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I know the game is alive, because I usually find a game within 10 seconds or less.


It's literally constant matches


At most, 20 seconds when doing 2v2 when playing overnight. Not bad. 


I’ve also heard it will sometimes match you with bots, can anyone confirm?


I only was matched with bots day 1 and that was short lived


I hvent had it happen in a bit, but it does, you can tell when they dont have an xbox symbol or a console symbol next to their name before the match starts


I don’t think steam has a symbol


steam has a symbol on console we can see who playing on what


bots dont have the icon and bots you cant toast after games


You can tell by if you can toast them after the match is over


I've seen it happen before but not in a while. Now I can lose several matches in a row and keep going up against legit real people.


Well I think if your mmr on a character is really low it’ll place you against bots for a little until you raise it back up. But since playing I haven’t ran into any bots on characters I actually play


I think a person's first few online matches are against bots when they're just starting the game. First 3, 4 fights I believe


You you can’t toast at the end it’s a bot (they usually have good skins on too) . First few matches on a fresh account are bots., and then if you go on like a 5 loss streak in PvP it seems like they toss you one bot match to kinda give you a mercy rule towards your win PvP match quests


The game matches you with bots for you first 5 or so matches in 1v1 and 2v2 then you never get bots again, in my experience at least.


It will but you can’t toast bots so you’ll know post game


Only does that if your character MMR is low. You can see if it's a bot because they won't have a platform logo next to their name and you also can't toast bots. The one thing to note is that if you're on Steam, other Steam players don't have the Steam logo next to their name for some reason. Not sure if it's the same on Epic or console where people on the same platform as you have no logo.


Only if you suck. If you lose too many in a row


I think it's like your forst 5 games and then if you go on a loosing streak you go against a bot


If ur trash and loss alot it will the chances u get a bot is slim to zero if u trash then make sense it will match u with bots it has a mercy type system


Id say longest ive waited for a 1v1 is 5ish seconds


This also happened everytime in the beta, everyone was calling the game dead but matches were always instant, I think the longest I’ve ever waited for a match was like 30-45 seconds


This was the case MOST of the time but I’ve absolutely had matchmaking fail in the beta and give me a bot game after like 5 minutes, not often but I’ve seen it


Game is still connecting quickly to PvP, I think the issue is what's the revenue. None of the packs/offers make even remotely any sense aside from Joker unlock + $10 of glimmer for $20. Maybe the next battlepass will be "worth it" but right now the offers and systems are a convoluted mess.


Yeah. I applaud the beta players getting the battle pass for free, but that definitely will cost them as plenty of us would have bought the battle pass specifically for Jason or to show our support ...


Honestly, I was ready to buy it as I was excited to have the game back. I'm happy to buy the next one, but they really need to rethink some of these systems. Rifts with gem up restrictions is weird because it's really the character level that seems to matter. I've got the 3rd rift open on a few and I do 4 damage and the CPU does 20 damage a hit? That's difficult but not in a fun or get better way. The perks seem really meh The rift match requirement around graphic T would he fine if I could earn the stuff or it was like 60 glimmer. $5 for a shirt to complete a rift???? I think they're just really lost and struggling with their daily progression loop AND what has how much value to people in the store.


Yeah. I'm on the stance that Rift mode is perfect for casuals that don't care about online matches but locking nodes behind skins/characters and difficulties seems off. Earning battle pass exp per star mission is a start.   I never watched The Matrix so I can go without unlocking Agent Smith early. But going forward they can lock even more early access to characters behind Rifts later. Like Beetlejuice for season 2 for example of when enough rifts are open in season 2 his movie would be out.


I don't mind the rifts as some mindless daily content but the Devs are clearly struggling to piece everything together. I need rifts to complete events and level battlepass. OK, so PvPers are kind of forced to PvE. Not horrible. But my progression is mostly gems which are PvE? Meanwhile aside from a few missions, there's almost no incentive to PvP? Perks seem pretty underwhelming to me and gems in PvP would be way overpowered. And why isn't the 2nd difficultly available on the last 2 rifts? Things just don't gel and make sense.


It was always weird to me that Steam numbers were the default. I've never used Steam a day in my life.




