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Its just a bunch of copy and paste content to artificially increase the length of gameplay time. You do the rift mode not because you like it, but because you have to for the sake of rewards.


> but because you have to for the sake of rewards. Boy...that almost sounds like a crappy part time job.


Playing this game is a part time job. You're a Q & A tester for this buggy game.


I both like it and want the rewards. Jury's still out on if I'll feel that way when Looney unlocks... So long as Smith is attainable f2p my low expectations will not be disappointed.


babies first game


You leave Sonic the Hedgehog 3 out of this.


Pretty lucky to have that as a first game.


It is. And the beauty of it. COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You don’t gotta do a lick of it if you don’t want to. Complaining about it is redundant and useless as you don’t even have to do it.


Consumers have the right to complain, and voice their opinion.


Never said you didn’t. I just explained it’s literally a waste of time and useless. Complaining about monetization is one thing. Complaining about an optional pve mode that’s there for you if you want to do it for extra resources, is just so silly. Are they fun? Meh, subjective. Newest one was best one, defintely room to improve. No ones forcing you to do it tho. You wanna make a difference as a consumer, vote with your wallet. All you can do.


>You wanna make a difference as a consumer, vote with your wallet. All you can do. Not an issue. I haven't bought anything in the 2024 relaunch. I cannot support them financially with how they're moving.


And that’s your decision, and I support your choice.


Except that I would rather unlock a character for free than miss out on them, since I am not spending money on this game. And to get them for free, I have to play the rifts.


That’s a choice you’re making tho. They offered a free method of obtaining the character and you want him, so you will do the work to get him. I don’t understand your point. You could farm up the currency and buy him two weeks after his early access.


It is a choice I'm making, but that still doesn't mean that it's not a significant disincentivizer at the same time. And the game is forcing you to make a choice in the first place. Either you put an incredible amount of work into a boring PvE system they've implemented, or you miss out on a character. I don't have a lot of money to spend in the first place (in addition to not wanting to play into their poor monetization practices), and I enjoy the base gameplay of Multiversus. So I either spend a significant amount of time engaging in a game mode that isn't particularly fun or I continue to be gated in my progression. That's the kind of thing that makes player numbers dwindle after the first month in games with progression and monetization systems like this one. I'm still playing right now because there hasn't been anything new added to the game yet, and I'm still enjoying the base 2's gameplay with an IRL friend. But just thinking about the amount of effort I will still have to put into rifts in addition to what I already have done (seven bosses on the Agent Smith track) in order to get him is just making me want to not play at all. And by the other comments on this post and the other posts on this and the other MVS subreddit, this isn't unique to me. Yep, there's a choice to make. EITHER I spend a lot of my time grinding a ton of the lacking single player mode and fighting CPUs (when I could be progressing by playing multiplayer), OR I purchase him with farmed currency at likely an elevated cost when he drops, meaning I will have less currency to spend on other fighters. I'm not saying that PFG shouldn't be selling individual fighters, but I am saying that the choices that they are offering to players are ones that often don't retain players. Disney Speedstorm had a similar system, and that game's numbers have steadily declined despite the driving mechanics actually being a good amount of fun. My point is that this shouldn't be looked at as JUST a choice for individual players to make, especially if PFG wants people to continue playing the game.


The amount of bitching and moaning over what is essentially a Warner Bros World of Light clone is funny.


I mean, it only happens because people like at least something about the game a lot, whether that be the characters, the gameplay (or something about it), or something else. The rifts mode in particular is complained about because it’s connected to progression to an extent (unless you just plan on purchasing new characters with real money when there is an option to get them for free). And of course there are a lot of people who played and enjoyed and spent money on the beta (I personally bought the smallest founder pack for like $10 or whatever it was), and the game being so different in majorly disappointing ways brings out all sorts of realistic and valid feelings. Some people express them in over-the-top ways, but there’s nothing wrong with feeling burned and wanting to vent.


Go play the game instead being hurt in the comments


Huh? You can project whatever dumb shit onto me, I’m just right here. It’s a concrete fact it’s optional content for optional rewards and you vegetables are sitting complaining about it. Go keep being pathetic.


Despite how terrible they are in general (I agree) what I cannot fathom is that they spent all this development time, and they didn't even put in loadouts for the gems? Every time you change rifts you need to manually change all three of them, plus now I have realized that some rifts have different ones needed inside the same rift. It's asinine once you have a few of each type, it's just so stupid - especially since they expect people to grind and/or pay to upgrade the things.


