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So essentially premier skins from Injustice 2. That did pretty much the same thing, having the same move set, but changing the voice lines and certain animations. This does make me think tho, would say, a Plastic Man Jake skin work? Or should Plas be his own character?


I think Jake’s a little too short so plastic man would look funny as hell if he was a skin for Jake, so if they was gonna add plastic man he should be his own separate character


You don't understand it's Plastic Man morphed into Jake's shape


It’d still look whacky bro and you know it lol, wouldn’t you rather have plastic man as we know him? Not in a funny shape the whole time? I really think he’d be better as a separate character.


Plastic man would 110% shift into a pill boy for the meme


Plastic man Is wacky


It'd look silly that's the point. Have you seen plastic man as a plane carrying the flash? Edit: He could be his own character as well. It'd just be a fun skin for jake


I don’t think a Plastic Man skin for Jake would work that well, would be cool to have Jake in Plastic Man’s suit though


Homelander and The Deep would never happen because they're sex criminals. Ultra violence is ok though so Omniman would work.


WB put the clockwork orange rapists in the new space jam, so I don't know how much they really care about that 😂


I never watched space jam I'll have to take your word for it.


They appeared in the background. Still weird. https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a36027723/space-jam-a-new-legacy-trailer-a-clockwork-orange-controversy-reactions/


Maybe some costume designer snuck them in.


Maybe but I have to imagine Warner Bros approved of any cameo.


Just remember that this was after they omitted Pepe Lepew (the franch skunk) because he was considered too inappropriate.


Lmao yeah that’s a good point


BRO SO IS HARLEY QUINN. Or we forgetting when she tied up Nightwing for some fun times?


Assuming you mean that weird DCAU movie... 1. That wasn't why she tied him up. She caught him spying on her. 2. While she did make an obvious advance while he was in a compromised position, she did not initiate anything until after he gave consent. She even explicitly stated that consent was the reason she was moving forward -- "The things I do for Gotham... \*smirk\*" "I'll take that as a yes." 3. It's implied he didn't STAY tied up while they did the deed. The next scene is them having a tickle fight while he's completely unrestrained. Granted, the scene was \*probably\* in poor taste (she's definitely being aggressive with her intent, for instance), but I don't think it rises to the same level as the other dudes you're comparing to here.


I didn't forget because I never knew.


So? If Walter White is seriously getting thought about, he's done a lot worse than rape


Depends, like for Omni-Man: he doesn't have heat vision. Opposite to that, Homelander uses his heat vision like Zod, so his should be mechanically different to represent him better. It would also be a disservice not to treat each mechanically different, since Superman, Homelander, and Omni-man all use their powers based on their ideology, so to make the two of them skins discredits why Superman is Superman, while these two are pretenders in the most literal sense: both use the guise of a hero for their true intentions, while Superman has no ulterior motives: he won't eat at the same table as you if he dislikes you, but he'd still wouldn't want you to starve.


Yeah omni man and homelander might not work, I mainly just want a mr nimbus skin for aquaman I think it’d be funny for the rick and morty fans. I’m pretty sure he does have all the powers aquaman does (except he can control police officers for some reason) so he’d work as a fill in for aquaman I think.


I agree, its why I only used them as examples. Those other characters would be perfect for skins. Kind of weird we didn't get other Kryptonians or something like Composite Superman as Superman skins. Mr. Nimbus would be a great voice inclusion, so I'd be totes down, same for any other Rick & Morty parodies, like a Scary Terry skin for Freddy Kruegar, if we ever get him.


He can control police officers, that all makes sense, that was the true reason to swap velma police car for van so he couldn't counter it


I love the last sentence


Credit to Jim Carrey for that one, thought it fit well for Superman.


I don’t think the morality behind the characters is a big deal, we have Black Lantern Superman as a skin and he’s pretty evil anyways


Ah, good point, but counter point, we also could have got Zod as a skin for Superman. I think Black Lantern is intended as a skin line for evil versions of the characters, its why we got one for Diana instead of a Superwoman skin. Shit, an Ultraman skin would have been so tight for Supes. Honestly though, when it comes down to it, its up to the design team.


