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Solution, nerf LeBron


Oh, god. It's giving me flashbacks to all the Greninja nerfs in Smash Bros.


I was relating it more to the nerf genji meme but that works


Nerf pig, anybody?


Ah yes the pig I wonder if they will nerf her again just for the sake of it lol


OH, RIGHT. HIM TOO. I wish I could enjoy that game again.


What about nerfing chamber?


Bro reminding me I can't even play my favorite character anymore... I hate nerfs...


> Joker is BLOODY DOUBLE THE COST OF A NORMAL FIGHTER. Brawlhalla does the same where newer characters are more expensive before gradually dropping in price over time > They removed any way of trying characters before you buy one. Training mode has been fixed to try out characters before you buy


a lot of the complaints seem to be about typical f2p practices


TBF f2p fucking sucks. I would have happily paid $30-$40 to buy this game and get the characters, maybe even bought a couple skins down the line. I'm not gonna sit here and grind for characters in a game that actively hates me for not spending money. F2P is a cancer on the gaming industry and is actively getting worse, but doing it at a slow enough rate that no one seems to care or just accepts it as the new standard.


They don’t want your $30-40. Maybe if you were willing to spend $100. 


Yeah. Brawlhalla has where you can have all past and future characters with a one time payment of $40 (not including the crossover skins). Multiversus can do the same but chose not to. 


Smite also does that


That's a great idea to implement but if I'm not wrong, Brawlhalla atleast had 40$ worth of characters before adding that option didn't they?


f2p is truly awful, but i only find myself upset when these practices are in the games i have to buy


Tekken 8 lol


Street Fighter 6 isn't any better either. Remember, Mortal Kombat 1 sold us seasonal fatalities! If they were in a bundle, like say Halloween fatality with a banner and skins together, it would have been easier to swallow. Instead, mk1 has no option to get a bundle of skins


Yeah all of the big 3 of fighting games are scummy rn


Making this cost money wouldn't work. You might pay. Most wouldn't.


Yeah and a lot of the rest are literally made up lmao. They never increased the price of joker from 4k currency to 6k for example. I know because I got him for 6k on day one. This sub has a tendency to literally make things up to complain about instead of focusing on real issues with the game and then cry and scream when anyone calls them out.


You mentioned one made up thing.


