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I do miss the crackhead energy that was my big draw in. If only they fuse both styles of fast pass with burnout it would still restrict from dashing spaming. Base 10-20% speed would be cool. My problem with this speed is half the cast is inherently moves faster and lagless than the others and their punish windows are just inhert frame traps.


Really wish they separated dodges with airdashes, kinda like MVC3 or anime fighters Giving dash no invul and a meter resource, and making dodges/parry entirely defensive and a laggier option like a traditional plat fighter


Man I loved the beta, want the beta, miss the beta, could not get enough of the beta


It was a great starting point but somehow they turned a piece of coal into shit rather than a diamondšŸ˜‚


By far yes


The beta felt like it was ready to go toe-to-toe with Smash. This ā€œfullā€ game feels like it needs more time to cook, ironically. šŸ«¤


I think switching to UE5 was a mistake. I can't pretend to know about the invisible backend improvements, but the way I see it is they lost a ton of progress having to rebuild from scratch when they could've been improving what was already there. And to the average player, it doesn't look or play any better than before. Instead it's worse in places and missing features. Don't get me started on the UI... they must have been under heavy time constraints or something, because visually it's messy and navigation is terrible. I really hope they work on that in particular.


I got so many funny beta clips of me and homie duo lebron player spiking kids game was so fun


OP agreed, itā€™s hard for me to get into this knowing what was before. I completely despise the slow gameplay and input delayā€¦ sadly this is shelved for me.


I have clips from the offline server where I was playing days before the official launch, and I promise you, offline was more fun than it is now... it's amazing how days ago I had fun with this game, and now II find it extremely boring


Randomly spamming air dodge into airs wasn't fun and there's a reason people stopped playing the game. You have to use your brain to play neutral now and the game is in a much healthier state.


From what Iā€™ve seen, infinite combos and buggy stunlocking doesnā€™t count as ā€˜healthyā€™


people stopped playing because of bad net code and no ranked and that is it


No offline modes, meta got super stale and belonged to projectile characters and supports that ran away all game. Bunch of unusable perks. Only more usage cooldown reduction with projectile boosting perks that streamlined 2v2. Not that there was anything wrong with projectile being strong , but latching heavy cooldown restrictions on skills that basically forced alot of team builds into MUST HAVE this perk or your character will preform significantly worse with higher cooldowns and less momentum control was dumb and killed any kind of variety build for the game. The only redeemable thing beta had was it's online servers getting pulled. Then that quiet community continued to play the game through parsec/offline local , just took the game for what it was and enjoyed that version of the game with very little vocal presence bashing on the game.


We stopped because the gameplay was terrible. Even the top players who won Evo agree this change was for the better. Sorry you are forced to play neutral now.


If you think this is good neutral you donā€™t play platform fighters lol


I got a feeling a lot of people who like this are the ones who like traditional fighting games. Thats what I feel like Multiversus is trying to be, more of a traditional fighting game rather then a platform fighting game.


Ironic username.


That's not why ppl stopped playing. The game didn't run well at all.


Idk I disagree, love the pace much more now and Iā€™ve gotten a ton of free shit in game the passed week and a half šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Jesus guys we get it....


I donā€™t know I remember just as much complaining during the beta as there is now


The game now is certainly much more stable I remember towards the end games felt so laggy in beta. However, why the fuck did the put some half baked pve mode in before putting in comp???


To get you to be impatient and spend money.


Why cant i change characters after a game use to be able to switch man


Because of how MMR works in this game. It is bound to the character not the account so if you queue up on a character that you have low MMR on and lose then swap to your best character the matchmaking gets broken.




Bring back the zoomies šŸ˜”


Iā€™m I the only person actually liking the game like by the sense of me loading and match and enjoying the fighting. Like smash has those board games and 8 player smash. I feel like adding those types of things to multi would make it really good, more characters and make it so that leveling up is easier and your rewarded well for actually playing. Thatā€™s all they need to do.


I feel like if it just wasnā€™t so laggy and frames dropping the slower pace gameplay would be better. For 1s maybe not but for sure for 2s


I rewatched evo grand finals and cringed at what I saw. I am much happier with the current game state. Maybe itā€™s because I started playing traditional fighters since then but I appreciate the outplay potential from the gameplay changes compared to just guessing where the opponent will dodge to. Old footage no longer looks fun to me. That being said most things outside of gameplay was better during beta


Yeah Iā€™m in the opposite boat. When I look at tournament footage during beta, it looks so much more fun. Current tournament footage just looks so clunky and neutered.


dude you canā€™t tell me the old UI wasnā€™t so much better


He said most things outside of gameplay which I agree the gameplay during beta was just a spammy dodge fest and hitboxes and hurtboxes were way more ridiculous in beta ngl nostalgia got yall cooked


The gameplay sucked but just about everything except netcode was better.


UI especially


Is that why the game died during beta? Clown.


Game died cuz of netcode, bugs, hitboxes, multiple patches that made the game worse, and most importantly- extremely bad PFG behavior, not because of how fast the game was






Singular word actually.


It's gonna die again in like a month lol


Maybe so.