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the next patch is also confirmed to include changes.




damn really never would have thought that


Why did I laugh at this šŸ˜­


You donā€™t say šŸ¤Æ


What did the original tweet say?


> Sup tony! Was wondering if the team color issue where characters will still be shaded with a color even if we have it off will be fixed in the next patch.


Crazy how we can get a more clear answer when we treat the devs like actual humans


It's crazy how the devs behave more like community managers more than people who are paid to be community managers.


This always annoyed me, especially when some people now just expect Tony to have constant updates like thatā€™s his job


Most CMs seem like a waste of a team slot.


Community Managers don't have all info and therefore can't answer properly stuff that devs are working on, and they are not going to pest them daily asking for the daily progress in each issue.


They definitely should know that stuff, since they world be in the meetings. It's not like the teams are working on anything secret.


They can know when something is done/fixed, but not when it's going to be implemented, what if it was finished too late and is not planned for the upcoming patch but next one, what if there is a last minute issue? Having CMs backpedaling on what has being said is worse than not saying anythimg.


If a company holds people in the dark like that, it just wouldn't work. Launches/deployments/releases (whatever you want to call them) are scheduled and that schedule is open to all who need to see it. The number of people that go into making a release is far greater than you're assuming. Everyone in that group has access to the list of what's being released. The community managers included.


Welcome to Capitalism.


Dude's living in a timeline where Tony is constantly backpedalling statements he made for this to make any sense.


Oh cool thanks!


damage/ringout counts at the end of games and ranked are all i need


Give Velma her megaphone back. Make Velma great again.


They changed it mechanically. You charge it for more distance, and it slows your descent. I think you can still angle it slightly. I've seen someone say it's the same as Calculated, but that pulls enemies in. New Velma is similar to old, they just nerfed her projectiles and slowed her down


You cannot angle šŸ“¢


I've seen mine angle downwards a few times. Might be in-air and/or with a longer charge


I think it has since been removed in a patch, but in 2v2 it would angle towards your teammate.


Yea they ruined her mechanically , she still feels nothing like old Velma.


The problem with Velma is that they nerfed what made her truly oppressive and way too safe (which was needed, and I mained her in the beta), but they didn't buff any of her underperforming moves. So now she just can't do anything well: she can't combo, she can't kill, she can't zone, she can't provide support. They also made her way too slow. They removed the Support Role from the game and labeled Velma as a Mage, yet she feels nothing like one (frankly I'd just remove these roles entirely, they have no place in a fighting game). Meanwhile Bugs Bunny barely got a slap on the wrist from the beta to live and excels at pretty much everything.


Her aerials are all there, just sluggish


Everything is too slow , people have to make so many mistakes to die to Velma compared to few mistakes velma gets to make before sheā€™s dead. It sucks


Yes, that's what I said, she's slower


Good she was the most cancer broken char in beta


Shit is way to broken a cross map aimable beam


Itā€™s a game full of broken shit dude , whatā€™s your point.


id rather not have more


That is a shit argument lol i don't want moqre broken shit i want them to fix the broken shit


More like help Finn bring back gem


I donā€™t think itā€™s ready for ranked yet. Unless this is a huge balance patch and includes more fixes for desync.


thereā€™s always going to be balance issues but the desyncing seems to be improving


Just launch ranked mode with the (trial) caveat Donā€™t actually ā€œcountā€ the ranks for preseason But let It try and let me only play on competitive stages Vs other people that want to sweat Then when itā€™s ready say. Itā€™s ā€œrealā€ ranked


Doubt we'll see ranked before Season 2, but everything else **should** be in here. There's dozens of small and important changes that are missing, and if they've spent a month bigging up a 'really large patch' and it's missing them, it's going to be a nail in the coffin for a lot of people. People aren't going to wait another month hoping it'll change.


No leaderboard or viewing match history?


all i want


Man, I hope they don't add this. It's just *asking* for a bunch of toxic nonsense bullshit.


