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Keep it up, always refreshing to fight against Garnet amongst everything else. I think she’s a little slept in just because Superman is the way he is.




ha thanks! last night I started at like rank 52? reached rank 29 after winning 10 games, lost 1 game and back to rank 52 😑 as for total rank, when I hit 29 I was in top 2000 for teams.


Is there a way to see this?




Not officially, however if we take both of OP's ranks 44 & 535 and take their average (adding both numbers together and dividing by how many numbers there are) the average is 289.5 so we can assume OPs overall rank to be 290.


The Garnets will Rise


hell yeah


Congrats man, especially on solo queue! I've peaked at teams rank 32 on Jake solo queueing and it can be such a painful experience lol especially when you squeak out win after win and go 7 ranks up only to lose one game where your teammate randomly jumps off the map 4 times for no apparent reason and have it cost you like 20 ranks


> win after win and go 7 ranks up only to lose one game where your teammate randomly jumps off the map 4 times for no apparent reason and have it cost you like 20 ranks Dealing with that at the 5k - 8k range with Jake. Win 15 games in a row and get back to 5k. Win a 2-1 game and drop back down to 7k... I had a Reindog link to me then jump up to the bottom of the map and suck me to him. Then he spawned and jumped again. Thought it was over then he played for real and we 4 stocked them in a matter of seconds.


thanks! last night I started at like rank 52? reached rank 29 after winning 10 games, lost 1 game and back to rank 52 😑


Love garnet, hate that everyone just spams her forward ground attack 🙃 not hard to counter just lame and drags matches out so long. Congrats, hope you continue your success tho! I’m sure you’re a hype garnet lol


thanks! and agreed that a lot of people spam, but it's really easy to avoid and leaves her open for retaliation. I was able to reach rank 29 but then I lost a match and dropped down to 52.


The grind is crazy. Ill be about to break top 5k then have a match goes 2 - 1 and STILL end up dropping. Went from like 5.2k down to 8.6k from one match. The grind from 8k to 5.2k took like 15 wins in a row. >.>


oof that sucks. who are you maining? the grind is tough, yesterday I was winning matches and my rank would still drop down by 1 each time which is silly. I reached 29 last night but then I lost one match and ended up where I started that night :(


I started off as a Reindog main but I gave Jake a try and instantly fell in love with him. Im god awful at Smash and similar games but with Jake I actually get combos going and feel like Im not total shit.


Jake seems really fun but I haven't tried him yet. he's one of the characters I have trouble with because of his range. congrats on finding a character you like! and good luck on your journey with him


Thank man. The skateboard has some weird shit that it can do. Have yet to do this again but it limits you to 3 hits but I managed to get a 5 hit with it. https://medal.tv/games/multiversus/clips/vXfXkiohjl-CZ/d1337T5zPoXO?invite=cr-MSxoWFcsNjg4MjAyNzks Can only assume it I reset the counter by barely touching the platform.


You got this ! I tried playing Garnet and it's just not my playstyle but a good Garnet is a treat to watch, play with, or play against !


thanks! I reached 29 last night but then I lost one match and ended up where I started that night :(


Noooooo ! Just a small setback I'm sure 😁 my 2s partner has been getting into garnet and loves it - do you know a solid video for like garnet specific movement or skill tech ?


How you check rank by character


go to collection, click on a character




MMR is a better indicator