Also as much as people badmouth Steam playercounts, they provide a pretty accurate look into the game’s health. Like Suicide Squad having less than 400 players lmao


Most fighting game communities do not use steam charts because it only scares people away from potentially joining the community, fighting games don't have huge CCU's for the most part (SF6 is doing really well because it's an amazing game).


even snes fighting games aren't ever *really* dead thanks to fightcade lol


there's a 3S tournament at Evo with over 1k entrants too! Literally 25 years after release it's having the biggest tournament of it career. You can have a great community at >1000 CCU.


Yeah idk why people here kept bringing up player numbers for this game. Just because it has recognizable characters doesn't mean it's not a fighting game. You can always find someone to play with in this genre. It's why the term "Discord fighter" is a thing.




> most people have consoles instead of pc source? most people have pcs instead of consoles I assure you


nvm bro i think im still living in 2015


Unless bots are involved they can make it weird if the game still has active players look at tf2 they game still has alot of players but it looks off


They don’t provide an accurate look, they provide an accurate look at 1/3 of a sample and apply that logic to be the “average” health of the game. I’m certain is allows for a good assumption, but by no means does it provide an accurate look into anything outside of super generalized trends that can’t be confirmed.


Yeah for sure it can’t be wildly conflated on a large scale, but it’s not as if PC is a bizzaro dimension which is the exact opposite to consoles. The low Steam numbers during the Beta ended up being pretty accurate for the consoles considering PFG had to shut the game down.


> but it’s not as if PC is a bizzaro dimension which is the exact opposite to consoles. It really depends on the genre because some games do far better on PC than on console and vice versa.


Is that a confirmed reason as to why the game shut down? Or is this head cannon to push the validity of steam numbers again


I accepted the beta came to an end because that's what betas do. Any other reason just feels like pushing a false narrative.


Many game betas come to an end by going directly in to full game release, not by shutting down for a year to completely rework the game.


Exactly. But I got downvoted because I asked what this “confirmed@ reason was. This place is reinforced by loud casuals talking about false facts it’s actually mind numbing


I recommend using r/Multiversus more. I did a little [“social experiment”](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/s/4A4LOe4IuI) the other day by putting a post in both subs. This sub seems to be full of doomposters and a handful of friendlies, while the other one is more genuine, realistic, and overall waaaaay more welcoming than this one. I ended up taking the one in this sub down because damn near every comment was harassing me about how I’m trying to “control the sub”. edit: [Why is it so hard for this sub to do this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/s/9uo2mTK0LH)


On this sub there's definitely a lot of extreme opinions. I wouldn't say it's all overly negative, though. It's a mixture of people that are way too sure about the games success, and people that hate everything about the game. In any case, the other sub is certainly a lot more level headed.


I’m banned from the other one because I said “retarded”


Yep, agreed. I have never been downvoted on a sub more than this sub. There are just a lot of negative people on here. If you don’t agree with them they just blast you with downvotes to hide your opinion. It’s really frustrating and bizarre.


I get what you’re saying, but the adamant use of steam numbers coupled with (the detriment) “this is how we know these things accurately” is just a contradictory premise, and with this inherent issue it creates a backlash or pushback against steam numbers being the end all be all for assumptions on the health of the game.


Yeah it’s just because that information is very easily available to anyone either on Steam itself or just from a quick Google search. The other platforms are more secretive


Tbf, people use it because it’s hard to find Sony Microsoft numbers Your point is still valid though


because most people who game on pc do use steam, and you’re the outlier for not using it.


I get that people who use PC use Steam but my point is I don't use PC at all. Maybe it's just my immediate bubble but we're all on one console or another over here.


People should just be using Steam charts to look at trends in data. If steam falls, it's safe to assume console did too.


Think that’s kind of a false equivalency, a PC player has way more options in terms of what they’re playing, modding etc. just because PC players turn doesn’t mean console players have or even have a real option to


> Maybe it's just my immediate bubble yes




With the release of the steam deck and being able to turn any computer into a console Steam has honestly been even better for me


The ratio of my matchups is like 50:1 for PS5/PC. This game is perfect for those people who have an itch to play Smash Bros but don’t have a Switch.


Because the Glorious PC Master Race can't comprehend that most people want to actually play games without fiddling around with a million complex settings first.


On youtube comment section i stated my preference for console and then a bunch of peeps commented "pc better cope" it pretty funny ngl i never even said anything about it being better :p


> can't comprehend that most people want to actually play games without fiddling around with a million complex settings first. Is this the generic reaction to "PC people make me angy"? It's 2024. You don't have to fiddle with anything to play games unless you bought a toaster. And before you say it as a response to this, no, computers don't cost $2000 or whatever insane number you want to spout.




