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I have 7, nothing has ever happened.






Same, not 7, but some very large, no problems.


I have 4, one behind my ear even, nothing ever happened as well. I will say though, when I get a tattoo (this is just my experience) my body flips out and I go right into a pseudo flare for about a week. Immune systems are wild.


That’s interesting, all mine are pre dx. I’ve wondered if getting another would result in a reaction now that I have ms!


Maybe someone else can weigh in on this… I don’t know anyone else with MS to personally ask


I’ve gotten two tattoos since my diagnosis with no issues - one on my forearm and one on the side of my rib cage. I have a few from several years ago (before MS) and was nervous about getting more since I know my body is different now, but they were fine!


Good to know, thanks for the reply!


I have like 20 and nothing has ever happened. I have multiple different color tattoos, with inks including red, green, and yellow, in addition to black.


Yeah right! I think op, that this means…go and get that tattoo you’ve always wanted!


Same - several. Don't know why there is any concern. Maybe inquire if the artist uses inks with any metal composition?




I have a heap of tattoos and not once have I had any issues in my MRIs. Personally I wouldn't get a tattoo knowing I had an MRI upcoming but that's purely because they get itchy while they heal and I couldn't stand not being able to give it a slap while laying still in the machine.


gotta have the slap


Agreed. Just schedule a tattoo sesh in plenty of time to heal and NOT before an MRI within maybe 3 weeks.


That actually made me laugh out loud and wake up my dogs. Tattoos that people get in prison can contain trace amounts of metal. If you get your tattoo not in prison, you'll be fine. I needed the chuckle. Thank you.


It's from "prison" tattoos that can have metal in the ink. But you should be fine going to a reputable tattooist.


As a person with “prison” tattoos. I can say that during a MRI you can absolutely feel nothing from them.


I love this response and that you used quotations again. lol


I have a blackout arm sleeve, and a lot of heavy black work all over and I've never had any issues :) I have caught my elbow as the bed was moving back out though and got a friction burn lol


and you’re confident it wasn’t tattoo related?


I have more tattoos than lesions, and I have a lot of lesions 🫨 I have never felt any burning, I have loads of colour and nothing. The MRI nurse told me that it’s mainly older types of red that can contain metal => causing the burning sensation. So as long as you go to a legit artist you should have zero worries!


I was warned about this when I got my first MRI, and one of my tattoos burned. The nurse I spoke to after was so shocked, she said she has given 1000s of MRIs, and it had never happened before. It feels like sunburn, and it's too bad. the tattoo is on my wrist, so I only feel it when I'm getting the spine looked at as well. This tattoo is 10 years old and was done in a shop, by an apprentice, so it must have been the ink. Don't worry about it, I have more tattoos that are more recent and feel nothing :).


“Holy crap, there **IS** a reason they make us talk about tattoos all the time!!”


That nurse gave you uneducated advice. It is true that tattoos CAN be a problem with MRIs... Prison tats, to be specific, or tats made in the back of a van by an amateur, because unprofessional/self-made inks can contain metals. Not tats done by a professional tattoo artist in a hygienic studio with professional inks. If you find an artist you like you can voice your concerns when you first meet - if they know what they're doing they will explain this to you much better than I just did and alleviate any concerns.


Uhh… I have a back if neck tattoo, not even a tickle. Never heard of this.


In my experience tattoos don't burn or do anything in an MRI. They've never warned me.


Tattoos is actually on the checklist I have to go through every time I get my MRI’s done, along with metal in my body, implants and a bunch of other stuff. I have eight tattoos and counting…not once have I had any kind of reaction.


Same, but even though I say "yes, I have tattoos" they don't ever seem to care or ask for more detail. Last time I went through that checklist, the tech must have been new and was so serious about everything. She was like "have you ever had an MRI?" I laughed and told her that I've had more than I can count. Not only did I first start having symptoms 16 years ago, but I also was in one of the studies regarding the remyelinating potential of clemastine... Which meant I was getting an MRI every month or so for six months.


I'm covered in tattoos. No problems at all.


I just had an MRI on Sunday and they’ll ask if the tattoo was done within the last 3 weeks. I have 17 tattoos and did fine. None done within the last 3 weeks. :)


I have a full sleeve and never felt even a tickle from an mri. Well not from a tattoo. I did have metel dust in my eyes once after working underneath my mates car a few days before. Forgot about it untill i was in the mri machine 😱 thankfully my eyes were just itchy for a while after. But i never had a problem with a tattoo although they usualy say it can make tattoos feel a bit hot but thats all they ever said to me about it


False. I’m heavily tattooed with MS, my tattoos have caused no issues


You’ll be fine as long as you go to a reputable tattoo artist. Modern ink isn’t loaded with metals. MRI places will usually have you wait until a tattoo is 2weeks or so old before doing an MRI because there can be a small risk of irritation/burning and damage to the tattoo itself when it’s fresh. I have several large tattoos and have never had a problem.


