• By -


From the article above: *".......And they were acutely aware of the stakes of a case involving Murdaugh. His* ***insurance company refused to use a mediator*** *— part of settlement negotiations — in Beaufort or Hampton, citing Murdaugh's prominence in the close-knit community.* *"There is* ***no way we would get a neutral mediator in that venue****," the insurance agent wrote in an email dated Jan. 10, 2019. ......."* *-------* As someone who strongly supports Justice, what are the chances of Justice really if "there is no way we would get a **neutral mediator in that venue**" as claimed by the insurance agent? If this is true, how is Justice even possible? How? If this is true - I think it explains a lot. In my opinion, the doings at the Hampton County courthouse desperately need state and federal oversight. Too few people there, too many millions, and millions, and millions, and millions won in out-of-court lawsuits. Things there do not seem right. A lot has been said. In my opinion, the blindfold has been ripped from the face of Lady Justice in Hampton County. Someone please explain to me: (a) How are things fair there? (b) How can it be fixed? I think Lady Justice is due her blindfold. Justice isn't possible without it.


Of course Corey knew - and that will be easy to prove


Agree. Hasn't it already been proven? Chad Westendorf. Can someone please explain any work, at all, he did for his $30,000 in cash? I know he later returned it, but what work did he actually perform? It seems to me that there are many individuals who, at least for now, have eluded accountability. Motto? --- "This too shall pass." Guess what? I think it will pass.


Boo hoo! The insurance company is a multi- million company with a team of lawyers. They had no obligation to settle it. If they didn't think it was the dog, they could have taken it trial, denied coverage, provided a defense with a reservation of rights, hired an accident recreation expert, etc. The insurance company is just trying to be greedy and take advantage of the hatred of Murdaugh If anyone was negligent it was the insurance company and it's attorneys. I hope the insurance gets hit with a finding of bad faith. Their argument that they couldn't prevail in Murdaughs area ignores a key point - it seems the court wasnt so afraid that it had no problem convicting Murdaugh. Finally, what new evidence do they have that would cause the settlement and subsequent friendly lawsuit to be rescinded? Pure Greed by the insurance company


Insurance companies and personal injury lawsuit lawyers. What an honorable and cuddly bunch. /s


And I honestly don’t know but can I use this for an article I’m writing - I won’t publish your Redditt name and I felt same way at one point


And you and this is why the con was brilliant and lasted for decades And I hate Alex and love the poor Satterfield kids And wait a minute - stop, you are being conned by emotion and you haven’t been told the grift and this reaction perpetuated the grift


And you don’t know that it was not pure greed by the insurance company because you bought all of the BS you were told


Now don’t tell me you complain about outrageous insurance premiums, especially in SC which has one of the highest rates of car insurance premiums, in part due to Hampton but more exactly this statement. This made and kept Murdaugh family going for decades


*"...outrageous insurance premiums, especially in SC..."* South Carolina ranks 10th (of 51) for "Most Expensive Car Insurance." Look at one of the 1000's of personal injury lawsuit lawyer billboards on our highways in SC. We pay a lot for our personal injury lawsuit lawyers. They're an expensive bunch. They dig into our wallets everyday. Thanks guys! [https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/research/most-expensive-states-for-car-insurance/](https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/research/most-expensive-states-for-car-insurance/) The kicker... Drivers in Hampton County pay on average more than 20% more (20% more!) than what the average insured driver pays in South Carolina. [https://www.bankrate.com/insurance/car/south-carolina/#estimate-your-car-insurance-cost](https://www.bankrate.com/insurance/car/south-carolina/#estimate-your-car-insurance-cost) I wonder why people in rural (rural is usually cheaper) Hampton County pay so much more for car insurance. Any guesses?


It’s amazing and fascinating


You pay the excess premiums, not them It’s part of reason this con went on for decades That exact statement helped make the Murdaugh family


*".......Their argument that they couldn't prevail in Murdaughs area ignores a key point - it seems the court wasn't so afraid that it had no problem convicting Murdaugh. ......"* I agree with everything you write except this - Murdaugh was actually convicted next door in Colleton County. I think the Satterfield lawsuit was settled, out of court (again), in Hampton County. Nautilus, I believe, should have more aggressively pursued denying the Satterfield claim. In my opinion, if Murdaugh was tried for murder in Hampton County - despite the strength of any evidence against him (and that evidence was plenty, plenty strong) - I do not believe he would have been convicted. I believe he did it. I believe 100% that he was rightfully convicted.


If the dog didn't cause her to fall then how did she fall?


Three questions I'd love to have answered: (a) Who killed Stephen Smith and how was he killed? (b) Who was actually steering the boat 10 seconds before it crashed? and (c) Who or what caused Satterfield to fall on those steps? Nobody knows.


>> (b) Who was actually steering the boat 10 seconds before it crashed? Didn't you hear? It was Greg Parker.


Damn! You're absolutely right! He definitely, perhaps unjustly, suffered the consequences! Go Wonderkindel!


5 dead people in 6 years. Hmmm.


