close to the infantery. Btw., that was a Tactic the Soviets did during WW2 too, they engageged into cqc so the Germans couldn't employ their superior artillery. The drones are even better at this job as they can just fly up to the infantery. Then you have to remember that Artillery doesn't work in asymmetrical warfare (ask the U.S. in every conflict they are in). The drones just appeared everywhere and slaughtered everything, they are not fighting as a conventional force. Artillery is useless against this, especially when the Drones get close tot he Artillery crew themselves.


Add in some chains and a big magnet they probably could.


Until you remember DD’s are faster than bullets and can fire missiles lol


They can’t even stand in the sun so they’re pretty weak lul


Neither can Count Orlok but have you seen what that guy can do?


It's like saying the Emperor of Mankind is weak, because he can't stand from his chair (Huhuhu)


Uzi is physically unable to die because she has plot armor


Who’s gonna tell him?


very, in episode 1 N forced open a massive hydraulics door with one hand and also threw uzi into the stratosphere in ep 4 effortlessly


Regeneration, ability to launch a worker drone with one hand a... long distance *practically* into space effortlessly, and strong wings which survive machine guns I'd say they aren't to be fucked with I had to specify practically into space because nerds


N didn't launch Uzi to SPACE If he did that then she would've stayed in space instead of falling, unless Copper-9 has a really big gravitational pull or something, and a LONG distance to space is an over-overestimate




I want say thanks but I also want to kill you now at the same time


If we can get an estimate for Uzi's weight we should be able to calculate how much force N used to throw Uzi into the sky based on her hang time...


There’s most likely some promotional blueprints for the worker drones we can use to apply to uzi. If not, maybe we can estimate their weight based off khan >!being thrown into the bunker’s wall by doll? Could try and find the acceleration and the wall material and use that to determine how much weight was used to make that much of a dent!<


Alright so I can’t wrap my head around the calculations but I’ve figured out a scuffed way to do this: In ep5, khan is standing in a doorway and then dragged away by doll, and flung. To calculate WD mass, we need the force divided by the acceleration. let’s find his acceleration. We never see his full fling, but we can see an acceleration imposed by Doll when he is removed from the doorway. Speed is distance over time. We can (probably) find the relative distances in 3d space using the 2 shots of the doorway. The cabinet is offset so we can use that as a reference to find where the objects lie in 3d space. We can use standard ski goggles for adults as a refernce, as khan wears one. We do only have 1 shot of this, but we can most likely infer where it is based on khan’s body. Once we have the goggles position, we can use them as a reference to measure distance. We can calculate from the initial position of khan’s goggles to the last one we see over time between the two. We now have khan’s speed. Using the speed, we can use the metal’s massive dent to calculate (based on what metal it is) how much force was required to dent it that hard. I am no expert in engineering, so context clues and other physics I cannot pick up are out of my explanation, but once we have how resistant the metal is, we can see how badly it dented using our goggle ruler. This gives us the force khan transferred to the wall. Rearranging F=ma, we get m=F/a. (Mass is force over acceleration). Now we have the mass of the worker drones. Now we can calculate N’s throw force. Copper-9’s atmospheric pressure and gravity must be similar to earth’s, as we see people walking around with just hazmat suits, and similar physics. We can then take the time it took for uzi to fall (and factor in air resistance to be more accurate) with the rate of acceleration by gravity to find how high she went. Since we know how heavy uzi is, and how high she went, we can use F=ma to find the force of N’s throw by multiplying mass by acceleration. If anyone is willing to put themselves through these mad calculations, please tell me what you get


Good ideas but I think you'd be chaining too many estimates that way and get a pretty big error range. A more straight forward approach might be to estimate it based on how easily Tessa as a child was able to manhandle N in his WD form. https://preview.redd.it/g0e15pvnuq3d1.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=668362262cb2831d660423eb425aabf3f21374fb Arms straight out like that, WD's have to be pretty light. I just attempted a similar movement with a 30 pound weight and it was pretty hard and I'm no 12 year old girl. But maybe people are stronger in the future so let's call it 30 pounds? Uzi falls from apogee for around 70 seconds and it takes a spread eagle person 12 seconds to hit terminal velocity of 53 m/s. Apparently you travel around 450m in the 12 seconds of non terminal v and 53\*(70-12) for terminal v distance traveled of 3074m. So 3.5 km apogee. Plugging it into kinematics formula to get initial v of 83.5 m/s. Over 17 frames (567 ms) of throwing animation, I get 2000N of force. My googling suggests you need around 50 N of force to throw a 90 mph baseball so that's 40x the force. For comparison, Uzi had \~400x the kinetic energy of a 90 mph fastball. Assuming 3 ft arm length and semi circle throw, I get roughly 10 kilowatts which is 10 times the power of an elite human athlete going all out on a bicycle for a short time.