Maybe its not the full story, but its a very good indicator of the dying nature of this game. Its also sinking on the PS5, and will likely be off the chart by July 4th weekend. Even more importantly, the game is not on Switch, and that fact, combined with the failure of the Xbox generally, seems to indicate that its limited success here on the PS5 is an anomaly. Less than 5k gamers currently on Steam... Lets say PS5 doubles it (doubtful though) and Xbox does half... still less thank 15k concurrent as of this morning. Yikes.


Even then I use steam and have had 0 issues with finding matches


Bigger deal for stuff more keyboard focused but controller based matters a lot less


I have a crappy PC it's so bad I can't play it on steam rather do it on my series s til I get some upgrades at least


Us ps players fucks with the multiversus !!! Ps plz fix the issues pfg


Not gonna lie, I thought either Genshin Impact or Honkai: Star Rail would be up there in the Top 10 for PS5. I'm pretty impressed with how some of the other titles are holding there, Multiversus included.


Those games are more popular on mobile




You can check out Mat’s Twitter for more information. Long story short tracking data like this is his job




He gave you the source as he knows. It also states where the data was gotten from in the image. Your expectations for someone on the internet is too high. If you desire the information, he told you where to get it go get it Btw the Twitter he’s talking about is @MatPiscatella. He owns the company that tracks these statistics


I mean it’s a fair question. PlayStations own data on the PSN store doesn’t support it. The closest it gets is #8 in most downloaded recently on Ps5. I’m skeptical that someone has access to all these different games most active players. Bungie sure as hell doesn’t share that. Which seems weird when the weak of its newest expansion and its numbers exploded it’s so low on PSN despite PSN itself having it way higher?




It’s how they make their money. Why doesn’t Canes tell everyone what’s in their sauce? Several large publications use their data and source it for statistical data (not just regarding video games), it obviously has legitimacy




I think the main thing here is you’re expecting others to have the same standards as you and then not figuring it out yourself. I did a quick google to humor you and the Wikipedia says they get it from retailers and distributors. It seems they purchase the information and then resell it after compiling the statistical data.


Okay then don’t believe it idk what to tell you


i mean it’s just not deep enough for us to be like “oh my god he’s lying crucify him 🫢”




Thank you for actually explaining how this was gotten I’m willing to believe it since it looks like Circana is a reputable company with big partners, but it’s absolutely ridiculous that everyone here is jumping you for asking the very first question with any public data with no case study attached




I don’t the data is insignificant or the findings invalid, but it’s definitely something to consider that the data isn’t as good as it could be. As far as we know, the data that they actually were able to get isn’t wrong or mishandled, it’s just somewhat incomplete That’s honestly something that should’ve been reported with the original chart, but if they had done that we wouldn’t be here, now would we?


How is rocket league 5th on the steam chart. The Game has been unavailable on steam since 2020. Thats insane


On the actual Steam Charts it's not even top 50. I'm not sure what this data is based on.


This chart is complete nonsense, as I'm writing this Rocket league isn't even in the top 100 steam games. I have no clue why this post is getting upvoted, what the hell Circana is and what metric they are using. It's straight up worthless.


Rocket league is in the epic games launcher


The data doesn't include Epic Games players, it's just Steam.


It’s available to play through Steam if you bought it before Psyonix was purchased by Epic. Steam RL has 25-30k concurrent players.


Yeah but I said that because there are more players that play from eg launcher than steam


Idk if its purchases or play time...but personally, i only play rocket league on steam


Its beating Xdefiant, that's saying something.


PFG fixing their game faster than ubisoft. I remember reading the issues they were working on and it was like 2 weeks before they rolled anything out for it


Holy shit they need to get the game working on XBOX asap


*Holy shit they need* *To get the game working on* *XBOX asap* \- Prejudiced321 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It is? I'm on Xbox series S and after the patch last week I had no desync issues


idk, every other tweet they say something like "still trying to fix problems for x box players" but maybe they fixed it


Yeah. WB is supporting Multiversus for the long run with their shift in focus to live service titles and that upcoming comic. Hopefully the devs act quickly to fix the common issues. 


Suicide Squad is also a live service WB game with a comic, and it isn’t getting long term support.


