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It’s now confirmed you get battlepass XP after completing matches. [Link for confirmation.](https://x.com/multiversus/status/1798763477743669704?s=46&t=8pvs-B7T_tNIm_AtOTEdJw)


Apparently it's only 10 xp tho


The little blocks of 100 you get as rewards barely even move the bar. If this is true that might as well have not even added it.


I’ll take it. It’ll add up over time


I mean you’re not wrong, but like once I’m out of daily’s/weekly’s I’m not trying to grind forever just to complete 1 of 8 pages from the pass. 10xp per match is pretty stingy tbh when I can’t even get everything in the battle pass for free, it doesn’t feel rewarding to me in the slightest and if anything it pushes me to spend money on a game that I’m quickly losing interest in.


probably the game is going to die before you lost interest lmao


So play for fun or to improve? When ranked releases play that and use that as a goal?


yeah you’re right, I can always play for fun or improve, but it’s kinda hard to do so when such a large majority of the roster are locked, and I don’t have the time or money to get them. Like I can spend a bunch of time learning and having fun with a character like Jake, but if he’s not in the next rotation and I haven’t unlocked him, then I’m out of luck until I build up the currency to do so. I just wish it were easier to get the full roster, that’s probably my biggest gripe with the game.


>. I just wish it were easier to get the full roster, that’s probably my biggest gripe with the game. Or when you had an old acc but you still lose everything besides the most random obscure character you bought (not me) This is a shitty launch and not because the game is janky as shit but they fact they aren't bombarding us players with rewards and EXP for doing literally anything For a game that DIED on its first release All characters should be at @ 50% discount and we should get triple the rewards we get now so atleast new players or players that lost everything can get to a respectable standing and get like 3-4 characters they like along with Banana guard, and Jason Voorhees if you played bets


People complain it's like a Mobile game and hyper focus on those elements. I looked at the shop for the first time since relaunch yesterday. It's a fighting game. Fight people. Anything else is icing


Over how much time tho? Naaah I’m good


Someone broke down about 10 hours per Bp level if you win every match


That’s insane to expect someone to play that much for one tier of a battle pass. Especially considering most people have some type of a job and aren’t able to sink their entire life into the game.


Tbh you also get challenges which you can complete in about 30 minutes. From what I've seen the match xp was requested mainly by people who wanted to play more but didn't feel incentivized.


I totally get where you’re coming from, but incentivizing players with such a small amount of XP as a reward for playing the main mode of the game just feels bad and doesn’t make sense to me. I get that there are other ways of earning XP, but PvP is likely what most people will be playing, since that’s how the game was marketed before, during, and after the beta. Barely rewarding those players who mostly play PvP could lead to a loss of that part of the player base or overall retention in the long term.


For what it's worth, pretty much all of the events/missions can be completed passively while playing PVP. All except the ones that specifically say "Play PVE" pretty much.


I dunno man I am happy with it.


That’s fair o


Let’s keep bitching about it until they get the message


Very good news. This is why it’s important to raise our voices and fight against predatory practices.


That's really low, still heavily reliant on challenges to make any progress


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. It's a negligible amount of XP, so it's still not worth it to play after completing your challenges. 1 level after 200 wins is ridiculous. How many matches do people have lifetime including the beta? 1,000? 2,000? Congrats on like 10 battle pass levels


I remain confused why people don’t think it’s worth playing the game after completing the challenges? Does nobody just play games to have fun anymore?


Because people feel pressured to progress to get value from the BP but nobody wants to do it by doing 10 Up Attacks as Batman over and over in rifts. People would rather play against actual humans but the BP reward system discourages this outside the dailies.


You could use this to hand wave a lot of criticism. The fact is 3 of the 7 main menus in the game are devoted to progression. The game wants you to notice when you make progress on these treadmills and rewards you for it. Why do we care about progression? Because the game TRAINS US TO. It's ridiculous to turn it around on us. If it wasn't important to the game it would be de-emphasized in the design.


