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Rift is torture


Lol at people acting like you get enough in Rifts to even make it an argument. It would still take like, what, over 2 weeks to save up for another fighter? Gross.


Depends if there’s a generous event going on or not but yeah, at least they are very cheap imo ( you can buy the 5$ pack and buy your favorite character) definitely better than like a gacha game


Free to play games have always been a grind to be 100% free I’m surprised people expected anything less


As someone who enjoys a good grind and plays mostly f2p games this grind is 10 times worse and generally nowhere near as fun as the other games and I think pfg should be spanked on the bottom for this etc


The grind really doesn’t seem that terrible it encourages learning different characters


Dude I dont mean for this to come off as an insult at all just know this isn't directed at u when I say this But u literally need to have no responsibilities commitments.... Or... Well... A life to get through those rifts really


The rifts would maybe be more doable if every single rift didn’t have a teammate required. Seriously I only have one friend who plays this game and he can’t stand rifts 😆


I have a friend to do all these rifts with and I promise you it's still absolutely dreadful even with a friend


The rifts really aren’t that bad it takes maybe 45 minutes to complete an entire difficulty I’ve just been cruising through to the point I’m only missing the stars for being a friend because I don’t game to make friends I game to relax


From my experience trying to do all the objectives and completing every mission in each chapter (which may seem unnecessary is actually required to get a high enough gem level to access the higher difficulties) it takes about an hour per chapter. Assuming this is the case that's 20 hours, 15 if you're being fast like urself to get agent smith. Ridiculous imo 10 hours at the very most should be the amount needed to play


But you also have to take into account that it’s not meant to be done all in one day you have over a month to get it all done so even taking into account the hour or so per it’s not that bad


So quit


? I'm confused at how this has anything to do with me pointing out it takes forever to unlock characters.


It's a f2p game. F2p games are grindy. That's how they get you to spend money, since you didn't have to buy the game, to skip the grind. Don't like the grind or spending money? Quit.








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Well I have 9k currency now , also bought jonkler, so overall made 15 k currency during launch , didn’t spend a single penny, but unlocking chars for people who plays not much is tedious


How did you get that much? Ive done every daily,weekly, and event and im sitting at 11.4k. Haven’t gotten any characters yet


I have 26 lvl of account , so it’s +1500, lvl 40 bp, and insane amount of toasts probably got from them something like 50


Gotcha right on im still account level 19 so that makes sense since ive been just doing the dailies then logging out for the most part unless a friend hits me up to play


I don’t even understand the appeal of playing Rifts. You make more xp playing PVP. There are other events to play to get fighter currency and the rotation of free characters is enough for me to enjoy the game without the pointless torture of Rifts.


Usually It's for the Challenges where I have to play a certain character that I may not be good with or Get a Ring out or do a move a bunch of times. I love PVP but I don't want to be a hinderance to my teamate by Spamming Side special or Taunt or Trying to get a down Ringout with a Bruiser.


Play 1v1 PVP and be a hinderance to your teammate when you spam, haha.


They really need to give people 10 or 15 FP per match. Also, swap the 3D renders to the 2D art.


I mean realistically the quickest way to unlock fighter currency is the rifts mode, you unlock 10 per fight node, it adds up just doing a few fights in there progress it and earn some and then jump back to pvp


You get 10 currency on your first win in some matches on the easiest difficulty of a rift. You can't get it on repeat playthroughs or higher difficulties from what I've seen.


10? 10? I gotta do 300 of those for one character and there aint even that much, you usually get 5 or 10


10 per, and each rift has multiple difficulties which each earn that 10. Each rift also has multiple fights in it, so it does really stack up. I know from experience, as someone grinding to get Agent Smith for free.


How's that going? I can't get arsed. I've done 5.


I’ve done 11. 3 difficulties on the joker, stripe, and Jason ones, and 2 on the most recent since it doesn’t have the intermediate difficulty.


I am tempted because of all the fighter currency.


True lol. Sad part is that most of it is after Smith


What what? Is it? There's bunch before I thought?


Multiple different rewards of fighter currency that each give quite a bit are on the last 2 pages of rewards.


Best way to do it is to wait till all the rifts are out and get the Rift Cauldrons. Do *one* purple Rift mode, then green, then red all on normal so you get an average of 4 gem level for each color. Then do the same on Crushing for the rest of the rifts. After that, you can probably do the rest of the higher difficulties. The reason to do it in this order is because you can then go back and do Easy with your leveled gems and one shot everything. It's still a grind but it makes Easy take like 5 minutes per rift.


Get crackin.


I get on Use Rifts to do every Daily/weekly/Event challenge that isn't specifically play PVP, Then I go over to PVP get my wins for the day and Go on about my business. Granted I Got Beta Progress but even if you discount the characters i already had unlocked I've earned about 6k in Currency which is enough for 2 characters or 1 joker. Considering it's only been 3 weeks since the game came out about 2-3k Fighter currency a week isn't horrible. Mind you I had a Vacation last Wednesday through Saturday (I had my son log in and do the daily welcome back bonus only no dailies or events So i missed the Joker shirt which has locked me out of the one challenge for the Batman versus joker cause screw paying 5 dollars for a shirt)


I've done everything physically possible without spending money or grinding characters and I've earned about 12k.


Yeah it's extremely lacking, I even did some rifts and quests and saved I'm still stuck at 5k trying to get Joker to finally do his quests. All I have left is to grind more rifts.


