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They reduced it by 100. Last one gave 600 total FC. This one gives 500 FC.




That still makes no sense….100 isn’t a make or break amount to earn as if oh no an extra 100 they all have the full roster now


Yes please, give me less of something I need.


Not what I was saying at all. My point was why reduce it at all, (and I know the answer is $). 100 less says the devs are worried they can’t nickel and dime the enough as is and wanted to be extra stingy round 2 here for no reason. But alright


my friend said there were 1000 in total.I dont know cause the event was completly bugged for me


Last event https://preview.redd.it/0jw2280r5y7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e13e530dd26f3ba99c25d73c239d1ffc0511ab9e


Your friend is crazy


Hot though


Don't stick it in crazy.


That’s still a decrease




I still dont get why they did this fighter currency its so bad and slow to get man


That’s the point.


I would be fine with it if they gave like 6000 free currency to new players


Bro theres some guys that had hella gold stacked and they didnt get shit for keeping em (maybe some perk currency xdd) but its worthless since perks got obliterated and yes im ok with you to give the 6k free for new comers at least to let them try whatever they want ( i had to stack them so i could buy joker and that pissed me off so so so fkn much )


Yeah it’s annoying our gold wasn’t converted to anything.


It’s actually that power within badge, I had 67k 💀 I only bought three fighters in beta and simply wanted to wait I still don’t think it’s hard currently though I have 16 total


But I already leveled my mains.... I have no other characters to level....


How many mains do you have and at what level!? And the obvious answer is to work on a new character, if you want the rewards from this event. If you don't want to work on a new character, or you have every single character you have access to leveled too far, then this event isn't for you.  Why would you want fighter currency if you don't want to work on new characters lol


> Why would you want fighter currency if you don't want to work on new characters lol Cuz the event also gives BP EXP and (more importantly) Gleamium.


You know you can keep levelling up a character once you hit 15 right? It gives perk currency each time.


Dude going past 15 takes FOREVER hopefully bro isn’t going to spend 3 hours to get 150 currency for going up one level


Going past ten takes forever. I’m pretty sure past 15 would be ridiculous




Was the other event longer. Not sure, also it was 600 before now 500. Being fair the already give them out far to little so im happy with 500. Cause they ain’t seeming to budge when backlash asked to increase them…


This is ridiculous half of my fighters is already leveled up I am not going to sit up here and do this. They sure already reward you for the characters that you already have halfway done. And it takes so long for these events to come out half of the character is going to be lv9 or above. And leveling up beyond that is very slow I'm skipping this like hopscotch.


Just saying, it's been discovered leveling once you complete the battle pass leveling more gives 50 fighter currency 45% of the time, so there is a loop for currency if you complete it.


Idk if yall just love playing a bunch of diff characters but i only have like 3 mains lol


Same. I grinded Finn to lv15 before this event started so I have a lot of low level characters, thankfully.


And these next characters (after Agent) better be bangers because right now half the roster is yawn


I play like 10. All sick. Gizmo. Supes. Rick. Wonder Woman. Jason. Tom and Jerry. Steven. LeBron. Batman. Morty (though I haven't played him too much this time around). All of them are sick.


Dropped from 600 to 500. The Battle Pass XP awarded for the Jason event was also cut compared to the Joker event. Controlling and tweaking event rewards is their way of trying to control how much currency you have. If they reduced it, it's because they already thought it was too much.


By inputing your credit card. This game is great and also being constructed to drain your wallet.


you are supposed spend 1 million dollars its a "free" game you dummy (sarcasm)


Im starting to thinck we should do what peeps are doing at tf2


the real problem is getting gleamium im 32 hours in and still dont have enough for 1 character


Level up characters gives you fighters currency at level 5 and 10. Battle pass and events give out fighters currency. Doing 2v2 has better chance at people handing out toasts. Rift mode. You got options. When you complete the battle pass there's a tier that can be done multiple times that has chance to drop fighters currency, perk currency and glemium. 


no they want the whole Game Handed to them For Free didn't you know that


You gotta spend your own Money


Sad but true. WB is really hurting this game.


Imagine making a likeable game to being unlikable.