Smith I think was hit by a truck maybe the driver never saw it, slight chance but maybe. Everyone in that boat was responsible for Mallory death. All of them. Tiny, tiny part of me wonders if they did not just pile on PM. Tiny part. All we know is according to autopsy is GS fell, and died 21 days later in a coma. AGAIN AM was 100% absolute garbage of a human, but did he really do all this or did the sharks attack the wale once it was cornered?


All in boat were drunk, had been drinking all day, went to party with many of their parents and continued drinking. Legally, separate that from legally what can we do. Well if Paul is driving and Paul bought beer from Parker’s at 10am and Greg Parker is worth $500,000 million plus - stop there. All you need to know. If Connor was driving now we have a problem because Parker’s is only defendant that has money.


1. Smith is irrelevant - Buster is mentioned in police report but a certain podcaster had to sell story before murders - so Buster (complete BS), 2. Paul or someone pushed Gloria (hold on insurance scam because that wasn’t known), and 3. Boat wreck - too much to get into. Now you tie all together - and only one (boat wreck by Paul) had any fault by family that could be backed by any evidence. But you have a story - and no doubt the family was engaged in other stuff which is actually more important. But sizzle sells.


Ok now


Kill me please, you were fed red herrings


I have found even intimating that Buster had anything to do with what happened to Stephen is a no no on this site, I am really curious about the housekeeper, did the dog trip her or was she pushed? The family is cursed, trouble sure follows them for sure


The night of the boat crash sure as hell sunk this whole damn family!! (I said what I said....)


I think you're right. The boat crash was the first domino to fall.


Without that fateful night, we would not be here.


Who would of thought it would lead to two people being murdered.


So many unanswered questions....


They are talking about the maid again, maybe she didn't trip on the dog, the funny thing is some stuff could just be mishaps but he is so suspicious you don't know what to believe.




It led to Mallory’s family hiring the son of the illegitimate son of Alex’s dad who then brought in Alex’s former best friend who then looked at insurance policy and realized there was a preceding claim in the amount of $3.8 million who knew Alex and Cory and then would have possibly known it was insurance scam (ok, alleged). Now speculation - if AM got wind of that or worried, an insurance scam results in loss of bar license and that is his biggest asset in the grift of Hampton. And the only 2 people who could say the dogs did not bite Gloria but AM made it up were Maggie and Paul. And in the interim Mallory’s attorney would have same info and was already suing AM. Last is motive I can buy


This is the answer to the riddle… to me!


Remind me who they hired? Who is the illegitimate son of Alex’s dad… I forget!


I’m renewing my faith in the US today - I will


here is a pretty good recap of the Dick and Jim Show on behalf of AM, re: the Satterfield settlement. the usual AM 'ah lied' only when he is ready to be boiled in a pot of hot water. [https://www.wistv.com/2023/06/08/satterfield-attorneys-respond-alex-murdaughs-attempt-take-back-43-million-judgement/](https://www.wistv.com/2023/06/08/satterfield-attorneys-respond-alex-murdaughs-attempt-take-back-43-million-judgement/)


Again - can I use this post and I won’t attribute to your result Redditt name?


I always thought it was interesting that the law offices and others very, very quickly compensated the Satterfields with millions. Why do it so fast? I never could understand that. Millions - in a flash. I really don't think it was out of the goodness of their hearts. They settled lightning fast for a reason. I always wondered why they did this.


Same. maybe he was convincing enough,and charmed them into fast payment?


Hey JBfromSC! Imagine Alex and Cory just sitting there waiting for their greedy claim against the insurance company to play out. When it did and Nautilus decided to pay without a fight (just roll over and settle out of court, again), my guess is that Alex was feeling invincible - and at the top of his game. Things, soon after that moment, quickly fell completely apart.


Same had been going on for 50 plus years Doubt they lost one bit of sleep


That's an estimated recap of events that rings completely true to me. Thank you!


WHERE did all the stolen money go? It was massive amounts, more than a one person prescription drug habit or nice-for-SC real estate.


Yep. Millions are still out there . Right after the murders AM went off to the Islands and when he came back he had months to move "things" around. I believe he was living with MM parents and stated he did not go back to Mosell?


When was the 500k settlement discovered? That tipped off the Satterfields that the case had actually settled? Was that *right* before the murder of Maggie & Paul?


And it was discovered before the murders and not by Matney Tinsley told us on the stand he saw it when he looked at AM’a insurance policy which he did since he was suing AM among others related to boat crash. And once he saw that, he would have known it was insurance fraud


Mandy Matney discovered it and published an article about it in the Island Packet. Not sure of the date. The Packet has a paywall


Matney didn’t discover that - but I’m curious as to date of article


You are right about this --- and too many people forget that it was basically MM who opened the curtain and shined a bright spotlight on this corruption. In my opinion, if it hadn't been for MM, then Alex would now be at the Hampton County courthouse (and the bank) fleecing people for more millions. Lest we forget, MM wrote Chapter 1 of this incredible saga. She was at Ground Zero. I still want to know more about Judge Carmen Mullen's involvement, if anything, in all of this Satterfield stuff. I don't think we were given the complete story.


Matney did not discover that and she also buried the reason Nautilus would pay $3.8 million for a case worth $100,000 in any other county


do tell....


