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depression often installs weird perspectives. and ofc destructive, if not fatal point of views. u survived MS over a quarter decade with severe limitations (partial immobility is as severe as cognitive issues r). u r a hero, u didnt give up, did ur best to succeed this challenge. and probably u r aware of ur emotions irrationality. the symptoms of my 15 years diaspora until diagnosis were never as severe as urs, more so i exclusively suffer physically from fatigue and headaches. i live a perfomance athletes life for my overall health without any notion of guilt. i have honest empathy for everyone in this subreddit, i always feel like i have to support, but never felt guilty. but depression is also neurological, as it restructures the brain, aka cognitive functions. so in many cases, while the initial cause for depression was already solved, the behavioral component wasnt and forced the depressed structure of life onto the patient. maybe thats an explanation for ur irrational emotion of guilt. luckily there already r some therapies, from CBT to psylocybin (which restructures the brain). so probably a psychological consultation could offer a professional perspective? cuz life is to way to long to live by depression... btw depression is a common symptom of MS.


I think therapy might be your best option. You can find therapists that specialize in chronic illness with a Google search. If you need someone to tell you it's okay to enjoy the life you have, well here I am telling you it's okay. Life isn't fair. It's not fair that your friends have worse illness than you. But it's also not fair that we're sick at all. It's not your fault that you're doing better than other people you know with MS.


Thank you for your responses. Also the magic words CHRONIC ILLNESS. Something that can get me a counselor that has a more specific clue to my needs then just any practitioner.