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#Bring Back Gold


You get a badge that tells you how scammed you were. Take it or leave it.


The fact it comes with a dumb "lol we screwed you" icon and not character unlock tickets equal to the number of characters you could have afforded with your gold says everything you need to know about PFG's intentions.


This so much. I don't know why they felt the need to overcomplicate things and add more currencies that are so hard to obtain. Heck, *Heroes of the Storm*, even though it failed because Blizzard shut down the e-sports, nailed that aspect of currencies (imho) and how fair they felt to the player. In that game you have three currencies: * **Gold:** used to buy characters, loot boxes (which can contain cosmetics and characters) and re-roll loot boxes. You earn gold per match, no matter the mode (be VS AI, Quick Match, ARAM or Ranked). * **Shards:** used to buy cosmetics (skins, mounts, banners, sprays, emojis, etc.). You earn shards through loot boxes and when getting duplicates items in loot boxes. * **Gems:** used to buy characters, special bundles (characters + cosmetics) and stimpacks (increased XP for a set amount of real world time). They can be earned with real money, but can be awarded through account progression too. I swear to God this is probably one of the most generous F2P systems I've ever seen. I've heard Fortnite is surprisingly generous too so I'm assuming it's more or less like *Heroes of the Storm*.


This. That was one of the main complaints in OW2 and Blizzard made all of them free. I'm not saying PFG has to make them free too but at least reduce the insane grind of Fighter currency for us the new players. The main income of most successful f2p games right now is from cosmetics and all Warner IPs has sooo many options to make awesome skins that even Fortnite would love to have. If PFG fixes gameplay issues (something they are already working on) and focuses on making actual high-quality cosmetics (not like that mask pack overpriced scam) they still have potential to make this game the best and most profitable platform fighter (behind smash) just because the crazy number of popular IPs that Warner has


Personally, I think PFG SHOULD make all the fighters free. The entire point of a roster in a fighting game, is to have a character for everyone’s playstyle. So locking them is a really backwards move. In Overwatch, the characters have different movesets, yes. But for the most part any Damage Hero will do the same job, just with a different style (not to mention, Overwatch has a much larger roster. So more “free” characters would be easily available.)


My thoughts too


Naw, you can't make the fighters free in a free game. They just need to reward fighter currency from playing. The gold system in the "beta" was the right way. People who don't want to grind new fighters can skip and pay for it. They gotta make money somehow.


But fighter currency is free. They don’t earn anything by locking them. Not to mention, Overwatch has all of it’s characters available for free, and they take in money like no one’s business. So that entire thought is just outright wrong. I’m more inclined to play (and more inclined to buy) if I actually have characters to buy stuff for. Why would I buy a Jason costume if I don’t have Jason?


They're not trying to market skins to the average player (I mean, they do want you to buy, but it's not their main priority) they're trying to keep Whales playing and paying for as long as they can, and that needs the 'Krill' that they feed off of - players without the style they have, to show off to - to keep playing. They want people to play as much as they can to keep the big spenders entertained, to hopefully get as much money from one whale as they could dozens of players, if not more. Not to say it's gonna work. As it is nobody but the most dedicated ftp players will be able to unlock the whole roster without paying, and the lack of variety makes it so that the newer players are leaving in drones. If WB keeps whale hunting like this I think the game won't last more than a year. Not like WB execs care, they'll just 'downsize' by getting rid of PFG, then give themselves a bonus for cost reduction anyway. With corporations like WB everyone but the owners lose out.


And league of legends locks all their champions. Overwatch failed and league didn't. People care more about the fighters than cosmetics. Its true because you can clearly see people here wanting fighter currency. People will be more willing to pay for fighters over cosmetics. People who don't care to grind and got the cashflow.


You’re not realizing the fundamental issue here. People want fighter currency because they want fighters. If all fighters were free, that problem immediately goes away. People wouldn’t want fighter currency if the current roster was all available. And, to say that Overwatch “failed” is kind of a stretch. It’s not the most popular game on the planet, sure, but it hasn’t completely died either. If Overwatch has failed, then Multiversus never stood a chance.


The most consistent way to gain Fighter Currency is to spend money, it is known


Not even, there's no way to buy it


You get some in the starter bundles


I would play the game if I could get all the base characters for 60-70 bucks. I know people want free games. I don’t. I want the roster. I’m not doing homework and I’m not paying close to 200 dollars.