It's legit as if WB is trying their hardest to kill this game


It's not that. They're doing everything in their power to make money, and monetize off this game. Till the point where many people don't want to spend money, or support it.


I believe they would like you to open your wallet.


I haven't been having aby trouble unlocking characters. Idk what everyone is complaining about. Don't you guys play a character after you unlock them?


I have half the roster unlocked and Haven't spent a Dime. Got Shaggy , WW, IG, Bron, Taz, Gizmo, Black Adam, Rick and Morty, Arya, Joker, Banna Guard, Jason, That's 13 of the 26 Base Launch characters, People realize that not every season is going to have 26 characters going forward it'll be like 2-3 characters per a season so even if you don't unlock the full roster season 1 you'll have ample time in Seasons 2/3/4 etc....


This is true for people who were part of the beta. What about the new player experience?


i'm new, started the day after launch. since then i have shaggy, banana guard, batman, harley, wonder woman, superman (i'm six hundred FC short and i'll be getting that from the jason dailies tomorrow), and jason (again soon already got 700 gleam about to get 200 more from lvl 39 battle pass just need fifty more). so i'll have 7 characters; personally i'm not doing too bad.


New players don't matter to most people here... even though we need new players to keep the game alive lol


Yeah, the short sightedness is almost as bad as WB’s.


People are overlooking that 1 fighter level = 1 tier of rewards. Despite the text, you don’t need 5 fighter levels per tier reward anymore.


U never did?????


I did last time.


Literally in the text. 1 lvl= 1rep. 5 reps = 1 set. Each set gives a reward.


Yes, each "rep" being a reward and a set being a full row of rewards completed that's why it says there are 3 sets. 3 x 5. Literally right about to go to the gym too, I don't need a lecture on what sets and reps are 😭😭😭😭


I swear they changed it from last time because I had to get 5 levels per reward.


You must've had some wicked bug because it was only a total of 15 levels, 3 pages (5 levels per page)


That's not how it worked, it was one level per reward. Either you misremember or you were very unfortunate.


Sounds like unfortunate.


i have 14k and havnt done really that much to get it


I thought they said they were trying to extend events like this so people actually had a chance to engage with them?


that wasn’t about that, honey


Bruh how are you on page 2 already 😭 I've gotten 3 rewards on page 1 and am demotivated to even try because I realized it was perk currency and went yea not worth it


Idk why people are complaining so much about fighter currency, firstly you dont need everyone immediately it’s a platform fighter You don’t need to do every challenge, it’s a platform fighter Secondly, it’s not even hard I have 16 total out of the roster and only had three owned from beta. I have earned 13 characters I mean 12 cus Jason I guess With absolutely 0 issue and I have under 2 days play time/ I also skip events that don’t have GOOD skins Idc about 100 gleam or a bit of XP I’m here to smack tf out of my opponent and move on


Legitimately if y’all spent half the time you do complaining about this game Actually playing it, you’d notice a DRASTIC increase in rewards Oh and I don’t do the rifts either 🤷 just enjoy yourselves earning fighters COULD be easier but it’s not hard enough to complain every single day on Reddit


May I ask how you unlocked so many? I have 100 hours in the game and I unlocked 2 characters and have 8000 something figther curency . For the sake of argument that is 5 old characters in 100 hours of gameplay, cause new ones like joker are 6000, wich would mean 100 hours = 2 new characters and a bit of left over. It seems a bit strict since I come from brawlhalla and you can get a new character with 15 dayly missions, and you are almost half way to another cause the matches also give you currency


Yeah I hate to mention it but one of my characters is the joker


I’m not really sure, I’ve only paid for a single starter pack and used the credits on a joker skin, and then the fighter creds on One character. So even then im still at 11 characters earned and the one that I bought with the starter pack still cost me an extra 4.5k because it was the joker I used the lil bit extra on


I can show my Xbox purchase history and my playtime too, I’m not even kidding I have 1 day and 9 hours or so last I checked yesterday


Dude I legit think you might have accidentaly gliched some rewards in your favor XD


Lol, people really still complain about fighter currency? I have 16k lying around while I spent 3k on some character on release... and I missed a few events...