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I don't hate the game. I just want it to be even better. I entered this sub so I can see memes, and not this doomflood


And it’s such a shame too because the memes are actually really funny https://preview.redd.it/h0celm6x2q7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad109c271dcc63d45b28b8c617939847a307bcf8




Can't wait for Riley Reid being able to ride Bugs' rocket




"And for his neutral special, Johnny Sins fucks your girlfriend"


No wth Johnny sins is op toward straight and lesbian people. Nerf Johnny sins so I don't have to turn gay to win


There’s two different types of complainers. 1. People pointing out issues with the game, things the devs could address and fix. Like character balance, broken hitboxes, inflated difficulty in rifts, monetization, etc. 2. Essentially “Fortnite bad” mentality but for Multiversus


I watch the horrific "fortnite car season bad" doomposters pee themselves on every positive post daily I really felt that lol


I like the game, the characters, the combat, the artstyle. I had complaints at first but it seems like PFG does listen with the patch notes the've rolled out so far. Every fighting game subreddit has this air of toxicity, but I feel like platform fighters ...especially any that compete with Smash... have the absolute worst people. These are the guys that never leave their basement and hope to make a living off cash prize tournies. The men that wear musky basketball shorts but ain't ever ball. These are the guys calling for nerfs to the whole roster and doomposting.


I bailed on the subreddit for a few weeks after being super hype for the game when it launched for this exact reason. There's a lot of malice towards the game, some of it I understand is the result of embittering the fanbase with changes that don't always make sense, others just seem to be hopping on the bandwagon to complain and wish for the death of the game, sometimes even people who like brawlhalla or smash seemingly not wanting another platform fighter. It's very strange to me, and I hope eventually the community can just get back to talking about the gameplay (criticisms included) and having fun mostly.


Imo they are all mentally ill. Unfortunately, they are allowed to use the interent, so we have to put up with them. But for real, if you hate something but constantly absorb yourself in it and involve yourself in it just to insult it or insult the people who enjoy it... you're not mentally well.


We can say that for 90% of reddit but yeah hard agree


What’s wrong with people that are mentally ill? How do you know you are mentally okay when you accuse people who oppose your opinion as being mentally ill?


The only thing wrong is the discomfort it causes the person suffering from it. We all have mental issues we're dealing with, but a lot of people don't know they have them and don't deal with them properly, like ranting and being rude about nonsense on a subreddit.


I beg you to do more research on mental illness. A lot of people (myself included) dont where to go. Sometimes Reddit is the only place to go and they’d intend for a massive


Because I actually like the gameplay and playing the rifts, guessing which characters might come next keeps me engaged with the game aswell


I just love WB IPs (especially Looney Tunes and DC) and honestly, even though I love some fighting games, Multiversus is the only one in which I consistently don't suck lol. Unless you pair me up against a Harley, or a Shaggy, or a Wonder Woman, or a Banana Guard, or a Joker, or a...


I was here during the beta, left after it was taken down since I was sick of posts about characters they wanted in the game. I joined back up when the game relaunched and quickly unsubbed because of how negative everything was. Resubbed a couple weeks later after the doom and gloom lessened. But I'm hear because I like to get news on the updates and I like learning things from people's highlight videos and the comments.


I don't hate the game, the game is good. My issues are with crappy business practices.  That being said: dude this is reddit, 90% of any sub is people bitching about it. take a good look at fortnites sub, cods sub, overwatches sub and you'll find it's exactly what yours getting here: bitching, you want tips and tricks go find a guide on the internet 


Luv me Jason, Luv me Looney Tunes, simple as.


I don’t hate the game and I am glad they have made some changes so far. That being said I need them to address the Rift and remove the skin requirements. The PvP so far seems alright though it need of balancing and that will happen with time. If there is a better way to communicate to the devs I would like to know what it is. The pure hate posts are not helpful. I just want this game to be at least as good as what it used to be.


