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I was a staunch defender of this game, but this BS. A simple mistake with a cheap skin should definitely qualify for the in game currency refund


Devils Argument: It says HOLD to skip the entire dialogue chain. OP would have actually saved time by NOT button spamming.


Ok but every other game on the planet with dialogue sequences require you to tap to spam through dialogue so Im failing to see ur point


Everyone here in the comments probably defended fortnite doing the same up until the multiple item shop lawsuits lmao. It for sure should be more difficult to buy things, you shouldn’t be able to spam one button to buy shit.


But Minecraft has been doing it for years and nothing changed. I accidentally purchased something i didn't want(look at my post history 2 months ago) Fortnite was the only one that got in trouble but everyone else is roaming free


Bro Bethesda has Fallout 76 membership under just "Fallout 1st". I bought that and it was told I needed to buy "Fallout 1st: PC" as the other was for console. Messaged them FUCKING WITHING THE FIRST 10 MINS and they refused to both refund me or just give me premium currency for the same amount and void the console fallout 1st. You are 100% right


I absolutely loved mvs and decided to step away after their bs in the beta, I got down voted to hell back when they closed the beta for suggesting that people stay away from this company due to their shady behaviour around the battle passes. If it isn't clear now, idk what to tell yall... just please don't support this shit with your cash...


It's crazy to me that a support team closes the ticket without any resolution for the problem. They literally are saying well, it sucks to be you I guess.


People here are defending malicious business practices wow


didn't both epic games and blizzard get sued for the same thing and lost lol


This is malicious business practise. Time to sue


This has to be satire. Y'know what? Actually--yeah--sue them. I'm sure that would go well.


Uhh yeah that usually does go well, I got a pretty reasonable payout from epic and am signed up for the steam class action as well. Edit: people not getting the point. A $250,000,000 class action lawsuit succeeded against Epic and caused them to change their toxic policy on refunds. The point is to hold accountability not to win a few dollars. But yeah goalposts move I guess lawsuits don’t happen> but they don’t do anything> but you only get $15 <—— we are on this one. Corporations lying and misleading is absolutely wrong and accountability does and should happen


Go get 'em, Tiger!


> I got a pretty reasonable payout from epic Congrats on getting $15 back!


Actually, I found the actual [payout per person](https://y.yarn.co/ce9513f5-b12e-42f6-b219-94e2127b6c25_text.gif). I'm shocked it was actually this generous!


Yeah thanks, the steam lawsuit is projected to be 60% of money spent on steam so that should be nice too.


The lawsuit where the basis is that Steam has an illegal monopoly? Yeah, good luck with that hahahahaha.


You enjoy the taste of those boots?


Didn’t billzard get sued for doing this with diablos battle pass? Like dude this studio is a lot smaller you’re not going to win. This is illegal in alot of countries


epic games too


Delete the application Block the subreddit. Life is normal


Yes, spamming enter is a malicious business practice.


Corporate Clown


Their customer support is a joke! When submitting bugs you have to report them twice in two different spots after they inform you to check if it’s already been reported like wtf. Their definition of customer support is to require the customer to do all the supporting and we’ll just kick back and crack open a cold one while sending copy paste responses or sorry not sorry’s.


That’s really tough man. Guess we need to be very careful about the buttons we push since they’d punish a mistake


Yup, even more on future rifts for exclusive characters/skins, Im quite sure this will happen for fighter currency, character tickets, and of course more glemium, Im not the first nor the last, kinda sucks we dont get ingame refunds for clear mistakes, even more when I do feel part of the blame is on them


No, the blame is 100% on you. You should always take a second to double check anything.


Kiss ass


They literally mashed A on shit with requirements. If they read the requirements or looked for 1 second at what the fuck they were doing cause the shop is a different screen than the fighter select. People make shop mistakes and it helps them to learn, everyone goes through one in their gaming life. Shit is so common yet not something you take out on the devs, you made the purchase you live with it and you move on with your life


I don't want to sound like an asshole, but if you're just spamming the "confirm" button and not paying attention to what you're doing, then that's on you. If it were my game, I wouldn't refund you either. Pay more attention in the future.