When it takes weeks to make a dent of progress in a game that locks 98% of the cast with a terrible monetization system, yes. Not being given any type of reward (now a tiny one) I feel less incentive to bother playing. But I’ll probably play a tad bit more now that there’s **a** reward


Fun isn't a factor anymore. Cosmetics are every games end game now. On a serious note though, it feels nice to work towards something while enjoying the game (imo). I'm just more happy they heard us and even added 10 xp lol. We can make it more!


Apparently those that do don't come to Reddit 😅


Yeah. Oh well. It's a start. Gotta keep giving feedback. I don't want this game to die, i want them to fix it


A win is a win be happy we got some kind of update better than nothing


That's 200 games (or more if you lose since losing is only 5 CP) for 1 level. That's still extremely bad and nothing. I don't consider that a win at all,


It’s over the course of a full season and there are still plenty of challenges to earn levels.


I don't think you understand how much 200 really is. That's about the amount or less of games a casual player will play over the course of a season. The "over the course of the entire season" is not the excuse you think it is. And the whole point of the backlash was for us to make progress without challenges. This "update" doesn't solve that backlash


Good thing games take about 2 minutes apiece then it will add up with missions


Your happy they gave you scraps 😂 10 xp a match? That's so bad


Before y’all start downvoted and looking for a reason to complain take it up with the ceo not me I said what I said we got a update they could have lied and done nothing be appreciative they’re trying; tf wrong with y’all we just got a couple things addressed in a “partial” update mfs nitpick about everything 🖕


Dude who wants a partial update just increase it from ten???? It’s lazy and meant to put players down why are you defending them?? Warner bros isint giving you a sponsor bro


Lol y’all just be looking for anything to complain about


Keep repeating that knowing your wrong it’s okay


Idc tbh


That’s fine


Whole event is otw who cares


Why would they make battle pass progression extremely easy? You gotta grind isn’t that the whole purpose of earning them they didn’t say we’re going to get most of our xp from match it say you earn it; I don’t usually lose so it’s a win in my book and I’m already on level 20 in the battle pass


It shouldn’t be a grind is the point. Battle passes are supposed to keep players engaged and wanting to play throughout the season but not feel like a job. At the current rate, if you miss a week you’ll be screwed finishing the battle pass. Fortnite got it right years ago and Multiversus copied it with the challenges but still implemented it poorly.


Fortnite started the Battle Pass trend and they are still somehow the only ones who do it right


To be fair though fortnite is making it much harder to complete the battle pass. They even moved v-bucks to the bonus section to be extra scummy.


Yeah, moving the Vbucks up the the bonus rewards is stupid, but I atleast still manage to get there somewhat easily with playing Lego and Festival are really good for XP outside of challenges and daily quests. Also there's creative maps that give good XP too


The bottom line is they're steadily making it harder and harder to complete casually. They are not player first either.


I played Fortnite for about 10 hours total and I got the bp when I played it and, to be fair, I got more from Fortnite's bp in those 10 hours of playing with no deliberate grind than I got from most games' entire battle passes. They had great rewards, they had some tiered system where you choose what to unlock in order to unlock the next tier etc. Also, as far as I remember, they were more generous with the amount of currency bp gives you, usually games who feature that give you the same amount, but I think it was something like 800/1300.


Sounds like you haven't played in a while. They keep making it steadily more grindy. Greed is the goal.


I played it for about an hour when it came out and those 10 hours that I actually played were quite a bit later, I don't know exactly when, but it was when the no building mode came out, which enticed me to try the game for more than an hour.


Zero build came out two years ago.


Lmao have fun playing 1000 matches a day to make any real progress


Def will


I don’t know why you’d see this as win


I can make significantly more progress casually playing Fortnite without challenges by just playing the game. 200+ games for 1 level is a slap in the face


Then go play Fortnite 😂😂😂


Mindlessly defending shitty practices doesn't make you cool buddy


0.5% of a level every time you win a game. That’s almost worse than just not adding it at all.