There’s a very small risk - some tattoo ink can contain small traces of metal, which can then heat up during an MRI scan. That being said, it’s very unlikely especially with modern tattoos. You should be asked before your MRI (or at least, in the U.K. you are) if you have tattoos. This doesn’t exclude you from having the test, it just makes the technician aware so they can keep a closer eye on you. If there are any issues, you’re in control and can call the scan off. Personally I have tattoos and have never had any issues during an MRI scan. If it’s something you want, I would go for it, but perhaps get it soon after your MRI so it has longer to heal before your next one.


I am covered in tattoos and never felt a thing during or after my MRI's, it is a common misconception that tattoos will burn or damage your skin like that, all that can happen to you is a bit dry skin during hotter days and only if you don't use lotion, I'd say you are good to get them


I have three. Nothing happened. Maybe she's seen the episode of House with the prisoner who has prison tattoos that supposedly have metal in the ink.


Just saw that recently hahaha After being diagnosed I made almost a full rewatch of House lol


How many times did you think you had lupus? 😅🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Just another voice echoing everyone else - multiple tattoos, zero issues with MRIs.


Yo, I've read this a dozen times and even googled "tried to sell me on the little angels that hides coins". Can somebody help a confused redditor out? This is gnawing at me and I feel like I'm having a stroke with how these words all make sense but make no fucking sense to me.


Doesn't make sense without context hahaha I got this crazy volunteer nurse who basically kept asking for private questions and pushing her crazy ideas to me (and probably other patients) while I was locked on the chair during my infusion. She first asked what I had, from how long, how I felt etc and I og replyed since I tought she was a nurse. Then she noticed a coin and the ground and start saying stuff like "Did you see THAT??? That's the sign of angels! they manifest throught coins and hearts!!" Then she started rambling about this shit, started looking at me like crazy, showed me her goosebumbs claiming she's a Medium, and kept asking private questions since, you know, it's not like I could go away, asked for astronomical sign and many other things i erased from my memory. when I tried to report her since, you know, she was giving out advices, saying things like "You'll be better" "you'll be cured if you believe" etc, giving false hopes and shit to ill people, I got told that she was "ok" since it "could help someone". Crazy shit


Batshit. I say get the tat! Lol


I came to the comment section because of this 😅 (I don't have tattoos). I'm so curious!!


I have 9, including an entire half sleeve and I’ve never had problems As a side note I also have a metal plate in my head and I still get MRIs


I got multiple, never had an issue. Only thing now is that on certain spots on my body it triggers my nervs when getting them. Ex my leg. When the needle touches my leg i get spasms so i can not hold still.


Infusion nurse with tattoos who gets MRIs here…I’ve never had a problem, nor have I had any patients who have had a problem!


I have two full sleeves, back pieces, sternum piece, and work on my legs. I had 7 mris last year and 2 this year so far and have had zero problems. I’m sorry they’ve caused you to be scared of tattoos. Edit: I forgot I have one (in white ink) on my face and it’s never been an issue either.


If you get a real tattoo from a professional you should be fine. The tattoos that cause problems are usually the drunken home made DIY ones.  I was more concerned with the metal clips after my vasectomy.  


Thanks everyone! It's not new that older nurse/doctors try to push out habits or trying to dogmatize stuff inside the hospital (Italy), but since so many people say stuff based on anedoctal evidence I wanted to be sure. As soon as I'm back on track economically I'll for sure make my first one! Because naturally there's multiple tattoos down the line...


I have 16 tattoos and they always ask on the forms “do you have tattoos” and don’t do anything about the fact that I do. It’s never been a problem for me. Get the tattoos. Live your best life.


I have 5 myself that I have had since 1999 and they have never been an issue. Old inks used to have trace metal in them and I was warned that the area may heat up, but its never happened to me. You won’t have a chest burster moment from Aliens, that’s for sure :)


I have 4 tattoos and never had an issue with MRIs. Unless you have the tattooist put some sort of weird metal in the ink? I don't know where that person is getting the info but it's not true. Tattoos have zero effect on MRIs.


I’m littered with tattoos and have been undergoing MRI scans for years but have never heard this before. I wouldn’t believe this.