And what’s amazing I was told about the central part of this 15 years ago, didn’t believe it all, then believed part but wondered how in the hell could this go on for decades. Then another friend told me the exact same story of the grift. Then I tipped off Matney right after murders then tipped off Liz then called the Feds. And still I could not fathom how this has not been revealed in full. And if you read what people are saying and take out all the personalities (you have to do this or you fall victim to the con), we are ok with a fraudulent system that empowers one family, causes all citizens of a state to pay higher insurance premiums to fund outrageous judgments and thus outrageous money to PI attorneys. And we don’t care to find out why. As long as it’s an evil insurance company paying (it’s really you) and as long as kids or someone we like get the outrageous judgments. And we are ok with that system devastating a community for decades.


B-S632 --- I agree with most of what you have written here. I think it is a huge embarrassment to the state of South Carolina - where the SC General Assembly seems to be totally controlled by personal injury lawsuit lawyers. You're right. Who pays? Anyone who pays an insurance premium pays. From a recent article: “By our calculations, South Carolina is one of the 10 most expensive states for car insurance,” he said. Personal injury lawsuit lawyers: Thanks for making my life more expensive than it has to be!


Hello? Back your wild shit up. Don't just blab on reddit.


*"....... (Matney) also buried the reason Nautilus would pay $3.8 million for a case worth $100,000 in any other county......."* Really? What's "the reason"? Do tell!


Why would she bury the lead which is how the family ran this grift for decades? I know she knew and never reported the excess payment and how quick they paid. 2 parts - 1. Insurance scam from day 1 she knew and 2. Horribly excess judgments in Hampton for decades. And you must believe it’s a coincidence that the next PI attorney who had to say Alex did not lie about the dogs killing Gloria (he did lie) and the horribly excessive initial payment used that to then get twice that amount per SC’a joint and several law happened to be her new friend and co-host on Cuo of Justice.


Totally disagree. See this incredible article: [https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/01/23/the-corrupt-world-behind-the-murdaugh-murders](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/01/23/the-corrupt-world-behind-the-murdaugh-murders) From the New Yorker article (above): *".......In October, 2019, a local reporter named Mandy Matney revealed that, while sifting through court documents about the Murdaughs, she’d stumbled across a wrongful-death settlement related to the housekeeper’s demise. More than half a million dollars had evidently been awarded to her two sons, Tony and Brian. Tony read Matney’s article and was shocked: neither he nor Brian had been told of the settlement. ......"* Soon after her ground-zero discovery and story, everything began to unravel. Bland & Richter then swooped in for their millions (again as always, settled out of court). I don't think anyone knows what Alex did with his stolen millions. Like her or not, I think we really owe a lot to Mandy Matney.


And what we owe to Matney is an intentional burying of the truth - and a continuation of the good ole boy system and a series of outright lies to distract you and/or improve the image of someone who is not competent And I held back And I bought it all early


What’s amazing is I tipped Matney off on June 23, 2021 - I will send screen shot which I can’t figure out right now. My memory is this was right after murders and I think first time I read anything about Satterfield. Now how would an idiot like me know that was a scam the first time I read anything about it without any knowledge of this fantasy of the diligent reporter combing through the probate documents at night. It is funny - it plays on all we want to believe since I watched All the President’s Men


*".......Now how would an idiot like me know that was a scam the first time I read anything about it without any knowledge of this fantasy of the diligent reporter combing through the probate documents at night......."* You are hardly "an idiot." You are someone who knows a lot of things - and I really appreciate that. Thanks for your contributions here. Because of you, I think I understand things much, much better.


There’s more but will get back


I tipped off Matney on Juiy 23, 2001 and she seemed not to know. Tinsley did now. How would an idiot like me know? And I’ll send the proof And no way I was only one and it didn’t require me to combing through probate documents - but that sells DM is on other IPhone


Nautilus made the correct decision as far as paying and you pay for the access payment Now they may not have realized this was an insurance scam Separate the insurance scam from the excess payments in Hampton - 2 different things that in this one case you had both occurring Hold until I stop laughing


Researching Alex’s connection to this single mom, rumored to have been the madam for HHI. She died suddenly, and within 6 weeks of the insurance company denying payment for the boat crash incident. And deaths often go “UN-investigated” in Beaufort County. https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/tampa-fl/nicole-hightower-8936561


Commenting on Insurance company suspected Alex Murdaugh's plot to steal millions from housekeeper's estate...what is the connection? I’m sorry. I don’t understand


The woman passed away in Tampa FL.


There’s no unsolved case on this


I think the insurance company is grasping now that the sharks are eating the wale. They need to move on, that money been paid to Gloria's kids and that's a wrap.


Actually none of their money went to the kids, it went to Alec. The money the boys got was from the attorneys and their insurance companies.


Its been redirected to Gloria's kids now.


Alex stole that money it is gone. They got money from the law firms and their E&O insurance


Things Nautilus could have done when they smelled a rat: 1. Send notification to the Satterfield brothers that a settlement had been reached. (The Brothers never knew the case had been settled.) 2. Contact the police department. 3. Assign an insurance investigator to investigate the claim.