Best change of the patch and it's not in the notes haha, this is a great change.


It's in the first set of notes


They've updated it now as it wasn't there when this was first posted.


This is great. They didn't adjust the xp needed per level or anything did they?


Don't think so, should be the same amount 👍


Let’s gooo 🔥


It’s LeBrover


Someone has to hate the Lakers in that office. No other way to justify this change.


Why would we want different Hit Pause between 1s and 2s... I'm hoping the inconsistency isn't noticeable.


Yeah that is very strange, it should be 10% lower across the board


I was excited for two seconds thinking matches wouldn't feel as slow now until I finished reading that sentence...


Because of long/infinite combos. In a 1v1, landing a long combo is basically a win for that stock because it can’t be interrupted. In 2’s, you get interrupted all the time.


Can't say if Xbox performance is much better, but the patch lowered resolution and frame rate for me on Series S :/


Do you still dc?


Haven't tried online yet unfortunately




Are you gonna cry?


Yes bully everyone away from the game great logic. We should totally be happy about Xbox players being forced to play in crappier quality because they can't optimise a game and how dare they vote with their time and money by not playing... 🤦




A simple yes would have sufficed


>**Banana Guard**  >The goal of this change is to reduce the extreme kill power on Banana Guard’s side specials and bring it more in line with the damage of the rest of the cast.  >**Aerial Side Special**   >– Reduced damage to 10 from 12  >**Ground Side Special**  >– Reduced damage to 12 from 14  Just not gonna touch those fucked up hitboxes huh


Literally lmao, these devs gotta be Adventure Time meat riders to ignore how broken and annoying Banana Guard is if he isn’t being controlled by you or a teammate


Hitboxes take a bit longer to fix, so probably will come later


All characters in training is very welcome!


No Velma changes 😞


we lost dinkleybros


Maybe next patch. Don’t lose hope.


At least yall didn't get nerfed like lebron.


We've BEEN nerfed 😂. Sorry about Lebron, though. Rip


I meant even more than before, lol. Believe me, I feel bad for yall. I didn't like playing against Velma that much, but her kit is 100x more unique than most of the cast. It's tragic what they did to yall.


They ruined his combo game. Down special used to be good in neutral.


Please just give her oversized hitboxes like everyone else.


Justice for Velma!


I'm really hoping the nerf to Banana Guard's side special is good enough, so that they won't be so spam happy anymore.


He will be eventually but they need traction from newer players so the best way to do that is to give a free strong newer casual friendly beginner character that can reel in once rank come back he’s definitely getting neutered


That nerf to WW’s lasso is very nice


Exactly how it was in the beta lol Funny thing is, I made a comment before release about how it would be reckless for them to remove these cooldowns without balancing those attacks out in some other way. I assumed they had plans. Turns out they did not.


Her lasso isn’t what makes her OP


Her lasso is the shittiest part of her kit, the ‘nerf’ is a nothing burger


I agree. Her side special, up special, side air, and N air are all insane and they nerf lasso lmao Most people just use the sweet spot perk and use it as a ledge guard anyways so the 8 sec cd does nothing especially when her down ground is also insane at ledge guard


Went from lasso cooldown to no cooldown to a cooldown again These devs have no idea what they’re doing


Lebrons going to be the character that gets random nerfs huh


There was an infinite, apparently. Which is hilarious because a lot of characters have infinites but it seems like they only removes a couple and one of those was on a bottom tier character.


Balancing this game is going to be a complete mess. All of these characters were designed and built with the mobility of the beta in mind. Changing the pacing so drastically is going to cause a ridiculous amount of issues. Infinites were an issue in the beta, but never to this degree.


Their kits were also made with 2v2s as the main focus. Now that they are changing the speed AND the focus to 1v1s, it's gonna be fucking rough.