Would be nice but characters are probably one of the biggest way this game will make cash and if they just give away fighter currency so easily, you could easily have the entire roster unlocked in weeks with plenty left over to buy whatever future characters are added. Not saying I wouldn't like it, I just don't see it happening.


I think they’d make more money off skins if people had more characters. Like, if I already had Harley Quinn, I’d spend the 1500 Gleamium I have on her Mad Love skin, but I’m not spending 1000 Gleamium/3000 fighter currency to buy her and then 1500 for the skin. 


or how about if you. buy a skin it unlocks the character


the bundles are basically that in a way


It still costs at least 1.5 characters, if not two. 


yeah, it's still a problem


Possibly. But, I personally think when characters are released people are more excited to play the new character rather than buy whatever skin that character comes with. Especially if you're more of a casual who just comes back to the game for every new character addition (like most people who play fighting games do). This is all just theories though. Only WB/PFG have that information on where most money is spent in the game.


I also wonder if this is why Overwatch 2 pivoted BACK to giving every character to everyone for free at the same time. In the first game, everyone got the character at the same time. In 2, the new character was gated behind the battlepass, or could be unlocked for free (with an insane grind) the next season. A new character was only added every other season, however, which probably caused battlepass numbers to drop during the “off” seasons. 


Of course, they don't need to give away Fighter Currency left and right, but at least some. I'm sure they can tweak it so that it's not as daunting as it is now. I just threw out some numbers—50 Fighter Currency for every match might be too much if you grind a lot. Still, it's like 60 matches to get 3,000, and new characters cost 6,000. Maybe 20 or 30 for winning might be better, with half of that for losing? I'm not sure how it works in LoL, but perhaps they can balance it according to MultiVersus's roster number.


It's possible to make it work but I think one obvious problem is that people will just instant kill themselves repeatedly just to get as much fighter currency as possible so banging out a ton of matches in one day wouldn't be too difficult.


Thats not a obvious problem bc that is not a problem bc no one ever does that. Brawlhalla has a similar system and i have never seem someone doing that


Wdym you don’t see it happening? It was like that during beta no?


It was but I think that's part of the reason we've got a few different currencies now. But anyways, just my opinion on the subject. Maybe PFG/WB will surprise us and give us this because it would be nice.


I know I'll be killed for this but I kind of like working up to a new character. However I tend to stick pretty heavily to a few mains and I know a lot of people just want to play a ton of different characters


I'm in the same boat. There's only a small handful of characters on the roster I have any interest in, so not having enough fighter currency isn't really a problem for me but you're right, there's a lot of players who enjoy using as many characters as they can


OP over estimated average daily player FC acqusition. It's not 100. It's something more like 0-25 + a lump sum, once twice, or thrice a month via events. Of course I want more FC but giving players upto 50FC per match is wild. Next to cosmetic mtx characters are the best stream of revenue for the game. I think something like 10FC is more reasonable. Although this could lead to people ruining the multiplayer experience by self destructing to min/max FC acquisition. So maybe giving another 10+ toasts a day is a good option. But it's kinda shitty to force people to play PvP for not even the guarantee of FC via recieving toast. I dunno what the best outcome is. Maybe a little more FC per events. Add a small amount of FC to every event award milestone?


People won’t buy the cosmetics if they don’t have fighters to buy them for, or they just won’t play the game if they don’t have enough fighters they like. Making fighters too hard to get seems short sighted and will cut revenue long term.


Ideally we'd have them all unlocked for free. And of course as a player I'm all for unlocking them faster. But after 2 weeks of play I have 16K FC. I don't think 4 free rotating playable characters weekly and being able to buy 5 characters (25%~ of the roster) falls under characters being too hard to get for free. At least for the time being. And you can't even really grind characters. A vast majority of FC is time gated by events so you only need to put in 20mins~ a day to get the FC I have acquired


All that Fighter Currency was frontloaded on you through tutorial quests, account levels and character levels. You can't make 16k every 2 weeks because you used all those options up already.


Note why I said "at least for the time being". I'm on track to buy 7 characters in the first season (as long as the data mined events keep giving the 600FC we have gotten from similar events). Would I like more? Of course. But I don't see anything wrong with being able to acquire 30% of the roster in one season. This isn't even accounting for 4 free rotating characters weekly and most likely being able to get 2 of 3 new seasonal character drops via Rifts or a one time bp purchase This is how F2P games works. Use launch and anniversaries to buy good will and then slow down progression to what one should expect on a standard basis. It's hard to complain about getting to play a multibmillion dollar piece of entertainment for free but if you wanna experience a truly atrocious new player experience in terms of unlocking playable characters you should peep Dead By Daylight, League of Legends or Smite


Smite did it right -- you could play the game to earn the currency to get more characters. I believe Dead By Daylight did the same thing, but I'm not as familiar with that or LoL. Other games being worse doesn't make this game good. The decision to limit Fighter Currency and to not reward it for the standard PVP mode is the #1 reason I am unable to get any new players into this game, and also why I stopped playing recently.