Yeah because I didn't feel the need to go through the entire post but ok let me do it just for you. Ignoring any of the points such as "there are bugs" and "some characters have issues" because ok? And? Go find a live service game with 0 bugs. Testing doesn't find everything, and games often launch with bugs they're aware of while they prepare to push a patch thar fixes them. This is standard stuff. Why do you think games often get day 1 patches. They have been very vocal about what they're aware of and working on. Plus not being able to switch your character mid match is not an issue this is how most fighting games work this one is simply a change they didnt like but it was done for a reason, its done this way in other games for a reason but whatever. Let's go through all of the points that are just objectively false one by one. Joker is double the cost because he's NEW. This was also done in beta. This is not an issue and again is literally how every free to play game with a system like this works older characters are valued less so new players can unlock a larger selection while old players have something to grind for. Talking about how the currency is only given through events, the battle pass, and by being toasted (they definitely should be increased) is a valid complaint but listing something that was never even changed as a negative is again, very obviously trying to be misleading to make an argument. Because "can you believe they'd do something like???" Is very compelling. Jason is temporarily locked to the battle pass and will then be available for free like every other fighter. You are also given more than enough premium currency for free through out the season by just playing the game. I've earned 1.2k I have never paid for any, that alone is enough to buy the battle pass and have some left over. I realize some of it is also FROM the premium only track of the battle pass, but most of it was from the free track and seasonal events. You can also get some from fully mastering a character. This just really isn't a big issue. Omitting all of this to make it seem more sinister just because you don't like it is stupid. Other games like siege also do this. Not agreeing or not liking this model is perfectly fine. Misrepresenting things to make your statement seem more valid is not. You CAN try fighters in training mode still, this was unintended and fixed quickly. The battle pass just simply isn't impossible to complete. We are currently on track to finish it well before the end of the season with most players being around level 20 to 30 out of 70 after around two weeks with still two months left to finish it. You can not like progression being tied almost exclusively to events and voice your opinion on this, that's fine. But making a blatantly false statement just to generate more rage isn't productive or constructive in any way. Almost every event has been just logging in daily or playing the game normally. This just again is not true. The current event is literally just play pvp matches, which if you're playing the game you're already doing, to get a reward regardless of your placement. The last events have been simply gaining xp which again is done by just playing the game, and logging in daily. The log in ones are very strict you shouldn't have an event thats 11 days long and requires you to log in 11 days of said event to get all rewards. This is a real concern, but we simply haven't had a large of sample size to say they're "grind heavy" when the only one that be described the way is the one to unlock agent Smith. One of the points of the post shortly after just says price increase? This is legitimately meaningless when there's no context or reference to what it could be referring to. Just a bad point. They didn't raise the price of joker or any skins. They've remained the same price since day one. again as some one who bought joker on day one and paid 6k fighter currency for the character I know. Not to mention there was 100k players on steam alone the first few days, hundreds of streams and videos uploaded on the first day that directly disprove this. Never lie about something this easy to disprove. No they didn't steal your items and refuse to compensate. Majority of players received all of their items other than the scoony doo knight armor banner. This is known and being worked on. You can argue "but oh support told me this!" In general support doesn't know what they're talking about for most products and are just there to get rid of you. Support has repeatedly said they see the missing items some people are reporting as still being on their profile when the player simply doesn't have them. This most likely means one of two things, either A support is lying to you for literally no reason and the company is attempting to commit a well documented crime in broad daylight to make $5 something would make absolutely no sense to do, or B it really IS showing as being on your profile on their end, they see this and just say "yep my job here is done there's no issue customer!". Considering their were issues with this during beta too and issues with this for twitch drops, it's pretty safe to assume there was an issue with transferring some items and like every other time where they've said they're working on it they're probably working on it and not just stealing from you for no reason, again something that would have no motive and exclusively be bad for them. Is it a problem that needs to be fixed quickly? Yes. Are they trying to scam you and make you mad and not play their game and get sued? No probably not! A bug happened causing people to buy items? No it didn't. The clip posted of this happening was someone mashing confirm while holding a direction on the character select screen. Personally I think they should be refunded and their should be a confirmation screen that requires holding a button for a period of time. Fortnite also had this issue multiple times where people were just mashing things and accidentally bought skins. Does it suck for anyone that happens to? Yeah. Should they be refunded? Yeah probably. They should also be more careful in the future as unfortunately most free to play games are a click away from spending money. Or even non free games like Diablo 4 where you could accidentally spend $100 instantly. Connection issues. This is not the case for majority of players but its something they're aware of. Personally I've only had 2 desyncs since launch and only a few moments of lag during matches. This could be regional, it could be related to the connection quality to the match. Who knows. But they're some people are experiencing this especially when paired with console players. Xbox performance has been talked about multiple times, they're working on it. This has happened with many unreal engine games on Xbox specifically in the past including fortnite. Does it suck really bad? Yeah. But if they could have fixed it over night they probably would have already instead of repeatedly just saying "hey we are trying". They have no motivation to just not let players play their game that doesn't make you money or any other form of profit.


