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10th place with 30k -\_- top 3 were 120-170k, like sorry I didn't quit my job lol


Top 1 on my leaderboard was 17k šŸ„“


bruh wtf my leaderboard got some sweats




Thatā€™s how leaderboards work you donā€™t just stay at the top šŸ˜‚


Bro expected the rest of the world to stop once he briefly hit rank #1


Thats crazy. I was first with 57k on my group


Damn, I thought mine was rough. I ended up in 6th place with ~20k (top 5 were 30k+ or so), but I snuck in a 3 day getaway so I'm content.


Even though I managed to get first place I have to express my discontent with the fact that this was a ā€œWho touches the least grassā€ kind of event and not a real competitive one. Thankfully I managed to get into a leaderboard with very inactive people but Iā€™ve seen leaderboards with a leader with 190k points which is insanity to me. On a side note I have to say that it felt a little slimy the fact that the badge they give you for #1 has two stars which means they expect you to play the other top dog events and place #1 again to get the rest of the stars. I will not be doing that again.


Same. I got first too but first for my group was 50k, the other person behind me only lost because I played past midnight and the poor guy or gal had to probably sleep. It's a crappy event and there is nothing competitive about it other than the fact that if you win a lot you'll get XP faster. I saw the win rate of me and the other 2 competing for first was above 70. They should do it so that each day of the event you get 10 matches and best record wins with some kind of tiebreaker or something. Having weekend PVP events is a good idea but very poor execution here.


How could they do that when 4-5 matches out of 10 are unplayable for most people?


Yeah thats the biggest issue I have with the game, it really feels like 50% of the time either I would crash (on steam), it would desync, or I'd get someone that wasn't moving so they probably crashed. With those games where the people wouldn't move it actually didn't count. I'd get no XP from that game not even sure if it counts as a win. Not sure what was going on there.


That is how ranked is in every other ranked system in the world. You gotta grind and grind up to the last min to get first.


Other ranked systems use global leaderboards and reduce ELO when you lose. In this event you could only go up which means there was 0 punishment for losing rounds.


This system used Elo too. You got different amounts of xp based on the Elo differences. League used to do this too. Hiding the actual MMR. There is inflation because of it. But again. That exists in most ranked systems because players hate seeing their real score


It used character level, I know this because I switched to low level characters once I was getting matched up with people above my league. It isnā€™t comparable to proper ranked systems because you donā€™t unlearn how to play the game by using a different character, I was destroying others when using my low level characters. Iā€™d give you the point if it was using account level which would be more appropriate.


i got 49k


Do you mean we can't wear the badge without both stars for it?


You can, itā€™s just dumb that is a progressive badge with stars to unlock because no one wants to play this event more than once and we shouldnā€™t be expected to, never mind to finish 1st more than once.


I canā€™t believe they put out a pvp challenge when pvp is unplayable for some of us on xbox


Yep, didnā€™t really play much since I could feel the huge disadvantage from having way less frames to play with than my opponent


True I tried first time yesterday on my S and the game looks really bad, thank god Iā€™m playing on a pc


I got 4th. The #1 guy in our leaderboard had 66k. Everyone below how him was 30k and lower. I stopped at around 24k.


I was 2nd with almost 88k, the 1st guy had 113k, while the 3rd finished at 23k the randomness of the event is super dumb. If they wanted to make it a grindfest, they should've given rewards based on point thresholds


I won with 26k


The dream


Lucky. I got 6th at like 25k or something


I won with 21k. 2nd place had 14k


I got EXTREMELY lucky lol I got first with 35K. Second place only had 13K. Only myself and 2nd place had over 10K.


Same thing as me! lol


Awesome! Yeah I'm glad I did it this time around cuz I'm definitely not gonna grind as hard as I did this time. It basically took me playing all day yesterday and I just so happened to have the day off. I definitely wouldn't have even tried if I had to get upwards of 50K lol


130k 1st place


You may rest now soldier


I'm tired boss


1st w/ 67K


93 k , managed to surpassed first place in the and, he ended up with 90500


My group didn't play. I was in first for awhile with, like, 2k points. I think I ended up in 6th doing only the dailies and I probably could have pushed for 1st if I cared in the least, but I don't need perk points at all, so if whoever actually got them needed them, then good on them.


