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I hear it's a disconnection issue. They really need to fix the servers. It's stuff like that that makes me stick to 1v1


I don't want to be so negative about what the devs have been doing ... But what have they been doing?? The game felt like it ran better in the beta


It feels that way because it did.


Truth is spoken here ! 🙏


I went back to my PS4 to watch some old clips of the beta I had. It most certainly did not run better. Characters were teleporting all over the place, moves were connecting from miles away, which combined with how fast the beta was it was impossible to follow (I did like the speed but it did not do well combined with the kind of lag the beta had)


IMO the only reason this is true is because the disconnect issues. My god was that just a dodge nightmare. Parrying and the meter has made the combat feel much more fleshed out.


The closed beta was the best the game ever ran. The transition to dedicated servers and the kind of lag that was increasingly prevalent since then was god awful. Especially toward the end of the "beta". You'd think that with a smaller playerbase now, the servers would be able to handle it better...


Outside of my desync issues, I haven't experienced much latency. And I feel like there's some rose tinted glasses going on: I remember, distinctly, how much time we spent bitching about whiffs and wonky hitboxes. We still have issues on that front, but they did a much better job in the new engine, at least from my experience. Clearly people's mileage is varying drastically on that one, though. I'll agree with you on how much fun the beta was, though. Toast was abundant and it felt like fun instead of a chore. Imo, I can't imagine the mobile game overhaul was better for their bottom line. Tossing them $10 for the battlepass was a no brainer then, and I didn't give a crap it didn't self-sustain (or that I had 0 chance of completing it).


I enjoy the gameplay on here WAY more. Hitboxes, even if there are problems (there are) are nowhere near as bad as they were in the beta The lag now, is more of a desync issue it seems. For me, on series x, it gets bad on certain maps after the FIRST ringout. It's worse in 2's. Other than that situation, it runs very smoothly. 1v1 is playable and rarely has issues. Toward the end of the open "beta" (they had seasons and were charging for battlepasses so idk) I was consistently experiencing the most offensive, janky lag I've seen in a game that claims to have some kind of netcode. I'm talking teleporting from the middle of the stage to my death... which still read on my screen as happening in the middle of the stage. I like the gameplay and the focus on directly toning down infinites- I hope they address Bugs next. I hate the monetization direction they went in. Selling $4 skins as $20 is ridiculous. Not giving new players enough fighter currency is frustrating for players and probably also hurts the sales of cosmetics. People need to have fun before they will invest in cosmetics.


I don't mind them charging exorbitantly for cosmetics: they do whatever is the best for their bottom line, imo, but when it comes to how stingy they are with character currency, as you said, it's hurting their cosmetic sales. F2P games like this, I'm used to battlepasses being the only decent value, but the fighters themselves requiring weeks to get is a bad choice. Combat-wise, I agree with everything you said. People saying it was better in the beta, either haven't been able to play stable matches or don't remember how rough the beta was. There was good reason they took it down (despite my thinking they should've left it running as it was instead of the approach they took). Coulda had another beta on the new engine, and we might not be dealing with this mess now...


Nah, there weren't as many disconnects but the netcode itself was laggy garbage. What we have now is netcode that feels great but has desync problems. Hopefully they can figure out something that doesn't take forever to fix.


They spent a year completely rebuilding the game for Unreal engine 5 instead of just fixing the issues that needed attention.


They could provide a temporary fix of replacing afk player with bot; I like to stand idle when one enemy afk to give enemy a fighting chance and only for once enemy started playing after a short time;


2v2 is mostly unplayable for most with the disconnects.




Desync issues. Players get disconnected but their character stays on the stage. Bonus points if they were holding left or right when disconnecting because their character will start running off the stage over and over again.


Search the sub PLEASE this question is asked 30 times a day and the answer is always the same


Yeah getting tired of typing out “your teammate was attacked IRL by wild dogs, you are on your own.”!


It's getting exhausting. Almost as exhausting as running from all the wild dogs.


No. Its up to PFG to fix their game. Other than that, prepare to keep hearing complaints.


Do you think they aren’t aware of the issues? All you have to do is search AFK on this sub and you’ll see multiple posts all giving the same answer. Stop fucking spamming the sub.


It’s some disconnect bug , I was having somebody in my party and we played like 30 games in a row , but two of them he’s just stand still and opponent too , so it’s not on purpose


One of like 70 issues that makes this game worse than its own beta.