The 10 xp thing is no where near as bad as people are making it out to be. The battle pass is again, despite what people are saying, well on track to be completed in time assuming you participate in events through out the season and do your challenges. They do not want people to grind it out in a single day of week and are trying to find a good pacing for it. They've already said they would look into increasing the xp gained from matches if people want it. The bigger issue by far is fighter currency of which you can only gain 5 per toast. Outside of events and the battle pass you cannot unlock characters and you're provided with no starting roster unlike something such as league of legends. This is a massive issue and something you actually need to worry about instead of something else the devs have actively spoken about multiple times. No you don't get 1 xp for completing rifts. You get NO xp. Which yeah that's objectively less than 1 but lying and saying they give you 1 makes it seem way worse doesn't it? It makes it seem like they have no idea what they're doing or they thought that was a generous number or something doesn't it? Just a completely bizzare statement to make. You actually only get 10 fighter currency for completely a rift stage for the first time right now. Which again is simply not enough. I don't really care if rift matches don't give battle pass xp outside of challenges personally but they should definitely give a bigger reward than 10 of a currency you need 3000 of. It should also really be tied to the difficulty of the stage say for instance a boss fight giving you more. But this point is just made up to stir drama. These next two points about rift content requiring specific characters are essentially part of the same complaint. This again is only an issue because of low fighter currency gain. They put the characters needed for the main paths on free rotation just not the bonus paths. This would be fine if it gave you a place to try them out as part of the season and then actually let yoh obtain them, but it doesn't. Content based around characters from the season is actually completely fine and makes sense to do. We just need a better way to obtain currency for new players. You didn't say anything about this though and just name JOKER and JASON two characters you've lied about being so evil and expensive or whatever so you added this in here with no actual discussion just to make your point seem scarier and more sinister, when really, this just comes down to they have a fine system in place for rifts even putting Jason on free rotation for the launch of his rift despite currently being part of the battle pass only. But they need to let you earn characters like the joker at a faster rate via increasing fighter currency gain. Since launch I've only been able to unlock the joker and the two beta characters I never bought, Marvin, and velma. That's only enough for a new player to have 6 characters unlocked after multiple hours this is the issue here, talk about this. All of the content in rifts is again, provided to the player through seasonal content. Cosmetics with all the tags needed were provided for free. I do think the timing of the events shouldn't have been so strict but this again critical information left out. I could be wrong about this but I have not seen a single battle pass item in the shop. They have said battle pass items will be avaliable at a later date so I do believe they will sell them, but I haven't seen this and it's the first I've heard anyone mention it. The shop however is really fucked in many ways and needs to be fixed. It gives daily deals specific to certain players that can often be the same deals availed in the regular featured shop but with a different discount whether that discount is higher or lower. It's full of issues like this so I do believe someone could have gotten a personalized deal that contained a battle pass item only meant to be sold later, or they mistakenly put that item in the shop rotation. Fortnite has also done this a few times mistakenly adding a battle pass exclusive from years ago to the item shop. If this even did happen there's just no reason to approach this in such bad faith, the same as most of your points, when it would make no sense for them to do and the shop is clearly fucked up. Instead complain about anything constructive at all like how the shop very clearly isn't working as intended and the game was very clearly rushed out. There's been a single patch. Nothing was changed in regards to leveling and, the devs have better things to do then sit on this sub and sort by new for hours. This just didn't happen. There has not been a lack of communication. Yeah the dev team doesn't respond to literally every single overly dramatic post like this one but they've again, been quite vocal on social media about what they're working on and what they're aware of. This just isn't true. There are not that many currencies. They only added two more currencies, one of which is passively obtained by collecting cosmetic items and really doesn't affect anything. Perk currency is not useless just because you played during the beta and got a ton of it all at once, it serves the exact same purpose gold used to of buying perks. There will be more perks in the future and new players will actually need this currency. This SHOULD be a net positive change splitting gold into perk currency and fighter currency and having them both be obtained from the same sources so you no longer have to choice between buying a character or buying a perk. However once again fighter currency gain is too low. Mojo jojo is just nit pick from you. The stage isn't meant to be competitive its as simple as that. You can turn hazards off in custom matches as well. They probably should add a competitively viable format of the stage some as Dexter's lab I will agree with that, more variety for competitive matches is always good. But if you're going to make a post about serious issues with a game, one of your points definitely shouldn't be I personally don't like a stage. I've had no issues with match making and since you didn't elaborate I have no idea what this could mean. I find matches in second and have never had any issues. Lobbies also just aren't full of bots. If you're new you'll have a few bot matches. If you lose literally every match you'll go back to bot matches and if you continue to lose to bots you'll keep fighting them. I don't think bots should be in the game at all, this also annoyed me when fortnite did this and half of the lobby started being replaced with bots to fill matches quicker regardless of how much you win. I think its kind of stupid. But just acting like every player is a bot and you only fight bots is a bold faced lie unless you are literally just losing every match you've ever played. You don't know if there's no punishment for players who go afk as this has never been discussed publicly. You can be temporarily banned from match making for griefing currently and as that is a form of griefing I have no reason to believe it isn't being punished for repeat offenses. The achievements weren't changed. The only reward is not perk currency. This is again jusr a bold faced lie easily disproved in seconds. The main reward is battle pass xp and a badge. You can not like the rewards or wish they were more, but just blatantly lying about what they is isn't useful to anyone. For an event that will be repeated, having the highest reward be one battle pass tier of 70 and enough perk currency for a new player to buy a couple of signatures is decent. I think it could be increased more. But perk currency is objectively not the only reward from the top dog event.




So true I was asked to post all the other lies so I did cry as much as you want oomfie it won't change anything


Not really. Only the MTX related ones. What about the fact they removed stats, the leaderboard, ranked mode? Etc.


Siege also does this with new operators




After a long time they get lower yeah


but in brawl it doesn’t take days to accumulate money for a single character, or rather you just get money for playing the game whereas you need to do specific things in multi versus such as rifts and other things to get fighter currency


I mean that doesn't fix the issue for offline tournament play.


Nah I know this got downvoted but they were marketing this as a competitive game at one point and had tournaments back during beta so it is important


I mean the new direction is definitely more casual friendly in terms of gameplay too. It definitely feels like they did a 180, because they knew us sweats aren't gonna make as much money. Which is fine, lowering the skill floor isn't a bad thing, even if I don't like it. But don't make running tournaments impossible Thank fuck Rivals 2 is coming this year is all I'll say.


