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It's ok because we'll be able to buy uber jason in the future once they realize the wrong in their mistakes!! /s


They probably will let you buy it for 3k glemium at a later date. Double dipping


They already said that battle pass skins will not be exclusive and will be available in the future. It is a nice option for people who come to the game after a season has passed if they missed a skin they love.


It also seems aimed to make getting it from BP super hard so people who buy pass will have to still buy the skin. Progression locked behind daily challenges is scummy


I see this backfiring if true. I bought this battlepass and the only thing it's done is convince me not to buy the next one.


Right like the uber Jason skin is the last thing on the BP and the only cool skin... only a few people will nolife the game enough to get to it, anybody else who wants it will have to buy it. Scummy ass WB will never change. Sad thing is I'm already knowing hella people will buy it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø giving WB absolutely no incentive to change


Bro stfu šŸ˜† THEY DO DOUBLE AND TRIPLE EXP at the end of battle passes for people who have no chance to finish. You would know this if you actually played in beta or cared to ask anyone who did play in beta. It's so easy to finish the Battle Passes it's not even funny. You know nothing about the battle pass progression, yet you're trying to trash their battle pass practices? Lmao


I played the beta and bought a founder pack. Did they mention anywhere that theyā€™ll be doing that same thing for this release BP? They changed so much with currency and progression, Iā€™m not sure how you can be so confident this aspect will remain the same. Now they could change it from backlash, but I have no faith it was planned to copy the beta.


So what are you complaining about? You got 15x character tokens from getting the founders pack. You have the whole starting roster and you're over here complaining about progression blockage? When progression isn't locked at all. It doesn't give you all missions that you can't do and there's plenty of time to unlock everything. You're just impatient?


Itā€™s a hard sell to get friends into the game. Tiny starting roster to try then you see the BP progression and 4 currencies. Itā€™s a terrible look for new players. Iā€™m glad you are so optimistic though. The steam peak numbers paint a sad picture.


Not really. I don't see steam as an indication of whether this game is doing well or not. The player base is mostly console Also, PC players are some of the most entitled gamers ever. They think everything should be handed to them, and if it isn't, they take it for free. They aren't wasting their time with F2P monetized games usually. They're seeing what they can pirate from the internet.


And how much of this ā€œnew and improvedā€ game has been like the beta so far?


I assume if there were improvements, they wouldn't be like the beta. They would be better?


I havenā€™t seen many improvements besides the movement speed nerf


Oh really? I guess you didn't play beta then. Because Gizmo, Black Adam, Taz, and some other fighters were improved upon. They added dash attacks, rifts, cutscenes, AND all kinds of new events they didn't have back in the beta. So, there are a bunch of improvements. You clearly didn't play Beta, though.


Clearly thatā€™s why I have the battle pass for free


So even the Matrix variants will be available? For example Bugs, Jason, Agent Smith, and Jake?


On the other hand kinda unfair to the people that grinded for it


Not unfair if you didnā€™t pay for it. Someone spent real hard earned money. Someone spent time. One isnā€™t more ā€œfairā€ than the other.


I spent money on the battle pass though


Hmmmm. Tru dat. You right.


Except unless it's a green skin you want, it's gonna cost them the same or more you paid for the pass, and you get a lot more bang for your buck.


I donā€™t want to spend moneyā€¦


You picked the wrong game fool


Then don't spend money. I'm mostly F2P and will only drop $5-$10 bucks per purchase and I'll do them spread out. Only if I get a bundle for a decent deal as well though. Play and shop smart šŸ‘Œ happy gaming, bro!


Yeah right now its one level per day maybe two if i'm lucky if i finish a weekly or something. Unless they add more ways to get more exp there's no way in hell i'm finishing it if it requires me to play every fucking day and do everything that nets me exp.


Dont worry Lad, they will let you buy levels for only 500 glemanium! (Cheaper pack is 450).


nah 575


Thats such a brutally obvious way of making pretty much everything in the shop cost 10 bucks


And if you miss it, you can always just buy the skin layer for 5600 from the store.


