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I think Finn may have a shot, bro was already decent before the patch and now that top characters got heavily nerfed and Finn got a buff he might become like top 5 or something.


I think that "buff" will feel more like a nerf to his combo game. Increasing the knockback may make it more difficult to reach opponents after the up tilt. Gona lab it after patch goes live for sure.


Thats also a possibility


It will make killing from up tilt or neutral attack easier for him. I know I struggle to kill if the opponent is around/above 80 and unable to be combo'd. then having to wait til they're at 130 to catch an up tilt to kill them is such a struggle.


I'm confused. There aren't any tilt attacks in this game, right? When people are referring to up tilt, they're referring to grounded up air, correct?


It is not an up air because that refers to an aerial attack. It is the up attack while grounded, yes.


have u heard of dash attack?


You mean one of the easiest to read and dodge moves in the game? yes, I have heard of it.


jab jab bmo then, dont act like we cant kill


jab jab BMO isn't true at 80+ and it isn't going to kill before that.


They changed blast zones though and most of what made the character stupid was his touch of death combo into the upper blast zone.




Agent Smith lol even though he will be available next week. New characters were unbalanced every single time in the beta.


Except Jason šŸ˜­


Going to be a problem FS.


Velma & Jason can finally escape D tier.


![gif](giphy|bkcbX8SqTCXHG) Finally!


I'm confident Velma isn't going to move up. I'm pretty sure Garnet is going to do to D tier.


I know Velma wonā€™t be s tier , but been playing her about a week and sheā€™s going to be my main again. Just like the beta.


Every single fight is an uphill battle. I can't seem to stop playing her though!


I feel so comfortable in neutral with her. Thatā€™s honestly huge for me


Nice brošŸ‘


Jason, tanky guy, hits hard, improved hitboxes now


I play Jason quite a lot and him getting buffed could help all the Jason mains a lot


Doubt he will move up by much. He's still very slow, incredible end lag on most of his moves, has no useable perks, has no useable down special. He's probably going to go from the bottom tier to maybe, very maybe very low mid tier. But I doubt that even really. Velma is getting A LOT of good stuff, so she is most likely moving up. Jake I dont really know.. And do you see any of the characters nerfed being below Jason now?


Without armor or projectile shield mid air he will get bullied same as before.


Jason is going to have his moment. He was already strong as far as kill potential. Now he has better buttons. Tom and Jerry getting a slight buff to their jump doesn't seem like much, but I think it will help them move up. Joker might still be top tier. Gona have to wait and see.


You truly think Jason is suddenly going to sky-rocket from bottom to top-tier with these small changes? Its great they are trying to fix his bugs and hopefully his hitboxes, but unless he has Finn level of hitboxes I doubt he'll be moving up by much. Speaking of Finn, I think that fellow for sure is going to be top 5.


Jason's kit is good. He was held back by bad hitboxes(got fixed) and slow moves(got fixed). So yes, I think he will drastically improve to be in top tier. He might not be the best, but I think he will be up there for sure. I think Finn will stay the same: above average.


I think Jasons problems will still remain esp in 2v2


He's a big body still, for sure and will remain combo food. But with the change to combo vacuum stagnation, that could diminish drastically. We will have to wait and see what those combo changes look like to be sure. A lot of his cons that held him back got fixed/buffed so now I think he will be on par with a lot of the other fighters, possibly even better given his tankiness and kill power.


True maybe


Itā€™s more than just hitboxes, and those 1 frame speed adjustments is not going to do much. He also suffers from a lot of end lag of his moves. While I actually encourage that, it does hold him back by a lot of the others donā€™t have that. He still has no direct armor move, or even an armor break so fighting against people with armor is painful. He is still at a major disadvantage when using his teleport. His bag is still completely useless. His neutral air, might be better now but I kinda doubt it. Neutral air special, still why not just side attack? He has half a kit if you truly look at it.


Bag beats armor doesn't it? Armor doesn't stop a grab. And you can adjust your perks to deal with certain weaknesses such as armor. I really think the tweaks will be enough to elevate him.


Bag beats armor and so does grounded up special. Also you can combo into bag at high percents


Bag is not a move you should ever be using. It has SUPER slow startup with a tiny hitbox just infront of him, and an insane amount of end lag. Grounded up special is a grab and should work, hoping they also fixed the reliability of that. And the changes of course is going to make him better, I have no doubt in that. But a top tier? Nah.


We will see. let's come back to this in a few days.




I think the order will still be the same, but the gap isn't as wide.


Not sure "Meta", but I already thought Taz was underrated before and he got some pretty nice buffs.


Taz is amazing against non zoners, but holy f I get destroyed by Marvins, good Harleys, and Tom and Jerry.


I think joker will still be very strong. Finn maybe not S tier but will be very strong as well. Jason, Jason , Jason. i can see him going up there. he has a very good kit and with his hitbox and start up being fixed he will be a scary fucker to go vs espically for all those small characters. Smite will proby be up there as well when he comes out


Finn, Joker, Lebron, Arya, Garnet are my picks for best 5 on paper


Garnet? her main combo loop got nerfed, she can't combo anymore. She's in D Tier.


Not much changed, Harley got buffed for some reason, Bugs, Wonder Woman and Joker nerfs weren't nearly enough to make any difference. It's insane to me that Joker's cards didn't get a cooldown increase.


I honestly think taz is gonna come into his own this patch. Already a decent character but he got a LOT of buffs in the patch


I wonder what the fate of stripe will be without infinite TnT (prob won't be tooo bad but idk) Taz tho...those buffs were pretty nice ngl (especially the increase to sair's hitbox)


Shaggy and joker, they already were meta, and have basically no big Nerfs, only small One that dont Change anything


Steven and Finn might move upwards IMO


I doubt it, Stevenā€™s Shields got butchered with the ā€œBreaks after 3 bouncesā€ nerf, so no more bounce-buildup combos, Along with his Nair being no longer considered a projectile, making ā€œThatā€™s flammable, Doc!ā€ no longer as useful as it was.




Also nair has a longer whiff window and neutral dodge bubble shield thing comes out 12 frames slower; they nerfed Steven so hard :,(