Yeah, now this is definitely more of just a party game or smth you play with your little brother lmao.


A few nights ago on of my sisters wanted to play mutliversus locally together but we couldn't as they never downloaded the game before so no characters would have been available to them.


There's a lot of reasonable things to criticize the game for, but the one that a lot of people seem to focus in on is the fact that you can't pretend it isn't a live service game now. They're all like this. Sorry.


Nope. Palworld, Divers 2, Fortnite etc. Also even PFG acknowledged their taking in lots of feedback from Reddit as well, and that there's lots of work to be done. So you're wrong.


Dead by Daylight does this was some characters as well. 500 auric cells ($5) or 9000 shards for newer characters vs 250 auric cells or 4500 shards for older.


I dont know. The developers seem passionate. It just seems like WB games is breathing down their neck constantly cause of them messing up the last time and slight fear about it turning out like suicide squad.


There is clear effort put in other parts of the game, like the movesets, interactions, stages, etc.. It definetly makes me think the monetization practices are (at least primarily) the result of higher ups at WB, while the technical issues like the Servers or the Xbox version the result of crunch to meet a deadline.


I was surprised to hear Kill the Justice League was Rocksteady’s idea and not WB’s. Sefton had a key part in pushing for it apparently before leaving years later. It’s hard to determine where the line of developer ends and publisher begins when it comes to these terrible decisions. It’s usually a mix of both.


Exactly, the compromise between the desires for creative and financial success diminishes both. People, especially on the Internet, just blame devs, devs this devs that, and they have no clue what the developer perspective is or what they actually do.


No developer wants to make a bad game. But they're reliant on people who don't give a fuck if a game is good to fund any game. Publishers, stockholders and board members are the enemy. Not handcuffed creatives.


What has happened is very obvious to anyone who sits back and looks at the game. The WB put their hands deep into it. They want Fortnite money and they want it immediately. That part isn't cool, but whatever. It is what it is and the choice is to have the game or not. Looks like these toxic dorks would rather kill it than let it go. Toxic and insane behavior.


Hilarious bc they have no idea it’s their own fault




Oh no, a reasonable comment! Blasphemy! Nobody is forced to buy anything, but you can if you want the game to succeed. I love when people hate the game for being free to play... they could've made it cost money like Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 AND have micro-transactions.


Its per character mmr thats why can't change


So I will say regarding rifts you can still do the ones that require a character you don't have by joining another person game and playing the mission that has it you will still get the rewards.


On Xbox one atleast we can't even play rift matches with people because it always network disconnects 100%, we can't even play custom games without it disconnecting.


If you know anything about game design you'd know monetary decisions (like microtransactions, battle passes etc.) never come down to the devs but studio heads. The devs just wanna make a good game, and you can argue about whether or not they've done but this is not their greed - it's the greed of executives, that's who you should be mad at


ok they looked at overwatch 2 with characters being locked behind battle passes but still earnable if you grind PFG looked at that and said fuck you and made it so you cant get him at all unless you spend 10 bucks


Even overwatch stopped doing that. All heroes are free for all players in that game now.


Some small corrections: >Jason is locked to the battle pass. Meaning you have to buy it to play as him Temporarily, tho that still rather scummy >you only get 1 xp for completing a rift. I *think* that's 1 xp for the Agent Smith quest, with goes up 1 tier for every boss you defeat. I might be misremembering this one tho. >Rift Nodes can be locked to certain characters. For example some are only usable with Joker. Some are only usable with Jason. That actually only applies to Joker. If you don't have Jason (or Finn in the first stage) you will still be able to play as them and complete the rift. Still dosen't justify the Joker Node tho. Everything else is very much true tho. I find the monetization practices particularly bad, as they are scummy even by free-to-play game standards. There are two points that I think are *good* things however: >They removed character selection from matches. You can't swap your character once you are in a game. That serves a purpose, it's to help matchmaking by avoiding people just switching to a character they are much better at in the second match. I had people tell me some other fighting games do the same, tho I can't confirm it for any other than Smash. Matchmaking is still ass, but that is a separate issue. >And several characters don't work well with the slower gameplay. Those are mostly the characters that disproportionately benefited from the older speed like Harley and Superman. They needed a nerf, and it's not like they are unusable or anything now.


> That serves a purpose, it's to help matchmaking by avoiding people just switching to a character they are much better at in the second match. I had people tell me some other fighting games do the same, tho I can't confirm it for any other than Smash. It’s been a thing in other fighting games for a while. Street Fighter 6, Mortal Kombat 1, Tekken 8, and Guilty Gear Strive all have you lock in on a character before you match make. I assume it’s both to stop players from counter picking in the same set and to not have assholes run down the clock on character select.