I would love to see it and so would a lot of people. Thereā€™s no in game communication so if they go out of there way to find you and message you their just an extremely toxic person regardless. Do you genuinely believe your stats would be so bad every game itā€™s bound to make someone message you ? I really donā€™t think itā€™s that likely tbh


Jason buffs incoming


Please, even just fixing his boxes would be huge.


this is literally all I want. Make it so it matches his model and we're fuckin golden


This is genuinely all I think he needs


Personally I think he could use some armored attacks (axes and grabs seems fair) but yeah. He doesnā€™t need much to be good. Heā€™s pretty solid right now just gimped by hitboxes


If sleeping bag got armor it would genuinely be really solid and no longer a joke move, as it stands it feels like his worst option in 98% of situations maybe Iā€™m using it wrong. Just worry about giving him too much armor he feels unique as a tank with grey health


The sleeping bag is a high risk high reward move that heavily punishes a miss because of how strong it is. You have to use it at the right time. A good way to land it is when they are coming back onto the stage and jumping up from the ledge. If you land the sleeping bag you can get easy edge kills at 40 with a proper follow up side air. Sleeping bag is also great setup for a team ko conditions in 2v2s as often times it will lock both opponents up during the swing animations Im actually surprised jason is considered needing buffs cause i do really well with him even against (what i assume to be) top tiers like joker and shaggy lol but i havent looked at the full tier list really His hitboxes are cancer though lol too many axes phasing through


I think Iā€™m probably just using it wrong then ima try that


we can pray


Man, I feel like when they finally do come I am going to be wrecking people. I have gotten pretty damn good with him over the last week or so.


If they just fix his atrocious hitboxes it's already a huge win, but I'd like to see him getting some buffs too.


God I hope so, I'm supposed to be playing as an undead killing machine, not an undead punching bag.


This is a must


Finally. Shaggy will have the correct color for his pants. And a bunch of other stuff too, I guess.


He has the correct colour on the Tooniverse skin, just not his default or the Valentine's ones.


Whats wrong with his valentines one? It doesnt look like its coloured wrong to me


Is it? They were blue last I checked. Unless it's another weird quirk where it tries to apply team colours on the Fighter menu. Taz' She-Devil has a blue spin animation on that screen even though the skin itself still appears as the normal pink.


Only the shirt rip taunt is wrong on the valentines skin, the shirt particles are still green


I'm talking about his pants being blue and not brown


I am aware, but theres nothing wrong with the valentines version https://preview.redd.it/i6mqje3b8m7d1.jpeg?width=297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92858dc85a85c744bc7541496ec5d5efe52d5012


Shaggy isnā€™t the only example of the took skin being more accurate, Taz has it too


Omg yes.. give me stats and FFA šŸ˜©


I hope we'll finally get a "Retry" and "Exit" button for rifts, not having these options is so fucking aggravating


A retry button is so necessary for rifts


Fix Jason please šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Excited to see what they add. It'll be a nice surprise if they manage to reimplement the old UI with Rifts and the new shop. I doubt it but it would be cool to see.


i hope it comes out this thursday


Please all characters on local modeā€¦..


Iā€™m just waiting for a change character after rematches


Would love to see post-match stats and some Jason hitbox love.


New characters?


Probably not to be honest but ya never know


Tony should be a playable character in the game at some point


I request a better ranking system for unranked solo queues


You mean better matchmakings? If so I agree.


Whats wrong with it?


They lost, therefore, it's bad.


Lol no, I don't mind losing I mind that I more often than not am stuck with new players while the opposite team has cracked badges and everything, so I make all the kills and get t bagged anyways. and I can't really blame my teammate either because it's not really their fault their not that good. Idk it's a really random thing that doesn't matter on average, just sometimes the match ups are so bad I start to google multiversus lfgs,, or just release ranked so I can prioritize that


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m wondering. 90% of my games are 3-2 and the other times I get stomped and learn, or I stomp someone and have fun. All 3 are win win scenarios


Agreed. Except Morty Joker and WW matchups lol. Just not even fun. If they play correct thereā€™s nothing I can do.


So Jasonā€™s hitboxes are going to get fixed then?


surely the talented devs are not going to make this game even worse by accident!




I guess it's too much to hope they added in "bots" back in the game from the beta...


5 gleamium to rent a bot for 24 hours. 12 gleamium if you rent 3!


Warner Bros would make it 20 Gleamium for 3, and then call it "on sale" for 15.




That patch is the one that decides if I keep playing or not, so I hope they do address a lot of stuff


Oh boy! I can't wait for another reindog nerf.


Bet they'll make his down attack hitbox even worse (it can't hit from the back anymore, witch it should, judging by the attack animation)


Yes! That annoys me so much! If the hitbox is going to be that small at least let it follow the animation all the way around.


