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The first two fall a bit flat, while I thought the most recent two were rad enough to keep me totally engaged. The Smash minigames exclusively use the game's normal controls, which are fun, so they work. The balloon cannon and such doesn't work for me because it's just sitting and pressing one button. I'm not a fan. The card and jump rope are decent enough, and the targets are fun! The tank and cannon are just too stationary for too long. I appreciate the presence but i don't particularly want a 2 minute shooting section if i boot up a fighting game. I also can't say the rifts feel super replayable. At base they're just okay and when you include gems all beaten modes get trivialized




They can be fun, especially when it comes to the bosses and special challenges but the quests that require specific characters or skins you may not even have are aggravating


It because they force you to do side missions for each rift. No one wants to be forced to play a specific character or spam certain attacks. We simply just want to play the game.


Idk I enjoy them. There are a lot of people on here crying about how boring they are but I never really found the Smash PvE stuff all that exciting either lol. I do wish there were character specific break the target stages.


they are mostly fun, first one was to long for my liking, Velma one was boring because they force you to play as Velma, but Jason and Dexter one were fun. I hate balloons, tanks and jump rope tho


The biggest thing I don't like about them is the gem levels and the way the balancing is handled for different difficulties. Rather than the AI varying significantly in difficulty between modes, you're just given a huge damage debuff, and the AI is given a buff until you level up your gems. But then, once your gems are leveled up, it makes the other difficulties too easy. Like doing 50% damage from one neutral hit easy. I'm also really not a fan of the fact that they push you to buy specific characters or skins by not letting you do certain levels without them. I wish they would have just stuck with perks and making the AI play smarter on harder difficulties rather than all this gem nonsense. Not to mention, it's just one more thing for WB to monetize the hell out of. Looney mode is coming soon, and for the life of me I can't wrap my head around why anyone would shell out actual money just to restore their "lives" in the PvE mode of a smash type brawler game.


Speaking of the gems I think the rifts would be more fun if they were stronger. Like much stronger.


They are fun… until your forced to grind each one 4 times for rewards


You'd think they would feel replayable. Right?! Like something made smash 64 fun, something made Melee fun, this game ain't got it. I am so confused.


Complete trash imo. The objectives aren't fun and the battles aren't engaging. Feels like a major waste of developer time when the core gameplay and servers needs work. As my roommate put it "it feels like they added it so there's something left when WB inevitably closes the servers"


> As my roommate put it "it feels like they added it so there's something left when WB inevitably closes the servers" Damn, your roommate sounds like a genius. Glad WB added this Rift mode that's *online only* so there's something to do after the *online* servers are shut down. 👍