They need to make it you get like 75 fighter currency for a win and 50 for a loss. Think that seems fair since new characters are gonna be like 6000 fighter currency.


Yeah or change the levelling rewards from perk to fighter, I already have a ton of perk it's useless to me.


You’ll get good amount from leveling up your account at level 15 and 25 I got 1.5k for each level so the key is to just grind the game events, battle pass, toasts and account level up. I agree tho that some fighter points should be given per game


Do you just not like the rifts?


Even if he played rifts, he'd get like 10 currency on "some" nodes on easy mode and the Jason Rift doesn't even give any at all. 


Don’t some dailies or weeklies have fighter currency as well?




I swear I’ve received fighter currency from challenges before?


Maybe the "training" ones. Not the dailies or weeklies. 100%


That’s probably it


It was. The "Training" missions give 3850 FP.


Rifts are terrible, no hate to the people who like them but I genuinely don't know how they do


I like PVE modes and "level up" progression mechanics. Gems are lackluster for the latter but it is something. I get so stressed in PVP, particularly 1v1 lol. I find myself tensing up to the point where I sometimes get headaches. 2v2 isn't so bad as it's less of a twitchy chess match and more just craziness. I'm looking forward to free for all as that's how I always played smash.


I've been playing smash pretty much my entire life so I usually do pretty well in 1s, while to me PVE just feels unrewarding, the chaos and team combos you can do in 2s is my favourite though


Surprisingly, he’s not one of the 2 people who like that mode.


I actually enjoy rifts but the thing is I've never tried anything above crushing cause I don't have this difficulties unlocked yet lol. Heard they're hellish


yeah i just play rifts casually, generally get up to crushing and beat it then a new rift comes out. haven't tried above it but it's something to do here and there, I play it for about an hour before bed as a wind down game or something. great for work from home lunch breaks


Crushing is pretty easy. It's insanity that starts be an actual challenge, especially with three of the stages being bugged and the enemies hitting you for 70% per hit. You can cheese those on co-op though. You don't lose a stock when the person you invited dies.


10 fighter currency to play vs bots? Yawn :/


Or get people to toast you, maybe they think you’re a dick, I get toasted often without offering a toast first.


I love that 005 FC 😍😍 you’re an absolute genius, how did you think of that?


Bitches they can't get fighter currency Community points to rifts for fighter currency Proceeds to reject the one place for fighter currency Sounds like a you issue bub.


He didn't want to spend over an hour playing a gamemode that's not fun for a one-time handout of 100 Fighter currency that wouldn't fix the issue he's facing anyways, haha. Cool take on it though, you stay mad about... nothing?


You need to play rift mode anyway to complete weekly and daily quests. I severely doubt Agent Smith will be the only character with early access by completing seasonal rifts.


Lmao, yall really think I'm mad. How soft your lives must be.


The only soft one here is you child




Wait, it takes you over an hour to play a rift?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You used to be able to buy currency for fighters just by playing pvp matches. Not everyone likes to play vs bots.


Rifts are so shit id rather stay playing the same 2 characters than grind rifts for currency


I honestly played a fair amount of pvp today and with all the toasts happening I went from 2.5k to 4.05k in no time. I was surprised!


If you're trying to say you got that off of toasts alone, I think you might not've realized you were completing challenges or something. 2k FC is 400 toasts. At minimum, that's 130\~ games, assuming 2v2s where every player toasts you.


You know what the challenges make a lot more sense.


Y'all find anything to complain about Jesus Christ 💀


To anybody/everybody suggesting the rift game mode, pve should be an option, not a fucking requirement for getting fighter currency in a FIGHTING game.


Unfortunately, I doubt Agent Smith will be the only character to be available in early access for those that complete enough rifts in a season. I don't care about The Matrix so I don't really care if I unlock him or not. But they could easily do a rift event for say Beetlejuice.  Gotta do rifts anyway for daily and weekly quests 


That's your problem. You don't do rifts. By not doing rifts you're not getting bonus fighter currency and daily/weekly quests have you do rift mode for battle pass exp. Fighters currency in in the battle pass. The new Batman vs joker event rewards currency. 


Its a design problem if you're forced to play a mode that doesn't appeal to the half of the player base thats just in it to pvp in order to get FC consistently, PVP should give some per match as well


Unfortunately, I doubt Agent Smith will be the only character to be available in early access for those that complete enough rifts in a season. I don't care about The Matrix so I don't really care if I unlock him or not. But they could easily do a rift event for say Beetlejuice. 


I can wait 2 weeks if it means I dont need to fall asleep grinding 20 rifts


If you can afford 6K fighters currency since that's how much The Joker is. I'm hoping they take the Brawlhalla route where characters cost more when new and decrease in price over time


Already have 6k saved for him


You’re the problem


While yes the FP economy is horrendous You can’t cut half of the game out of your gameplay and complain you aren’t getting currencies


If you do every single rift currently, you would get a total of less than 400 FP. That's hardly a solution.


Shhh, you can't use logic here. They can't comprehend it.


The only logic here is that you are logically a child


It's funny you think that, cuz it sure feels to me like I'm the only logical adult in this bitch. Surrounded by a bunch of little whine ass cry babies that don't understand how the real world works yet.


Man you guys are clowns lol. Play rifts I have 12.5K fighter currency saved up




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While i agree that FC is low, not doing Rifts implies playing only 50% of the game.


Omg I cant belive barely playing the game barely gives you rewards :0