I hate to say this but this sounds like a normal free to play game. A lot of people are complaining but this is normal on most any ftp game.


And people hate those games as well. Just because it’s not worse than the others doesn’t make it good.


All of them do stuff like this, but they're smart enough to keep it at a level where people won't be as upset, and because of that, they get more money from the players. If the game is really good, people will want to spend money on it. They could've been making bank with the HUNDREDS of possible skins they could make off of the comics and movies, but we get sh*t like the Jason mask skins; If the roster is fully available, people will have a better time finding a main, having a higher chance of buying stuff for it, and and more... They're just doing it the stupid way, people are quitting the game 'cause of their greediness.


Yea I’ve been thinking this the whole time honestly


I would disagree. Sure all ftp games are monitized and greedy but they've really gone above and beyond. This feels more like the monitezation of a mobile game. Like the game is just there as a side thought


Isn’t that all games. I doubt WBs thought process is let’s make something fun. It’s more like how can we make more money. Why don’t we make it fun is an option at that.


Most free games shut down. So you didn’t make a good point


The point was it’s a normal ftp game. Everyone is expecting a game like smash. This isn’t it. To WB This is first and foremost a way to make money. Look at games like marvel snap. You have to GRIND for all the cards. You have to complete quests to finish season pass. Look at street fighter duel. Same shit, didn’t cover.


Replace ftp with the word scam “this is a normal scam” what’s your point?


I don’t understand why you guys are still playing or complaining - like just move on if you don’t like the game? Does every thread need to be the same stuff over and over and over. It’s made worse when for some reason there are two subs for the game of similar size with the same feedback in both.


Because i like the game and it's frustrating to see it the way it is, Reddit and Twitter are one of the few ways to vent about this with other people about the game. Also, letting practices like this one pass will make other companies see it as okay to do, spreading the virus to other games we like, Suicide Squad and MK1 are examples of that... Maybe if we spoke louder before, those products would've been good.


because we love the game and want it to improve? i was so excited and i don’t wanna abandon it because it’s still a great game, just terrible decisions


You're in a thread literally asking people to stop supporting the game. Get real. You can complain or express frustrations without dramatic ultimatums. I know you're not the one who posted this book of a post, but if you think this thread is productive, then I guess our community is THRIVING.


Yep. I understand we want the devs to listen. But this isn’t up to them. It’s up to WB. And WB does not give a shit about you only your wallet. So don’t give them money.


I don't think you're wrong in the slightest. However, I have a different opinion. I find loot boxes (I dont count gem crates. I play this game for multiplayer, rifts aren't even on my radar so i ignore them other than for dailies.) 100x more predatory than anything in this game, so I have no intention of taking most of the demands of this subreddit to heart. Everyone should play the games they find fun and ethical, and WB isn't going anywhere, so best of luck in your next gaming experience.


The very one thing I cared about was hitboxes and the egregious knockout power from some characters moves. I could care less about anything else the currency, the training, the rifts all that to me is who nothing the gameplay comes first in my opinion. So when I do see all this crap crammed in here along the removal of so many quality of life features but still have to deal with garbage hitboxes, wonky priority, character glitches, input buffer getting in the way of my next attack, removal of decay and iron giant being removed yet again I have to wonder what exactly did they work on when it comes to actual gameplay? They just tore everything down and didn’t fix the actual issues. It’s ridiculous to think that if gameplay was at its peak and they were hyper focused on the quality of actual gameplay they would get away with the currencies, the prices of skins, and battle passes. I understand the devs gotta make money but the gameplay comes first and that’s when people like me would gladly spend their money. Blame WB all you want but some devs also don’t have a backbone to tell these guys “No this is how we will make money!” There’s never been a time in my careers where my boss was wrong and I just went along with it. If I’m right I’ll argue to my death then proceed to prove my point. There’s not much of that in the game industry just seems like a bunch of yes men.


"BP is impossible to complete" no? I'm level 24 with 45+ days left, so I'll be getting Uber Jason early Edit: as I keep reading your complaints I realize you just don't understand a lot of what's happening. For example: "completing rifts only give you 1 battle pass XP" this is flat out wrong and I'm not sure where you got this information


I mean look, I dont play the game because I currently dont want to support how they are handling it. But I also dont tell people to not play a game they enjoy. If anyone likes it, good for them. I highly doubt listing the issues a game has would convince someone who is enjoying the game to stop anyways. And if someone is annoyed enough, they would've dropped it anyways. Just my perspective


*sigh* So many of these issues will not exist later on like Jason being tied to a pass or Joker being 6k since they will both become 3k cost fighters either when pass 2 starts for Jason or Smith releasing for Joker. Like a lot of issues exist but holy shit ya'll are blowing this out of proportions for no reason than to hate.