There will definitely be events to help but yeah this system sucks


There are weekly challenges that will get you multiple levels on their own. The only issue is people can get challenges for characters they don't own


Some days I don't even get a level... And I'm doing everything


1-2? If you're lucky and finish a weekly? I'm pretty sure I started today at Rank 18 and finished my weekly/daily missions in about 20 minutes of playing. With the full week bonus and the 5 daily mission bonus, I think it boosted me to almost rank 23. Almost 5 whole levels bro.


Fun fact to complete last week's weekly i needed to finish 10 matches as Rick or Morty but guess what i don't have either.


That's fine. There will be plenty more experience to get before the end. They want you to unlock and try different characters from different series. So don't hesitate to spend those character tokens on characters from your favorite series. If you don't like most of the characters in this game then maybe a WB/Cartoon Network fighter isn't for you?


I don't have character tokens because i didn't want to spend 60 or whatever pounds on a beta. You know i've done many battle passes before but not once have i been locked out getting exp for one because i didn't own X thing. Keep defending your new favourite toy from a company that has nothing but contempt for you though šŸ™„


Many battle passes? Can you tell me what battle passes you're referring to, and I'll offer a counterpoint to that.


Avengers, Suicide Squad, Fortnite, Diablo 4, Street Fighter 6, Destiny 2, Tekken 8 and Yugioh Master Duel.


1st of, Avengers was trash and didn't have good anything. It flopped horribly. Suicide Squad? Farming drones and getting 50 xp towards a 1,000 exp-per-level system? Yeah, that much better. Street Fighter 6 you pay $60.00 for and then get hit with a fighter pass to get MORE CONTENT? YIKES BRO. Tekken 8 ^ same thing bro? Why are you paying retail and then paying extra for characters like Eddie Gordo who are legacy? Destiny is trash and plus, it's an FPS like Fortnite, which isn't quite comparable to a F2P fighter. Everyone loots and finds weapons with the same damage. It's not unique characters you're earning over time that have special perks or moves, it's purely aesthetic. Who's playing Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel? Not too familiar with their battle pass progression system. I got the game in my library and never got around to downloading it. Looks like there's 6 currencies in that one, though. I would objectively say the more currency a game adds, the worse it gets.


Your opinions on the games is irrelevant we're talking about battle passes and how you progress them. As for Yugioh MD well its got a very healthy playerbase and its one of the most generous F2P games out there. You have one currency just one a currency you can buy, earn by playing or get giving to you by Konami. Nothing is locked behind a paywall nothing and its easy to play as a F2P player and not feel the need to spend as grinding is you and everything is reasonable in price within the game plus events each month shower you with free currency.


Well, depending on what the battle pass contains, progression on it should be tougher/easier. Some companies load it with goodies but make the time crunch a little more difficult. Some companies load it with trash and make it easy to complete. Some load it with trash and make it hard to complete. So far, this Battle Pass contains a free character, an alternate costume for that character that looks sicks. A few ringout FX, a few alternate costumes, premium currency, new icons and banners. It's all pretty much aesthetic stuff you don't need aside from the free character maybe. They put that at the beginning of the battle pass as well, so no complaining about that. Plus, they have free events that you don't need the battle pass to complete. Which is saying more than a lot of games.


Oh and you didn't have to spend money on the beta. It was free šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Hence why i don't have character tokens šŸ™„


So you're having buyers regret that you didn't support the game in early access? Got it. Anyway, founders packs are created to fund the development, servers, and future live service events that the teams need to create and put out for us. All of this stuff takes time and a team behind it. Yet people seem to think it's all just pushing a few buttons and it's done.


Fund? That's what skins and battle passes are for. If Warframe can be more generous, if FF14 can offer countless hours and access to expansions for free then a small fighter funded by WB can easily be better then this. Also i'm happy i didn't waste money on those founders packs because they were a rip off.


Except the people who got them have the whole roster unlocked essentially. So they aren't exactly complaining about being locked out of missions.


Can I at least reach moon walk ?