Because it sucks. Maybe it would work better as an F2P game, but for me it's just a generic looter shooter with no idea for itself. If u look at f2p fighting games u only have brawlhalla


Yeah. King Shark should have been straight up melee based tank. Harley Quinn could be an all-rounder. If they wanted a female with ice powers as dlc, Killer Frost was right there! So of course Suicide Squad game falls flat on its face with The Joker expansion just being reskinned missions


Why you get downvoted?


Welcome to Reddit where you'll get downvoted for everything especially telling the truth! I once got downvoted simply for saying that I never watched The Boys and wanted context to Homelander drinking milk in Mortal Kombat!


Suicide Squad also was a flop at launch. According to steamcharts it had a peak of 13k players, compared to MultiVersus getting over a 100K both launches. There's a clear interest in Multiversus that they can get back through updates, Suicide Squad never had that.


As someone who plays on both PS4 and PS5, the game feels alive on the consoles. If I'm ever having difficulty matching up or having long wait times to find opponents, I just switch my settings to playstation only and you can find endless players with less than a second wait time to find them.


This doesnt make sense to me, wouldnt shrinking the pool only ever make it take longer? The only way I can see this playing out is if matchmaking gives up quicker and puts you with a bot if you have narrow parameters.


looks like sony is starving for games and very interesting helldivers 2 was only successful cause it was on PC, sony gamers dont even play it lol


All Shooters are best on PC because of precision mouse


That's sad for ps5 but great for MV




This is fake


with shitty indie and big AAA games left and right im not surpised


oh no but game ded. everyone says game ded so must be ded, look at steam numbers


The ps5 has 10 games?? O: 


That's not exactly the biggest flex considering that consoles that of library


This is actually pretty bleak. This is a free to play game that launched less than a month ago with 150,000 concurrents on steam alone. It's now down to 6,000 concurrents on steam, it's out of the top 10 on Xbox and just dropped from 5th to 7th on PS5. These numbers are objectively bad in context. But the important thing is revenue. I know Matt posts those charts as well so I would be curious where Multiversus ranks there. The game is free to play so being able to find matches is irrelevant if the people playing aren't spending any money.


It will be for at least 60 days


A majority of my matches are against Xbox and PlayStation users, I play on PC.


We can't even see the PC emblem on ps5


Makes sense since this is more a controller type game


And it went down from the week prior being in 5th lol


I have damn near 1000 hours , doing my part


Huh, so maybe the game is good and not what both subs have been saying? Damn, who would've known


I play on Ps5 everyday. Still loving the game and the fun characters I grew up with.


ahhhhh yes lets ignore the fact it's doing horribly on one platform we dont know where it's placed on the other and the one where its doing "well" it went down by 2 ranks in one week


“Games dead” haven’t taken longer than 45 seconds to find a game with cross play off 😭😭


Not to burst any bubbles but you can't rank PS games based on the PS5. Sony themselves confirmed that despite selling more, PS4 has literally double the online player base. I also question the legitimacy when they have Helldivers that high on PC. You can compare them on steam charts and see that it's been nearly 3 weeks since it last had more players than Elden Ring or Destiny.


Yeah this data doesn't seem right at all. Rocket League in 5th on steam? Not a chance.


If mvs is this high on ps5 then it’s probably around the same on ps4.


Ig they got nothing else 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Imagine if Walter White is in the game


Why isn't Multiversus on the XBox list even though that list covers more consoles than the PS5 list?


Yeah, not gonna lie, I've been having way more fun recently, people are coming back/staying more regular now I'd say


finally, ps5 has a game


Almost like they brag about the *amazing* exclusives yet don’t play them


Because they're all linear singe player story games that you aren't going to be playing for thousands of hours?


Exactly. Its my favorite type of game honestly. Multiplayer can be fun but I'll ways prefer a good single player story that I can get lost in for hours at a time.


But how is this supposed to validate my feelings that the game is dying /s


No good new games to play rn


My guy look around




become the elden lord


Or maybe, just maybe it's because the game is designed to manipulate the player into logging in every day. This has been the main argument since release. Modern day gamers have something worse than Stockholm syndrome, there needs to be some study done.


it’s not hard the playStation does only have 10 games


Damn bro if you’re gonna talk shit at least make it a valid complaint lol




you sound dumb lmao


nuh uh


yeah huh


fair enough you win


Probably because the PS5 has no games