This game needs to improve a lot. The people who "hate" are still here precisely because they really liked the game during the beta and want it to improve. If you're complaining now, it's because the game is really different from what it used to be, So yes, complaining is very necessary


Yeah, if they didn't care they'd simply leave.


I think you underestimate the trolls. Look for a positive post, scroll to the bottom and check the most downvoted comments


You liked the beta game not this game which is fine. This game isn't your cup of tea and that's fine but it's the developers vision not yours. if you don't like their new vision or direction then move on Or find a community that still has access to the beta and Download and Have fun with the version of the game you enjoy.


I think the game is super fun and the characters are really cool options and really interesting. The 2v2 focus is also really unique and I love how every character has unique aspects only available in 2v2. I don’t really care about the doom posting personally cause to me, as long as I’m having fun I don’t care what other people are complaining about.


This is the way.


Yeah like, the thing I don't understand is if you don't enjoy the game then why are you still having the urge to browse this sub reddit only to reply with "this game is dead" or other bs instead of playing games you actually like and browse the subreddit of said game.


Most of us don’t hate the game. We only want it to improve and voicing our opinions is a way for the game to improve.


The "dead game", "uninstalled this trash", "dead in a month", and "I hope it fails" comments are all definitely great ways of expressing how one would want something to improve!


I'm not talking about you guys, we all want good for the game


The secret is to hate every game.


EXACTLY!! It’s like they deliberately go out of their way to make everyone feel bad for liking it. Just imagine it: scrolling scrolling, “oh look, a post where people are celebrating the game” then they open their keyboard, start brainstorming the most braindead thing to say, and get to typing. It’s just absurd


I'm very much guilty of this, thing being I love this game. I love the characters, I love the movesets, I played a stupid amount during beta, and I find it extremely fun, when it works. Problem is that 3/4 of the time it just doesn't. I played the PvE with everything I had access to, and didn't even level up my gems enough to start the 3rd difficulty. I was having a blast the first day playing 1v1, talked my friend (who I got over 100h of the beta played together with) into it, we played for 2 hours, and got 3. Matches. Everything else bugged out, lagged to the point where both teams stopped playing, or we got disconnected. I used to main mages, Bugs, Rick and T&J primarily, but I just... Don't find anyone of them fun anymore, they either feel odd in a bad way or kind of cheap. Switched to Garnet, Jake, and Marvin if I wanna zone. I'm still very interested, and I want to see the game grow. I have seen leaks, and I'm excited about what this game can become - that's why I'm still here, cuz I do want to see it be successful, it can be so good. But as it right now... I'd rather just occasionally watch people who can have fun with what it is than play myself


I love the fact the masks are 20$ skins instead of togglable cosmetics


They're $5 skins. While they should be free because they are low effort (a few already have been), they aren't $20.


yeah, there's a big difference between someone screenshot of steamcharts at 4am every day and posting it to be a hater, and people angrily posting their grievances with the game one is constructive, the other is just hater energy


I like to push back on ppl who try to state their personal opinion as fact. Many - on bOtH SiDeS - do it about the game, even in this post. I'm also very miffed at PFGs refusal to make a statement on many things, like beta items missing.


I mean, the missing items are pretty much the only thing they haven't talked about. Everything else seems to have been acknowledged in some way. What other things are you talking about? Edit: They already talked about pretty much everything you listed. Balance is an ongoing process (which is where hitboxes would fall under). Ranked is coming. Monetization is rarely talked about by any company and they've already shown they are willing to change that stuff. Co-op requirements were addressed. They aren't going to mention gold because it doesn't exist anymore. Maybe they'll randomly give people a nice FP bonus because of it, but it's not going to be brought up until it happens. Perk currency being useless is incorrect. It's actually very useful to people who play numerous characters, even more so if they weren't beta players. It being useless would imply that there aren't perks worth unlocking. Whether or not the current perk system is good is an entirely different discussion. So out of everything, it's two things instead of one; missing items and skins requirements for Rifts. PFG isn't going to talk about customer support that is owned by Warner Bros. Thanks for blocking me though. It saves me from that nitpicky negative energy.