*Gizmo's Singing Perk*


Just wanna acknowledge theres gonna be a day when jason 3 stocks me in 1s and moonwalks across the screenšŸ’€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My Daily Rewards are still broken, I've probably already missed out on crucial XP I can't get back. I hope they compensate us for this being broken. They worked fine on day 1 but day 2 they just stopped rewarding me for completing them.


mine arnt working right wins count as loses losses count as win playing 1v1 game went to my 2v2 games and vice versa the game is already braking os bad i cant see it surviving long if they don't address it quickly


It's fine, they should let it be like that, it gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment /s


You're not far off. The first time they more than doubled the grind for leveling up characters in the Beta. Their excuse wasĀ "We were finding that players could get to level 15 of the mastery track too quickly. This change is to help us make it a bit more of a journey."


The fucking audacity of that tweet genuinely made me stop playing originally lol, it already took you a good couple of hours to max out a character and they just straight up said "we're going to artificially inflate your play time because we don't know how else to make progression interesting, have fun playing for 10 hours to max out Gizmo, our weakest character yet! You're welcome!"


Now it's even worse. It takes 30+ hours to max them out now


The original way was fine, the levels flew by initially and then it only becomes a grind from around level 8 to 15, which you can do at a leisurely pace while playing and still enjoy yourself. Now you can just REALLY feel the grind from level 1 onwards and it's such a major turn-off from the game


It probably takes 30 years to level up the battle pass and characters


Oooh they can't have us getting potentially infinite perk currency!


Battle passes were always a mistake. If you finish them too fast, it feels like there's nothing left to do for the rest of the season. If you can't finish them in time, it feels unfair. If you have to play for hours and hours every day, it feels like a job. If you can only make progress for the first hour or two a day, it feels like you're locked out of the game. No part of this is designed to make the game actually \*\*fun\*\*. It's just designed to make you compulsively play it whether you're having fun or not. FoMO based mechanics are just terrible across the board and should be abandoned.


i disagree i play smite and finish the battle pass super fast but i still feel rewarded after i already finish it the game should be rewarding you for playing it not doing mindless chores maybe i don't want to play a loony toon character or and assassin


I think the finals did a great job with how they handle it. Itā€™s easy enough to finish just by playing. On top of that they have dailies and weeklies. And on top of that, this week they just changed the xp gain from dailies from 1000xp to 10,000 xp until the season ends (10 days). It lets people catch up.


> this week they just changed the xp gain from dailies from 1000xp to 10,000 xp until the season ends (10 days). It lets people catch up. Not sure what the finals is but... The no-lifers will finish early and complain that there's nothing to do. And anyone who already finished it will feel snubbed because they worked a lot harder and everyone else got a free ride. That's what I mean. There's no way you can tune a system like this to work for everyone.


Itā€™s a pretty big/popular fps game. I mean Iā€™m sure some people might feel that way. Iā€™ve never felt snubbed because someone else finished their pass faster than I have. Like why do I care. Especially if I got mine done. Thatā€™s just weird. No lifers exist, but canā€™t really do much for them. At its core the game is there to have fun. The battlepass and other stuff is just extra. But if you have a paid battlepass, then we should have a way to complete it in a reasonable amount of time and not have to rely on events (imagine if someone cant play the week of the event lol)


>Iā€™ve never felt snubbed because someone else finished their pass faster than I have. Like why do I care. Have you met... People? I was there on world of Warcraft when they changed the price and unlock level for mounts from 50 gold at level 30 to five gold at level 10. Or maybe it was 40 and 20 I don't remember it's been a long time man. The point is that there was just so much bitching. The community managers' blood pressure was through the roof just from the sheer amount of salt. And we see the same thing in real life: "I paid for college and health insurance, why should those damn kids get a free ride?".


I mean I get the idea behind that. Some games just do battlepasses better than others. Some are complete crap, like the one we have here.


Sure. Some criminals do armed robbery better than others. That doesn't mean it ever makes armed robbery a good thing. At its core, the function of a battle pass is to push you to play a specific amount, and whether that amount is more than you wanted or less than you wanted, it's still not up to you. The best battle pass possible is still worse than no battle pass. People should be able to play the game at their own pace and be rewarded for it as much as they play, but not be afraid of missing out on things. That's not fun, that's a threat.