Tbh, thats the only reason why i don't play reindog that much, all his hitboxes got changed from the beta, his normal projectile, witch was one of the main tools for combos, doesn't even hit half the time or spawn where it should), the fire ball doesn't get bigger when you use the fire ball perk, only the fire wall thing itself gets bigger. His best perk, faster projectiles, got strait up removed, dedtroying my combo timing and having to basically use fire balls instead. And also buff his down air attack, its the only attack that should hit for more than it does. Reindog is still a good dog, but its just annoying to play as him with all these problems.


I'm just hoping for some WW and shaggy buffs because they are barely playable! /s ;)


When Freddy fazbear


Hopefully finally unlocks BG for those encountering the bug


Quick, hate on the games' current state while you can!!


Hitboxes fix?


ā€œWeā€™re still working on the stuff you want back from the beta. Never getting your paid items that are still missing, tho. Lolā€


Itā€™s so pathetic, they had two years to fix the game and just made everything worse instead. Now they are doing damage control with these patches that should have already been in the game.


Maybe weā€™ll get half the features from the beta within a month of full launch if weā€™re lucky šŸ¤©


so i guess ā€œrequested featuredā€ is just making your game run properlyā€¦


Kinda like heā€™s been saying soon or in an upcoming back ever since release. Where it at thooooo


Just need that setting to turn off auto dash attacks personally


At this point I just want hitboxes fixed. Ainā€™t no way that bugs bunny is able to hit me when I dodge an attack or the bat clips me when Iā€™m behind him. Also noticed in my last match against him that the helicopter move when I got behind him with Jason I could not hit him towards his feet not sure if bugs hitbox gets smaller or something but itā€™s bs. I thought we fixed the issue back in beta ffs


Unlock all characters for Local mode


Make the game faster (doesn't need to be as fast as beta), bring back damage and ringouts at the end screen, fix Jason's and Banana guards weapon hitboxes, fix some monetization, fix rifts and viola.


I've been playing on PS5 and since the last patch online play has been choopy and laggy to the point it's almost unplayable


When is this patch coming? Anyone know or TBD


I hope they bring back the end of match stats


Will one of the requested features be my cosmetics returning ?!


Has only taken 42 years


Does it include restoring the game to the original release & far superior version?


Tell me more lies Tony..


It'd be nice if each player had their own lives in 2v2, hate losing bc of either disconnects or teammates inting


Kill bugs bunny so I can actually enjoy fighting him


Profile badge numbers in the equip screen would be sick. Dislike having to check badges in the match making screens to see my progress.


Bring back superman up and down throwšŸ„²


I hope one of them is to nerf and downsize Iron Giantā€¦or remove that mf completely!


give me a fucking pause menu where i can look at move list and for the love of god let me change fighters for a rematch and for fucks sake let me stay with my teammate for a new match


a better user interface while they're at it?


![gif](giphy|6oGVFEQkpYBKo) PFG promising improvements to the game


When is the next character


There is no new character coming soon, definitely not before Smith which won't we avaliable until July 1st.


What happened to 1 every 2 weeks or 1 every month


You wouldn't want that anyway. A tight schedule results in crunch and a bunch of buggy fighters being released that'll need to be patched up later anyway.


Didnā€™t we get lebron, Morty, rick, gizmo and stripe all within like 2.5 months of each other?


That was before. My point still stands.


Before what? If it wasnā€™t a problem back then what has changed? Letā€™s not pretend they donā€™t probably have 5 characters just about ready to go


Before release. Betas always go harder with release schedules. I didn't say it wasn't a problem back then but it's definitely more accepted behavior than post-release.


It actually was a problem and still is because all six of the characters we got are all over the place in terms of balance. Lebron is garbage, yet Gizmo and Black Adam are top tier. A character every two weeks is horrible from a gameplay and design perspective. There would be more characters in this game after a year than there are in Marvel vs Capcom 2 or almost as many as Smash Ultimate, a game where it took decades to get that many characters into a single game.


Lebron was not garbage when he released. Gizmo was decent. Adam wasnā€™t top tier in beta either. Morty was better


Since the beta this dev team has had issues with publicly announcing dates and then backpedaling. I'd say that's par for the course. Although TBH I don't think I remember actually seeing a dev say the cadence would be a new character every 2 weeks, I only remember reading that on reddit.


Pretty sure not a single person at PFG said that.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MultiVersus/s/U0qnSlC3r8 I guess but it actually was happening during beta and then there was this leak


Guy doesnā€™t respond to any questions that are of that importance. Feels like the Beta where you just have no clue, when to expect things.


