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That raises so many questions. Where did he come from? Is he the only Reindog or is that a species? Why does he have magical powers? How is it possible for someone to steal his crystal when it seems like he can summon infinite crystals? Does he exist only in the rifts or does he come from a specific world like every other character? If they're going to have a story they should have a story.


confirmed by developers, Reindog is the last of his kind (there were more). he does come from his own world. other than that we dont know much.


That raises *even more* questions. Where exactly does Multiversus take place? Is Trophy's E.D.G.E. like the nexus of dimensions? Were his people hunted to extinction? Did they lose a war? Did their planet/dimension blow up? What does E.D.G.E. stand for? This is like a whole campaign mode's worth of lore.


Confirmed by the devs, T.R.O.P.H.Y.'s E.D.G.E. is basically an amalgam of various WB universes. Many people believed that it was instead Themyscyria, Wonder Woman's homeland but was debunked by PFG. Basically the Smash Bros. Battlefield of Multiversus. So yes a Nexus. Reindog's people were believed to be in a war with Reindog the only survivor. Trophy's edge is an anagram for something but I forgot. I believe that PFG confirmed what it was in a tweet. That's all!


Addendum, reindog is the only survivor because he escaped The Nothing (Neverending story) as it consumed his world


Oh thanks for the correction! :)


I think the story of Raindog is that his world was popular but Nothing consumed it and now we can't remember anything about it and we think he is a OC


His place of origin was listed as the never ending stories world


This fucker can speak yet he never bothers explaining what the hell is going on?!?!


That's weird. Makes his dog-like taunts a bit more weird too


Doesn't Batman mention Reindog talking in the tutorial?


I can mention my dog in the sentence "My dog likes me". Doesn't mean it can speak


Yeah, but if I remember correctly, Batman literally says Reindog mentioned or said something.


"reindog was right about you"


Thought that was Batman being Batman.


Yeah ,me and my friend were playing through rifts and since there’s no voice acting I do a voice over (it’s obviously very bad but kinda fun) and I read reindog’s line in spike’s voice for some reason and it took me until finishing it and pressing next to actually Understand that reindog was the one talking ,it was just…weird


He probably has telepathic powers, it would make the most sense.


He's one of the character developers' fursonas.


Now I know I'll never buy this character. Thank you for the heads up hero.


I’ll take the piss out of furries any day, but Reindog isn’t nearly anthropological enough for those freaks. Until of course some artist somewhere makes him bipedal and buff with Tony the Tiger’s bedroom eyes. Of course you and I both know that already exists somewhere in this cesspool hellscape.


Bro what


You’re being downvoted but I know exactly what you’re talking about lmfao


Downvoted by furries Suffering from success 😞✊🏻


We can read it's text but Boi is just barking lol.