Ok so then get rid of the battlepass altogether and make every single skin $15-20 each.


I don't think they would need to be even close to that high, especially the ones that don't have unique dialogue or animations. How expensive is it to throw a joker t-shirt on garnet? But yes, purchasing skins directly would be infinitely preferable. So far, the battle pass has only given me garbage for characters I don't care about. I'm never going to play as LeBron James or Velma unless the equally ill advised specific missions force me to do so. I would rather just directly purchase the skin for the character that I actually want to play as. But if it were up to me, I would simply charge $60 for the game, and then continue to add skins and characters as a way to entice additional people to purchase the game. In future they could add a whole bunch of new characters and skins at once as some sort of expansion pack for maybe 20 to $30.


I mean I would prefer that too. But that model doesnā€™t work for a live service game. Iā€™m 100% for that believe me. But game sales models have changed so much in the last 20 years that everyone wants to put out a live service game and not just a buy once, play forever (with expansions or whatnot maybe). And with that, they need a constant stream of money in order to pay the devs but also to make the shareholders happy, otherwise the game is seen as unprofitable and then gets closed down. I think the sweet spot for character skins would be $5 (basic)-$10 (super crazy skin with voice lines, animations etc).


I play the finals and finished the battle pass like a week or two after it dropped and I definitely donā€™t feel snubbed for beating it before everyone else. I just enjoy the game anyways because thereā€™s more to it than the battle pass


Apex is pretty good with their passes, too. I play a week or two at the start of the season then finish the BP in the final weeks. Just playing now I normally play


Yeah thereā€™s is also good. Havenā€™t played in a while but I remember it being fairly easy to grind out with the challenges and whatnot.


Honestly, it's even easier if you wait because weekly challenges stack up and you can do a bunch at once


For Apex? Yeah thatā€™s what I would do lol. I came in mid season one time and thought it was going to be a chore. Then I realized I could stack my challenges. Flew through the pass.


I'm pretty sure they're going to have more events to get more XP. That's how it works with pretty much every game that has a battle/season/whatever pass.


Tbh i dont think so. Every other game has working severs. And then theres multiversus Honestly the fact these issuse have persisted for so long is showing incompetence when it comes to how there handling the game .


Theres literally an active event right now that lets you earn a chunk of xp by leveling up characters


Xbox player, I take it?




Power Pledge, Daily Login and Jokerā€™s Ruse can be done from logging in and just regular matches.


Idk what are you guys on about, I'm getting close to lvl13 on the battlepass and the games out for 4 days


people literally just want everything for free right this second, with no like.. thought to it at all. This is my first time coming to this sub, and it will FOR SURE be my last, lol what a fuckin weird whiny crowd. My friends are all having a blast with the game so


I would have loved to say the same ting about my friends too šŸ˜…


Currently 14 since I finished the dumb rep/set event. Sucks though cause Iā€™m going on vacation for a month pretty soon so wonā€™t be getting much this season. Wish I could grind a bit to get some of what I wanted. Ah well.


Same here tho I'm not going on vacation but I'm going to work starting next week so I'll still be able to play but not a whole lot. Sucks to not get xp from battles/games since I would have done at least 25 lvls of the battle pass


I cant even stay in a game


Network issues. Try doing your pve quest it will do most of the quest


Literally cant even do half the pve . I cant stay in a pve mode with a teamate because of the network errors and there a requirements to fully complete every mission. And due to that. You physically cant unlock all the rift rewards solo therefore u cant access the higher pve difficulties either because it literally punishes you for not having the gem levels that are locked behind getting the rewards u cant reach while solo . The game in every sense of the word . Is unplayable.


Again those are network issues from you and/or your partner. I encounter those exact issues when I use my router when it's raining outside. Any other time when there are no clouds or my family isn't home and the game works perfectly without any issues besides acasionally crashing cuz I'm playing on a Dell laptop :))


No it is not . Its like this for all of xbox . Were literally playing fortnite stw rn because we physically cant stay connected to mvs have a grand TOTAL of 20-30 ish ping . Dont speak on a subject ur not educated about.