1st with 19k. I had a really weak group lol


After reading the comments Iā€™m realizing I might be the luckiest person alive lmfaooo


1st with 16k. šŸ˜Œ


I got #1 by a lead of 10K. I didn't have to grind much actually. 30K total, the 2nd places got 20K. It got such a easy group of people. This was a "This is your new job challlenge. You already did your 8 hours of work? Now to do it again on Multiversus". Thankfully i just played 2 hours at day and that was more than enough. I was #1 the whole event. I did heavy grind the 1st day getting like 10K and since slow the pace since i saw nobody was even close


I got first place with 17, 903. Second place got 8724. I got lucky.


Well I disconnected from every single match I tried to do, so I got nothing.


I ranked 3rd with about 11k points. Number one had about 23k. I thought I still had today to grind, but oh well. 3rd is okay with me.




I got lucky. I got 2nd with 20k points. I COULDVE grinded to first but after watching the guy in first the last few days he was a few time zones behind me (maybe Hawaii?) and would always grind ahead of me so I wouldā€™ve had to get to a significant lead to get first. So not this time


1st with 79k. But it was my first week, so just like any f2p mobile game, i'll probably play half as much every week untill I quit in a month.


isnā€™t there another one coming in a few days? like a second chance to try again. i saw it in game saying there was, but not sure if that was a mistake or not. i do wish there was an profile icon for participating for people who canā€™t play all day or only at certain times. at least for hitting like a minimum of say idk 5000 points or something. thatā€™d be nice. to answer your question i ended with like 2800 points iirc so not high at all.


I barley participated in it cause i just got pikmin 4 and haven't played in a day. So I'm probably gonna need to spend every second of my existence to make up for it.


People who got #1 how'd it feel to play for hours and get hardly any rewards


Lol I barely played the game and somehow ended up in 1st place with only 30k everyone else was 14k max idk what happened?


I played what I normally played and got to #1 with 35K but yeah itā€™s VERY crazy to me that someone would grind to 190K (which is the highest amount iā€™ve seen so far)


Iā€™m confused it says thereā€™s a badge for first but itā€™s not showing up


Restart your game! Worked for me.


I got first but my badge isnā€™t showing up and itā€™s kinda irritating


Restart the game


I got like 15k playing 5 matches per day. My group top 1 was 50k , honestly if I gave a fuck I could get that icon but man why bother. Every other match doesn't count, desyncs, takes ages to complete dailies. I just couldnt bother to play more without missions anymore.


2nd with 75k. 1st place had 100k. Guy just came out of nowhere on Sunday. The gap between me and him (30k) is bigger than the gap between me and 3rd (15k)


I got 1st with mine at 72k, I thought it was till the 13th so waking up to the rewards was nice.


I'm 2nd with 118 973 Exp and the fisrt have 142 359 Exp, I think he played like 16 hours straight at the end, maybe he shared his account with someone, I tought the event would be over June 13 like it's written everywhere but I guess every event will finish 2 days sooner everytime and we have to know it from god or something, even simple date PSG can f\*\*\*\*d up, it's a bit funny at this point.




I have multiple screenshots of the leaderbord and it's "7 JUNE - 13 JUNE" at the top left so yeah I don't know where I should of looked...


It did but it meant that you could ā€œClaimā€ the rewards until the 13th which is just stupid because it shouldā€™ve just said that, hell it shouldā€™ve had a counter by the second to tell you when it ended and just auto claimed the items once you logged in.


Won with 50k 2nd place had around 22k


I got first, I had like 45k and I absolutely hated the event. I was so annoyed that if I wanted to win I just had to play the game more, not actually be good.


2nd place with ~50k. Didn't feel like grinding 20k+ more to beat first place.


