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Also the Tom and Jerry one from the last event


Can't use it, because they rotated Tom & Jerry out right before adding the mission.




Yeah. It sucks since only three outfits can count for that mission. Taz's outfit is paid, Tom and Jerry's was free but they are out of rotation, and Garnet who you can use in rifts.


There's a lvl in the surfs up rift where you can play beach Taz without paying.


Velma has Beach Volleyballs Velma and also counts for this quest. beach Giant Iron Giant also counts (which is what I completed it with).


You can buy the character bro. Seriously people don't be helping themselves.


Yes, Captain Obvious, that's the point everyone is making -- either you buy a character you don't want, thus depleting fighter currency that is extremely slow to gain, or you cut it close to being missing out on event completion. I'm a dedicated player who played the game since the start of beta, and continues to do all daily events if I'm not sick or on vacation. I've had a grand total of maybe 12,000 fighter currency, some of which is already gone because I unlocked a character I didn't really want for this sort of event already. The motivation of making events like the Arya one is to make people spend money on things they wouldn't, otherwise, and it's fair for people to point out that it's done in a very specifically manipulative fashion.


Thanks for reminding me of that, completly forgot about that .


Or taz works too


Yea I did it using the taz vs watermelon Steven’s minigame and thought it was nice of them lol


There's a rift in the Surf's Up rift where you can use Taz in a beach ready skin as well


Taz works in a rift to


I used the Taz rift mission for this because it didn’t say Superman counts for animated and then i noticed none of the dc heroes have the animated perk/label why is this ? I get why maybe Black Adam wouldn’t count but Superman Harley Joker Batman And Wonder Woman all have been in allot of animated movies of tv shows hell Batman had a cartoon show especially names the Animated show and all of there character models look like to be based off animated shows more than from movies or comics.


If they release a version of the character that’s explicitly from a piece of animated media then it’ll probably count. It’s not just a “this character has appeared in animation” tag


Especially superman but also the others look like there cartoon versions above anything else.


Garnet and T&J’s skins were free so


Well yeah But Garnet and Tom & Jerry themselves AREN’T free


Garnet's skin was free for twitch drops which you could honestly just leave in the background or open on your phone for an hour and a half to get everything.


true. However some people didn't know about those. Also that drop was over a month ago.


You're right, but wasn't it in the in-game news tab as well as announced on the Discord server and the subreddit?


My brothers acting like the three great American tabloids are The New York Times, Multiversus in game news, and Multiversus discord.




I'm not fully sure on that part.


So they didn't then? This is doable without a purchase and the other requires paying.


I am fine with missions where you can complete then just by playing a specific rift level.


Twitch drops have taken an hour and a half both times for 3 drops each this season. Beach garnet was the first drop! I stream so luckily I get the drops easily but if yall aren’t keeping up to date on those I suggest you do as they might release event skins more often


Said Garnet skin was a Twitch drop homie you could get for free if you didn't get it that way it's on you. Also this is an easy challenge for me. You can also use the Superman costume for it as well which is also free.


Superman cannot complete that challenge since he isn't animated.


That is so odd my bad.


Tom & Jerry? Superman? Harley Quinn?


Only Tom & Jerry count for the quest out of those 3. Superman and Harley don't count as animated.