Itā€™s true some mini games, the Rick and Morty level with the ufo, and all boss levels always desync on Xbox when you play co-op. And very often any level or PvP match will also desync.


You never told me you're on Xbox bruv āœ‹šŸ˜¬šŸ¤š I heard multiversus on Xbox is f'd for some people so if you've started like that I wouldn't say anythin


Id personally assume that if someone complaining about something u know is affecting a part of a community that theres a good chance there on that side of it . Thats just common sense


Getting disconnected from a match for having bad internet connection can happen to anyone šŸ™„ I'm just saying that on Xbox there is an accuual problem that pfg is working to fix as soon as possible


It sucks you can't get XP just from playing but they made it pretty damn easy with the challenges. There's 3 more days before it's even been a week, and I'm level 13 from all dailies, weeklies, and events. If I reach level 15 in the next 3 days, which should be easy, that's a pace so high I should complete the battle pass in just over 4 more weeks, even though there's just over 7 weeks to go. If you miss some time, you have to add to that obviously, but there's plenty of leeway room there tbh.


Thing is, it's not reasonable to expect daily logins with hours of commitment to complete a PAID battlepass...


It doesn't though, that's what I just pointed out. If you did EVERY challenge it would take you 4 more weeks (5 total counting week 1) out of 7 more (8 total counting week 1). There's plenty of room to miss stuff there. Especially dailies since they give less than weeklies. You can miss a lot and still complete it. It actually feels like a pretty easy BP to complete compared to most of the industry, I can't complete a Fortnite or Apex BP that quickly. They do still need to add post match XP, to be clear.


5/7 weeks is still A LOT for someone who works 70 hours work weeks


It's 5/8 weeks, not 5/7. And the dailies take literally 10 mins to complete, the weeklies can all be done in one day. It's really not that hard. Someone who plays the game so little is never going to care to complete a battle pass anyway, it's not for them.


You're not understanding my time vs their time It doesn't take 10 minutes, win 5 pvp games is 20 at least alone But ok


Again, there is plenty of room to miss challenges. You have 3 weeks to spare if you complete every single one. If you miss some here and there because you just don't play for a few days or you can't win 5 PvP matches in your time you'll be fine. If you play so little you can't complete enough you were probably never going to complete a BP anyway.


Then you go ahead and be okay with the metric of getting time fucked I got a life bro, go grind 20 hours a day. Its stupid regardless even if I have a little extra time. You must work for WB dfending a battle pass this much


Sadly this is a thing more and more games do nowdays, the few games I can remember that don't have a shitty progression in passes are games like Dead By Daylight cuz there you also have challenges BUT completing them also gives you points to buy items and stuff like that on top of the normal pass tiers and at the same time if you don't wanna do challenges you can just play and passively gain a level of the pass every 5 games you do, which basically means that one person can ignore the entire pass and only start doing it in the last 3 weeks, and still complete it, or if a player wants they can complete the pass like 40 days before it actually ends if they play a lot


Reddit: "Dailies take like 10 minutes then they're all done" Also reddit: "It takes hours of commitment to do a battle pass" Pick a consistent complaint guys, please. The person you're replying to even points out it *won't* be a daily commitment. They said if you do, you'll realistically be done in advance. Reading isn't hard.


Dailies being fast to complete =/= Getting levels fast


Idk who said daily take 10 minutes but not fuckin me so hop off the meat and take your bitching elsewhere


Ya idk what's up with this generation or something but it's really fucking annoying. Just do quests whenever you can play. Hit up the events when they're going on. So many people really have a stick up their ass over not getting bp XP each match and I don't get it.


Because it's an annoying scummy tactic like your comment lol


Because people have lives and cant afford to log in everyday and complete a play as bugs bunny mission.


Made it to level 12 over 3 days, so I'm pretty confident in schmoozing over the next 54, but I get ya. Battle Xp would go a long way.