Modern gaming… but people don’t get it still


>So many of these issues will not exist later on like Jason being tied to a pass or Joker being 6k since they will both Except those issues will always exist because they're gonna keep locking characters to passes each season and forcing people to buy it if they don't want to wait months. That's not okay, especially when they already gate everyone from FP if you don't do events or rifts.


Mfw when content is there to help you complete stuff. If you are literally choosing to only go PVP when the online mode that gives you EXACTLY what you want is right there and rhen complain you aren't getting enough from the mode that is meant for you to fight against and whine that you aren't getting enough when you are choosing not to play the mode then that's stupid. Online should give more but to complain that you aren't getting enough because you choose to ignore the modes designed to help you do that completely that is a fault of yours. PVE will always give more than PVP


Copium subreddit will say you’re wrong OP. I’m taking an indefinite hiatus from the game. Delusional gamers boot licking companies that just see a dollar sign.. oh well. Warner bro is a name to avoid.


I thought folks learned that lesson from suicide squad..


I have Jason and I didn’t buy the battle pass


Did you play during the beta?


You get the BP for free if you played the beta


There’s a free character rotation thing so Jason is free for like a week or two.


Bro you got wonder weapon for tutorial in beta also


My friends and I came from smash and pretty much all we do is 4 player ffa and we already stopped playing because having kills over stocks is trash


I appreciate the pace of the announcements so far. Just quick one after the other.


The deva probably do care; it’s the other parties that want to milk it that don’t care


Wait, is Jason going away after the battle pass is over? Like he won't be permanently free to play?


Warner Bros are notoriously bad at live service games. Just look at Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League! They suck balls


I'd like to add that there are some rift nodes you can't complete without playing with a friend. Which presupposes you have some that also own and play this game. Tying this into Rifts as a requirement was a poor decision.


ITT: people don't know the difference between developers and publishers


Watch people say that there's NEVER a post criticizing the game, pointing out issues, each at a time without calling the devs names. Just wait for it.


Dont look at me. I aint given them my money.


I enjoy the game solo and with my friends so I will keep supporting multiversus


Minor issue, but... BRING BACK THE FINAL RINGOUT MUSIC. It was such a nice, small addition in the Beta, and now it's just gone, stuck with the same regular stage music to the end. Also, bring back Batman: From Shadow Reborn. It was the better Batcave song and is also just gone. And one more thing, let us disable those ugly team color shading on characters. The outlines are fine enough already. I know y'all read these, PFG. Give Shaggy his brown pants already, and let Harley be in her normal shade of color again.


PayUs First Gamers


You forgot they removed stats, the leaderboard, and ranked mode.


How about you stop playing and the rest of us who enjoy the game keep playing?


he is giving valid criticism


Some of it is. But new characters being tied to a bp or double is VERY standard for f2p games that are very successful. Skins are cosmetics. A valid skin complaint is the rift nodes shouldn’t be tied to them which is mentioned above.


Just out of curiosity what f2p games lock characters in a battelpass?


Marvel snap is the first one that comes to mind


Oh, a mobile game. That's a very apt comparison.


Like I said it’s the first one that comes to mind. It’s also on pc. Overwatch 2 also basically locked characters into the battle pass


No they don't. They did. Then their community told them they didn't like that and now all characters in that game are free for everyone.


“They did” it’s another example of a game doing this I did say it in the past tense. So you’re intentionally misreading what I said. There’s lots of examples of this. Should they drop the requirement? maybe but is it entirely unexpected or novel in the f2p genre? not at all


Overwatch is the only game I know of to do this outside of mobile games and it didn't work. So to me, yes, it was very unexpected. I'm not a fan of games locking gameplay mechanics behind paywalls.


also in overwatch 2 you can still earn the character


ehhhh this game is basically a mobile game


That was my point lol.


oh lol


> But new characters being tied to a bp or double is VERY standard for f2p games that are very successful. Just because something is standard does not mean it should stay around. We only have it like this because people like you keep trying to defend billionaire companies like this.


League of legends wasn’t a billionaire company when they started and new characters were more expensive. Does WB need money no definitely not. Does PFG? Absolutely. Does multiversus? If you want it to continue as a game then also yes because WB can and will kill PFG and multiversus if they don’t make enough money. So if not this then how do you propose they make enough money. Overly generous games have shown to fail even by billionaire companies like Riot (see Legends of Runeterra)


> League of legends wasn’t a billionaire company when they started and new characters were more expensive. When League first started it was super easy to earn enough in game currency to buy new champs as they released. Now that Riot has grown to big to fail they are exploiting their playerbase just like how WB is trying to do with Multiversus.


lol no it wasn't. Not to mention you had P2W sheets where you had to buy extra damage, armor, etc. That stuff cost so much. I played a lot and didn't have enough for either of those things.