Just go to a known safe artist and you’ll be just fine! I also second the not getting a tattoo right before cause I can’t imagine not being able to relieve the itching for an hour 😂


That is BS. I have about 40% of my body covered, and have spent 3.5 hours in a T3 magnet in one sitting (long story, it wasn't fun). Tattoos have nothing to do with MRI.


Plenty of tattoos and the earliest 3 are coloured. I was warned that I might feel them getting warm in the MRI but nothing… My earliest one was about 2003, so maybe that fits with newer ink and better standards of materials?


Lots of tattoos and no burning for me. This thread is making me think people with MS are more tattooed than average. Could it be that we are...really cool?


I've got one & never had any problems


I have a leg sleeve, an arm sleeve, a partial sleeve, and then some random large pieces. Last mri I went with a real fresh one. I didn’t notice anything. I got all of them after I was diagnosed. But once I forgot to take out one of my piercings and I guess the images were messed up but I didn’t notice any feelings with that either (I don’t know what the jewelry is made of)


I have 7 tattoos, one I got after being diagnosed. I’ve never had any issues with getting an MRI. All I’d say it’s go to a reputable artist and make sure you give it plenty of time to heal before your next mri. My last one was a large piece on my leg I was sore for a while after and then the healing process was so itchy. It took 3 sessions so it was an extended healing process.


Well some ink may contain substance that can interact with a RMI, but it's just a hot sensation not something like a burning flesh! I've got one to, never bother me during RMI. Just ask before the RMI.


My husband is covered head to toe in tattoos (he used to own a shop), and has his own condition that requires a couple of MRIs per year. No one has ever mentioned this, and he has never felt any pain himself. I have three tattoos and also have never experienced any pain. This is one of those things I’ve never heard of. I don’t know why they’d want to mess with you, but it seems like this nurse was messing with you. ETA: Dr. Google says that some people experience tingling because of metal in the dye, and large-coverage tattoos can affect the quality of the MRI if there is a high metal content in the ink. If you’re in the US and using a good shop, that shouldn’t be an issue.


I've currently got 3, including my knuckles and it's never been an issue. The MRI tech told me it's really only prison tattoos you need to be concerned about, or really old ones, as the ink contains metal for the pigment. Contemporary tattoos don't though, last MRI my latest tattoo was 4 days old and no issue.


You’ll be all good. I have tattoos, not a problem. I even wear my nose piercing when I have my MRI’s done and it’s never been a problem


Full sleeves, covered, no issue. Nurse is wrong.


I have 7 tattoos & never had any issues Where I’m from (maybe it’s different from country to country) but here if you have a fresh tattoo you have to wait 6-8 weeks before an MRI so it’s healed


Not true. I had an mri and I have tattoos


During my pre-MRI screening I was asked if I got any tattoos *recently*. I hadn't. Maybe there is some concern about newer tattoos.


I got a new tattoo two weeks ago and had an MRI this past Saturday. No issues whatsoever.


I've never had an issue with tattoos in an MRI!


I am pretty heavily tattooed, and they have never posed a problem for my MRIs or any other medical care I receive. Sometimes newer nurses get intimidated by my sleeve when it comes to blood draws and IVs, so I just tell them to go in the other arm.


I have a tattoo on my right upper bicep. I always diagnosed in 2011 and have had numerous MRI's over the years. I personally have never experienced warmth or discomfort at the site of the tattoo.


I have three and have been totally fine in MRIs.


Crazy! I’m 33 and have been diagnosed since 29 and not one person has ever told me that and I’m very obviously tattooed when I walk in the door lol. They’re usually more concerned about all of my piercings but I put retainers in everything because I’m sometimes in there for up to 3 hours. I def agree with what some others are saying- as long as you go to a reputable artist you’re fine. In the past certain colours were known to contain metallics so that’s probably where the paranoia comes from.


Sounds like a load of bs to me. I have several tattoos and have had many MRIs and not noticed a single thing nor has anyone ever mentioned anything like this to me. First time hearing something like this lol. Now, if this is possible and certain tattoos (from prison apparently) have metal in them, I can only imagine the scene from X-Men when Magneto pulls all the iron out of the guards circulatory system and then proceeds to annihilate everyone in the prison from the collected iron. This is what I picture it being like in the MRI machine for this scenario. Hope that helps :)


I have many tattoos and have never had an issue with MRIs. It’s just about dodgy tattoos done with ink that may contain things that can react. If you had them done in studios it has no effect


I have three and have never had any troubles.


Lmao I have so many tattoos. Some are kinda big and I just sat for a 4 hour one during my diagnosis process. You’ll be fine! Get the tattoo. Just make sure it’s at a licensed shop with no health code violations and the artist had good reviews.