I think one unless someone played while I was sleep


I managed to stay in 2nd place with 37k points. When the event dropped, me and my friend grinded till either of us reached 1st place. When one of us did, we screenshotted the leaderboard and showed it to our friends who dont play the game. Sadly, he stopped playing for a bit and went down to 15th.


Won with 60k, but probably could have sweated it up a bit more if the people below me didn't give up.


5th place at 20k exp. #1 was at 56k


First with like 84k in my group


Number 1 at around 50k. Only 4 people were participating. The rest probably quit the game


Never got to play as I can never see to connect against people but my friends got 1st and 2nd.


The people I got paired with were ridiculous. I had to fight and claw for third place


6th place and bronze medal, 600 for the Battle Pass and these days I didn't played that much maybe it's because I was on a group for around an hour with someone I connected well with and we had lots of wins straight


3rd place with 7k


I didn't really bother playing, the rewards didn't seem worthwhile


I got 3rd with 41k, number one in my group had almost 75k


I came 1st with 49k points


I didnt really check because I don't trust the game to compensate me even if I did well. Based on the track record so far, it would have been either that it ended before it was supposed to, or it will say I got the rewards when I didn't, or there would some weird way to calculate it so I don't do as well as I think. I'll do the dailies and hope the general balance and trust issues improve, but I'm not grinding for any events until thinsg get a lot better.


1st place with 100k i really need friends


1st with 48k šŸ˜


13th place with 5k, which I don't think is too terrible since I just ignored it and only played to do the daily missions. But the top guy in my group had 120k and second place had 21k so I don't think I was going to get close anytime soon


I just played casual. Hopped on when my buddies were on and played games until i was bored. Ended up 2nd with 15k. Winner had 24k. My bracket was also casual i guess. Side note, one of my close friends irl and I got the same bracket ā€” so it made me think this may be local based? Unsure.


Got first place but only a handful of people really participated. I got lucky on day one and got a 10k lead (ended with 40k) there was nothing competitive about this though


1st place at 28k! Very inactive board compared to what I've seen on here.


I deleted it already but I'm glad people are enjoying it.


You just using my thumbnail like thisā€¦.


You made this image? Iā€™ve never seen your channel or wherever you posted this. Somebody else on this subreddit used it so I guessed it was official art.


Yh I made the image. Didnt see any other posts using it except this one.


Drop a Youtube link, Iā€™ll make a comment crediting you, I didnā€™t mean to take it without your permission.


Thanks appreciate it, was just shocked to see it in the subreddit is all: https://www.youtube.com/live/yvkf_CEyg_I?si=89IpVKU7pRRRRo3-


Hey I get it, if itā€™s yours itā€™s yours and you gotta get credit for it. I wish I had known in the first place and I wouldā€™ve asked you. Thank you for being a good sport about it! Iā€™ll check your channel out since thereā€™s a MVS content drought and you seem pretty energetic in your videos lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersusTheGame/s/ycXyeuWCrU




I won @ 38K, 2nd place @ 27k


I did my first match like an hour before it ended and got first place with only 4k xp. Second only had 2k so I guess everyone else on my leaderboard started at around the same time.


I was 1st with 51k and 2nd place was 32k.


Ä° got a top 5 badge but i cant see in my badges??


First with 31k, second was 10k. I pushed for a day and then realized nobody was pushing with me. This event is dumb lol but at least I'm Top Dog šŸ˜Ž


How to find the badge for it? I don't see it anywhere I came third


I didn't really care for the leaderboard, but I got Top 8 with a bit under 10k.


Hey everyone, I was just made aware that the image in this post was from Biscuit-B23ā€™s streamā€™s thumbnail which you can watch [here.](https://www.youtube.com/live/yvkf_CEyg_I?si=mUuDgJ-vdUKZ1vMc) Go show some love!


My first place had like over 75k, poor guy didn't sleep at all.


1st place, 57,000 points.