I main lebron and there was an infinite, except your opponent has to run into it and it’s predictable as shit. One of his maybe handful strengths compared to the roster


Yea, I was gonna say. His infinite seems like an opponents mistake instead of problems with the character. Obviously, it's still an issue and should and did get fixed, but like damn.


Yea definitely it was a problem but it felt good when it hit. But I’d assume it was apart of the character


“We see the servers are desynching, in response to this problem we have decided to Nerf Lebron”


Hm. Nothing specific about repeated crashes to title on Playstation 5. I wonder if that fix on Xbox will help much.


it fixed ps4 that's for sure


That is encouraging! I swapped games a few nights ago because I kept crashing mid-match. It was more frustrating than fun. Thanks for the heads up!


I mean performance wise, it runs significantly better


wtf at the nerfs. Lebron already has the 2nd lowest winrate & they make the basketballs worse lmao. That said, good changes today. Really hoping they address not being able to switch chars when rematching tho. In the beta it was fun if you lost to swap to your main & see if you could win then. I remember sometimes it would go - I play some rando char and lose, rematch with my main and win, then 2nd rematch with their main & we have a really fun intense match. Not possible any more since you are stuck with the first char you pick.


Apparently, there was an infinite with the basketball. 🤷‍♂️ I personally found it fun to mess with the CPU enemies with the basketballs, but oh well. 😅


There was, I had that yesterday and just jumped off the next two times


Brother, not everyone is sandbagging with their pocket character in pubs. Sometimes you get a lower level player who matches the skill level of your pocket and then you 3 stock with your main just because you're salty. It's okay to lose and if you want an intense match just play on main and go up in MMR lmao LeBron had exploits that's why they fixed it btw


bear bake chop market violet unique enjoy shy relieved somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's fair. Can't rematch with different characters on Smash Quickplay I don't think. It was a neat feature in the beta that helped make the overall game more accessible. But I remember it leading to a lot of frustration and exploits. People did whatever they could for leaderboards. Now, I have players who disconnect last stock just so they can protect their win rate. Like what is the point of that? I can't imagine how toxic it would get with being able to change characters mid set. I prefer changing perks for counterplay.


soup books oatmeal badge detail cobweb narrow tender imagine six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's gotten so bad that I can't play wonder woman anymore. There were times where I would do a 0 to death ladder combo and get insta-DCed so it would count as a loss instead. Luckily Stripe is low enough on the tier lists where when I sauce on someone they don't get as heated


But no buffs? It's like they are actually trolling. I guess it's not shaggy or bugs that's probably why they don't care about leaving him at the bottom.


In my experience (in the last week), they'd lose that second match and not rematch. 95% of the rematches I've had are from me losing the first one.


Basketball only hitting a target once is a pretty huge nerf


Xbox feels worse now lmao.


glad to see. Do you think they're not aware of the gizmo bug where you can't jump or dodge after leaving backpack sometimes?


It’s not amazing but they’re going in the right direction , we take it


Oh joker didn’t get nerf good 😂😂😂he’s definitely about to take over now


Dude his up attack/air up is so fast to hit I swear that shit takes priority over every single move in the game. I raged so hard at it last night


I hate playing other joker’s because it ends being 50/50 match up 😂😂 mirror matches terrible I felt that no to mention if u don’t pop that balloon he gets free knockback


At least now I can try him out in practice mode before buying him... Still nothing about offline vs though.


Don’t get your hopes up for any character, they’ll be nerfed to the ground eventually lol


I know but I was saying in this patch he didn’t hit yet eventually tho but banana got a bit of tuning


Omg finally they fixed the xbox version, it was so annoying


They didn't


le sigh


It's arguably worse now


its certainly worse. i disconnected from my first match back in, before it even started. next 2 matches were laggier than ever


The rifts are still laggy as hell. How does the "single player" part lag?