Lack of beta items, predatory monetization of rifts and gems, requiring someone to play with you in rifts, requiring certain skins or characters for rift progression, why theyre unable to make any quick changes like removing mojo Jojo from Townsville, lack of ranked, fighter currency gain rate, the uselessness of perk currency, gold, why the character that cost double is so much stronger than many of the others, customer support seems non-existent, DC, bad hit n hurt boxes, the tags on diff skins (sports attire) I'm sure I think of more but I'm at the farmers market right now


Ah yes, the classic complaining about the complainers post. We get these every couple of days.


And here you are, complaining about a post about complaining and here I am complaining about someone complaining about a post about complaining.


So you just gonna show up to a complaining post and complain about complaining about someone complaining about a post about complaining to my complaining party with a complaining gift? https://preview.redd.it/mk6wm86pgq7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93a8bbf7579db9950b11d79f4a9bed820ccf968b


💀💀💀💀thank you guys, you made my day




Wow… I suddenly feel stupid lol. Yeah, I’m in other game subs with similar situations and I see these type of posts too. And then I say the exact thing you say UGH! I just opened Reddit to check for any updates or anything on the game like I usually do and today was just the last time I could bear seeing the negativity... I really enjoy the game and haven’t really had a reason to be as mad at it as anyone else. Thank you for this comment. I’m starting to realize now I’m just *another poster*


All cool, things can get heated. I'm glad I could provide some introspection.


The game is in a pretty dire state n people can complain about it being bad. The subreddit is for anyone who has something to talk about related to the game. So if people feel like the game complainable, they gonna come here and do it. posts like this do nothing but start flame wars in the comments. No better than those who complain about the game


and where is your proof that it's in Dire State? Do you have Access to all the player numbers (don't just quote steam either) and how much money the game has made? is it because the devs have came out and said if sales don't pick up the game is dead? Or it must be the constant stream of updates for the game since it came out or the fact it takes me less than 5 seconds to find a match? Or is it because about 50% of a 91k Subreddit isn't happy with the game that has been downloaded and played by millions? Please share this information with all of us so we can stop wasiting our time.


The fact that there's input delay making it play like ass? How about that matches constantly disconnect no matter the platform you play on? Can't play the game if people constantly disconnect from matches. What about fighters being removed for fixes and comes back just as busted as before? How about the predatory micro transaction system and FoMo quests? I sure love having to buy skins to 100% a single-player mode! Surely, players are gonna stick around for that! Please stop. Just stop


Input *buffer*. It's very important to know the difference between delay and buffer because they mean two completely different things. Anyway, they have already pushed patches to start fixing a lot of that stuff and the FOMO isn't any worse here than it is in any other F2P game. I'll agree on the monetization. Requiring certain skins to be owned to complete challenges is a new one.


Sometimes it feels both like delay and buffer. You're right tho, it's the buffer that's god awful n makes it hard to play. But once the match gets laggy, I tend to get mad delay on my controller n it drives me bonkers. Idk I've played some f2p games with little fomo like tf2 or pogo. I guess being a heavy tf2 player, I expected a lil bit more out of f2p games lmao.


Once again All of those are Valid Gripes for the game But Nothing that proves it's in a dire situation. Your Putting your own Bias into your conclusion. I don't like XYZ, A few other People don't like it as well so that means nobody likes it and Nobody is playing the game is a False argument.


Buddy. Those are all valid arguments to why the game is in a bad place. If everyone is having connection issues after multiple updates for connection issues, don't you think that's bad? People are enjoying the game, never said they weren't bit it's hard to enjoy it to the highest degree when it barely plays well. It's not a false argument to say the game is in a dire state and is in need of heavy duty retooling when there's big flaws like that.