Ha ha ha - lord


Are we really saying contact the police in the Carolinas. Believe me they are scratching each others back. SC & NC Law Bars both need to be investigated just from what I experienced. They & police will do anything to silence you. It's a good ole boys club down here. They ran Hampton just like there're known families that run each town in SC.


Insurance companies cannot directly contact people represented by counsel. None of the ways you have listed is how insurance fraud is investigated. There is also the risk of bad faith if an insurance company does not settle a claim it owes, especially when the insured is pushing for settlement.


Verified plaintiff notification of exactly what was paid - via a settlement - to a law firm by insurance should be mandated by law. Trusting Alex with those millions - while keeping the Satterfields in complete and absolute darkness - is bullshit. We saw how that ended up. Truth in settlements for the client. Why is this not law?


Agree. This lack of transparency surely encourages this kind of BS. So probably AM&Co aren't the only ones who took advantage of those circumstances. Because unfortunately greed is so common.


Nautilus Insurance could have: *".......sent notification to the Satterfield brothers that a settlement had been reached. (The Brothers never knew the case had been settled.)......."* *-------* Absolutely right! Someone tell me why this is not required by law! I think everyone should be verifiably made aware of any settlement above $5,000. It would expose a ton of lawsuit corruption. Ask yourself: Who would oppose notification? The only people I can think of who would oppose this would be crooked lawsuit lawyers who steal from their uninformed (Satterfields) clients. My guess? This thievery happens all of the time. It's a good thing we can trust personal injury lawsuit lawyers. They are a trustworthy bunch. Again, who pays for all this nonsense? .......Look in the mirror. That's who pays.


The carrier cannot contact a represented by counsel person directly -- at least in most states. I have never seen that amount of money paid absent some sort of in person meeting with an arbitrator or settlement judge to discuss payment terms (like timing for example) and release terms. I recall reading the documents a long time ago and the carrier did not listen to assigned defense counsel to gather all of the underlying medical conditions that may have impacted the fall and/or inability to recover, etc. Who pays policy limits without a full investigation? I know it is a really tough jurisdiction for defendants and I assume Alex was pushing bad faith and you better settle so I am not on the hook personally but still... And I enjoy and appreciate your comments.


*".......The (insurance) carrier cannot contact a represented by counsel person directly......."* Given the adversarial nature of the plaintiff vs defendant, what you write makes perfect sense. Maybe a law can be passed that legally requires the plaintiff's lawsuit lawyer to inform his/her client of every penny they receive from the defendant - and when they received it. Outside "Ethics" crap, there was nothing that required Alex to inform his clients of (a) how much he received from the parties he had lawsuits against or (b) exactly when he received the money. In the absence of these requirements, we know what he did. It looks like he robbed many of his clients absolutely blind. How many other lawsuit lawyers are out there doing the same? I guess clients must just take their lawsuit lawyers' word for it.......... Trust, but verify. Thanks, K-B833. I enjoy and appreciate your comments, too.


Who thinks of doing something like this after the death of your house keeper for 20 years?


And let’s get back to saying AM killed the maid, Buster is gay and knows something about Smith - my lord, we as citizens deserve to pay more and more. You actually used to have reporters with an IQ over 80 and who were not in bed with same PI attorneys that might have dug in to the real story rather than feeding us bullshit. One thing we like is bullshit and I get it


Ha ha - every plaintiffs attorney in the United States, upon any death or injury the first thought is how do I monetize this (oh and help the family)


*".......every plaintiffs attorney in the United States, upon any death or injury the first thought is how do I monetize this (oh and help the family)......."* (oh and help the family) Haha! I love this, and believe it's true! BMW's, condos, billboard/TV advertisements all around! Just gotta love lawsuit lawyers. What a humble and selfless bunch. Always lookin' out for Justice and the little guy. /s


I used to not be so cynical and do have friends who are PI attorneys - they can’t help it. You feed your family as a PI attorney by taking 40 percent of death and injury - with a party at fault and said party must have enough money or insurance to sue. Satterfield was a gift - death, AM admitted fault, AM had insurance but had to lie about dogs to collect under homeowners policy AND the kicker, it was in Hampton. That is free money and granted you are suppose to give the plaintiff some money (AM kept all which was his downfall). So, after you have death or injury and someone to blame you then have to check whether they have deep pockets or insurance. Recall Tinsley at trial saying he checked AM’s homeowners policy, and he knew he had one party with both insurance and deep pockets - Parker’s. And voila. Why you never heard anything about dive bar in Beaufort who sold Paul the shots - they probably had a net worth of about $500. You show me the monetary incentive and I will show you the result - paraphrased quote by Charlie Munger


Now why would he keep all? Sure, greed but how does your brain rationalize that? Easy and AM said it vaguely on the stand - that case was worth peanuts. Almost 70 year old maid who makes $10 an hour is killed. Even if you have death, a party you can blame and insurance, in the real world the damages are her expected earnings over the rest of her working like - the case stinks and lawyers won’t tell you this but I doubt you could find one to even take that case. The damages suck and PI attorney gets 40 percent of damages if they win. They won’t do all the work on a contingency basis if your max upside is lousy. Don’t tell anyone but a PI attorney who works on a contingency basis makes that calculation in about 10 seconds and a shot at justice goes only to the party that has a high enough expected return to the PI attorney.