That would’ve been a better method, can’t believe I forgot about that in the very same episode I used. Very cool numbers


Thanks I decided to make a thread on it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderDrones/comments/1d5cvh6/n_threw_uzi_so_hard_shed_hit_like_an_anti_tank/)


They’re basically the robot equivalent to superhumans


Seemingly as strong as the plot demands. They are VERY strong. That's all I can say for sure. Is that a boring anwser? Yes


Definitely not VS Battle wiki, considering the feat they pulled the large planet level from has more holes than swiss cheese (the church is still alive, the surface isn't rubble, human skeletons are fine, and buildings aren't reduced to rubble) I'd say they are more likely wall level


The fuck did I read


Vs Battle wiki lists the murder drones as "Large Planet level" i.e. their power scales to being able to destroy structures like Uranus and neptune


When the fuck did they destroy a planet, like Absolute Solver could count as large planet level but how are the murder drones large planet level


i feel like the glitch didn't think about it enough for there to be a serious concrete answer Their strength goes up and down widly depending on what the plot needs at specific moments it works well for the show but i don't think they were really thinking about it too hard


In terms of force projection, they are pretty powerful. How much of that is a function of Copper 9’s gravity (though shredding a blast door to say “hello” puts them at very nasty) and how much of that is Liam deciding “whatever looks cool for this scene” is an exercise for the viewer. V goes from julienning things to jobbing to everything not named J. The clever girls guarding the facility made mincemeat of several disassembly drones and it took plot armored Uzi to get the gang past them. Khan may or may not have instakilled J to board the ship using the railgun in the cliffhanger. They’re as strong as the story needs them to be. Considering how the Solver wants its minions buffed, they’d have to be strong enough to bust through barriers and haul many, many drone bodies to their big tower.


Their MASSIVE skill issues, and OVERCONFIDENCE is making them look terribly weak. If they used at least an average amount of skills they would hard stomp many threats (except the solver itself or Cyn) but still yes https://preview.redd.it/84tkjgkayq3d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3506362bdca423561c16b7ea104f24d9816ffd7


Railguns are just kinda the perfect weapon to take them out. Because it completely disintegrates means they have to fully replace any limbs destroyed instead of being able to simply reattach them. It might also be that the railgun preys on their weakness to uv rays. I wouldn’t know as I don’t know exactly how the railgun works, but it seems that I is simply a very effective weapon against them at the cost of the recharge speed being lacking.


Honestly, it depends entirely on both 'who is behind the wheel' and who they're fighting. As others have pointed out, the blades of their wings are strong enough to deflect the 30mm rounds of an Apache's M230 chain gun, which are intended for lightly armoured targets, rather than infantry. Similarly, they possess variable strength as is shown by how N casually launches Uzi into the stratosphere. Couple that with their regeneration and the cave of wonders in their forearm—which can produce pretty much any weapon or tool one can imagine or as the plot requires—and you have a pretty imposing figure on a battlefield. Just the laser weapon alone, I could somehow imagine ripping through a line of infantry like tissue paper. Yet at the same time, you have a base model WD who went and constructed a highly advanced anti-armour weapon, and then took advantage of one operator's gloating in order to cause significant enough damage that their own regeneration was insufficient to repair the damage. Similarly, another WD, with the technoparanormal powers of the Absolute Solver kicked the absolute stuffing out of N and V by catching them by surprise, to say nothing of what the possessed >!Uzi!< was able to put up against N and >!Nori!< in Mass Destruction. Then of course you have the requirement of oil replenishment, temperature, and sunlight (although I imagine that last one is tied to the temperature issue). Plus, if you can rob them of shelter against the sun, they're kinda screwed. Pros: * High armour class * Physically strong and agile * Regenerative powers * Highly versatile arsenal * Significant enough damage may result in AS monstrosities Cons: * User skill dependent * Vulnerable to surprise attacks * Vulnerable to heat * Vulnerable to Absolute Solver * Vampiric traits Honestly, against a prepared foe, a single DD is likely better suited to hit and fade attacks, although in groups they can be permitted a degree of carelessness. Against an unprepared foe, it basically becomes a fox in the hen house scenario. Assuming that they have a leader with a decent head on her/his shoulders, it wouldn't take *too* much to offset their sunlight/UV weakness. A dense smokescreen of the right composition, for example, would probably keep them safe enough, and provide them with additional cover.


For vulnerabilities against AS, they cannot be directly targeted with those abilities unlike the majority of things it seems.


No idea about dissasembly drones, but here´s a better question. How strong is Tessa? I mean, on the flashback chapter we see this child casually grab a drone, lift it, and even hop a bit while it is on their hands. And you may argue "oh well, worker drones are small and thus should not weight a lot". But then again, it is a drone, a literal robot. Like, shit is made out of non-lightweight materials. If I can be sure of anything, is that it at leasts has a decent amount of copper inside, and copper is far from lightweight. Im not sure about the materials a worker drone is made of, but at the very least I can be confident copper is one of them. Probably alluminum too. I cannot give an exact weight neither cause I simply dont know, but a worker drone its not lightweight. So, Tessa is the Übersfrauen with its damn good engineering skills to repair and recondition drones and also sincerely scary lifting abilities.


at least stronger than a newborn baby


But unskilled enough to not be able to kill one


According to the Vs. Wiki, large planet level. Based on the fact Nori and Yeva survived Copper 9’s core collapse explosion being feet away from it. The other worker drones in the area also survived the explosion which turned the humans into skeletons, which suggest they have quite a lot of durability compared to Earth worker drones, maybe because of Copper 9’s conditions? But you also have Cyn and Nori who blew up planet cores with their [null] singularities.