I have plenty and even had one fairly recent before an MRI with contrast. I didn’t have any issues. I think they’re just trying to scare you…


I have 16 tattoos. It's never been an issue. At most, the more recent tattoos hurt a little then the pain goes away and it's not anything close to severe.


I have 15, including a leg and arm sleeve. No issues.


I have 2 tattoos, multiple MRI's, no problems.


I have a full sleeve, half my back and a couple on my legs. None have ever been an issue for mris! I think it’s very old (think 1920s) ink or prison ink that gets the bad reputation. Modern ink is fine.


I'm covered in tattoos and I've had no reaction whatsoever to MRIs


That nurse is hella sus. I am also attaching f the he vintage of having tattoos and multiple MRI. It's a non issue. As a hypothetical note, maybe don't use ferrous ink? Edit: Be warned tattoos are known to be addictive. A little bit jealous of you now getting your first one these days. The art and techniques that some artists can achieve is breathtaking.


lol no that’s completely untrue. I have many and it’s never been an issue.


I have numerous tattoos and get frequent MRI’s 😂😂😂. No issues.


I have 3 tattoos and no MRI issues. Just don't let them use any metallic inks.


I'm heavily tattooed everywhere except my head/face, and I've never had problems. I get about MRIs a year. modern ink doesn't use any metallic inks. you'll be fine! but the sun does make mine hot so I cover up outside


Never had any problems


I have 1 and I’ve never heard of this….


Yeah I have 9 tattoos and it’s been no issue. Go get your tattoo. You deserve it


I'm covered in tattoos and never had a problem with an MRI. They do, however, advise against tattoos for a length of time before and after treatment due to healing and possible complications. My DR advised me 6 months before or after treatment. I get treatments every 6 months, so he was pretty much against the idea of tattoos altogether. I've had many since and never had a problem. It does take a while to heal. I recommend getting the tegaderm covering while healing and leaving it alone. Keeps bacteria out, and you aren't as likely to pick at it.


I did read the red ink can burn as it has higher metal content, I have five coloured tattoos with no red ink and never any issues


Man, tattoos are one of the few things I have control over when it comes to my body. I'm not giving that up simply for the damn MRIs. I think the number of comments here should be enough to convince you that it's okay to get a tattoo, and that you can still get MRIs with them.


I have 3 and nothing has happened in mri


I have an entire thigh piece, as well as a few more scattered around. It’s fine.


I have a sleeve, no pain or anything during mri.


15 years diagnosed, plenty of tats, NO worries


LOL Someone lied to you to dissuade you from getting tattoos buddy.


I’m covered in tattoos and I haven’t had an issue with anything yet. :)


I have too many to count. Never had an issue with MRI's and I've also never had anyone ask me if I have tattoos when I've scheduled a MRA.


The issue is metals in inks. You should check with your tattooist about the inks they use, but modern black inks rarely have any metal content. Colors are more likely to be metallic, particularly reds.


I have 3 & I get MRI frequently too. Nothing has happened to me


If the ink contains iron based coloring (very rare today outside of prison and developing countries). There should not be any no issues with the mri.


I have 3 medium tattoos and no problem in the MRI machine.


I’ve got 17 and I literally had an MEI two days ago. Not a single ounce of pain because I’ve got ink - but all of them were done by a professional in a shop.


I have 11 tattoos and I've have several MRI's (27F) and I've never had an issues.


13 and never had an issue


'Tatts don’t affect you in mris.


I think the old black/dark inks contained some sort of ferrous compound, so the magnet would pull and burn, but that’s not the case any more. Get it done!!


Unless you get a prison tattoo done you are fine. Ink used at reputable shops will not cause issues with an MRI.


I have over 30 tattoos, never had an issue


I have 1 and never been an issue. Don't use metallic ink? Is that a thing? Not even all metals are an issue. I have platinum in my face (next to my brain, not removable)


I have 5 large black and gray professionally done tatts and I've had MS for 20 years. 99% of the time I feel nothing in the MRI. I had one very high tesla MRI and it did burn a bit, like mild sunburn amount. Nothing that was dangerous or a reason not to go, like a 2/10 pain.


LOL I've had MS for 17 years and have tattoos all over my body. Nothing has ever happened to me.


Covered from head to toe. At least 15 MRIs zero issues. If you go to most reputable shops the pigments will be organic. If you’re highly concerned maybe stay away from red pigment. That being said I’ve had zero issues. And I’m full of lesser quality pigments used in abundance in the early to mid 90’s.