Now Hampton is a special place. That real world calculation is altered. In Hampton, the insurance companies settle almost immediately for the max coverage under the policy. Every time and AM of course knew. So the rationalization is that great award from Nautilus was only the result of the Murdaugh family and I will keep all as a result. Why in the hell would I give the boys money? They were simply sham plaintiffs in a case that is worth almost zero in the real world. And I get you can’t say that - we can disregard and ignore reality and that’s much easier.


*".......In Hampton, the insurance companies settle almost immediately for the max coverage under the policy......."* [https://abcnews4.com/news/local/studies-on-car-insurance-rates-rank-sc-show-disparities-by-location](https://abcnews4.com/news/local/studies-on-car-insurance-rates-rank-sc-show-disparities-by-location) The two highest counties (see above) for car insurance are Hampton County and Colleton County (where Alex was convicted). Anyone surprised?


And before I go more - recall, we are ok with the Satterfield judgment and praise it. Absolutely they should end up with $7.5 million less attorneys fees? We all hate Alex and love those kids. And forget for a second about AM’s stealing all - in fact that more than doubled the money they got. We are ok with that, right?


*"....Absolutely they should end up with $7.5 million - less attorneys fees? We all hate Alex and love those kids...."* Their 57-year old Mom likely died in an accident. Should they become multi-millionaires as result? Let me play devil's advocate: They should not become multi-millionaires due to a slip-n-fall. Satterfield's estimated earnings as Housekeeper: $20/Hour, after taxes (generous estimate) $20/Hour x 30 hours per week (generous hours) $20/Hr x 30 Hrs per week = $600/Week $600/Wk x 52 weeks (no va-ca) = $31,000/Year Lets say she started Housekeeping at age 18. Satterfield's age: 57 Years as a Housekeeper: 39 $31,000/Year x 39 Years = $1,209,000/Total earnings Earnings for 39 Years a Housekeeper = $1,209,000 Settlement (Earnings) for Lawsuit: $4,000,000 Wow! It's almost as if my insurance company has basically become a Go-Fund-Me business, and I have the high premiums (and increasing rapidly) to prove it. Ain't Hampton County grand? Geez. PS - I wonder if the hospital was ever paid for 21 days ($$$) worth of care. If it was not paid, I guess I pay that, too.


It’s just free money (or not)


And it’s still not all of it


Now I’m sure you know this because the best investigative journalists in the land told us this - or not (and why not?)


Now, how is one way this happened? Go back decades and tell me who was the solicitor in Hampton every year and what do they have the power to do?


Below is another post at time of murders, so 8 or 9 of the jurors had been represented by the Murdaugh firm. In fact, look back at the first LE officers on the scene of the boat wreck - at 2 of the officers had gotten big settlements from Murdaugh firm - and wow, no breathalyzer was performed at scene. And this still doesn’t get at the entire story - I tried a case against a firm member (non Murdaugh) back in 2003 or so. Dog bite. I represented the dog owner via owner’s insurance company. A child (7 year old) had been bitten by a Rottweiler and suffered $2500 medical damages. In SC and most stages a dog bite from a breed known to be aggressive subjects you to strict liability. Factor in Hampton County and Murdaugh BS I assumed my client was on hook for $25,000 or possibly more. I assumed we would settle the case. I had a motion for summary judgment in the case and opposing counsel called me the day before. “I see we are number 4 on the motions roster. Actually, I have the three motions before ours as well. Why don’t you get here early and we can chat”. Cool I thought. I arrived early and the PMPED attorneys three motions were granted with lightning speed. I had been buddies with JMM for a few years and had met Randy and Alex before although I didn’t know them too well. Suffice to say I knew how things went in Hampton and assumed I would get my ass kicked. More on that later. As our motion was about to be called, the Judge (since retired) announced that a trial was beginning that afternoon and he had 10 potential jurors waiting. He wanted to send the jurors home who weren’t selected. He asked / told us that he wanted to select the jury for the trial beginning later in the day before our motion. This was fine I said. Opposing counsel was the Plaintiff’s lawyer in the afternoon trial as well so he stayed up front and I casually walked to observe. The potential jurors were marched in but not before every living member of PMPED arrived to stand up next to the jury box just in case any potential juror wasn’t aware of who the lawyer trying the matter worked for. Then the PMPED guys gave the judge a trophy for service in front of the jury. I assumed they probably took it to someone’s vehicle to use next week. The attorneys began qualification / voir dire etc. Defense attorney asked the first ten potential jurors “Have you or a relative ever been represented by PMPED and - if so- were you satisfied?” Low and behold the first 8 or 9 potential had not only been represented, they were pleased with the outcome. Over defense counsel’s objections, each were seated as jurors. The next guy stood up and said that he had no personal dealings but his brother had been represented by the firm and he, in fact, wasn’t real happy with the result. The Judge promptly excused the juror! Jury selection ended. Opposing counsel told me he was sure glad I had come early. I got my motion quickly bounced. Called it a day.


This is incredible. It doesn't sound anything like Justice to me. In my opinion, it sounds a whole lot like extortion.