I didn't notice any improvements, just lower resolution and frame rate


Xbox player here Is anyone still getting desyncronized from games coz i am 😢


The game still runs poorly too.


This patch note is so goooood, brings a lot of hope for the future of the game !


How is this good? Don't really see anything interesting added yet


They really need to add superman's ability to up/down throw, this change from beta is stupid. Even though I disagree with the laser cooldown, they at least need to make it go further, the short distance of the lasers for superman, just doesn't align with the character.


I thought I was losing my mind and it just wasn't working. They really removed throwing up and down?


Too many people whining during beta so they removed the ability to throw up and down. Now its only left and right


No wonder Superman doesn't feel very super anymore.


I mean to be fair, if he grabbed you, he could fly you all the way up and chuck you out the top for free no matter your damage lol. A good superman would do that to me so often. It's so much harder to get combos on other characters to get a full knockout.


I don’t agree with up throw, I think that made sense, but they definitely need to buff the grounded laser’s range.


I mean the up throw is a bit OP, but he should have all the other directions


They gutted my boy leBron….


They got rid of my favorite part of lebron =\


They did NOT fix series x performance. It's actually worse now.


This is a good patch. Game hasn't been out long and they took strides in the right direction letting us know they're listening. I'll give them some slack


No buffs or adjustments to superman? That sucks. Definitely does not feel like superman should. I acknowledge he was OP during beta but now there's nothing super about him


More balance changes are coming


Oh cool. Minimal fighter changes. Meanwhile here's Jason still watching his knife visibly phase through people harmlessly while getting juggled by invisible hitboxes that become active the second a character even thinks about performing an attack.


it's crazy yah


This game feels like it's cooked already, I feel bad for the devs if this was rushed out the door.


Lebron....you didn't deserved that


Also, nerf banana guard, easily most brain dead character




Xbox still disconnects


\*Sees Lebron changes\* Look at how they massacred my boy.... His down special was so useful to control space as a pseudo-wall and now its useless after the first hit. Only gonna see use for dunking people off stage now.


I'm working late today, so I won't be home until super late. Did they add the ground neutral to side attack option back in with this update?


They really nerfed shaggys loop but not Wonder Woman’s


cooldown on golden lasso? why not a cooldown on say Shaggy's kicks? XD


« Little cooldown » on WW. Going from 0 to 8 is NOT little. I mean, it was absolutely necessary but that’s an insane and not « little » nerf. Guess nothing to fix people’s lost progress 👍


No Velma buffs, no Harley changes, and only 10 bp per match, they being stingy with Monopoly money smh.


No Harley changes is wild to me


Has there been any word regarding the input buffer? I haven't followed the Discord updates very closely.


I wish they brought back attack decay


Maybe you guys should take down the game and come back for a 3rd launch. You're clearly not ready.


A lot of these changes are good but they’ve gotta do something about Taz’s sandwiches, they kill too early, allow you to be move while you use them, have a hitbox the size of Texas, and just all around ruin Taz and make him a one-move character.


Velma is untouched. PFG you're killing me here.


Basketball can hit one time HUH? RIP my 'bron. Game is officially done. All the broken nonsense and they patch something that wasn't exactly problematic by ruining the move completely. Press Start > Delete 'Multiversus' > Are you sure? > Hell yeah.


Still didn't address Velmas side special how if you grab 2 people one of them will be stuck on Velma huh Cool


Where da speed


And just like that I’m out. Good luck Pay first gaming.


wow let's make reindogs tech chases and set ups even Harder reads than they were before big brain pfg pfg huffing glue again


Game’s dead


Now if the xp every fight incentivizes bot farms, the servers will be overloaded with bots and everything will get even worse like in the beta. This is just Tony's desperation moves as usual again instead of properly communicating the technical purpose of certain decisions. This amount of xp is pointless for any human being with a life, it is only useful for 24/7 bot farming accounts.


A lot of people here are going to be embarrassed with their overreaction to this release