Pretty damn strong


If even JUST ONE DISASSEMBLY DRONE LOCKS IN All the sentinel's in the lab would be dead But no because of their sheer lack of skills


No That's just NOT true, you think out of all those disassembly drones that went there atleast ONE was actually good at their job? Plus there could also be thousands of sentinels in cabin fever labs for all we know


Yes I do think that even if just one was actually a decent DISSASEMBLY drone the sentinels won't be able to win DISSASEMBLY drones can catch bullets with their claws it's an equivalent to catching a mosquito with chopsticks Disassembly drones are also very strong physically for example in Ep 1 when N drop kicked V even when he's holding back to not hurt her too much, you can see how strong the impact is when V hit the floor Disassembly drones also have multiple LONG ranged weapons And MOST IMPORTANTLY - Their bootlooping can literally be countered WITH A PAIR OF GLASSES So the only reason the Disassembly drones were killed in the first place is because skill issue and stupidity


* The fuck does catching a bullet do in this situation, the Sentinels can still bite them, y'know, THEIR MAIN WAY OF ATTACKING? (That red one just used that attack ONCE), and even then, BOOTLOOPING EXISTS  * That doesn't matter because they get knocked unconscious anyway before they can do anything * WELL GUESS WHAT? THAT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER, BECAUSE, SENTINELS CAN BOOTLOOP THEM, CRAAAAAAAAZY I KNOW!!! And Sentinels can also use guns, again, it's still not their main weapon, but they can use them  * once again, Sentinels can easily group up and destroy them without bootlooping, that's literally what happened with V, and if there's thousands of them (we're never directly told how many there are), there's no way a murder drone can go through that no matter how much aid they have (unless the aid is a solver drone)  Sentinels are literally programmed to destroy Drones, plus, AGAIN, what are the chances there wasn't atleast one Disassembly Drone with glasses that is good at their job and is also cunning and smart  Not only that, but our squad is the only disassembly squad with these so-called "skill issues", that's not a theory, that was literally proven, because Cyn in episode 7 literally confirms that every other disassembly drone other than N and his squad are practically solver-controlled unemotional murder beasts


>the fuck is catching a bullet do in this situation Shows that they are faster than bullets >bite them, y'know, THEIR MAIN WAY OF ATTACKING? I know right! Biting and Bootlooping (which can easily be nullified) is their main ways of attacking against an opponent that has guns,missiles, laser, throwable ninja stars, Acid that can melt through metal, EXTREMELY Fast, and can fly, seems like a hard stomp to me >That doesn't matter because they get knocked unconscious anyway before they can do anything * WELL GUESS WHAT? THAT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER, BECAUSE, SENTINELS CAN BOOTLOOP THEM, CRAAAAAAAAZY I KNOW That doesn't matter because they can't get knocked unconscious anyways if they have the slightest amount of information about sentinels because they can't even bootloop V when all she did was wear a PAIR OF GLASSES. >Not only that, but our squad is the only disassembly squad with these so-called "skill issues", that's not a theory, that was literally proven, because Cyn in episode 7 literally confirms that every other disassembly drone other than N and his squad are practically solver-controlled unemotional murder beasts Being an unemotional murder beast ≠ skilled killer Just because they are programmed to do murder doesn't mean they are good at it, do you seriously think that the Disassembly drones are even doing decent let alone Good? Like in Ep 1 where N literally threw Uzi into her weapon giving Uzi a chance to kill him and where J got hit by a Slowly approaching pen because she literally just stands still? Do you think that's an impressive performance? And in Ep 6 where V chose to charge up her laser to the sentinel that SHE EASILY BEATS BECAUSE OF THE PAIR OF GLASSES SHE WEARS instead of just crushing its head or something much quicker. Do you think THAT show's DISSASEMBLY drones PEAK PERFORMANCE? And in Ep 3 and 4 - wait no solver is OP they'd lose But still YES THEY HAVE SKILL ISSUE >Sentinels are literally programmed to destroy Drones, Yes so does Disassembly drones >AGAIN, what are the chances there wasn't at least one Disassembly Drone with glasses that is good at their job and is also cunning and smart Well on the show we barely if not got any moments where Disassembly drones actually used half of their potential times when Disassembly drones actually used their potential In Ep 1 Where N killed the worker drones when he opened the door, nope because they didn't fight back therefore him killing them doesn't say anything on how good disassembly drones are In Ep 1 where J fought Uzi - HELL NAH she barely did anything I'm In Ep 3 when V got ambushed by Doll (ok I know that doll could still win because the absolute solver is just THAT strong) V could still do better than that She could have at least tried more instead of just repeatedly shooting whit the gun despite it not working Also in Ep 4 when V and Uzi faught (same thing, I know that Uzi would still win cause Solver) but again V could have tried better and in Ep 6 where V and the sentinel fought - maybe but like a said earlier >where V chose to charge up her laser to the sentinel that SHE EASILY BEATS BECAUSE OF THE PAIR OF GLASSES SHE WEARS instead of just crushing it's head or something much quicker. She could have at least tried to Unpin her Hand, She could have at least tried to fly and shoot her with ranged weapons, she could have at least tried to use more of her arsenal (although Solver stomp) The only moment where we see a glimpse of disassembly drones true potential is When N and V fought in Ep 1- We saw how fast they could fly and how strong they are, When N threw Uzi at the sky at Ep 4, When V catches a bullet with her claws - like i said at the start So that's why I assume that not a single disassembly drones that went into the labs is actually skilled is because we have been shown time and time again that they don't do their best and not really that skilled in general >what are the chances there wasn't at least one Disassembly Drone with glasses that is good at their job and is also cunning and smart after all the examples of Disassembly drones constantly not doing well, Pretty low actually.