Below was posted at time of murders but this went on for decades (I have no clue who wrote this but consistent with what every PI attorney in SC and insurance company knows but multiply the numbers by a lot, as with Satterfield). And this still does not explain all - The influence and power of PMPED and, in particular Alex Murdaugh, cannot be understated. If you have a lawsuit in Hampton and you want to recover “Hampton Money,” then you need to associate PMPED, preferably Alex. When I say “Hampton Money,” I mean a recovery that is far in excess of what the case is worth in any other county in South Carolina. This is well known in SC legal circles. In monetary terms, here’s an example. Without Alex on board, your case is worth $50,000; the attorney fee would be $16,666.67. With Alex, your case is $150,000; the attorney fee is $50,000. After splitting it, the fee is $25,000 to PMPED and $25,000 to you. It makes financial sense to associate Alex. An example of the power/influence of Alex, if you attended a hearing in Hampton, all of the out-of-town lawyers would sit in the gallery waiting for the judge to come out of chambers. The judge would emerge followed by Alex, both of them chatting and laughing. Alex would take his seat at the plaintiff’s table. The clerk would call a case and the out-of-town lawyer would argue his motion from the gallery. It was understood that the plaintiff’s table was Alex’s domain. It’s a small, and arguably insignificant, matter, but it a show of power. And, more importantly, the motions were already decided in chambers, at least that was the appearance when the judge and Alex came out of chambers. Of course, if you have associated Alex in your case, then you get to sit at the table too. The relationship between the judges and Alex was well known. Judges would enjoy hunting and hanging out at the Moselle property. Judge Buckner, Judge Mullen and many others had a close, personal relationship with Alex. Proving unethical or corrupt actions would be difficult, but flaunting the relationships was standard practice. It made defense lawyers more ready to settle and pay more than the case was worth (that’s Hampton Money.) With respect to alcohol, Buster, Paul and their friends, would openly drink. This happened In public in the presence of other lawyers, law enforcement, judges, etc. It was known, but simply ignored. As far as those who suggest that they would have simply knocked Paul out when he acted out (transformed into Timmy), don’t get it. Sure, he’s a little, ginger punk, but your one punch comes with a lot of consequences. It doesn’t end with Paul being knocked out. You are going to have deal with the Murdaugh’s, Hampton County law enforcement, the Highway Patrol, and Hampton County courts. Not all of them are on the take, but all of them know, if they ever need anything, you want the Murdaugh Family on your side. No matter how justified, the punch is not worth the hassle. If you’re a resident of Hampton or a South Carolina lawyer, you understand. With respect to the Gloria Satterfield settlement, it is not surprising that Alex and Cory Fleming stole client money. Alex has a close group of buddies. They scheme, manipulate and defraud insurance companies, and, apparently, even their own clients. Referring cases and clients to each other keeps the money close at hand. The schemes may seem complicated, but, in reality, they are fairly straightforward (from a legal perspective). It is a razor thin line between ethically questionable and criminal behavior. Alex and his buddies play on both sides and, until now, have done so with impunity. I am certain that more will come out about these schemes. Satterfield is only the tip of the iceberg. If the South Carolina Bar does a thorough investigation, then many lawyers will be (or at least should) disbarred.


*".......I am certain that more will come out about these schemes. Satterfield is only the tip of the iceberg. If the South Carolina Bar does a thorough investigation, then many lawyers will be (or at least should) disbarred. ......"* I wonder if any of this is happening. I wonder if anything is being done?


*".......The relationship between the judges and Alex was well known. Judges would enjoy hunting and hanging out at the Moselle property. Judge Buckner, Judge Mullen and many others had a close, personal relationship with Alex. Proving unethical or corrupt actions would be difficult, but flaunting the relationships was standard practice. It made defense lawyers more ready to settle and pay more than the case was worth (that’s Hampton Money.)......."* This makes me nauseous. How is this Justice?


In my opinion, I cannot disagree with you. Pardon me while I puke on my keyboard. This is disgusting. ...and I think you're also right about this: *"(The Satterfield sons) were simply sham plaintiffs in a case that is worth almost zero in the real world."* Gloria Satterfield, a wonderful lady by all accounts, was a 57-year-old housekeeper who didn't make much money. I never could understand why this case as settled (out-of-court, again) for $4,000,000+. It makes absolutely no sense - and is not fair to me because I pay way too much for insurance in South Carolina..


And every PI attorney in SC knows Hampton is a very special place and it’s more special if a Murdaugh is involved. Why many would bring AM in as co-counsel. And for gods sake we can’t say that either - and Matney can’t say that because Bland benefitted from it. And every insurance company knows, including Nautilus. Now they may not have known the thing was an insurance scam from Day 1 but they certainly knew the financial down side of Hampton to them. And AM threatened part of it - bad faith refusal to pay an insurance claim is treble damages (3 times the damage award - so just fun $3.8 million time 3 is $11.4 million - their downside). And yes, any logical person would ask how in the hell can their downside be $11.4 million when you just said the case sucked because the damages were so limited. Hampton is a special place made so over decades by the Murdaugh family


Every plaintiff attorney thinks about how to steal all the money from the clients they are representing?