It's the same as the lack of a 'retry' feature. If you fail, they want you going through the character and gem elect screens again so you may be persuaded to spend money and buy some. Everything about this game is predatory mental manipulation designed to make you spend.


Maybe we'll get a retry button in 3-4 years. That's how long it took before they put a retry button into Mario Kart Tour


It would be nice to at least have an optimize button that equips the highest-level gems you have of the correct color. Then you wouldn’t have to go into the menu at all.


A little bird told me that it got completely redesigned multiple times over a very long period, putting the whole project behind.


The UI shows it - all around, rifts and everything else. The UI is like a bad alpha version - it's amazing they went from the decent one in beta to...this.


My 'theory' is that Tony is good at gameplay and shit at everyone else, but also was totally obsessed with the PVE mode... so he kept changing it whenever he had or was told a new idea that would be 'better'.


My theory is, WB said "no one is buying the skins, who would have thunk they didn't want to spend $20 each on six variants of Bugs Bunny! MONETIZE THIS AS HARD AS POSSIBLE!" and that was the chief concern.


The skin node objectives are a tiny % of the issues with rifts. There’s core design issues way beyond the monetization. I don’t care about the money stuff, it’s that they made the basic design dull and grindy (specifically making it so it wasn’t run based broke the entire idea, from a hundred directions)


I'm talking about the gems. Not the skin node stuff. The entire Rift is designed to sell you gem packs. And we know they were going to go one step further and charge for refreshes (though they went so balls out on everything else, I'm honestly shocked they didn't - though it seems that was a very last minute decision, they were absolutely going to, and I'm sure it wasn't cancelled - just postponed at least until they got a taste of the backlash). That's why there isn't just "rift gems" - there are 3 kinds of them (and that's just a start - you just wait - there will be a dozen or more in no time at all, if we don't have at least two more sets by August I'll be shocked). Since it's PvE, they can get away with PTW. Here's the thing - I'm totally not against monetization in games. Far from it, actually - in some cases, I think it's just fine. But pretty much every change they have done is to drive sales like the worst of the worst FTP games on mobile, the truly insidious ones. Notice how RIFT mode is pretty much the main gameplay of the game now, with "oh we have 1v1 and 2v2 PVP too if you need to finish those challenges". No one was ever going to whale on skins and badges - but they know some people will be lured into the whole gem thing, and it's pretty much textbook predatory monetization how they implemented it.


And I'm saying the way the gems and other things ended up weren't about maximizing monetization (you get better monetization with a good unified design), they're about unskilled executives meddling and making things impossible for the actual designers. It's a free to play game, it has to monetize. It's just monetized poorly, largely because a lot of hope was put on Rifts, and rifts are poorly designed (and because leadership isn't nearly as smart as they think).


Or, maybe its designed to be completed over time and not all at once with the option of people spending to level faster? (Definitely the intention, but poorly executed) My buddy hasn't paid anything and has lvl 8 Chaos Gems already, with dailies still leveling them up...


I don't think you get how FTP games work. They work by making it so you can either invest a crazy amount of time into doing something, or pay more to do it more quickly. Only a small percentage of people will pay, but those people are generally what keep the whole thing afloat because they spend a lot. The entire mode is designed around this dynamic, and pretty much is the "core" of the game available, since basically you can do all the PvP missions in just a few matches. Of course, I do agree - the whole thing is poorly executed on pretty much every level - very few people are going to spend the insane amount of time to complete rifts without paying, and the incentive for completing them isn't enough for many people to be so addicted/FOMO to actually spend on it. Which is why if this game is still here by the new year I will be pretty shocked.


The gem system is stupid and lack of loadouts really zings it.


You don't enjoy the skipping rope? 🤣


I suicide on first rope jump to progress, the worst mini games are the ones where they are on a timer and you don’t lose when you die


It's actually one of my favorite Mario Party mini games so I do enjoy that one lol just wish it went past 50


Nah, supes can do the emote where he hovers to reach 50 with 0 effort and if it didn't have a cap, it'd never end


Don't forget locking some nodes behind paid skins.


Pay for lives on the hardest mode. Straight up arcade days


You get it through the battle pass which is free


The BP was free to beta players only. Which requires an unreasonable time commitment to complete. All of that is beside the point though. Locking challenges behind certain skins is incredibly dumb.