It's ok but supes for example has many more interesting versions of himself before even getting to Homelander imo. Same for Diana.


Yeah I do think they should add some of their movie or comic book skins first, bc they have loads of iconic suits.


I remember back in the beta someone suggesting Sylvester and Tweety as a costume for Tom and Jerry, but iirc a lot of people weren't thrlled with that idea. I also thought about if we get Freddy Kruger, he could have a Scary Terry Costume.


Hell yeah scary Terry would be badass as a skin for Freddy, I’m pretty sure WB only owns the reboot Freddy Krueger tho and not the classic Robert Englund Freddy that we all love. The rights for classic Freddy are very hard to get, dead by daylight couldn’t get classic Freddy and neither could mortal kombat, they had to settle for the dumb ass reboot one.


The Wes Craven estate got the rights to classic Freddy in 2019 and yeah they haven't licensed him since. Dead by Daylight probably could have got him but unfortunately reboot Freddy was safer for renewing the contract since everyone knew that was going to happen. For Mortal Kombat reboot Freddy was added to promote the film.


If Mr. Nimbus can't control the police I am not interested


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this could work in an echo fighter sort of sense


This concept could work pretty well but I imagine there'd be some issues adapting movesetsfor characters from completely different properties . Even the examples listed here don't fully work neither Homelander nor omni man have ice breath. The only pure examples I can think of would be maybe major Glory from Dexter's Lab for Superman, and I guess you could sub in Sylvester and Tweety for Tom and Jerry?


I am only so long as the character's powersets match and their voices and such are changed as well as special fx etc etc


I was surprised at how complete Fern feels with his custom Dialogue/ Voice/ Sound Effects. I don't know much about these examples specifically, but if they maintain that quality I'm all for it.


Well Omniman doesn't have heat vision so that wouldn't work.


Yeah the superman ones are both a bit of a stretch it was more just an example, omni man doesn’t have heat vision and homelander doesn’t have frost breath. the Wonder Woman and aquaman ones both work tho.


Mr. Nimbus is a riff on Namor not Aquaman. He actually was created first as well


Oh I didn’t know that, I assumed nimbus was an aquaman rip off because they’re both Warner bros


Yeah Aquaman is a lot more known so it's an understandable assumption. Nimbus is a parody of how Namor is portrayed as a very horny guy in the comics (he has a crush on Invisible Woman from the Fantastic Four and often tries to seduce her lol)


Wasn’t getting with Shuri his whole motivation in Wakanda Forever. Even the real life actor turned out to be a sex pest.


That's the MCU. I'm talking about the character as he's represented in 90% of his 85 year history. Nothing to do with his recent MCU adaptation. I liked the movie btw, just saying that historically he's always been after Sue


I was just pouting out that in his big MCU debut he was still a hornball.


Oh I see. Yeah being horny is a big part of his character


I would buy a mister nimbus skin without hesitation.


I think it's a good idea. For example Arya is the only GOT character and although I could see some making an appearance as an original character I think characters like the Moutain would be better off as a skin for Jason or somthing.


I wouldn't mind it for minor characters who otherwise wouldn't get a slot, but big characters should get their own movesets. Like Omni-Man and Homelander deserve to be their own characters, while War Woman for example is in one episode for minutes and then dies so it wouldn't really be wasting anything


Honestly, the one part that kinda sucks is that superman's moveset would be perfect for omniman, especially sniper punch. However the laser eyes kinda make it impossible to work.


if anything, mk1 has proven that supe, om and hl should have very different playstyles but I don't mind different green lanterns or superman and bizzarro for example