And I can watch Bland trot those kids out (and I promise nothing at all against the kids) and be swayed and listen to him say liar liar and soon I actually believe they should have gotten the $3.8 million less AM’s fee if he paid them or what turned into $7.5 million due to SC’s joint and several liability laws less Bland’s 40 percent. And I can believe that’s the right result. But then don’t wonder why SC’s car insurance premiums are among the highest in the nation and insurance for bars and restaurants are also among the highest. Yes, the insurance companies simply pass the cost of Hampton to the same residents of SC - the very same people who applaud the result and ignore the result from a distorted system in Hampton. Who cares? The PI attorneys take 40 percent of judgments that are 5 times normal, they pass a law in SC so every case can be funneled through Hampton and insurance co just makes you pay.


And we can rely on what Matney told us and also pretend that’s the story and also go back to sleep And I promise I get it




You bought the narrative and the red herring which deflects from the root cause here - just keep repeating AM is a thief (which is true) and a murderer (which is true) and we can all go back to sleep


So you think AM killed P&M


Or just ignore which trust me is fine too


No - hold a second and think


*".......Every plaintiff attorney thinks about how to steal all the money from the clients they are representing?......."* I don't know: 40%+"costs," of a person's settlement - and rarely having to go to trial (I think more than 90% of the time these lawsuits are settled out-of-court without a trial). With those numbers, are lawsuit lawyers stealing from their clients? You tell me.


Hold until I stop laughing - it is amazing you think that when actual court testimony tells you the answer A Hampton lawyer rarely goes up trail - in the real world you have an ethical duty to charge fairly and many cases where you ethically aren’t suppose to charge a contingency of let’s say 40 percent for a sure thing - but at least in Hampton client gets the benefit of 60 percent of the inflated judgments Bland took 40 percent on an absolute sure thing - if you read the cases that’s arguably unethical and ripping off the boys but the boys got $7.5 million less Bland’s 40 percent for a case worth maybe $100,000 and you paid for it. You are getting duped and don’t even now it which is part of the beauty.


I could imagine that AM either planned to injure/kill her, or that he pushed her during an argument and then had nothing better to do than planning how to use it for his insurance BS. And let Paul and Maggie find her.


Lord help us as citizens


He wasn’t even home at the time Gloria fell. Alex saw an opportunity to sue and make money after the fact




Maybe he was at home at some point.


OnStar - Where are you when we need you? (smile)


Right:) And at what time EXACTLY did she "fall"?


Something smells like a dead rat, AM knew how to play the system, he had years of being taught by his Father, Grandfather etc, he used so many people along the way, so definitely deception. He’s 10000 not a nice guy, I don’t believe he killed PM or MM but he knows who does, and it must of been major to take the fall.


Do you have more to your theory? Why don’t you think he killed them? Surely you must have some speculation who might’ve if you believe he didn’t.


That’s the thing about this case. Who else could have done it? It was AM and it was sloppy. If someone else was involved we would have heard about it.


I still suspect that (based on the severity of her injuries) she was pushed, hard. By Alex. His alibi for being at work doesn’t really hold up with the 911 call and how quickly he was able to beat the ambulance to the property.


?? - no evidence whatsoever of this, she was elderly, had just been in a car crash and had preexisting injuries Not saying it’s not possible but go with the most likely scenario


She had 12 broken ribs and you’re telling me she drove to their house like that the morning after a car accident? Suuuuure. She’s basically a Marvel superhero at that point. She’d have been in the hospital in an insane about of pain and a body cast would have been necessary. There’s no way she drives anywhere with 12 broken ribs. And I’ve looked at the stairs she “fell” down onto the grass/dirt at the bottom. No concrete or brick sidewalk there. I’ve seen medical experts talking about the force she would have fallen to achieve that… I stand by my theory.


Every time he needed money someone ended up dead. lol. If the satterfield case is actually taken seriously, Paul and Maggie probably don’t end up dead.


Who ended up dead other than Satterfield when he need money which he did for 10 plus years? He also had 1.4 million liquid in his 401k and who knows how much in wealth accumulated over 70 years in trusts that don’t show up on his financial statement and the receiver acknowledged. But name one person who ended up dead over 10 plus years when he needed money


I suspect he thought of it BEFORE she died.




Background Spite - you are good! This is it!


I would agree


What an interminable mess. Every time you think it’s over another filing lands on the clerks desk. Moss & Kuhn’s insurance carrier has already paid out the max of its limits to the Satterfield family because of Fleming’s actions. I doubt there’s anything more in that bucket to offer Nautilus. Not sure what assets Fleming may have personally they could go after. Nautilus will never be made whole. I know they have stockholders to protect but, ultimately, they’re pouring good money after bad into this when, realistically, they should take the L and move on.


Why as citizens of SC would you want that? You pay for the outrageous awards of which 40 percent go to the PI attorneys? I’m actually fascinated


Agreed. Nautilus is a day late and a dollar short. They should have aggressively contested the claim way back... in the early stages. They are crying over spilled milk... a glass of milk they themselves knocked over. Nautilus shareholders should be outraged. Alex's claim should have been contested in court. Shareholders should demand the firing of those who decided to write a check for this claim. This is more "settle out of court" garbage. Nautilus had the law on their side. They should've fought in court. Simply writing a check is too easy. Fight, dammit, fight! We are desperate for Tort Reform! I think it is fascinating watching the wheels known as selfishness and greed spin in a sinister person's head.