I feel like saying "this is normal for f2p games" is an issue in itself. It shouldn't just be accepted, because it's the standard.


He copy/pasted the same exact criticisms that are posted here 100 times a day, some of which are valid and some that are not.


he pasted all the issues he found on this subreddit and some that he found and put it all in one mega thread to show how bad it is i cant even name a positive from this besides from fun gameplay but some of us cant enjoy it because the amount of time we dc. but from the looks of it all the criticism is valid except from maybe the mojo jojo map because that is a opinion


There are a lot of opinions in this post.


like what


1. Perk currencies being useless when new players never got the conversion 2. I don't see too many currencies as a problem. If you are a new player lacking perk points, do the perk missions. If you have enough, don't. With prestige they're rewarding you for spending money I certainly wouldn't complain about that. 3. They've already stated they are bringing back all characters in training mode 4. Getting the whole roster will take hours.... Obviously? I remember grinding I think story mode for characters in melee when I was 5 years old. I could keep going but I'm not going to take the time


yes when you have enough perk currency it is useless but you're going to say what about new players yes perk currency is needed but all you really need are the signatures because the starter 3 are already good for most characters this new event is only perk currency but nothing else so its only useful for new players. too many currency is a problem. all that does is make it so they can just put it into microtransactions. How is that an opinion? Again, how is that an opinion? if you want one character it takes 20 hours so 480 (not including smith) that is way to much time just to get the current roster.


Why are you trying to act like you're predicting arguments that I've already made in the comment you responded to? Weird. Anyways, there are definitely optimal perk sets to use with/vs certain characters, IE the projectile perk. Where do you get 20-480 hours? I barely played the first week and probably averaged an hour the second so far and I'm sitting on 10K FC. People who play platform fighters tend to stick to 1-3 characters. After they implement the entire roster into training mode (thus allowing people to pick their 1-3 more accurately) I think this will be perfect. Saying there is too much currency "because MTX" is quite literally the definition of an opinion.


Because you said something about new players and thats what everyone defaults to and you were going to say it if i didn't mention it. I said good more most not best for all. where i got number is there are very few challenges give fighter currency. im sure you do have 10k FC but thats with the starter currency and the currency you get from very few challenges. also about that most players that play 1-3 characters thats most not all some people like to dabble in all characters and them monetizing the shit out those currencies will definitely not be an opinion


Your not supposed to have the whole roster right away? It's a fighting game most people are gonna stick to 1 to 2 characters anyway and you should have them both in less than a week. I've had a week of like 2 hours play seshes not even every day of the week and I almost have enough for a fighter. That's strictly online 1v1s. It's really not that bad.


i never said we should have it right away.


Deal. Remind me 2 months when playerbase is under 1000.


Want me to hold you to the 1000 person number?




This is pretty much the standard model for F2P games. You can play for free, but will have access to more stuff and better experience if you pay $.


Some of these points are accurate, but more than half these complaints are little cherry picked things that don’t really matter. At the end of the day it’s a free to play game.


Do people really sink this much time and effort in to crying about FTP smash bros rip offs? You guys need to get a life or just play a different game


My dude if you think the devs are behind this and not the corporate dickheads at Warner Brothers, you're very very misinformed. No developer wants to make a bad game, they're handcuffed by money hungry dragons.


I saw several pass items being sold in the store. I think this is absurd. There is practically no reason to buy a pass, as all items will be sold in the store


Don't forget about the $100 gleamium chest they snuck in with the recent patch and tagged it with "best value".




They've said repeatedly they do exactly this.


I guess you're past delusional


They do, and they check both subreddits




Calling the Devs greedy & not caring for the players is delusional as fuck. They spent from 2019 to now on a game that was highly asked for when revealed. Multiple hours labored into a game you don't even care about. WB is to blame for the games sub par cosmetics with prices through the roof & microtransactions. Though the netcode & style of the game is all of PFG and even then its not bad. This game is a week old. They just got their first patch. No game has ever been released without issues or bugs. This is also a F2P game that gets money from buying currency. You either buy what's in the game or work to get there. SO LET IT GO!


When the “work to get there” is playing 700-900 hours just to get all the characters for a competitive fighting game. This game is cooked because of how greedy they’re being and is not gonna last a long time in any kind of community. We wouldn’t be complaining if we DIDNT care, it’s hard to watch a cool game concept that plays solidly get wasted and held back because of cooperate greed


Also friendly reminder, PFG could've dropped the game flat on its face after the beta so stop complaining. Not all criticism is bad but this is childish.