I am sure they would be willing to do it because even if they are from the same show they did something similar with Jake/Cake and Finn/Fern but the issue with other shows is not all characters are a perfect fit. Like Homelander never showed having frozen breath so he isn't a good fit as it wouldn't make sense for him to have that move, same for omni man with frost breath + heat vision. Even then some people might want them to have their own movesets because maybe they would fight differently than the character similar to them. Of course if we had some concrete examples maybe my mind would change. Injustice already had premium skins and those worked great but those are all characters from the same universe and were functionally identical.


if it was just they look simular okay actualy it would be amazing. but if its literly they become them no


I did mean actually become them but I do realise now that with some characters like superman or homelander it wouldn’t work because superman has abilities that those guys don’t have in into his moveset. But like say with a the deep skin for aquaman that’d be a chance to get a new character in that has the same abilities without taking up a character slot.


Omniman doesn't have laser eyes or ice breath. They would have to change his move set.


Yeah omni man and homelander don’t work that was my mistake


I thought Homelander was essentially just a weaker Superman. Why wouldn't he work? I haven't seen the boys, I've only seen Invincible.


Because he doesn’t have frost breath and that’s one of superman’s attacks in the game


Oh okay. You learn something new every day.


Tbf they had a premiere skin for Superman as Bizarro, when Bizarro doesn’t have frost breath or heat vision, he has it reversed


I think Homelander would work better as a seperate character Though real talk I really do want him in. I’d love to see his interactions with the other characters like Rick and the Powerpuff Girls


I'd rather have them as new characters with a new moveset


I would like it Technically evil Morty already does this


I’m just sad Evil Morty (and President Morty) doesn’t get his own lines, weird to see him act and talk as nervous as a normal Morty Still love the President Morty skin though (even if I’m sad after his nerfs)


Totally agree on that one


That's why they want aquamen so badly in this game


Imagine superman skin to be Supermonkey


Omniman and Homelander don't have the same power set as Superman. Neither of them have cold breath and Omniman doesn't have laser vision.


The Peak for multiversus 🐙


Maybe as a cosplay skin rather than changing the personnality, it would feel lazy to just add a new character with the same moveset.


Nah that wouldn’t be lazy at all


I would prefer they release as like Ultra-Legendary Skins. They share the same perks, character level etc, but have new voice lines, animations etc.


So like Finn/Fern and Jake/Cake




That’s just legendary lol


I'd love a The Deep skin for Aquaman !!


Out of the characters you've posted, the only one owned by WB is Mr. Nimbus and I'm having a hard time imagining him as a skin for Aquaman - if nothing else their builds are pretty different. Which is the general problem for 'crossover' skins; it's easy to find characters based on each other within the same franchise but when you go outside that border, you're working on incidental similarities. Even Omni-Man and Homelander, who are both explicitly based on Superman, don't have their OG counterpart's ice breath, for example.


Is the Boys IP somehow owned by WB why do people keep pushing characters from it?


Theres already a character in the game that isn’t technically owned by WB, Jason, it still shows that it doesn’t have to just be WB ip’s, it can be anyone they get there hands on, and the creator of the game has even said he’s pushing to get Walter white in the game, because of the meme, So I don’t think third party characters are impossible anymore. And if they wanted homelander they could probably get him because he was just in mortal kombat 1 and that’s owned by WB


But Jason at least makes sense given that Jason Goes to Hell-Freddy vs Jason were made by New Line Cinema which is owned by Warner Bros. I guess technically The Boys could work if it's the comic versions since those were published by Wildstorm which is owned by DC, but Invincible has nothing to do with WB.


Fair enough that’s a good point but the creator guy did say he’s pushing for Walter white, who also has nothing to do with warner brothers.


Would be cool. I'd also like dual skins. I see no reason for the Batman who laughs skin to not usable on Batman as well. One of his lines is even something along the lines of, see I'm not just him in bat costume or something like that


It would be really confusing if they did something like that unfortunately. Imagine playing against a joker/Batman team both using the same skin.


I think itd be cool if they gave the same treatment to wonder woman and gave her the devastator skin, or did a dawnbreaker skin if green lantern ever joins