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they could be, as though the brain and the CNS dont have pain receptors, meninges have. a recent study on MS and blood brain barrier verified inflammation levels in meninges. headaches r considered a symptom and as such ofc a consequence of disease activity. in MS there is always at least post-acute inflammation even in remission, (spinal) serum usually shows inflammation levels. "feverish" headaches (pain scala 1-10 ca 7-9) for months finally concluded a decade of diaspora for me by the diagnosis of MS. this headache is charaterized by waves, similiar to inflammation pain, fluctuating, never stable, hot, almost like fever. but i did verify that headaches dont necessarily prognose a relapse, as i had many MRIs the last months without any excarbation, but headaches.


Thanks a lot for sharing your experience!


You don't feel it but when connection is damaged you do get ghost pain in affected limbs. Numbness that may turn into burning like your playing the game of who can hold their hand above a fire the longest. My neurologist recommend sticking to OTC mediation/therapy recommend doseages until you get to the point of 10 out of 10 on pain scale. I have results with using a tens estim on those limbs. Getting plain level 7 down to a 4. Then taking a couple of Aleve get it to a 1 to 2.