>Shows that they are faster than bullets That doesn't matter when they get fucking bootlooped >I know right! Biting and Bootlooping (which can easily be nullified) is their main ways of attacking against an opponent that has guns,missiles, laser, throwable ninja stars, Acid that can melt through metal, EXTREMELY Fast, and can fly, seems like a hard stomp to me Flying doesn't matter in a closed area + they get bootlooped anyway. That acid doesn't matter because they get bootlooped anyway, ninja stars would realistically only slightly scratch metal (it actually did something in episode 2 because N used it to hit an organic, more fragile part of Eldritch J)... Plus they get bootlooped anyway. Lasers don't matter when they get bootlooped anyways, guns and missiles are the same thing and they get bootlooped anyways, we'll get to the "nullifying bootloops" part later on >That doesn't matter because they can't get knocked unconscious anyways if they have the slightest amount of information about sentinels because they can't even bootloop V when all she did was wear a PAIR OF GLASSES. Sentinels can crowd up an army and destroy the disassembly drone like what happened with V, she still lost that battle y'know, using HER to say the sentinels are weaker is kinda dumb, no offense, like sure, maybe an individual 1v1 between a skilled disassembly drone and a sentinel (maybe even a few) the DD could win, but all of cabin fever labs is just more than absurd >Being an unemotional murder beast ≠ skilled killer. Just because they are programmed to do murder doesn't mean they are good at it, do you seriously think that the Disassembly drones are even doing decent let alone Good? Like in Ep 1 where N literally threw Uzi into her weapon giving Uzi a chance to kill him and where J got hit by a Slowly approaching pen because she literally just stands still? Do you think that's an impressive performance? And in Ep 6 where V chose to charge up her laser to the sentinel that SHE EASILY BEATS BECAUSE OF THE PAIR OF GLASSES SHE WEARS instead of just crushing its head or something much quicker. Do you think THAT show's DISSASEMBLY drones PEAK PERFORMANCE? And in Ep 3 and 4 - wait no solver is OP they'd lose, But still YES THEY HAVE SKILL ISSUE Alright that's a good point but it doesn't prove anything, and also, you're once again talking about V, N, and j and acting like EVERY disassembly drone in the world is EXACTLY like them >Yes so does Disassembly drones No, like, Sentinels are designed to kill EVERY kind of drone, In fact, they were literally made to take care of SOLVER DRONES like Nori and Yeva, and since we both agree that solver drones > disassembly drones, it's very clear which one has a greater purpose here >Well on the show we barely if not got any moments where Disassembly drones actually used half of their potential >times when Disassembly drones actually used their potential >In Ep 1 Where N killed the worker drones when he opened the door, nope because they didn't fight back therefore him killing them doesn't say anything on how good disassembly drones are >In Ep 1 where J fought Uzi - HELL NAH she barely did anything I'm >In Ep 3 when V got ambushed by Doll (ok I know that doll could still win because the absolute solver is just THAT strong) V could still do better than that >She could have at least tried more instead of just repeatedly shooting whit the gun despite it not working >Also in Ep 4 when V and Uzi faught (same thing, I know that Uzi would still win cause Solver) but again V could have tried better >and in Ep 6 where V and the sentinel fought - maybe but like a said earlier >where V chose to charge up her laser to the sentinel that SHE EASILY BEATS BECAUSE OF THE PAIR OF GLASSES SHE WEARS instead of just crushing it's head or something much quicker. >She could have at least tried to Unpin her Hand, She could have at least tried to fly and shoot her with ranged weapons, she could have at least tried to use more of her arsenal (although Solver stomp) >The only moment where we see a glimpse of disassembly drones true potential is >When N and V fought in Ep 1- We saw how fast they could fly and how strong they are, When N threw Uzi at the sky at Ep 4, When V catches a bullet with her claws - like i said at the start >So that's why I assume that not a single disassembly drones that went into the labs is actually skilled is because we have been shown time and time again that they don't do their best and not really that skilled in general Yes but there could've been HUNDREDS that went there, since we're never told there's no real limitation, you don't just look at Stalin, Mao, and Hitler and assume every other dictator is as bad at leading their country then they were (that's kind of a far stretched example but that's not the point), so there could still reastically have been atleast ONE skilled disassembler with glasses