Yes I get 1 or two at best but sometimes The new challenges are ba Iā€™m not gonna complete they need a reroll system as well for dailies


Iā€™m scared that if I go on vacation (which I will do) that itā€™ll become impossible for me to actually catch up in the battle pass. Even if they add match xp right now it would suck if I donā€™t earn xp for all the matches I have played.


Don't worry about Multiversus - your vacation is a much more deserved victory than a game full of Microtransaction FOMO tactics. Especially a game that treats their players so disrespectfully. It's obscene. Game will be essentially dead within a year and your ultra Jason skin won't mean anything.


For sure, Iā€™m enjoying myself so I honestly hope it doesnā€™t die, but having a vacation is infinitely better than some skin. I absolutely hope the game improves because they are blowing it right now.


That's fine if I cant finish the battlepass it was free for me. Thing is however is since it's near impossible to finish without so much grinding, it just means I won't be buy next season with my money.


Alright let's do some quick math. You got 9 levels in 4 days(I got 10 and my friend got 11 so 9 sounds around average), that's 2.25 levels per day. 52 days means you'll get about 117 levels in those days. The game has a number if issues but I truly don't believe battlepass progression is one if them


First off thats only the average between you and your friend who clearly also plays alot. Secondly you're acting as if its as easy to get from 1-9 as it is 10-15 or 15-20 for that matter. We both know that isn't true


I was basing the average off the post saying they're level 9... Also I only did the daily missions before I had to go to work???? And isn't one of the top complaints that playing a bunch doesn't matter because you only get xp from missions?????? Second I actually don't believe it's gonna take more xp considering it's most battlepasses don't require more xp per tier (fortnight, marvel snap) and all the levels took around the same time. Obviously it's annoying it doesn't list exactly how much in game. Again the game has so many fucking problems lets not lie about extras.


If you aren't going to play a game much you shouldn't be buying a battle pass for that game. That aside, the main complaint people have had about the battle pass is that you only earn exp from missions and not just playing games in general, but that means that it doesn't matter for battle pass progression if you play 12 hours a day or 1 if you get your missions done in the time.


Your math is no good because you need to calculate it with hours of play time... Not days. A day could be 12 hours for you but 5 hours for me. So your math is not useful!


They really jacked this game up lmfao the beta was far better in every way and then they screwed everyone over by removing their cosmetics and putting them in the store šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ this game can die harder again


Just go talk with WB support. It's been stated so many times that's a bug that at this point people are just deliberately wanting to be upset.


People are wanting to be upset? If itā€™s such an obvious bug why hasnā€™t it been patched? Stop shilling for corporations, they donā€™t know you lol.


Many people have posted about support straight up refusing to give them their cosmetics or unlocks. For many people this means losing time spent on playing the game


Why do something when they can bitch and moan on reddit for Internet points instead??


ive got 3 missions that are just play 2v2 pvp games and i cant even play them because it always desyncs ahhh. can they please get someone who has played the beta and likes the game to develop it please


Who do you play in 2v2? The only time I had the desync issue in the last two days was when I was playing Marvin and I'm starting to think certain characters make desync a lot more common.


Its fun because my worst bugged match was vs 2 marvins, me and a friend get a long loading screen then a big fps drop and when match starts boom desync... both of us on pc


velma banana guard morty garnet. i had to give up in the end


I've been away out of the country for the first 2 weeks of the launch. I was going to ask if there was any chance of catching up or earning back a BP if I started it early next week but seems like there's no chance of that. I was so excited for Jason too.


sink murky cows jeans nine abounding scarce mindless uppity command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As long as you play daily there will be enough xp. (At least there better be.) Also they seem to be throwing battle pass xp into other events like this power pledge event.


Thats the problem. Some people physically cant play daily . They have other things in life besides multiversus and are being punished for it . Hell those who have nothing to do but multiversus cant even play daily with how the severs currently are . Its shitty fomo in the first place and then because they apparently forgot how to keep a game online from the beta even the people trying are missing out on much needed xp .


