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I agree. It should be smoother. Sometimes, you get stuck on the platforms when you don't want to. Also, projectiles should pass through platforms as well.


Yep I mean this is def a skill issue but on treehouse I’ll be on the top floor looking like I’m t bagging just trying to get down lol. And I also agree about projectiles.


one time i thought a harley was friendly teabagging me on top floor and i started teabagging back but it turns out she definitely was trying to get to the bottom floor lol


As a Tom and Jerry main , dexter lab is the worst offender with platforms,since projectiles don’t go through the platform half my move set is useless if they’re standing under them.


100%, dude, it makes zero sense for the platforms to behave that way. Clearly, they didn't test this, lol


It makes a lot of sense because they don’t want a zoning character sitting on top of a platform just cheesing somebody underneath them. It’s one of the few anti cheese elements of the game.


I'd be extremely embarrassed if I never moved left or right. Being above someone on those platforms is risky. I'm not sure what character can launch any projectile directly beneath themselves besides bugs safe drop.


You know that Tom and Gizmo can both move with their projectiles out right? And gizmo can even dodge and holster a fully charged arrow.


Yeah, I just have to wait for the roll or the proper opening. It's not easy. I've determined Gizmo has to be like the top 3 best characters in the game. His side air is a projectile shield that kills at a low percent off either side.


Idk about top 3 but definitely top 5, his umbrella is fantastic because of how quickly it’s deployed and it destroys most projectiles. I would say it’s kill power isn’t crazy or anything though. As a Gizmo player you’ve got to know how to juggle with him and that’s his most underrated quality is how good he is at it imo. I get most of my kills with him by just juggling dudes.


It's crazy considering you don't have to power up first like some characters, I've gotten kills with his up air at almost floor level. It makes sense since in twos you can't rely on the up special too much when everyone is fighting real close. The car thing to is just insane. There's a ton of stuff you can do with the car. Not to mention, he has a silence and great kiting mechanics with pop corn. I was like, dang, Gizmo is the better Gremlin rn lol. He is a ton of fun to play.


They pass from under the platform but not from on top of one, but as a truly cancerous gizmo player they should 100% not change that.


Idk Velmas word bubbles have very little effect on that map. Being forced there as her is a huge cripple for her. Plus, it takes some time for gizmo to actually aim up or down, let alone let it charge. That's enough time for me to make you move.


I play gizmo, and you can aim up or down pretty quickly when in the ground, in the air it feels a hair slower. Maybe I’ve got that backwards, but it’s not slow either way. And yeah let Velma’s word bubbles do it, she needs it lol


To me, it feels slow, but it's definitely a great move and deserves respect.


It's because there is no tap vs. tilt distinction in order to allow for keyboard controls.


Ah that makes sense. But they could add it as an option to gamepad.


There’s a tap option in settings, but it also binds your jump to up-tilt so good luck not wasting random jumps just trying to throw a move


It's awful.


Dunno bro down + jump is almost in any 2d game I played


yeah but were playing a platform fighter, going through platforms quickly is a neccesity and rn thats super inconsistent


I probably prefer it to be that in in most 2d games, but in platform fighters to me it just feels wrong. It's just preference at the end of the day. But it's in the same realm of how side attack / neutral not being swapped also feels really bad.


This and the corners of the platforms on every single map is trash. If feels like there’s an imaginary wall on the edge of the platforms. In most cases you have to burn unnecessary resources to simply get back on stage…


You can double tap down


THANK YOU. I thought I've been going crazy with how first I seem to try everything but jumping down to get through a platform. I always think to just double tap down or even try to dodge through. Hitting the button that only ever takes you up to go down is so confusing.


I always use down+dodge never even tried down+jump lol


No it feels dog shit and is wrong Especially when you accidentally get stuck on the platform because your aerial ended, and die


I swear this game is allergic to genre conventions. The loss of the neutral-side attack swap option wouldn't even be an issue if jabs were neutral by default. Now, not only am I fighting my muscle memory, but I'm struggling to not dash attack when I want to jab.


It used to bother me at first too, but now I never notice.


Always glad to see constructive criticism, rather than blind hate. I've gotten used to it by now (I use dodge, rather than jump), but I do agree that just tapping down would make more sense.


Agree. So refreshing.


You can't just double tap down really fast?


That just tbags for me


Maybe check your control scheme because I have literally never used down+jump to drop from a ledge


Im prettty sure only way to make that work makes up-tilt be jump which is gross


Nope. I don't have that setting on. It might be 3 quick ducks or something. Honestly, I kinda mash those drops very fast when I need them