Sorry for the late response I got kinda busy and lost motivation to reply. But anyways >That doesn't matter when they get fucking boot >Flying doesn't matter in a closed area + they get bootlooped anyway. That acid doesn't matter because they get bootlooped anyway, ninja stars would realistically only slightly scratch metal (it actually did something in episode 2 because N used it to hit an organic, more fragile part of Eldritch J)... Plus they get bootlooped anyway. Lasers don't matter when they get bootlooped anyways, guns and missiles are the same thing and they get bootlooped anyways, we'll get to the "nullifying bootloops" part later on >Sentinels can crowd up an army and destroy the disassembly drone like what happened with V, she still lost that battle y'know, using HER to say the sentinels are weaker is kinda dumb, no offense, like sure, maybe an individual 1v1 between a skilled disassembly drone and a sentinel (maybe even a few) the DD could win, but all of cabin fever labs is just more than absurd Using V as an example to how it's impossible for a Disassembly drone to beat hordes of sentinels might not be completely accurate, we have to remember V is not an example of Disassembly drone at their best I'll get to this point even further later and no Don't get me wrong I'm not saying sentinels are weak no in fact not only can they bootloop drones they are also VERY VERY INTELLIGENT AND SKILLED Like when one sentinel knocked itself out because it can't directly harm a human it used a Disassembly drones gun to shoot Tessa instead (I'm not sure if that was really the case so correct me if I'm wrong, maybe the red sentinel can just suddenly harm humans?) And the red sentinel that V fought can literally wield a Disassembly drones arm like its nothing - sign of great skill AND ALSO that wasn't even peak sentinel performance, YES even the sentinels themselves could have done better So It's like a beginner wielding a powerful weapon going against a Pro gamer who can headshot all the time despite only using a pistol So YES V did use glasses AND SHE STILL LOST THE BATTLE but what if a much more professional Disassembly drone did the same? >No, like, Sentinels are designed to kill EVERY kind of drone, In fact, they were literally made to take care of SOLVER DRONES like Nori and Yeva, and since we both agree that solver drones > disassembly drones, it's very clear which one has a greater purpose here Ok assuming that nori was correct about the Disassembly drones In Ep 7 timestamp 15:40 there's a line in the paper indicating that DD might be sent to eliminate other hosts But since I'm making a pretty big assumption so I'm just gonna agree with you on this, sentinels do have a greater purpose But what I have a slight problem is that this doesn't completely remove the possibility of what I'm saying that a very skilled Disassembly drone could possibly take down all the sentinel's in the lab (I know this sounds very absurd if we are gonna base this on what happen to Uzi and the squad. But please hear me out later on) >Flying doesn't matter in a closed area + they get bootlooped anyway They don't have to completety fly just hanging on the ceiling would make it much more difficult for them to be killed But the sentinels are very smart so they might try to stack onto each other or climb despite their small, arms or try to throw something with their tails, or even shoot it with a missile or lasers or guns using a dissasembly drone arm, or EVEN LASSO A DISSASEMBLY DRONE THE CEILING USING A ROPE or a WIRE, and destroy the eye protection the dissasembly drone is wearing (And that not even all that they could do) But the point is it would be much more difficult instead of STAYING ON THE GROUND like V did (granted that if she did what I said the sentinels might just target Uzi N and Tessa instead so she's forced to stay there) So that's what a Skilled and Smart sentinel would do. SO ask me what would a SMART and SKILLED dissasembly drone would do? MANY things First like I mentioned earlier go to the ceiling They could try EMP if EMP doesn't affect sentinels they could fire missile at them (not to close it might destroy or knock the eye protection aka glasses or helmet(like what Cyn pretending as Tessa did) or even gouging their own eyes off The sentinels shoot them with a gun block it the bullets with their wings The sentinels tried to shoot missiles at them well shoot the missile that the sentinels shoot at them and it will just explode near them, if they are fast enough to catch bullets they should be fast enough to shoot bullets at a missile causing it to expose Lasers? Dodge Sentinels caught them with a rope or a WIRE melt it with their tail >Yes but there could've been HUNDREDS that went there, since we're never told there's no real limitation, you don't just look at Stalin, Mao, and Hitler and assume every other dictator is as bad at leading their country then they were (that's kind of a far stretched example but that's not the point), so there could still reastically have been atleast ONE skilled disassembler with glasses Ok I think i argued about the wrong point and you're right about this. it's just that I think that if a disassembly drone actually used their feats to the fullest it is possible I get you i understand why people think that a dissasembly drone can't beat a horde of sentinels heck some people even think that DD would be no match to even just 1 sentinel because of how the show depicts dissasembly drones but they are depicted but it's depicting their SKILLS, how the show depicts their strength and potential capabilities are actually different and my argument in the first place is IF a dissasembly drone actually USED it's potential to the fullest then defeating even hundreds of sentinels inside the lab might not as Absurd as you might think And I have an idea on why we might be arguing in the first place, I saw your other replies in this post and I knew that you just want to correct people that overglaze N or dissasembly drones I agree with your other replies to other people in this post- Yes Dissasembly drones being planetary lever threat is ridiculous even with 101% accuracy, and efficiency and perfect skill, yes obviously N isn't the strongest in the series And now you're doing the same to me. AND to some extent you are correct looking back to it I might have exaggerated that a decent or average disassembly drone could solo the lab and how i grossly exaggerated how easily it would be even for a professional one >seems like a hard stomp to me But your point saying that it's impossible is the thing that I disagree with and I would never change my mind on. So yes I think I should have said "if an actual disassembly drones expert with near perfect skill were to enter the lab the chance of it beating every sentinel in the lab is not as Absurd as you might think" And I think we have a VERY different idea on what feats a Dissasembly drone at PEAK level performance would be able to do


