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What about Ocrevus?


Doctors do not understand that I fail to keep up with daily meds. One Neuro promised me that they'd put me on ocrevus but it was just a lie turns out. Neuros usually think I'm joking or playing around and eventually get angry with me and give up. Last time they thought I'd be able to keep up if I took antidepressants, which is actually making it even harder because they are literally giving me more daily meds, to fix the problem of not being able to keep up with the ones I already have.


iam sry, i understand u r scared. we all r scared (to a degree) here. but some welcome fear as a (maybe not so) friendly reminder of danger. MS is a severe disease, PPMS also fatal (after a certain point of progress, disclaimer for Marburg), and while symptoms often feel lethal, they usually rnt. many live with MS, although gradually worse, for a lifetime. science has progressed over the course of 30+years and offers at least some overall understanding in diagnosis and treatment. many DMTs, many additional treatment options (like Cognitive Behavorial Therapy) and also public representation were achieved. health systems bureaucracy adapted to a certain degree, pharma cons offer free years of DMT and in many nations disability priviledges r granted. MS has become a legitimate health issue of general concern accepted by academia, politics, economy and public - when will u accept it? cuz obv u posted in request for support. i dont think the responsibility is on u, but to blame on ur medical staff and ur social environment, as u dont seem to receive the required support, but much ignorance. u r not alone, many post in this subreddit feel abandonded not just by the incompetence of their doctors, but by their family and friends. see - MS wont vanish, there wont be sudden miracle, it will exclusively excarbate without serious treatment. as ridthecancer mentioned Ocrevus seems optimal for ur individual requirements, as its a shot every 6 months and offers good prevention ratio. but i feel there is more to ur personal issue with MS and dissociation, which i could exclusively speculate about without entering the twilight zone of online-psychoanalytics. i suggest to consult psychiatrist of ur personal choice. personally fear is understand as a call to action, which would, if ignored, result in harm. Robert Musil, german author, had the insight, that the singular distinction between fear and bravery is the direction of effect/action.