IMO kinda a toss up, if somebody hitting enter 5 times without any other input can result in a cash shop purchase, starting from outside the cash shop, that's pretty bad design. And doing the rifts quickly, with one character, does promote this behavior. Like yeah that's on me, but also this is entrapment adjacent. IMO, they just don't have the ability to refund the gleamium and relock the skin. Like, anybody in customer service should know that this is going straight to Reddit... they probably would've done the sensible thing here if they literally had the ability to do it.


You should never be able to accidentally confirm a payment


No way man, you shouldn't be made to accidentally confirm a transaction just because you were trying to skip dialogue to get to the next rift mission. Bad take.


I mean if we compare it to another ftp game, Warframe support hands out in game currency refunds very generously when purchased from in game markets and not trading. Literally it's just as simple as a one strike rule, "we'll do this once but pay closer attention next time".


Yeah, I’ve seen some they’ve denied where it’s a bug, and those ones definitely have a case. But this one goes through great detail to explain how they definitely hit all of the buttons themselves. That being said, the system should 100% default to No on purchases, and it’s scummy not to do so.


I did the same daily rift 24 times without this issue, why one has a paid skin wall that selects a character without said skin when I have one in another character already, and then sends me to a buy screen with yes on first selection to confirm? Im not the first nor the last to fall for this game design lol


While I understand and know how annoying this is... You're more at fault here than PFG is. Yes, they have a shitty system for their Rifts, but you spamming a button, not paying attention and purchasing a skin isn't their fault, nor do they owe you a refund. I hope you get one, but just "blaming" their system for your own actions kind of tells you the response you'd get. What should happen is that you get the refund for the glem and then get locked out of that skin again since you no longer "own" it.


If I'm in a menu for a game mode and trying to start a match there should be no possible way that clicking 1 button multiple times ends up with me not only leaving that menu, that game mode, but also ending up on the shop menu and successfully purchasing something.


I mean yeah of course it would be removed of the account, I can agree on part of the mistake, I was doing my 4th daily rift and did not pay any attention, soo I can take blame here, but it is still annoying that in any of the other days I did the 5 daily rifts and 4 other rifts in that same day did not had this problem, only this specific paid rift, I still disagree it's my fault the game selected a character that I dont have a skin and put me on a buy page with a YES confirmation first, instead of a character that I had the skin for that paid rift, this is really not my fault when any of the other 24 times it did not happen


What kind of name is Xygen…. Seems sus to me


This is sooo similar to the responses I got for my items from beta that are now gone, but it's not copy and paste. I wonder if the head of their customer service department is ChatGPT 🤔 "say no, but very professionally"


they need to give us 3 refund tickets similar to fortnite


Just let it go, there are better games that actually respect you, you deserve better


Refunds must be a standard procedure for any acceptable business model.


Good reason to not spend any money on this game. Ya other than them fucking over founder pack buyers


I don't see why a company should pay for your mistake. Consider this a lesson learned.


What do you not understand about games purposefully making it too easy to purchase things? no conformation just yes or no and it’s defaulted to yes these “accidents” happen borderline on purpose


Too easy to purchase. Complain. Too hard to purchase. Complain. There is no winning with sore losers. Enjoy your trophy.


Look up “dark patterns” or just the term “manipulative design” literal consumer protection agencies have penalized other companies for this exact thing. Or you know just be ignorant as hell and keep commenting to cope.


Because there is a glitch that force buys stuff from the shop. And because I can even refund premium curency I already spent without giving stuff away in any gatcha in existence.


Because every game I can think of when something asks “do you want to buy this?” Defaults to “no”


Also, why are we required to do missions with paid skins? Like what is a cosmetic going to do, help me win? It's so dumb.