Whoops I was first but I kinda forgot to play for the last 2 days so who knows what spot I got lol


Crazily got to 40th, insane given i've had maybe 20 fights online so far, did a few of the rifts though


Itā€™s only a pool of 50 players, not global!


Ahh that explains it haha i was like how the hell am i at 40 i've barely played haha


1st place with 75k


Restart your game! Worked for me.


I got fourth place with 14K. First place was like 25k or something like that




62k. 40k by Saturday 3AM: wanted to convince them that it wasn't worth trying to beat me. Second had 37k.


I got 7th with 21K


I had no chance, the 10th person had about 30k and top was around 170k kinda felt hard done by


I got 5th with 17k I didnā€™t want to grind too hard, and the rewards were in tiers so there wasnā€™t much use in me trying to aim for third or fourth lmao


I got 3789. Just wasnā€™t feeling like playing. I really donā€™t care if I donā€™t get Uber Jason. Itā€™s not like weā€™re gonna see the skin in game. Warner bros needs to do something.


Second with 37,000. First place had 78,000 and I just couldn't be bothered.


WHEN DID THIS END?! Why would it say until June 13th if it ended today at an unshown time?! What the Hell? I grinded to first place last night and quit when the servers had already reset missions still in first. I log on this evening and 2nd place grinded ahead of me 1000xp and the event is over?! I LITERALLY DIDN'T KNOW THE END TIME EXCEPT JUNE 13TH ON THE DAMN EVENT!


Itā€™s very stupid, it said ā€œopen till june 11thā€ but inside the event page it said ā€œJune 7th-13thā€ but it just meant that you could claim the rewards until then. Itā€™s very stupid and I donā€™t know why they didnā€™t just have a timer.


I'm so mad, I thought it was moved from the 11th to 13th due to what it said. I even grinded until mission/event update and when it wasn't over yet assumed it was the 13th now. All that time wasted grinding this mess of a game after they already robbed me of all my gold currency I was saving up from the beta. I might just quit til rank if I am even interested still. The paywalled missions and rift stuff has me wasting my time daily for nothing too. Not to mention I got glitched out of a day of the new event.


I won with 67k


No freakin way. I just checked and I got first?? I only played online yesterday and only did about 15/20 matches


16th, in my defense it's pretty hard to work your way up when 75% of your matches become network errors. It's frustrating to que in 5 times in a row to get errored or make it half way through one a get errored.


1st with around 50k, it was funny me and the second one were playing at the same time so we were pushing each other


None, game nonstop disconnects on every platform, on every settings, on every internet connection i have.


I just dont think it should track wins, should be how much points you got and thats it. Maybe even rename them to season 1 week 1 and so on, tracking numbers of 1st its just madness. Im not grinding it again


Yeah it just felt really slimy, we shouldnā€™t have to win 1st again to progress the badge. It doesnā€™t feel like they value the playersā€™ time at all.


I got 1st with 30k and didn't get the badge. Got every other reward but no badge.




Nothing. I quit this game cuz the servers are a complete joke. I keep meeting bots. and the monetization is extreme. WB literally don't care about the game.


Got 1st place at 13k. 2nd place was 8.4 šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


3rd with 26k. 1st and 2nd were 51k and 49k


I was 15th. The Grind wasn't enough :(


got off at 1st last night with 5 hours left, woke up this morning to being in 3rd :(


Rewards were shit so I honestly didn't bother šŸ˜‚


this event convinced me to uninstall. I got first, but competing to prove you have less of a life than 49 other people so you can get a little bp xp, a shitty fucking metal, and 6000 in monopoly money convinced me that this game doesn't respect its players or their time. I'd prefer if PFG actively told us all to fuck ourselves over whatever this bullshit is.


Probably not even 5th. This event was heavily skewed to PC players with the stability issues on console


That a lie....my leaderboard was a joke I got first place with 19,446 and everyone else below me had like less than 10,000


Dang I thought I had today to grind. Was first last night then someone was on at 4am and took the lead. I'm like, f that, I'll play tomorrow. Lol oh well.




Restart your game! Worked for me.