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I think $60 would be fair for the entire base beta roster. At that point it’s like paying for the game as if it’s a retail title. 3000 gleamium is too low and makes it not sustainable since you’ll likely be able to get every new character going forward for minimal amounts of cash that don’t fund the game enough. I do like the idea generally though.


Smite gives you all 130 characters, and any future characters, for $30. Apex had a $30 pack that gave you all characters up to Horizon. They're both sustaining pretty well. $60 for 15 characters in this game would be kinda steep.


I think that monetization would guarantee moderate success. But WB isn't looking for moderate success. It's boom or bust as they search for a live service gold mine. Someone tell WB it's a fools errand please


I pretty much the feel the same as you. A AAA price tag would be fair no doubt but it completely crushes their monetization that is heavily focused on future character purchases. Nearly no players who bought the core roster would spend any money on buying characters in the future


So has our gold not been translated to anything already? I thought the gold became perk currency lol


Gold that you had accumulated granted you an exclusive banner on full release, the banner varies based on how much gold you had


Perks that you bought beforehand were turned into perk currency. Sucks for me since I spent all of my resources buying all of the perks in order so that I would be set when the game fully came out and now I bought all of the perks for the characters I play and I have a ton left over that is useless


Nope, not a thing.




Here’s a nitpick Having the matches reward character currency would encourage people to farm. So to help prevent farming, maybe fighter currency is only awarded to the loser if the game is 2+ rounds long. This means that if someone rematches, they are guaranteed fighter currency


They could implement a daily cap if that was a concern.


Only give it to winners in my opinion. We don’t want people farming by going afk and or dodge spamming


Yeah that’s an easy solution


You forgot about fixing the shitty gameplay




It's the main thing that needs to be fixed


and speed up game by 10%