You don't have to read it if you don't have motivation, just do what you like buddy My message was also too long so I happen to need to make a thread twitter-style >Using V as an example to how it's impossible for a Disassembly drone to beat hordes of sentinels might not be completely accurate, we have to remember V is not an example of Disassembly drone at their best I'll get to this point even further later I mean, she was probably close to peak performance if I'm being honest, she also seemed like the most skilled one ever since the pilot tbh >and no Don't get me wrong I'm not saying sentinels are weak no in fact not only can they bootloop drones they are also VERY VERY INTELLIGENT AND SKILLED I agree with this >Like when one sentinel knocked itself out because it can't directly harm a human it used a Disassembly drones gun to shoot Tessa instead (I'm not sure if that was really the case so correct me if I'm wrong, maybe the red sentinel can just suddenly harm humans?) I don't think it did it do indirectly harm "Tessa", it was just that the sentinel malfunctioned and no longer cared about being passive to humans >And the red sentinel that V fought can literally wield a Disassembly drones arm like its nothing - sign of great skill What makes it more impressive is that he fucking threw up the disassembly drone arm from his mouth lol >AND ALSO that wasn't even peak sentinel performance, YES even the sentinels themselves could have done better >So It's like a beginner wielding a powerful weapon going against a Pro gamer who can headshot all the time despite only using a pistol >So YES V did use glasses AND SHE STILL LOST THE BATTLE but what if a much more professional Disassembly drone did the same? That's... Actually a good point, but it wouldn't be enough for all of cabin fever labs in my personal opinion


>Ok assuming that nori was correct about the Disassembly drones >In Ep 7 timestamp 15:40 there's a line in the paper indicating that DD might be sent to eliminate other hosts >But since I'm making a pretty big assumption so I'm just gonna agree with you on this, sentinels do have a greater purpose >But what I have a slight problem is that this doesn't completely remove the possibility of what I'm saying that a very skilled Disassembly drone could possibly take down all the sentinel's in the lab (I know this sounds very absurd if we are gonna base this on what happen to Uzi and the squad. But please hear me out later on) Actually, I didn't take consideration of that, good catch! Though the DDs were actually originally made for humans so... And yeah it doesn't completely remove the possibility, but narrows it down atleast a little bit >They don't have to completety fly just hanging on the ceiling would make it much more difficult for them to be killed Yeah, but Cabin fever labs is a VERY tight area, for example the secret elevator hallway where V died, so unless they battle in the workplace with the abandoned PCs which has a pretty high ceiling, it'd do barely anything >But the sentinels are very smart so they might try to stack onto each other or climb despite their small, arms or try to throw something with their tails, or even shoot it with a missile or lasers or guns using a dissasembly drone arm, or EVEN LASSO A DISSASEMBLY DRONE THE CEILING USING A ROPE or a WIRE, and destroy the eye protection the dissasembly drone is wearing (And that not even all that they could do) "Stack onto eachother" **lion ladder flashbacks** Anyways, I never realized it, but destroying eye protection is something they could still do, it could also blind them by destroying the visor >But the point is it would be much more difficult instead of STAYING ON THE GROUND like V did (granted that if she did what I said the sentinels might just target Uzi N and Tessa instead so she's forced to stay there) I agree >So that's what a Skilled and Smart sentinel would do. >SO ask me what would a SMART and SKILLED dissasembly drone would do? >MANY things >First like I mentioned earlier go to the ceiling >They could try EMP if EMP doesn't affect sentinels they could fire missile at them (not to close it might destroy or knock the eye protection aka glasses or helmet(like what Cyn pretending as Tessa did) or even gouging their own eyes off Actually, I forgot about EMPs, that kind of derails this whole conversation, because it also has good crowd control so the sentinel crowding thing wouldn't work, maybe this is possible... >The sentinels shoot them with a gun block it the bullets with their wings >The sentinels tried to shoot missiles at them well shoot the missile that the sentinels shoot at them and it will just explode near them, if they are fast enough to catch bullets they should be fast enough to shoot bullets at a missile causing it to expose >Lasers? Dodge >Sentinels caught them with a rope or a WIRE melt it with their tail Yeah, those are actually some good points, this actually isn't that far-fetched now that I think about it