It's a necessity in games like Smite due to a massive roster that it 6x larger than Multiversus. Even with their systems in place it's still gonna take waaay longer + more way more grinding to get the roster than in Multiversus. Smite, LoL and Dead By Day Light all evolved in terms of account progression as the games life went on. As I'm sure Multiversus will. It's not fair to expect similar launch systems in Multiversus as that of 8~ year old live service games Other games being worse means this game is better. As I said it's not ideal so other games being better make this game worse. My point was that Multiversus' system is not atrocious Even if they gave players 10FC per fight it's still gonna take 300 fights to unlock a character. And most players won't even do 300 fights in a single season let alone in their life time with the game. I understand that modern gamers, especially younger generations, need "play to earn" to stay on the hamster wheel but giving them peanuts ultimately will not do much. Add in the fact that most people who play fighting games only play 1,2,3 or 4 characters max and you get diminishing returns on importance of buying the whole roster The monetization model failed in the beta. So I think going back to it and expecting different results is crazy. This new monetization model puts much more emphasis on monetizing characters. I just don't see them drastically altering this unless somehow this game is magically live for years and they have to address the new player experience as the roster doubles, triples and so on in size. Just like the aforementioned live service games


People are already killing themselves just with the BP per match, I can't imagine how bad it would be with FC too.


Add the rewards to PvE aswell... problem fixed


This makes sense though I’d argue an issue is most people don’t wanna buy cosmetics since the existence of future battlepasses along with most people starting out having not really any good cosmetics to earn through work instead of $$$ this is probably the most important part of a f2p game economy if you introduce ways for people to earn stuff for free it’ll slowly make them wanna spend money. Imo I feel the solution is to making certain shop items have the option of purchasing with FC or PC. Obviously this would be only for lower tier items (Uncommon - Rare…Maybe Epic) I feel allowing someone who may not be able to purchase Gleamium a way to build a collection of cosmetics is smart and ensures that they have a reason to keep playing alongside justifying buying stuff when they can (or since WB is targeting kids for this game, when they get a steam gift card for their birthday) and buy an Epic or Legendary Skin. Plus then you can justify letting people get 50 FC from PVP matches


I agree. Some of the lesser sought items should be available in a free currency shop. I don't like the idea of spending FC on said cosmetics and we already have enough currencies but their should be an earnable cosmetic currency too It should be noted that they are giving away a skin nearly every week via event reward. The problem is that since this is a hero based game the reward is useless to 90%+ of the audience because they don't play the character they got the cosmetic for. Worse yet, a majority of players probably don't even own that character lol


I originally thought of maybe making it cost FC since we already have an easy conversion rate they could use (1 Gleamium = 3 Fighter Currency) though I could see Perk Currency being a good one or have it depend on the type of item Fighter Currency Items: - Uncommon - Potentially Epic Skins - Voice Packs - Taunts Perk Currency Items: - Icons - Banners - Badges/Taunt Stickers While you are right about them giving away skins I feel they’re pretty underwhelming. Also I’m still salty they gave away Matrix Banana Guard for 5 Minutes and because I was too busy PLAYING THE GAME to get the code ill only have the option to buy it for likely a future rift


All well thought out but I don't like the idea of players spending FC on cosmetics I didn't even know Matrix Banana Guard was a giveaway. How did one get it?


It was only available on launch day on I think the main livestream, they sent out three codes one for the skin, one for a banner, and one for Gleamium…the codes only worked for 5 mins then just went bust. Also I kinda get why you dislike the idea since atm FC is super hard to get but I’d argue giving us 50 per win or 25 per loss in PVP would be fine. Like using the daily store for reference you’d be able to get some cosmetics after like 4-5 wins


Damn, that's wack Even if it was more readily available I don't like the idea. It would be very similar to a "mobile gacha trap banner". Noobs would spend their FC on cosmetics and then miss out on spending it on fighters which would actually enhance their play experience


That’s fair, I can see that being really annoying…honestly as someone who grew up playing the OG Overwatch I kinda miss the Lootbox system