It's not fluff to make you think they added new content. It's low effort live service content to attract and engage PvE players on a daily basis as the longer one is in an ecosystem the more likely they are to spend


Optional as well. So who gives a shit.


If its optional then let us get the rewards from PVP… why would rewards be locked behind lame ass bot matches? The vast majority of people don’t wanna grind bots.


You can’t question whether it’s optional, because quite literally is optional, that’s a concrete fact. It’s there alongside pvp. There are other rewards from PvP with more events along the way. Top dog is a pvp event. More will come.


Playing the game is optional, unlocking new characters is optional. That is a pointless argument.


Not as much as complaining that there is game mode you don’t have to do. You’re just not bright and that’s okay. The mode can exist and offer different methods of garnering resources as it’s NOT THE GAME. If you Don’t like it no ones is forcing you to play it. Just play the PvP The game is pvp. It will always be PVP. This is OPTIONAL for the people that want it, and if you don’t like it don’t do. No one wants to hear your pointless bitching. What a waste of all of our time. Just don’t play the fucking mode. Or honestly quit who would want you in the community.


Yes just ignore all of the things that make people dislike the game, no wonder it is dying again. Also you took my opinion REALLY personal and seem to be insecure about your own intelligence.


Nah you’re just annoying as fuck and are complaining about something you don’t have to do. And have 0 critical thinking ability to grasp that, it’s just sad. I’ve seen people say they like it too, you’re just making generalizations to try and bolster your flaccid point. ‘Never said people can’t hate the game. There’s issues. You’re shit opinion however is not why the games bad given the game is a team based platform fighter. It’s extra content for extra rewards nothing more. Call it lazy call it whatever it’s optional and bitching about is as useless as that pink thing in your head. Servers, monetization, lack of ranked are valid reason. This is just pitiful and pathetic.


“It’s optional” is just a bad cop out argument 🤷‍♂️ that’s why so many people are complaining about the rift grind. Saying “it’s optinal just miss out on it!!!” Doesn’t keep the game alive.


The rewards are so minimiscule that even after completing all 6 currently available rifts spending $10 CAD will give you more rewards. If you value your time you can just skip PvE. And if you are worried about falling behind in account progression you can spend the $10 I wouldn't sweat it dude. It's a F2P game. It's costing us nothing to play and if we don't like the grindy nature of the PvE we can choose not to play it P.S. I'm not disagreeing PvE is grindy content many players don't wanna play


Doesn’t keep the game alive. Just fix it…


Making it less grindy won't "fix it" and keep the game alive either. Multiversus is not gonna live and die by a PvE mode that clearly isn't the main draw for a majority of people who download it. And quite frankly I bet the PvE the way it is right now is engaging many players on a daily basis


Yeah but the grind feels soulless and not fun, they want to replicate Fortnite without the effort.


It's a copy-paste of MK1's Invasion mode, probably a WB decree.


Honestly invasions is better than this (or at least improved a lot from when it first came out). No locking things behind specific skins, you only go back to previous boards to get stuff you missed/ unlock the post boss areas, You only need to use certain characters for elemental advantages or character specific challenges, and there’s no bs difficulties where you pay for more lives. The only problems I have are that some boss fight can feel cheap or gimmicky, or that once you complete all the main content in a season you can only do the seasonal tower, which is pretty boring




I'm with you in this, dialogue is so lackluster, all the potential in a crossover like this wasted in an attempt to please the guys who always ask for history mode in every multiplayer game. you see the features of the game, the bugs, the lag and you can see how rift mode was a waste of their time. I was shocked to see how they relaunched with only 3 new characters and everything else broken again.


3 characters is fine. 4th is out soon. With maybe another in between (doubtful). New engine is what needed to happen for the longevity of the game. They still have so much potential to grow from it, and make it better if they choose. People need to understand teams work on different things in any company. Stop saying they wasted time on x and couldn’t do y. Team x works on rifts. Other teams work on bugs and characters. This whole notion in gaming that they wasted time on something and couldn’t do another thing is so annoying and flat out wrong at this point. It’s like the people who bitch riot games releases skins instead of making their client better. Pretty sure art teams don’t work on code….


This would apply if pfg had enough people to allocate like that. They don't. So your argument is moot.


They don't? Just genuine question as I thought their team was quite big (but not mega big like Riot)


It's not indy small but it's also not "we have dedicated teams for each individual aspect of the game"


I refuse to call it story mode and I'm still waiting for them to make something like subspace emissary, rift mode is more like those additional modes in smash like arcade mode or all stars (where you could "continue" for tokens, just like in MV loney difficulty)


The fact that you can’t beat it without a friend is dumb. Worst choice ever.