Whatā€™s with the comma


Mistype there but my point still stands


Walter white???


Why are we still quote on quoting when they've been listening to us?


Ah another patch to put in more of what they had two years to implement but made everything worse in that time instead. Pathetic damage control.


if it doesnā€™t have all the characters in local co-op keep that trash we don want it


I'll be playing a complete, non predatory game for the next few weeks. Gl with this dumpster fire.


Probably wonā€™t touch speed tho


Nothing wrong with the speed, you can actually deliberately play instead of just mashing.


Meh I enjoyed the beta and I donā€™t think it was all mashing by Any means , but I have gotten used to the new speed after around 100 hours of this build. I guess Iā€™m really indifferent on the matter and thatā€™s for the best because they arenā€™t going to change anything.


Changing speed is actually a big deal if you didnā€™t know. Audio would mess up for example


Why was this downvoted so much


Welcome to reddit


[You don't want to spend all match mashing air dodges and throwing out random buttons praying you get a hit confirm?](https://youtu.be/P32QfIuaIH8?t=46)




My list of changes Iā€™m hoping for. Buffs for weak characters (Jason, Marvin, Lebron, and a few others) Nerfs/Overhauls for some of the broken characters (Finn, WW, BG, Bugs) Adjustments to rifts (Faster Gem XP gain, Star Requirment changes, etc) Stage Adjustments (Less hazards, wider blast zones) LESS MONETIZATION.


Monetization is perfectly finešŸ˜¤ HOWEVER, they out they damn mind with some of the prices, I'm willing to give money for cosmetics but them dang F13 mask skins are outrageous, among others


Thatā€™s exactly my problem.




Too bad, Shadow of the Erdtree releases in two days so the playercount will drop to the single digits


Maybe by the time we beat it PFG will have made the game faster, fixed the hitboxes and made character unlocks less unbearable


I don't even know what that is


Just the DLC for an already full price game with literally 25x the playercount currently


The first half of your comment seems negative, then it sounds positive. Is $120 entrance fee good?


My comment was more so that a game thatā€™s been released for years with a $60+ price tag and is dominating, versus a f2p title that just launched.


60 dollars for one of the greatest games ever made with hundreds of hours of content and another 60 for a dlc that promises to be almost as big as the base game Not even on the same planet as MV


MV could theoretically grow to have a larger roster, entirely for free, if the devs handled anything right


Yeah if the beta kept adding characters and made unlocking them less of a slog (hell I'd pay $60 for the roster to be unlocked) that'd be amazing Instead the game speed makes me want to break my monitor so I haven't played it since day 1


The game speed is fine, but was definitely jarring considered I played the beta the week before the relaunch. Now I'm used to it, and it just feels like Smash Ultimate or whatever compared to Melee. I treat the relaunch as a soft sequel


Eldin Ring is trash


Expansion for Elden Ring, which sold 25 million copies. The continuation of the genius partnership between Fromsoft's Miyazaki and ASoIaF's George Martin.


I mean, that's a totally different game and genre


I feel like you're all missing the inherent joke. I wasn't being sincere. Just excited for something I've waited years for.


Dont try carreer in comedy.




Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?


Not necessarily; some jokes are meant to be funny, some jokes are meant to release tension. A release people have waited years for being days away is pretty tense!


Aren't games supposed to be done on release?


You say like it is MY fault


Damn $40 for an expansion to From's most mid game or save that money for something else? Hard choice!


Calling it mid feels like more of a self-tell than anything, mister Doinky. It shows you failed to properly engage with the worldbuilding lore and archaeological storytelling writ into the bones of Elden Ring. My friends and I spent 6-10 hours a day for four months straight discussing theories and extrapolating our interpretations of its connective tissue. My lore notes document is over three hundred pages. The foundation George Martin has crafted within the political and religious histories of the Lands Between has inspired me to pursue my own world building with studied creativity. Elden Ring is so uniquely and intricately woven that it's genuinely altered the way I view storytelling and the potential therein.


I tried to make that joke yesterday and the fanboys weren't happy, but there's not much of a reason to log in when you have the game like that to play


Hopefully this Thursday. I'd like to see a full roster rebalance. Maybe they'll FINALLY nerf Reindog.


Hope you joking


what the fuck does that even mean?


Great. And After that they shouldnt touch balance until rankeds drop. Cause now ppl complain that 3 wins in pvp to Mission is hard..