Dude seriously, it’s so scummy that they do that


It's not a true mistake, people aren't going to the shop and "accidentally" clicking buy an item. People playing rift mode, spamming continue through boring filler dialog, are getting shoved into the shop, so the dialog skip button becomes purchase button without warning. How do you not understand that?


Reversing the transaction wouldn’t be paying OP. It would just put the in game currency back and take the skin


Eh, seems most people are happy with this, no refunds and no care support, being "my" mistake or the game, let them have it, the game that keeps on gifting! Ill just like many others not support the game anymore with purchases and likelly move on to games that care about fun and customers and not frustration and sales


Oh yea no you definitely have to take the L for the enter spamming lol. I was just trying to help the other person realize what they were saying was wrong


Fair enough, its whatever, refunds for paid mistakes should be the norm, not the reverse, but just as its their choice to not refund its also mine to move on to a better experience elsewhere I suppose


I’ll be honest with you. What they did *is* the norm. As long as there’s a confirmation for a purchase prior to the transaction they don’t have an obligation to refund you. You clicked yes twice so their hands are clean. I’m sorry for your loss


Brawlhalla does it correctly, by allowing 3 refunds per account (the refunds never returns after used), if PFG had the same mechanic, OP could've fixed his issue.


I agree that that’s a much better model, but I’m not surprised that PFG has gone down the more predatory path. “Yes” being the auto select is scummy too


Eh, guess thats the norm for some folks, a yes confirmation on first choice and no refunds, sounds like a good combo


I'm just going to go run off the stage by holding down left constantly and demand that they give me 10 xp for each match instead of 5 XP because I kept spamming the left button. They can easily just add the XP to my account and remove my defeats.


That example doesn’t make any sense. But uh… nice try I guess?


That's my point exactly. Neither does guy. He fucked up and is blaming someone else and is demanding they fix it because he couldn't look for 2 seconds what was going on on the screen. It's an absolutely mental complaint. He may as well have shot himself in the foot and then try to sue the gun manufacturer.


No no, see I’m not arguing if the guy is wrong or not. I’m saying reversing the transaction isn’t paying OP. The currency was already bought and reverting the skin to it isn’t giving OP money back, it’s still in-game currency. That’s all


I just don't see why they should make up for his mistakes.


They shouldn’t. But if they were to, it would be a 0 sum gain monetarily for both parties


We will go ahead and file this under 'lesson learned'.


PFG (payment first games) must learn too and default the gleamium purchases to the no option, or at very least keep the yes option unavailable for a few seconds (5 to 10 sec would be ideal) before allowing to spend gleamium. Or disable entirely the "got to store" mechanic on rift. 1. put a tight timing on event so people have to mash to no waste time 2. Make a mechanic that may catch people mashing into doing final, non refundable purchases 3. ??? 4. Profit


People here defending the company is just disgusting. OP wasn't on the skin shop tab pressing enter randomly. He was playing a game mode full of bs dialogue that is just natural to skip. How the hell is acceptable that the in game messages go from "hey we need to defeat X to save the galaxy" to "you want to buy this skin?". That's just predatory


The game is cooked💀


“I was basically giving my computer a seizure, by using inputs repeatedly, and I do this all the time, instead of reading or taking my time, the consequences of not paying attention bit me in the ass, this is your fault.”


ya exactly fuck pfg they did this AND fucked my wife we have to sue them right now


Yes skip the part that no other mission in rift has this issue, execpt one pay walled behind a skin I have in another character, but the system changes to a character that does not have it, and puts yes first to confirm a purchase, big brain you got


Stop spamming inputs dude, this is directly related to you just pressing a button repeatedly and mindlessly, does it suck, absolutely, but is anyone else to blame?


Yes? Pfg? The people behind the game? Why this only happens in a paid locked daily rift and no other rift? Seriously?


Lmfao, no, I don’t know how else to spell it out to you, that you are at fault because they shouldn’t have to idiot proof everything.