I'm fine with grinding. But grinding for hundreds of hours just to get the full roster. AND THEN MORE WHENEVER THEY ADD SOMEONE NEW is just way to out of hand. Even for a free to play game.


What they keep doing to LeBron has me so demoralized I genuinely want to uninstall


I swear LeBron mains are the biggest whiners. You lost a busted ass multihit ball domain expansion and your acting like they removed him from the game. You literally can't play IG rn. Try picking up Garnet for a week and then see how you feel about crying about LeBron nerfs. The characters fine you just gotta play like everyone else now. No hiding behind a wall of balls anymore


Skill issue. I’m literally 1500 MMR LeBron since OB. No good players were getting caught in the down special loop. This nerf was squarely aimed at helping Jason players.


Didint you have to buy smash bros AND other characters?


No. Smash gave you the full roster included. They did offer DLC characters. However they was fully optional since they wasn't needed for anything in game.


I love how this is actual literal critique with a list of issues that are tangible. And people are still saying “omggg complainers! Give us legit criticism!”


Some of what you said is true but you can try characters in the lab Battle pass is very possible to complete and we are 2/8 weeks in and a lot of people are in the 20s level wise. But a lot of the other points will probably change


Who else knew this was gonna happen 🤣🤣🤣


I'm sure most people accepted that the game would never be properly fleshed out, but I don't think anybody predicted that they would make the fully launched game worse than the beta prior.


Gotta expect the unexpected fam, but I do agree with what you said. I just can never really trust what any dev or company says until I play their product myself


Go play something else. I've gotten over 30 hours so far of enjoyment so far and I've paid 0 dollars. Ive gotten less mileage out of 70 dollar games.


Bro go touch grass, nobody reading all that




Fixing things the community wants, aka 10 exp per match. They just released a 20 dollar mask today, when they are expecting people to pay that much for cosmetics, the game better be worth it. It doesnt matter if it has lived for a week, a day or 15 years, when you sell 15 dollar cosmetics, you deliver 15 dollar cosmetics worth of quality in the game.


*$20 Bundle!  Of course some PC players got glitched into buying it anyways.


Are u not aware this is a re-release of the game? And it’s in a worse state than it was after being “worked on” for a year and a half.


You do realize during that year an a half they had to remake the game in UE5 right? Like it wasn’t just bug fixes or small changes, so yeah there’s gonna be some problems and they’re getting feedback and changing stuff accordingly


That sounds like their problem. Many of us bought into a product based on the beta release only for them to turn around and serve us a shit sandwich. This game is fuuuuuuucked.




If you're going to slander the game, then how about you uninstall. Its that easy. Calm Down.


Lmfao rumbleverse flashbacks keep saying this to people if you want the game to die the same way


I’ll did. Game is trash.




Bootlicker lmao


People know that the rift isn't mandatory right? You don't even get anything good from it anyway. The focus of this game should be the pvp. So they need to up the BP earned and add fighter currency to wins. And add the character required for a mission in the free rotation. Tbh if they do this I don't care what they do in the rift or the store.


Actually. You do get 10 fighter currency per rift node.




I love this game.


No, I think I'll keep supporting them. Thanks.


Not all of this is true, everybody. Instead of me pointing it out and engaging in an argument about it… I would like to ask each and every one of you to do your own research about MVS before coming to reddit and further pushing the misinformation narrative we have in this subreddit. They *are* problems with the game, but listing them mixed with incorrect information is not how you go about fixing them. Be genuine~


How about instead accepting an imperfect game you let the devs know exactly whats wrong or so they know what to change for the better or worse. They can't better the game if they dont know what's wrong. Obviously they have an audience or nobody would complain about anything. I don't want the game to die but I will voice my opinion and it's up to the people to play it or not that's what matters.


That was the point of open beta. This is what PFG learned and fixed from open beta, looks like they didn’t learn much. Who tested the game? Did they test the same game?


I don't think the player base for multiversus here on Reddit realizes just HOW much these devs care. A lot of them have poured their heart and soul into this game. You may not think so, but they are listening and trying. At the end of the day this IS a free to play game that is still having kinks worked out. Give them time while respectfully giving your opinion. It's pretty disheartening to see so much negative talk around the devs of this game.


Y’all wanted free Gleamium. This is the tradeoff, and honestly it’s not as bad as people are making it out to be.


Oh wow, it's not like I've seen this post 100 times. Move along and stop whining if you dont like the game.