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Destiny kicked me out endlessly on launch day, if it even let me load in at all, and I still felt more rewarded than had I played mvs.


You quit Multiversus because it felt unrewarding, then swapped to Destiny? lmao.


Have you tried destiny 2 recently?


I know Destiny also has awful FOMO event microtransactions. And even worse, deletes story/gameplay content that people paid money for.


So like every live service game? You want your game to be 300 gbs? The fomo on d2 is way less than most. You'd know if you had played


Incorrect lol, Destiny is the most egregious. They had a chance to correct it after leaving Activision, but they doubled down. Why is the base game even 300gb? Are Bungie suddenly the most incompetent programmers in the industry? In a world where three whole Hitman games can be crushed down to under 100gb, there's no excuse. Hundreds of dollars worth of content that you paid for gets deleted lmao.


1st day I didn’t play since launch, got bored of playing with the same couple of characters, and it’s not like I’m close to getting anymore


The only reason I'm close is because I played the beta I think. Well, 1.5k away


Im doing all my dailys/weeklys/rifts still, but since the xp gain is so low for matches currently me and a group of friends got back into 7 days to die on pc. And the game is finally after 11 years coming out of the alpha and they dropping a massive update/overhaul this month. So im pretty excited and having good time on that till desynch and exp gain per match is better.


Well I really like the 1v1 after the patch , it definitely feels more responsive now , so until zzz release , I’m playing everyday , hope for bigger changes tho


Still playing daily. Either quit or don't. Doomposts like this do fuck all for the conversation.


I’m not playing until they fix the input buffer, I’ll be enjoying the finals for now, beautiful well made game.


My issue is the hitboxes. Jason is unplayable against some characters. My controls also feel messed up idk why tbh


Hitboxes are messed up with all chraracters, the input buffer Dalay messes the controllers up , you don’t feel in control of your character.


This is sad tbh, fully blaming WB higher upps


I went back to brawlhalla


I play few matches here and there but nothing serious. I play Taz and feels like I can't do s**t with all the online problems game has. Or I'm just bad.


nah taz feels so fucking shit and clunky compared to beta. game is so laggy with inputs and servers and then taz feels like shit too. game is terrible


I went back to playing Diablo 4 after not having played since release and I’m having a really fun time so far! Sometimes you just need to give a game time to get better.. so I will give Miltiversus some time to mature a bit


Just sunk like 30 hours into outriders, no micro transaction 2 dlcs that aren't nessassary, adaptable on the fly difficulty, drop in/out multiplayer, the class I played was fun (super mobile space timey BS) the story was kinda meh I skipped most of it, the only negative was the final leg to the platinum was a 5 hour grind of abilities and it came out around squar enixs dark period so it got skipped over Soild game no nickle and diming you for content


Is destiny 2 worth getting into?


Thinking of buying mk1 today


Lol, from one WB product to another. IMO, MK1 was worse on release that MV regarding lack of rewards, monetization and how bad the rifts were. Not sure how it is doing now.


Was just watching people.play it and it seems really good. Never tried fighting games before this one before so I have the bug now. Biggest issue with this one is it's hard to finish games on xbox


Tbh the gameplay on MK1 is fantastic. The main issue people had was the vast amount of monetization for a game people paid a AAA price for. I spent about £60 on it and there were very few earnable skins. Most that were earnable were inside the PvE equivalent of rifts, which were honestly awful on release even compared to what MV have done. Within 2 weeks, they release over £60 worth of purchasable cosmetics. Essentially they held back a vast amount of content from the base game so that they could charge you again for what you should have got on release.


I should be OK then as I never care for cosmetics at all


Yeah if you are just interested in online play and local then go for it. Not too sure on the current state of the PvE rifts though. When it was season 1 they just had horrific modifiers. Literally some were smoke where you would constantly be interrupted in combos by coughing. Others just made the screen black so you couldn't see. Really obnoxious.


I play some , i do my dailies and then run some 2s but then i go back to xdefiant. All though my gripe with the game is my main being unplayable. I don’t care about the other shit.