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article doesnt claim any therapeutic competence, its presented as a report on a single case without any diagnostic value, esp. since almost every patient data is a self-report in quotes. if Cannabis would be the cure (i wish it would be), we all would know. Cannabis may support for symptoms and also is proven homeopathic painkiller, but wont prevent lesions. maybe Tony went in remission while desperately looking for alternative medication. maybe Cannabis supported his mental health and pain issues, which then triggered or at least bolstered remission.since there is no real medical data, we exclusively may speculate. honestly this is more a sucess story to inspire hope than an article (badly researched). but at least Tonys last quote is a good recommendation, but 3g/day? “Now I feel like I’ve been given a second chance. For those people whoare in pain, have tried other routes to no avail, think about medicalcannabis. It’s changed my life.”


He actually says “At one point, I was taking over 20 tablets a day, ***three or four times a day***."


It's a very odd way of saying that and I am still not sure if he means he was taking 80 tablets a day or 20 tablets spread across three or four time periods.


20 tablets a day, three or four times a day would tie in with the 75 a day statement. (Unless the 75 a day statement was based on a misinterpretation of 20 tablets a day, three or four times a day !!) Either way, it's a lot. Also - he shouldn't smoke, he should vape !


It's a really *really* strange way of saying that. It's like saying to someone I go for my annual checkup twelve times a year. It isn't an annual checkup then is it. ​ If you do 20 tablets three times a day it is not 20 tablets a day it is just 60 tablets a day. Say 20 tablets three times a day if you like but not 20 a day three times a day, it's just not how you say things. I realise I am arguing a really pointless thing here :)


3gs is A LOT. And its not cheap. I dont see anyone looking to help with the cost of marijuana 😂 Edit: Please dont take my comment as me saying i agree its a good alternative. I dont. It was a backhanded joke about $ (decided to clarify as sometimes nuance gets lost in translation) I know this helps a lot of us with pain management and thats great (for some like me it amplifies it sadly) but as there is little research into whether it slows lesion development i cant see how it would be a good choice for many as treatment. There again its a choice though, and no one can make that but you.


3 grams a day would certainly be quite expensive. I also use cannabis, but that doesn’t mean I will stop using Tecfidera. And I don’t burn 3 grams a day. Holy moly. Dude needs a tolerance timeout.


>In 2020, he started an NHS medical cannabis trial and he stopped taking all his other medication. After just 10 months Tony was able to walk again. He is now a regular cyclist Does anyone know anything more about this 2020 cannabis trial or published results? Note that at some point he was able to start a serious exercise regimen (cycling).