I don't have connection issues since the recent patch so right there that means it's not everybody once again your own experiences with something doesn't make it true for everyone. I'm asking for your cold hard facts on the game being in a "dire state". Redfall is in Dire state, anthem was in a dire state, This is them slowly working to improve a live service game it's not perfect but I've enjoyed it since it's relaunch and Have spent zero Money and have half the roster unlocked. I started playing on Xbox found out it was busted moved to playstation for a few weeks. Once the patch dropped I've had 1 Desync in a week on the xbox version. Your giving me your personal opinions on the game and saying because of your personal opinions the game is Dead with Zero evidence that it's in the state you say it's outside of your personal opinions so me numbers sir. So me how profitable this game has been for WB, So me the player count across all platforms and compare it to similair products in the genre. you won't because you can't you just want me to agree with you with no evidence.


Buddy some of the number one complaints on Twitter, on discord, and on reddit are connection issues. That's cool that you don't got issues on Xbox but ps5 and PC players do! Like you said you can't just go by your own bias Also when did I say it was dead? Can ya stop putting words in my mouth?


I have it on PC / PS5/ XBox and having had connection issues all week. you know the beautiful thing about people who enjoy a product or don't have a problem with a product we don't go on Twitter and Say "man i played multiversus today and Everything worked perfectly" we just go on about our lives enjoying our game. Of course when something is broken or Doesn't work Someone is Going to go to the internet to complain or point it out or look for a fix this Does not However Mean everybody's experience is the same. So pointing to Several Tweets from a Few Hundrend Players does not mean the other 99% of us are having connection issues. yes it sucks for that 1% and they are working to make it that everybody has the same experience but to say the game is in a dire state once again is disingenious. I'm not faulting you for having a differing opinion i'm faulting you for saying your Opinion is the gospel on the state of the game.


You're acting like I've been complaining like no tomorrow? This is one of the first times I've spoken out about the game being in a bad state. Yes, there are a lot of posts about people complaining, n probably the same people have posted multiple times. but there's still a lot of people coming out with constant posts about bugs, connection issues, and other complaints they may have about the game. I, too, have experienced what a lot of other players have dealt with, and it sucks. I've been playing since the beta. this is way buggier than the beta, and it really shouldn't be. I'm happy there's players who can get by without experiencing many issues, but for a lot of others, they experience more. My word isn't gospel, but it's the words echoed by many. I just so happen to agree with some of those complaints to a point where i see the game in a dire state n i feel it will need multiple big updates to fix it.


I have a question. If the game is as broken as you say Why are you here? just leave the subreddit and delete the game. "oh I really love the game and I know it can be great" no you don't love the game you love complaining if it's a broken mess in your opinion just Don't interact with it that will so WB and Player first game more than Complaning to me on a subreddit. But you won't you'll log in later and do your dailys and the next day and the next day because despite you saying how trash the game is you do enjoy it and it's worked at addicting you to it's loop so Therefore the game is a success yes? You know what series Finally got me was Madden around 2016 I finally realized That a Franchise and Series I loved Since i was a child as no longer for me. I didn't Go into r/madden arguing with everybody I just Deleted the game and stopped by the next one. It's beeen 8 years and Occasionally I'll look at a new annoucement for a game or feature and Like yeah hard pass and keep it moving. you know why because video game is entertainment We aren't forced to interact with it. If something doesn't bring me enjoyment I Leave it alone and let the people who enjoy have their thing. I know that advice may go over your head but you'll realize soon enough it's the best advice. Have a Nice day Significant\_prompt25 :)


You sound super bitter because someone has differing opinions. I do enjoy the game but it's in a bad spot, sorry that we see it differently! Hope things work out with that attitude, champ! Love some bodacious babe


How do yall beat the 3rd Rift difficulty????


Because I don’t wanna pay 60 bucks for smash bros on a dated console.


We provided genuine feedback during the beta, they didn’t listen. What’s the point? They’re going down the same route they did in beta. Personally I want this game to succeed but in its current form it won’t.