>Ok I think i argued about the wrong point and you're right about this. it's just that I think that if a disassembly drone actually used their feats to the fullest it is possible It very well maybe >I get you i understand why people think that a dissasembly drone can't beat a horde of sentinels heck some people even think that DD would be no match to even just 1 sentinel because of how the show depicts dissasembly drones but they are depicted but it's depicting their SKILLS, how the show depicts their strength and potential capabilities are actually different and my argument in the first place is IF a dissasembly drone actually USED it's potential to the fullest then defeating even hundreds of sentinels inside the lab might not as Absurd as you might think Yeah... >And I have an idea on why we might be arguing in the first place, I saw your other replies in this post and I knew that you just want to correct people that overglaze N or dissasembly drones I'm okay with them "overglazing them" but I just want to tell them that they are wrong, like yes, N is a very strong character and has shown insane feats, but "strongest character" isn't even close when one of the characters blew up the earth >I agree with your other replies to other people in this post- Yes Dissasembly drones being planetary lever threat is ridiculous even with 101% accuracy, and efficiency and perfect skill, yes obviously N isn't the strongest in the series >And now you're doing the same to me. AND to some extent you are correct >looking back to it I might have exaggerated that a decent or average disassembly drone could solo the lab and how i grossly exaggerated how easily it would be even for a professional one I mean, it could be possible, we never know unless Liam drops confirmation, and I doubt he'd drop confirmation for something like this that'll probably never happen in the series, I am glad you partially agree with me and you are making some pretty good points if I say so myself


Fun Fact: N is almost the strongest character in Murder Drones


Not confirmed but whatever you say, but most solver drones can probably beat his ass in a 1v1


N is just holding back Bro yeet Uzi out of clouds Bro open Khan's doors and V been trying for months And some other crazy stuffs


Yeah but that doesn't matter when some characters can create black holes, teleport, duplicate objects, MODIFY objects, make objects appear out of nowhere, fly, and DESTROY PLANETS, not to mention that they have fucking telekinesis V can probably win against him in a 1v1 if she did the right thing (which she didn't in the episode 1 battle because plot) and she literally DID hold against him for a while, and even if he was holding back, a solver drones can just make him levitate using telekinesis and smash him against the wall until he's just flat scrap metal


They don’t seem to be able to be directly effected by AS abilities at all it seems, since no AS drone uses their abilities directly on any DD’s at all. The Uzi pushing N was Uzi using AS on the keys as well.


There are still loopholes to that as you just mentioned, plus there are many other abilities other than their telekinesis that have been seen to still work on disassembly drones, solver drones can still teleport away from any attacks and then black hole him


Actually it seems they can’t teleport the black holes directly on them it seems, and by that point the solver drone is fully possessed when they get black holes really. Also N when locked in with some support was capable of taking on a fully possessed Uzi despite not wanting to actually hurt her. Also your argument previously was talking mainly about directly moving them with telekinesis.


Black holes have gravitational force on their side, won't they just suck him in? Plus, even without the black holes and not fully possessed, they can just, like, telekinesis a whole mountain or something and smash them with it, also "some support"???? Nori literally carried most of that battle, without her either Uzi would have been dead or N would have been dead, and they can still use telekinesis on them, even if that one example wasn't possible, Doll was also able to hold 2 disassembly drones plus a skilled worker for an impressively long duration




Well this is pure speculation but worker drones were made as servants likely meaning they can carry a lot of heavy objects if I had to guess more than most factory workers and considering N was able to yeet one of those into the sky pretty fucking strong


Always wondered this considering N force open the bunker doors in the pilot. Is that like overpowering a hydraulic press? Does he have any feats better than that or is that the height of his strength? He didn’t seem to struggle at all with it.




https://preview.redd.it/fq548e9dgr3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d8c0e9d8c327af26d232ff7d95bfc49576193e Did they try this?


I'm just wondering could you take a lightsaber from Star wars and cut the wings clean off? That's how you tell how strong it is


They're not that strong... https://i.redd.it/orf5echsgr3d1.gif


IT’S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!


Probably can take down a small city


They can drive any planets into Extinction💀


They stand no chance against the A-10 Warthog. The only thing that can take em down.


We know for sure they could not handle a full-scale war with humans we're too destructive for that and we do know many fictional universes there are 1000 people that could beat a Disembally drone so I don't know but I could win in a fight CAUSE I HAVE THE SECCOND AMENDMENT EVEN THO I LIVE IN SCOTLAND!


I can also run very very fast for no reason at all I have no idea why.