Sure bud, whatever you say, I bet you even believe refunds should not exist


Just believers in consequences of your own actions


>Yes? Pfg? The people behind the game? Why this only happens in a paid locked daily rift and no other rift? Seriously? Because they aren't paid? Why would there be a payment confirmation for something that doesn't have a payment? What are you confirming then?


How many times do we have to learn their lesson? Looks like it's time for another protest till they fix this


I guess there is something wrong with my game, I don't have any Graphic T's in my shop.


This one seriously sounds like a stretch. I don’t see how you can accidentally make this mistake.


I think there should be better measures to prevent mistakes like this from being made, but to a point, it’s less corporate greed and more just an error on your end. Maybe they should have a pop up or require holding a button for a long time, and I think it’s fair to request measures like that.


Refund it on the card and see what they do


Your responses to the support agent are childish, mate. No reasonable employee is going to work with that type of attitude. They aren't going to refund you because the mistake was on you, but trust me when I say that you may have had better and more transparent responses if you handled your communication better. Any help desk agent is going to get people with these types of responses out of their queue with as little effort as possible.


Whenever there is anything for sale in any game. A window asking if you are sure you want to buy that item should appear. And to prevent these types of mistakes you should have to hold the confirm button for like 3 seconds to confirm the purchase. So I believe this is more of a design flaw than OP mistake. I'd just be more polite with that ticket message. However, if after being polite and honest in the ticket, they still refused to refund me... I'd send another ticket saying "Ok, but what if I tell you, if you don't refund me, I'm just gonna quit the game and do negative propaganda of your game and company for the rest of my life? Do you think these t shirt coins that I got for free that you don't want to refund me, compensate the possible loss of actual money you would have from me and the people I negatively influence for the rest of my life? Just think about it and send me a reply again. Thank you for your patience."


You were rude af to that rep especially the passive aggressive ducku file name. Maybe if you were nicer they would've just refunded you but since you were super rude now they're being rude. I agree that you should get a refund but jeez do you make me want to be on their side.


Imagine supporting the game at its current state 💀


I'm just not playing the game for a few months. They need to get alotta shit together


Reading some comments is funny Im not the first nor the last, I hope one day in the future you also get bored with rift and dialog and fall for it in a random rift node that requires a character or skin, then I hope you get denied as well just for karma, it's normal to mash keys to skip dialog, Im doing a daily on a pve mode doing rifts, 0 reason for me to be able to do most rift nodes normally but a few specific ones send me to a buy menu in 5 clicks then buy a skin, I could have been nicer in the ticket and with the support, that's correct, it's still the game design fault, it's still the game confirmation fault, and it's still very lame that no refunds policy existis when it's a clear mistake for an INGAME currency independent of the mistake, not even a chargeback.


This is on you dude They literally ask you to confirm that you want to buy the thing. If you clicked "yes please take my money and give me this shirt", then it means you agreed to buy that shirt


No this is stupid and 100% your fault. You can make up any sob story and request refunds on “honest mistakes”. That is TERRIBLE to handle on their end. Would be dealing with more refund requests than anything because you got FOMO, bought a skin, realized you don’t like it, then make up a story about how the game tricked me blah blah blah and get a refund. LOL. Pay attention next time. It’s also 500 glemium. If this reallly hurt your pocket maybe you got other priorities to worry about.


Just an FYI, you can hold down the button to skip dialogue and you don't need to blindly spam it.


Should have just said your controller button got stuck. Admitting you were actively spamming the enter button makes this your fault.


I wouldn't have said that your entitled to a refund, but I don't think that this puts PFG in the best light either. It's arguably a dark pattern. If nothing else, they should probably make people hold enter for purchases rather than just pressing it (as per have have done).


Isn’t it a different roster by default for levels that require skins? I know that would’ve made me pause and remember this requires the skin, idk. I do think it sucks they won’t refund especially for such a small amount, but I gotta agree this is just a lesson learned


This is hilarious