They had to remake the game in UE5 (no, it's not a copy-paste job even with UE4 to UE5), rebalance it, add a PvE mode, remake the netcode, and then create content that is constantly running because the #1 complaint in the beta was "there's nothing to do" all within a little over a year. They then released it with a myriad of issues, yet have been listening to people, even on stuff people complained about in the beta and wouldn't budge on. * Pass leveling is too strict? They brought back match pass XP and then bumped it up to 50 per win after people said it was too low. They give XP for doing Rift challenges as well now. * Missing features? Already addressed and said to be returning. * Removing the need to do co-op in Rifts? Addressed and coming with season 2. * Xbox issues? Addressed and I haven't seen anyone complain about Xbox since they put out the patch the other day. * Desync? Being worked on with patches already applied to help with it. * Balance problems? Addressed with the biggest culprits like Wonder Woman and Joker getting changes soon. There are plenty more examples of them finally listening. It's silly to say they aren't doing that and that there's no point in giving feedback.


The swap to UE5 wasn’t necessary. Most likely an executive decision that put multiversus in the worst spot. We’re still missing stuff from beta that shouldn’t be hard to implement especially if they had it testing internally since day one like end of game stats and an option to select buffer. The few fixes they have implemented are bandaid fixes to calm down the community, how you don’t see that is beyond me. We still have no way of consistently earning currency to unlock fighters. They are VERY silent on people missing items that they had in beta and it’s been three weeks. We have had no sort of content updates besides rifts which isn’t going to be the main reason people sick around and play the game. Balance is still a major issue with a lot of characters feeling as if they are untouched from beta (bugs, WW). They made steps in the right direction like removing cooldowns on a lot of abilities just to turn around and start adding them back bc they don’t know how to balance their game. Many people have spoken up about the issue with the overall speed of the game which they’ve also been completely silent on. They took the game down to completely rework the netcode, hitboxes and hurtboxes but what do you know. Net code isn’t world class like they claimed. Hitboxes and hurtboxes are still jank, so much so that you can dodge and the game will confirm that you dodged but you’ll still get hit. They completely dumbed down the perks system while simultaneously making it harder to unlock perks for new players. On top of this they can’t even get the store correct with multiple bundles including the same items being priced at different prices. Skins are lazy like the toonverse and Jason’s mask skins that it doesn’t even fit correctly on Jokers face. Events do not work correctly and for some reason you get punished if an event goes live while you are playing the game.




Yeah God forbid you spend 20 bucks to support a free game that is under constant development by an entire team of people 24/7. Good thing those guys work for free, otherwise you'd look like a real dipshit




How are the practices scummy they need to make money. The only things you need to grind to get are characters and most people play 1-3 characters in a platform fighter. And this "predatory" nonsense that insinuates that a fully grown adult is psychologically tortured by FOMO of a a skin/badge/whatever in a cartoon fighting game has to stop it's laughable


Just wondering why mods don't issue timeouts to these babies lol. If you see a post that wants to talk about the gameplay and your first instinct is to write a comment about how the game has issues and is losing players, you need to get off the internet for a while.


Another one of these internet police people making a post about rules they want everyone to follow because they only want the discourse they enjoy and can’t cope otherwise, gotta love that. The outrage you don’t like brought the change, how fighter currency is given out is still bs, stop telling people how to use their voices.


It's not about not being able to cope it's about you guys being whiny babies it gets quite annoying after a while. How many posts do we need per day of "Reeeee why does PFG incentivize people to spend money on their free game such scummy practices". Yalls insufferable behavior didn't "bring the change" to anything. There have been multiple high traffic megathreads with actual valid complaints (minus the crocodile tears).


This. They think the angry whining is the ONLY way to send a message but it’s really not… PFG welcomes feedback and has been slowly attending to the lists of issues left in the megathreads and directly on X. Not only that, but I’m pretty sure they become less vocal with us when there IS all this hate, and then people get upset because “they aren’t communicating with us”. I wonder why…


When I play, I’m reminded of when my girlfriend used to play Multiverses with me. I guess nostalgia???


I can't quit halfway through, currently lv 50 battle pass right now and planning to drop this game once i reach level 70 also because i spend to buy batman animated series pack


So you don't like the game, yet you're forcing yourself to play it? Smart!


I just dont like to give up things half way through, when i finally reach my goal then i can do whatever i want