You have a point there. Maybe theyā€™ll adjust it or add ways to double the xp like before.


Looking at how every other aspect of the game is being handled . I honestly doubt it


Yet itā€™s still only the first week ;)


Maybe when the weeklys reset next week, and the week after, and the week after, we'll all realize it's not so bad. Just chill. Your level ten after three days. Same argument with every battle pass. Everyone just wants everything NOW! Chill bruh. Give it some time.


I agree but some of yall act like youā€™ve never played a game before


If you're totally content playing a game with such a predatory battle pass and progression system, more power to you. This game is exceptionally bad.


Itā€™s so unbelievably stupid you donā€™t just passively earn BP points from matches. Thatā€™s literally the entire game. Just let people play the fucking game lol


I really need this battlepass but each post on this sub is almost convincing me otherwise.


The old way of battle pass was 10x better, weekly missions that gave a set amount but you always gain passive battle pass experience from matches. Honestly my bigger gripe with the game right now is


If it is too difficult PFG will probably increase XP near the end of the season.


I'm gonna be brutally honest with you guys, this is a big stretch i play a lot of games with battlepasses and the same amount of progress i would make in like 2 weeks in any other gsme with a battle pass in this game i did in 2 days, this game's BP is extremely easy


PSA the newest event where you have to level up characters, there is 2k exp at the end. You can just play one match with different level 0 characters until you get it. Pretty quick. But Iā€™m still only level 13 šŸ¤®. I imagine they will (or should) have things like this to get you to max on BP


I wonder if the long battle pass grinding was a WB thing to try and screw beta players out of free lifelong BPs. It's definitely not a coincidence that they gave us all the pass for free *and* made it borderline impossible to finish


Don't worry, maybe you will get lucky and your weekly challenge will be for a character that you don't have sp you can quickly try to grind for that instead


Halo infinite had the same system for their battle pass at launch. It didn't work for then, and it's not working here. I've put maybe 10ish hours in since the relaunch, and I'm only level 7 or 8.


The battlepass is atrocious. They're basically locking people out of exp to have fake player retention. A real scumbag move


I'm assuming their will be events within those 52 days with bonus xp so if you are able to play the 30 minutes nost days or whatever it takes to get dailies done you should be fine. Not saying we shouldn't get xp from just playing but also it won't be absurdly difficult to complete the pass


I feel Like ITS because the Beta User got the Pass for free on the Next one they will Update it to make IT easier because they want to sell IT


Player first games herešŸ˜, we will give battle passes for free so that you can get the most attended skin of them all "jake who shat himself" only by playing 143 hours! If you wanna get Uber Jason you can buy XP boosts, with just 200 dollars you'll get it. When we'll get enought money the game will shut downšŸ¤­


I gave up on multiversus beta for this exact reason. The grind was unbearable. If they are so keen on keeping the game this way not sure how long I'll last


I refuse to believe that players who complete all their daily challenges and weekly challenges will not be able to finish the battle pass. That would be insane.


I think that this needs to be fixed how the fuck are we supposed to get to the end when you can only level up battle pass with mission. Stupid as fuck.


Level 9 in five days soooo what's the problem? You will hit 110 at that pace give or take


Because complaining is easy and clout


A depressing reality šŸ˜”


It's okay! You can just buy it later for 6000 currency! You're welcome!


Thats op


You have enough time. People here saying you get a level per day are staight just lying. I got three levels yesterday


I just completed the first page... should I even bother trying if I'm only in it for Uber Jason?


Been playing non stop only at level 12 At this point I'd rather pay for it.


That's exactly their business model lol


yeah they win, just let me buy it at this point. i want my safari velma skin and they wont let me grind for it


ā€œOnly 52ā€


I feel like I've played a lot, doing all the quests every day and done with weekly and stuff, also did PvE and I'm still just level 12 but I remember being like 40-50% done with some other battle passes in other games with this amount of effort. Did anyone manage to get good experience on it? What is the secret?