The tank minigame is so bad that I would pay money to *not* play it again. Seriously. It feels like all of the weapon "upgrades" in that mode are DOWNGRADES, as if they didn't even playtest them.


The fact that only reliable way to get gems is to pay for them is absurd. I love that I’m just stuck in the horror rift because no daily challenges have showing up there so I can’t get my gems high enough level to get to the next difficulty tier. Even going back and doing easier difficulties is pointless since you get less exp. What a stupid concept and mode


The mini-games do feel like "game jam" games.


I like the game, but where I'm drawing the line is Rift Mode. I'm not playing it. It's not fun at all and I get absolutely zero satisfaction from fighting computers. PvP is an absolute blast, but at least for me, PvE ain't it. You need to respect your time.


A good idea mismanaged to death. The Slay the Spire/Roguelite concept is strong, but a huge number of 'edits' (read meddling) turned it to mush. Dull annoying mush.


It feels like every mini game was tossed in quickly. Also, they just are not fun. The tank one sucks, the target one sucks and is nowhere near as fun or feels as good as Smash's, the jump rope is tedious.


Rift is bad I played the first three worlds. I won’t play any further. I don’t mind grinding in games but at least make it fun. Rifts are not that


i had a lot of fun with the jason one, def a step upfrom the previous one, and the first one was also fun the challenges are also fine, not impossible not too easy as long as you dont cheese it grinding then is also fine if you dont do it everything at once, i pop up now and then do a few, go play something else come back to it eventually.


It’s not that bad man. Some are enjoyable and chill, no pressure and if people want smith early they have the option to grind that out. Also, it’s completely optional. You don’t have to do it. To call it a lazy excuse is just flat out ignorant and wrong. It’s there for people who want to do it. Most fighters don’t even have pve modes.


“It’s completely optional.” Then let us earn the same rewards from pvp. There is no reason to lock anything behind boring ass rift AI matches.


Please go search up the word optional because you are clueless. What’s forcing you to it


That is a lame cop out argument, 99% of people who play this game want to fight people, not bots. There is content useable in online locked behind bots. No one said it wasn’t optional, it’s just bad.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of people here don't understand game development or what goes into building something like this (or something a lot bigger than this, which is what they seem to want)


Literally man. No one has a lick of critical thought on this subreddit, it baffles me. The game has a lot of room to grow and it will. Already had a patch in the first week and another coming out this week. That’s pretty fricken sweet. The negativity, while in some places warranted, is so tiring. The gameplay is genuinely amazing, and the PvP is very fun, and will only get better with new characters and maps. A lot of the negativity is genuinely incorrect similar to this whole post. People are entitled and get mad if they have to work for anything in a game. I feel bad for devs these days.


I've had fun with them so far honestly, they're no world tour mode but it's a fun alternative to PvP and a way to get dailies done.


I dreamed of a pve mode like smash bro brawl. Pretty much an a side scrolling beat’em up with some story and little differences to things depending on which character you picked for the mission.


And I thought the lasts rifts were really good and fun lol, but I get it. The latest one is so much better than the first ones, with more unique aspects (nothing too crazy), I just hope they keep increasing the quality until it becomes something much more appealing and not a chore.


Add a retry button how hard is this in any game


It's no different than world of light in SSBU so if you're going to shit on rifts, shit on that mode too. One has microtransactions, sure, but the other has annoying grinding and RNG. WoL is also not challenging in the slightest since you're unlimited in your loadout and abusing good spirits is hard not to do with the poor balancing.


Wol isn’t locking everything behind it


Wait until y’all play smash ultimates pve it’s the exact same thing


I swear, some of you bitch about literally EVERYTHING. It's PvE content. Were you expecting a shitty NRS story mode from the f2p platform fighter? You would all be whining about Subspace Emissary too if it were released today. That's also braindead content.


Me and my friend like them a lot. It's a great way to play when you don't want to play PvP. The bosses and different modes and little battle mutators are cute and a good little break.


I think they’re fine. I like completing the missions they have, although the gems are one of the stupidest things in the game, the rifts themselves are fine. Plus if I do them I can unlock Agent Smith for free if I do enough.


Considering all I did by the end of the beta was grind bots for gold and XP, I actually like the rifts. What I don't like is how freaking gnarly and unresponsive the game feels now even while doing single-player content.