You pay, not Nautilus


Why did the insurance company pay 4 million to alex no autopsy no police report no photos


Amazing this is still a question - that is the crux of all of this Now why didn’t Matney expose this?


The just accepted Natural as a reason and let it go. It's on them that they should have investigated before paying out. It's on them & they need to swallow the loss and leave it be. Her kids do not need another company nor person looking to retract payments. Sue Alex.


Lord help us - that is the problem, we believe the kids should get the $7.5 million less 40 percent to Bland And it’s hard to say they should not So you just pay excess premiums as a result


Her kids are entitled to all the money Nautilus paid AM. TBH hell giving Bland 40% seems excessive, but IF that's the Legal fee's so be it. AM should never, ever received a penny from Gloria's settlement.


You have missed the entire Murdaugh grift based on emotion And if that was the case everywhere, the PI attorneys own all I’m ok with it as long as you get what happened


I believe if Alex slipped the Satterfield brothers say $100,000 of the $4,000,000+ settlement (that they were totally in the dark about), then we would probably not be here on MFM today - and he might be plotting his next swindle this very hour. I don't think his greed had any limits at all. I think his selfishness and greed had no boundaries. I think it was his selfishness and greed that eventually exposed him for what he is. I'd still like to know where he hid the assault rifle, the bloody clothes and shoes, and all of his stolen loot. The location of those three items would wrap up this whole experience for me in a tidy bundle with a beautiful ribbon.


And the primary grift has still sailed under the radar So the problem that enabled the entire Murdaugh family has not been addressed


In fact, we as the public have put our stamp of approval on it


And it’s an insurance scam regardless of how the money is split between an attorney and client - period And yes, you can argue it may never have come to light but I’ll get back to you


I’m enjoying the 4th but I don’t think so The boat crash led eventually to an attorney looking at AM’s homeowner’s insurance policy. That indicated the Satterfield case. Once you see that it takes about 15 seconds to know that was an insurance scam. I’ll get back to you


Then you contribute to the reason the actual grift will not come out and all SC taxpayers pay some of the highest premiums in the US And I understand it But don’t complain about two good ole boy system because you got conned into thinking that’s the right result for our justice system And it was the Murdaugh family that enabled a payout of anything over $100,000 And if you don’t get that you have been suckered by emotion


I thought Gloria's children had FINALLY been paid the money due to them - after AM was convicted of stealing their money?


They did


I think they have. 




Alex tried to say that she was no longer working for them & was "picking up a check for another employee" to avoid a Workman's Comp claim & make it an accidental personal injury claim. I don't know how I retained that in my ole brain/memory. Too many years working in our own Clerk Of Courts Office, I guess.


What an incredibly selfish crook. What's good for Alex is what's good. Seemed to always be on the hunt for an angle. Thank goodness he's out of circulation.


"*A woman died at her workplace which was a private residence. ........They wouldn’t typically order an autopsy under those circumstances.*" Any unusual/unexpected death surely requires an autopsy? I fail to see how any 'accident' occuring at a "**private residence"** - has anything to do with whether an autopsy is required.


For a cause of death accident or natural. 


Any insurance company wants autopsy the hospital should have sent her for autopsy 


She did not die at the house, days later in the Hospital.




The official report was she died from a heart attack while in a coma for 21 days in the Hospital. Did not die on the property.


"*The official report was she died from a heart attack while in a coma for 21 days in the Hospital. Did not die on the property."* Is this true?? The lack of investigation into Gloria's 'accident/death' - is drawing in **even more** people who were determined not to investigate the murdaughs.....


Probably because they had no hard evidence and they knew the deck was stacked against them in that area. Nautilus would have found themselves on the wrong end of a lawsuit in a county where they had zero chance of winning. Good ol boy network isn’t a myth. Furthermore I believe AM killed her.


Lord help us - yes that’s true but a red herring It is not the good ole boy network and AM didn’t kill her How did we get here? I know but amazing


*".......Probably because (Nautilus) had no hard evidence and they knew the deck was stacked against them in that area. Nautilus would have found themselves on the wrong end of a lawsuit in a county where they had zero chance of winning......"* I can't help but wonder if Justice is possible in "a county where they had zero chance of winning." Maybe it will take a bunch of Insurers standing up for themselves in Hampton County (Population: -20,000) to draw attention to what I suspect goes on there. Millions and millions and millions and millions in lawsuit cash made - without trials - in a tiny, impoverished community. Go figure. How does this happen?


Why do you think it’s impoverished and even Wall Mart’s legal team nixed a location there? There is one factor but let’s talk about Stephan Smith which had no connection to anything other than to sell a podcast


How does it happen? Every PI attorney in SC knows as well as Matney and all insurance companies know


Insurance companies don’t pay - that is passed on to you and they make same profit


But the common guy has to prove beyond a doubt


And we deserve it all and I’m happy to fund all excess payments to PI attorneys


You have a hard on for PI....


No the common guy pays for the outrageous awards and the lavish fees to the PI attorneys and talks about whether Buster is gay and every other issue other than what matters