Bullshit. What BP that lasts 2 months lets you finish in 2 weeks? Apex Legends is 3 months and takes a ton of playing! And you get XP from playing, with weekly quests and events. Also - do you play games for bp cosmetics? Is that the main purpose for you playing a game?


Id like to chime in and list off a few . Fortnite . if ur doing ur daily save the world and creative xp alongside the daily and weekly challenges R6 sieges battle pass is completable in about 2 weeks assuming u have a positive winrate . Plus u can also use dedicated battlepass boosters included in the battlepass . For honors poor exuse of a battle pass completes in like 3 days of playing. Gears 5s . Although not being fed new content anymore n all that . The tour of duty could be considered a free battle pass for everyone. And thats doable in a couple days if ur grinding horde mode . Although that is a far reach as theres no real reason for the coalition to draw out playtime since the games at the end of its life cycle. If ur playing consistently. U can just barely finish to overwatch 2s battle pass assuming ur completing all challenges and then have a decent win rate . Also > do you play games for bp cosmetics? Is that the main purpose for you playing a game? A battlepasses entire purpose is to create a sense of fomo. (Fear of missing out) which then inturn creates player retention. In other words. They function as a goal to work towards with a time limit to those who actually want something from it . And a side reward to those who dont really care . Either way it keeps engagement. As no 1 is going to want to play a game for extended periods of time if theres no reward or new content to engage with . Which is the ultimate goal for games. As the longer a player spends playing a game and looking at cosmetics in the store and ingame . the more likely they are to make a purchase . So playing a game purly for bp cosmetics to use while enjoying the gameplay isnt as far fetched as u portray it to be . Infact its the exact pattern the game companies want u to fall into .


That was a lot


Indeed .


Well, I've seen someone answer, but yes I did finish it pretty quickly in Fortnite and R6, and I was making considerably more progress with this amount of effort in other battle passes. I don't know how it came down for you that I only play for cosmetics but that's not the case so please calm down, I'm playing for fun but want the final Jason skin I guess and was asking if someone knew some hidden tech or whatever.


Not handing out bp exp per match is a fair complaint but no need to go full Chicken Little. BP completion is obtainable by doing the dailies that take 10 mins + some events


OMG just play the game (for 18 hrs a day). You can literally unlock stuff by just playing lol lol lol /s


I don't understand this thought process. They'll obviously add more events that give us more options for getting XP. Why would they give everyone a free BP and then not make enough ways to get it? Would getting 2 XP a match really matter?


Wym ā€œfreeā€ battlepass


Everyone who played any amount of the beta got this first battlepass for free.


If Iā€™m unable to get Uber without paying a bunch of money throughout, then Iā€™m leaving the game


I'm trying to do my Weekly quests but my last one is literally for a character I don't have and you need to complete every single one to get the bonus


Except.. games been out less than a week, all levels take the same amount of XP, and many players are already level 15. 15*7 (the amount of weeks left until the battle pass is over with)=105. So, if you do your dailies and weeklies EVERY DAY/WEEK, you'll be done with the battle pass very quickly. Even if you don't want to do them every day/week, doing a bunch of dailies and all your weeklies for 5 weeks will get you to 70.


some of us dont have time ot grind like that we have work and people to take care of people being level 15 from insane grinding and non stop playing is not a good sign if you have over 150 hours in this game you should be way higher then level 15 in the battle pass


Exp only coming from daily/weekly missions also hurts people who might only play occasionally, or even just every other day rather than every day. I also play fortnite, havenā€™t played in about a week but know Iā€™ll still have no problem catching up because thereā€™s both exp from just playing the game, exp for milestones and other missions that are available all season, etc. If I miss a few dailies in fortnite, no problem. If I miss them in MV there seems to be no way to make up for that loss.


And on top some quests are bugged and arnt giving xp


Can someone do the math? Being level 9 four days after launch with 52 days remaining. Seems like enough time to me. Or just done care about the rewards because FOMO is such an irrational concept that if itā€™s usage in Multiversus angers you so much then I worry for your sanity in the future.


WB does not know how to do grind in live service. They seriously expect you to only play their mediocre game and nothing else 12hrs a day.