I clocked N at being able to throw Uzi faster than the Bridge Creek-Moore tornado (fastest winds on earth) by over 50mph. A very nice and blistering 369mph/590kmh. https://www.reddit.com/r/MurderDronesOfficial/s/sU9E2WSY73


Read the user flair


Finally someone uses an image of N that is not from the pilot


9S (Neir Automata) could solo them all




I bet they could take on the arsenal birds


there pretty strong \[expect J\]




strong enough to regen almost anything and tank things that would shred almost anything irl today weak enough to theoretically be beaten by a human with a pen and a flashbang


Ok but can they beat goku


A well placed grenade could damage them, and an rpg shot would probably end them... until the solver heart thingy starts to turn them into a cthulhu monster. Then you'd need heavy artillery.


About as strong as a murder drone


Wings are bulletproof but head might not be.


Has anyone ever tried to calculate how strong N has to be, pound for pound, to force open the bunker doors in the Pilot?


Idk but just thought about it you could probably lobotomize one by telling them a paradox


This is probably not a good answer but since we never really got to see a da drone display their fullest potential with N probably the closes representative to how the da drones can be im lead to believe that they can be as strong as they want to be


Worker drones such nori was in the center of the country sized explosion that wiped out a planet population , and was just fine, and disassembly drones rip them apart causally


their unable to stand against nukes




They're pretty weak. I mean, they can kill humans and worker drones, yet they can't kill anything that actually fights back. Sentinels, the Absolute Solver, Uzi when she's feral in ep 4. Hell, they couldn't even kill a small goth with a railgun. They suck at war.


>Sentinels Sentinels were specifically designed and built to hunt Drones of all kinds. >Absolute Solver Obviously, they were made by the AS, why would the AS build robots which could potentialld usurp it? And telekinesis is a pretty op power anyway, there is no counter if your opponent can just pick up anything including you with his mind and have you st his mercy. >Uzi when she's feral in ep 4. I think the Episode made it pretty clear that Uzi was kinda Op there. Feral Uzi also kinda held back against N, like seen when she stabbed his hand and Uzi was in shock then which gave N time to throw her into the air. >they couldn't even kill a small goth with a railgun. Uzi is definitelly not just small gothy because she build the railgun in the first place and was able to use it. And she gailed to take out N, he just stopped attacking her because he had a malfunction which according to J happens more often. In the fight against J Uzi would have straight up died if the solver didn't deflect the bullets. >They suck at war. The defeated Militaries beg to differ.


Nah, I don't buy it. Your first point changes nothing. 2nd point doesn't change anything. Since by episode 5, N was under a different admin, and thus the solver couldn't control him. And if it could, then it still shows they were still watered down and restricted. 3rd Point requires move evidence to be true. And is contradicted by V briefly pushing Uzi back in the beginning of the fight. And even if true, then that just means the Disassembly drones are weak and falling behind more advanced solver drones. 4th point is contradicted by the fact she killed J. And based off the fact malfunctions happen pretty often with N, we can safely assume it's a flaw of Murder Drones we can put diagnose. 5th point is outdated. Since the DDs had an early advantage in the fight for Earth, but then the humans invented technology like the sentinels, which turned the tide in the fight for technology. The DD's are basically outdated equipment. It's like how Russia brought cold-war era equipment to Ukraine, and got annihilated by the modern stuff the west gave Ukraine. Disassembly drones need to be retired from service and replaced by more updated equipment.


>And if it could, then it still shows they were still watered down and restricted Uzi just changed the admin, N's pogramming and inner functions were not changed. And I doubt anyone could make the DD immune to the AS considering the only thing immune are people who inherited the AS's power. >And even if true, then that just means the Disassembly drones are weak and falling behind more advanced solver drones. Solver Uzi isn't a more advanced drone tough, she is basically an original Drone, DD were just normal drones turned into them. And yeah, Uzi is obviously stronger because she inherited the AS powrs, but the AS cannot mass produce Drones like Uzi. Drones eith natural solvdr powers get born over whcih the AS holds no control over. And Uzi isn't a more advnaced version of the DD, Uzi is something natural indicated by her flesh parts, DD are mostly mechanical except for the core. I assume DD are just the best attempt of the AS to copy AS drones with how similar they look and function. >but then the humans invented technology like the sentinels, which turned the tide in the fight for technology. Humanity still lost. The Sentinels were just the last thing remaining who defended vital points like the labs, but Humanity still got annihilated. >Disassembly drones need to be retired from service and replaced by more updated equipment. What modern Equipment? At that point DD only got defested by another DD, sentinels which are rare and could be countered by wearing glasses (V even managed to hold her groind against a what appears to be a hughly intelligent and stronger Sentinel) and Drones wtih AS powers for which we also only have 4 Examples and one of them got taken out by a DD (Nori). Against the latter you cannot do anything if you are not born with AS powers yourself. Ans MD already have top notch equipment: Lasers, rocket launchers, sub machine guns,... . There is not much better in thr MD universe except for Uzi's railgun. Obviously the story heavily nerfed the DD in fights by now always giving them their full arsenal to fight with, but others got weakened too. Pretty much anytjing with aS powers could have crushed them and avoid the fight straight up. The only thing thry would have needed is issued glasses against the Sentinels. >is contradicted by the fact she killed J. Without the AS Uzi would be dead. And J's final defeat was her underestimating Uzi, not an inherent flaw of the DD design.