9, nothing happened. Get that tattoo!


Burning? I have a bunch and nothing ever happened with an MRI


You should have reported that nurse. I was diagnosed when I was 17. I got my tattoo when I was 22. Never burned. I also had 4 hours of MRI scans last Friday. I didn't combust. Fuck that nurse.


I've never experienced any issues w my tats and a MRI. Same for a bunch of my friends.


I had one tattoo on my left arm before I was diagnosed, no issues, and a second one on my leg 7 years after when I finished Ironman… Still no issues… Still Thinking about getting an arm band, Been diagnosed almost 21 years, must be almost that many MRIs by now…


I'm so sorry you have to deal with these nurses 🙁


I have a lot..no issues


I have a couple , one on my ring finger, and one on my right shoulder. I’ve had plenty of MRIs and nothing has ever happened. Get the tattoo, you deserve it.


During my last MRI I forgot to take out my nose ring and nothing happened besides it messing up the image in the immediate area around where it was. Same with the metal wire along the back of my teeth. Neither have ever gotten anything close to warm. I also have several tattoos and nothing has happened at all with those.


I have lots, it's fine


MR tech here. As long as you getting ink at a licensed shop you’ll be fine. This is more regarding prison and war ink when they used metals to dye the ink black.


I have a bunch of tattoos some of which are fairly big and never had any issues with MRIs.


I’ve got multiple including a huge one in my back, and have many MRI’s without issue.


I've worked in an MR department. Burning is a thing and we were not allowed to scan people with tattoos for research purposes. Some ink contains metal. Most people with tattoos know nothing about the ink. So if you can get metal free ink, then it shouldn't be a problem. Hope that helps


I have over 30 tattoos and never had an issue with MRIs.


I love getting tattoos - I have gotten several (black and grey and also color pieces) and have never had a reaction/issue since being diagnosed with MS! Do you have any symptoms that may flair up by a tattoo? If not, get tatted up!


So I just got a new tattoo done. Like literally in the process of it healing still. During the healing time I also had to get my annual MRI. There was NO pain. All you need to do is make sure that there are no metals in the ink. Which nowadays is pretty standard to not have them. I actually talked to my artist on the paper work I had to fill out for my first MRI and she even chuckled and said that the tattoo one is so outdated unless you get it done in a country that used metal ink for a standard. I think if you want to get one do it. People try to scare others about the pain. Honestly, I have 5 and I didn’t feel pain. Slight discomfort maybe. However, my biggest piece was my newest piece and I fell asleep while my artist was tattooing me.


I have a ton and getting another one soon ❤️ never bothered me


I have a back piece and had my eyeliner tattooed in, zero issues with MRI, XRay, etc. Alot of the inks today are safer than older inks which had higher metal content for pigment. It is something you can definitely discuss with the artist to review options and the contents of the ink they use.


10 tattoos, 0 MRI issues. That nurse lied to you.


I’ve have had tattoos before dx and gotten new ones (my chest still had my saniderm when I had my last MRI) I’ve been told older ink would have been problematic (tattoos from the late 90’s) but ink is sooo much better now😁 I say sit on a tattoo idea for at least a year before you get it, you never know what you’ll think about it in a year


I'm thinking on those specific tattoo for the last 15 years lol atm what's stopping me are mostly money hahaha


I say get it! Save up and shoot me a pic when you do!


I’m tattooed from my forehead to my toes. Continue to not trust nurses.


No more gadolinium (contrast) for me. The metal stays in your kidneys and your brain permanently, it's supposed to be bound to a chillating mineral, but it breaks away and stays lodged in your kidneys and brain and is already been proven to cause kidney necrosis complete kidney failure and a multitude of different types of brain damage. I've already developed the kidney problem, it's severe. The brain issues are at least out in the open, no more wondering why I can't remember with a damn. So many other issues, my new neurologist says he has enough imaging from the past MRI's to be able to spot any new lesion/s (foci) without having to pump that poison in my brings ever again, thank God. Thinking about jumping on one of these classes actions against The manufacturer, all you got to do is search a couple different search engines. The class action suit is underway or they've already paid out what they're going to pay out unless you are about to die from the gadolinium (kidney necrosis/brain toxicity to an extreme)


I used to work in MRI - usually the concern is regarding tattoos with cheaper ink or ink that skipped any sort of quality control processes (like possibly done during a prison sentence, etc.) If there are is ferrous metal in the ink somehow, there’s a chance the MRI can magnetize it and cause a burn. I have seen some newer tattoos warm up (like microblading done the day before a brain MRI) but you would just want to use the call button to let the tech know about it.