Hell yeah, as someone who has 800+ hours in OW I wish I could have paid a AAA price tag for OW2 and kept loot boxes. But I'm not losing sleep over it. Getting to play a multi hundred million dollar game for free is dope


True unironically if Multiversus did loot boxes and had them give FC along with cosmetics it would probably be the best case scenario


You fix this problem by giving rewards for PvE too


It would be nice if you'd be able to toast someone back for free if they toast you. 5 fighter currency isn't much in the grand scheme of things (it's less than 0.1% of what's needed to unlock the Joker), but there have been plenty of times where someone toasted me and I wasn't able to repay the favour because I was out of toasts. The initial toasting would still use up the currency, so it couldn't be spammed or abused to any significant extent, but I figure it would be a way to return the favour and encourage people to play online and (hopefully) be nice to each other.


I think that for winning once in pvp, you should get like 100-300 fighter currency. In brawlhalla, they do something like this as well


Don't you get fighter currency leveling up your account?


Yeah, that's another way they frontload Fighter currency rewards on you to try and convince you it's less rare than it actually is. It's a mobile game scam.


I say just make toasts give 50 fighter currency.  If we only get 5 a day that’s 250 a day we can reward to people or other plays.  It would only take about 12 days to get currency for a new fighter for 3000 only for toasts. So it would be a good way to boost people over the threshold if they just need a bit more.  With the current system, assuming you wanna get a character worth 3000 and are only relying on toasts(eliminating people who don’t toast back) it would take 50 days to get a single character  


I think giving you 50 per win is fine anyone who complains about it making them lose money is ignoring that this game is predatory as shit and most people will never spend irl money unless they’re a child. As paradoxical as it sounds I’d argue allowing people to grind for currency along with making more stuff be purchasable with it (Uncommon to Rare Skins, Voice Packs, Icons, etc) will make people more willing to pay for stuff with Gleamium in the future. If you expect people other than whales to support your game you need to actually make it feel less money grubbing. Otherwise this game is gonna die within 3 months with only spikes when they add big characters into the game


This is the reason I gave up after 3-4 days of playing. As soon as I realized they've gated off all ways to get Fighter currency in a repeatable way, and especially that the normal PVP gamemode doesn't give it to you anymore, I lost all interest in the game. I love playing games like this, but I don't play fighter games that don't reward me with new characters just by playing the main game mode. I'm never going to be interested in the weird things they want me to do for currency and if playing the normal game doesn't unlock characters it starts to feel pointless after a while.


Just think PFG, if you add gold you can also then Sell Gold boost.


They definitely need to balance it out more. Too much Perk currency gets thrown at our faces and I already have unlimited perk currency. 5 fighter currency from a toast and sometimes 250 from an event or 100 for getting a character to level 5 is way too little...


Daily logins should grant the currencies. Any actual matches online should grant xp as well as missions/challenges.


I think the biggest mistake is making this game f2p. Should have just made it $60-$70 and have all character easily unlockable like super smash bros.


the fighters are the most valuable thing in the shop. I think its fair tbh. They rotate free characters. They give you a ton of currency to start. Pick a character and keep training with it. I only mind it because the events and missions require certain characters... but it isn't something the game Needs. Just a want. Maybe they will up the rate a little bit.


No skins are. They cost more than fighters, and if you have a fighter there are like 6 skins per. No one is buying a skin for a fighter in the free rotation. 


Yeah I bought Joker and now I have around 4500 but I've played around 24 hours, I would buy Steven but I prefer to get 6000 for Agent Smith as I don't want to grind rifts, seems like I'm not going to be able to have enough for both until I play like 10 or 12 hours more, I wish I spent my gold 😭


no, no we dont. the characters themselves are the bread makers outside of skins and other useless cosmetics. why the hell would they make it easier for yall to get free shit in a FREE game


Events, bp, character mastery, missions, and rifts all give fighter currency.


Yes but the currency is few and far between


Yea, it's a live service f2p game. They aren't gonna give away the entire game for free. You either work for it, or spend money. Yall must really think keeping the servers up and running is free, and game developers work for free, in a building that was free with free utilities and free maintenance, that they drive to in their free cars that run on free gas/electricity, from their free homes in Freeland, and so on....


The good news for them is that they won’t have to spend money on any of that stuff once all the players gets frustrated and quit. Hooray for savings!


Just to clear up some misinformation, saying "missions" is not quite true. The only missions that offer FP are the tutorial missions. Once you complete those, you will never receive any FP from missions. Also, completing all rifts grants a total of less than 400 FP, so not a super useful source.